Chapter 8: A Sonic Boom

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I traveled to another universe with coming out with me slowing down to a stop so I wouldn't crash.

Y/N: Man that was crazy so where am I now?

I looked around and saw a rather normal village

Y/N: Ok so this is pretty normal so far nothing too nutty yet.

As soon as I said that an explosion happened.

Y/N: I had to open my mouth.

I ran over to see what it was and saw what looked like a fire fighter robot

Y/N: Ok now I'm not sure whether to be confused or not.

It started spoiling fire everywhere.

Y/N: Great, the only time I had the ability of Kit and his ability to control water. Or maybe I can.

I pulled out the seven world rings but they were gray.

Y/N: That's right the rings need a sacrifice to work, and I can't risk people getting hurt. Maybe I can pour some blood on them to work that's even if it can work.

I then got it.

Y/N: Wait a minute of course I have the next best thing.

I put the rings away and held out the Phantom Ruby, I then used it's power to turn into my Phantom form

Y/N: ( Echoing voice ) Ok then let's see if I can do this right without flooding the village.

I clapped my hands together and it started to rain with it putting the fire out.

Y/N: Good now for this fire man robot and I think I have the perfect idea in mind.

I snapped my fingers with it starting to rust and soon falling apart into scarp.

Woman: Help!

I looked up and saw a woman that looked like a walrus crying for help.

Y/N: Jump down don't worry I'll catch you.

She jumped and I made giant claw-like hands to catch her and set her down gently with the rain putting the fire out, I then snapped my fingers again and the rain stopped.

Y/N: There we go, you're all safe now people.

They then just gasped.

Y/N: Wait what's wrong?

Guy: Did you call us people?

Y/N: Yeah, why?

Walrus: How dare you!

She got up and slapped me.

Y/N: Ow! Talk about thanks.

I then blasted up into the air and flew off.

Sonic POV

I was sleeping with my com going off which made me fall out of my hammock.

Sonic: Yo Sonic here what's the situation?

Tails: Hurry someone spotted Eggman fire fighter robot attacking.

Sonic: Alright on the way.

I got out of bed and ran off and made it to the village.

Sonic: Alright I am here where's Eggman fire man robot?

Amy: We actually don't know.

Knuckles: You think something called a fire fighter robot would cause fires and fights.

Tails: Guys I think I found it.

He picked up parts of it with it being both wet and rusted.

Amy: How the heck could that thing be rusted already Eggman takes much better care of his robots.

Tails: I'm not sure.

Sticks: Do you think that maybe the end of days is happening? I know it!

Amy: No Sticks it's not that but it is rather confusing.

Sonic: Either way I take this as a win, let's get some Meh Burger.

Amy: What is it with you and Meh burger aren't you forgetting what is important right now?

Sonic: Food first questions later.

Amy: Why do I even bother.


Y/N: That was a first I save a village and get slapped what a life you live Y/N.

I flew to the edge and saw nothing but the sea, and as I flew into the air I saw that this whole island is surrounded by nothing but the sea.

Y/M: Great not only your in another world but your on a island in the middle of the ocean. I better land somewhere maybe find a place to rest.

I flew to the ground on the beach and turned back to normal with me putting the phantom ruby away and went to find somewhere to rest.

Y/N: This should do.

I went inside and rested on a hammock.

Y/N: Time for some much deserved shut eye.

Sonic POV

After we had some Meh Burger we made our way back home.

Sonic: Man that was good.

Amy: Speak for yourself their service was extremely poor, they put mayo on my food when I said no mayo.

Knuckles: Well I had no problems.

Tails: That was because you were eating the napkins.

Knuckles: I knew that.

Sonic: Sticks you have anything to say?

Sticks: I still think the end of days coming I just know it!

Sonic: Sticks calm down there's no end of days happening. Now I'm going back to my hut to get some sleep.

I made it back to see an other me sleeping in my hammock

Sonic: What the what? Hey guys check this out there's another me.

They came over and saw the other me sleeping.

Knuckles: Who's this and why does he look like Sonic.

Amy: That's because he is Sonic?

Knuckles: But Sonic is right here?

Amy: Yeah but he is here too.

Knuckles: I am so confused! Don't look at me I'm a ballerina!

He started dancing with the rest of us looking at the little me.

Tails: You know what this means right?

Sticks: This is the attack of the evil body snatchers! Hurry we must mash his brains in before he wakes!

Tails: No! This is Sonic from another universe, and clearly he isn't from the same universe that other knuckles came from because not only he's younger but they look extremely different.

Sticks: I still say we should smash his head in.

He then groaned in his sleep as he turned to his side, with Amy walking over to him and rubbing his head.

Amy: Guys can't you clearly see that he is tired, who knows what he has seen or what he's dealt with he clearly needs some rest.

Sonic: Amy's right we should let him sleep and we can ask him questions later that don't involve smashing his head in.

Sticks just groans in response with Knuckles still dancing.

Sonic: Knuckles take five.

Knuckles: Ok

Sonic: Come on guys we are going, Amy you coming?

We looked over and saw Amy acting motherly and rubbing Y/N head even rocking him while he slept.

Tails: I think she is busy.

Knuckles: Busy doing what?

Sonic: Never mind Knuckles come let's go mind I crash at your place Tails.

Tails: Sure I got work to do anyway with what happened with that fire fighter robot.

Sonic: Cool see you guys later

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later.

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