Chapter 6: Apocalyptic Showdown

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As we kept driving through the city we looked around to see where Xenophanes went off to.

Static: So while we are here, how did this whole Zombie Apocalypse start?

Zonic: I am rather curious myself, so what happened here?

Rouge: Well the last time we check someone ate a contaminated burger and that's how it happen.

Boom: So your saying this all started all because of a cheese burger?

Fire: That is the most redundant thing I've ever heard.

Sonic: I know he should've had pizza hut because I work at your local Pizza hut.

Tails: No Sonic he should've had tacos, but no tacos or else!

Y/N: Okay then, so how much further until we get to Xenophanes.

Sonic Man: Not far from now, it's up ahead.

He looked out the window to see what looked like a demonic vortex with us seeing Xenophanes by it.

Y/N: That has to be it.

Scrap: Then let's hurry!

Sonic stepped on the gas as we passed by the speed limit.

Sonic: Make sure you follow the speed limit or else the police will chase and if they catch you game over.

Static:... Who is he talking to?

Sunky and Classic just held both their arms up with them being confused as well.


We soon made it there with us seeing what was going on

Knuckles: Ah oh Zonic man what is that man's doing?

Zonic: He's tearing a gateway open so the other EXE can come through and take over, we have to hurry.

Static: Yeah but what about that?

She pointed over to more zombies with them having some of the crystals that Xenophanes had.

Zonic: Those zombies are under the control of Xenophanes.

Tails: What do we do then?

Y/N: Me and Sonic here will deal with him, you guys deal with those guys.

Sonic: Sounds good to me cause I'm Sonic

I went Super as I saw Sonic behind Rouge trying to touch her chest.

Y/N: What are you doing?

Sonic: Well I don't have a the chaos emeralds so I have to touch Rouge-

Y/N: No I get the picture just give me a second.

I touched his shoulder and soon he turned Super too.

Sonic: Wow now I'm Super Sonic, time to take on that monster, up up and away.

He went up as I flew next to him while the others fought the controlled zombies.


Y/N blasted at Xenophanes with dodging out of the way of his claw strikes with him soon spinning in the air and dodging multiple homing attacks at Xenophanes, he then did a back flip with Sonic dashing at Xenophanes with him doing a spin dash with him tearing some of Xenophanes skin.

When Sonic moved away Y/N did a cycloop which made blades come out of the ground which impaled Xenophanes through multiple limbs. Sonic then came with him driving his hummer into Xenophanes.

Sonic: Feel the wrath of my hummer.

Sonic flow out of it and grabbed it which he started to beat Xenophanes with it. Y/N then grabbed Xenophanes and tossed him into the air with him grabbing him by the leg and throwing him into the ground where Sonic did a dash at him which knocked Xenophanes over. As Sonic kept beating Xenophanes Y/N circled around Xenophanes doing multiple cross slashes and finished his combo with a grand slam with the sound of bones cracming from Xenophanes skull.

Xenophanes was able to recover and get up by teleporting behind them and while Y/N was able to dodge it Sonic got hit which sent him flying but it didn't seem to hurt him.

Sonic: Gah man this guy is tough.

As Sonic recovered Y/N did multiple attacks as well with him doing an axe kick to Xenophanes ribs and then performed a wild rush which hit Xenophanes in the head. Xenophanes then grabbed Y/N in his hands and was trying to crush him but he was able to break out with such ease with Xenophanes hand exploding.

Suddenly Xenophane's hand grew back with him then fired a massive beam at them but Y/N was able to block it with his hands.

Y/N: Hey if you have any tricks that can help us be a good time to use it now.

Sonic: Luckily I do when all else fails.

Sonic seemed to be charging up with him ready for a counter attack.

Sonic: Always use the power of. PIZZA HUT!

Soon pizza started to fall from the sky with it hitting Xenophanes and not seemingly doing anything but then

Xenophanes was soon lying on the ground dying with the zombies dying too with Y/N and the rest of the Sonic society just dumb founded except Sunky.

Static: Seriously?!

Scrap: That worked?

Zonic: But how?

Sonic: Like they say, nobody out pizzas the hut.


Both me and Sonic landed on ground with us turning to normal.

Xenophanes: How ( coughs ) I was made stronger by Master Error. ( Coughs ) You shouldn't be able to defeat me.

Y/N: Let's just, we are able to get stronger, all of us get more powerful by the second.

Sonic: And like I said nobody out pizzas the hut.

Y/N: And what he said.

Xenophanes: Well if you struggled against me, then you have no chance against the master.

Xenophanes laughed one more time before dying and turning into dust.

Amy: So what are you going to do now?

Y/N: Well we better get going, we are going to need your Sonics help if we are going to stop Fatal Error.

Tails: But what about us.

Knuckles: I don't know if we'll be able to survive on our own.

Zonic: I'll send some zone cops to deal with the zombies here, but we'll need to send you to a different world in the meantime.

Y/N: We can send them to my world in the meantime.

Sonic: What about me?

Zonic: You'll be coming with us, we'll need your help with the rest of the EXEs, also we'll need to give you a new name since most of us have the same name.

Sonic: Alright well most do call me Douche Bag so that can work.

Y/N: Ok I guess, let's first send your friends to my world in the meantime.

I used my device to open a gateway to my world which showed Nine in his lab.

Nine: Y/N what are you doing here and what's with the gizmo?

Y/N: It's a long story, anyway these guys need to stay here while we deal with this EXE problem.

Zonic: They'll only be here for awhile then some zone cops will pick them up.

Nine: Well I was busy but ok then, but just don't let them touch my inventions.

Y/N: You have my word.

They went through the gate with it closing behind them and Douche Bag getting his own gizmo.

Static: What are we waiting for let's go.

We opened another portal to the next world as we went through it to see what was next.

And that was it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

In Nine's lab he was having to deal with Douche Bag's friends.

Nine: Hey don't touch that it's fragile.

Tails: Sorry, I'm looking a place to put my Tacos.

Amy: Oh what's this it looks like Sonic?

Nine: Don't touch that, it's a project I'm working on.

Rouge: Oh Geh what you call it

Nine: I call it Chaos Sonic.

Nine showed off his prototype for his newest machine

Nine: I'm still working on it, and please don't touch he.

Rouge: Alright,  you heard him.

They soon left the room while Nine went back to work on Chaos Sonic or whatever he eventually chose to call him.

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