Chapter 7: Corrupted Innocence

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We soon arrived to see where the portal took us.

Static: You know this place seems like the most normal so far.

Zonic: Don't be so sure, everything isn't as it seems.

Boom: I don't know about you Zonic but this place seems pretty normal to me.

Scrap: So where's the Sonic of this world?

Sunky poked us and made us look over to his right where we saw the Sonic of this world running through this world

AOSTH: Well that was easy, let's go to him and say hello and see if he wants to join the band.

We all ran after him with us soon getting close to him.

Y/N: Hey you mind slowing down we want to talk to you.

He nodded and stopped with us all stopping and started scratching his head confused to see us.

Y/N: Hi, my name is Y/N and we are the Sonic society, we are working together to stop the EXES who are you?

He tried to say something but it seemed he couldn't speak.

Static: Poor little guy he doesn't have a mouth.

Douche Bag: Then how are we supposed to know what he is saying?

Fire: Me and Sunky are familiar with him, his name is Hog.

I turned to see Hog with us seeing him having a happy reaction.

Y/N: Hog is your name little guy?

He nodded yes with him seemingly friendly.

Static: Wait does him make him an EXE too?

Fire: Correct.

Sonic Man: Well seeing how he's been acting towards us, he seems friendly.

???: oH iS hE nOw?

Soon the sky tore open with Fatal Error coming through the tear as he looked down at us.

Douche Bag: Oh no, that can't be good.

Y/N: What are you doing here Fatal Error?

Fatal Error: JuSt To ShOw YoU wHaT i CaN dO.

He extended his hand and while we all dodged it he poked Hog with Hog getting infected.

Fatal Error: HaVe FuN.

He then disappeared with the tear closing with us looking at Hog.

Static: You ok little guy.

Hog: Le-

He started to change

Hog: Leave me

He then changed into some giant hedgehog monster

??? Alone!

He swiped his arm with it knocking all of us away and crashing into different things.

Boom: Ok not cool!

Boom went to attack whatever Hog turned into but he grabbed him by the head and smashed him into the ground and threw Boom into spikes.

Boom: Oh crap!

Boom used his gizmo to open a portal to a different world before he could hit the spikes. As he went through the portal that creature followed him.

Y/N: Come on we have to follow him!

We all went through the portal with us seeing the portal led us to Boom's world with us seeing the creature attacking Boom.

Sonic Man blasted that creature multiple times with it then throwing Boom away with him looking at us and growling.

Scrap: I guess we'll have to deal with this thing ourselves


As Boom was thrownfar away with him crashing into a cave.

Boom: Man, that thing was strong. How are we going to handle that thing.

Soon some rock fell from behind him showing him something that can help.

Boom: Oh that can work.


We were all trying to attack this creature but it seemed it couldn't be hurt.

AOSTH: Geez this thing can take a beating.

Scrap: How are we going to take this thing down.

Boom: Maybe I can help

Boom soon came out of nowhere with him punching that creature in the face with us seeing he was in a mech of somesort

Scarp: Where did you get that from?

Boom: Let's just say I had this thing awhile ago but we had to get rid of it with it messing with my head, let's just hope I'll be able to use it before it messes with my brain

Boom then charged at the creature with him man handling him and the two getting into a fight.

Sonic Man: Wait my scanners are getting something.

Y/N: What is it?

Sonic Man: It's showing me that thing isn't Hog but more like a darker half of him called Scorched. Fatal Error must've corrupted Scorched to make him more aggressive and stronger.

Static: What do we do then, if we kill Scorched, we be killing Hog too.

Y/N: Wait I have an idea, hey Boom can you hold him still I have an idea.

Boom: You got it.

Boom soon tackled Scorched and held him as he thrashed.

Boom: Hurry I don't know how much longer I can hold him.

I soon changed into my Light form and drove my hands into Scorched and was able to pull out Hog safely as I landed back to the others.

Y/N: You guys watch him I'll help Boom with Scorched.

I went over to help Boom with me kicking him in the face while Boom slammed him onto ground. Scorched soon was a le to break free and tossed Boom and his mech away with him grabbing me and pinning me to the ground with one hand, I had the idea to turn intangible but I soon saw the moon was rising which gave me an idea. I turned back to my normal form and as the moon raised I soon turned into my werehog form

Y/N: You want to play rough buddy, then let's play rough.

I then kicked him off me and howled at him while Scorched roared at me

We both charged at each other with me tackling Scorched and started headbutting him multiple times and headbutting him one more time as I jumped off him he grabbed me by the leg and slammed me into the ground and started to spin with me in hand but I summoned my dark Gaia axe with me slashing him across the eye making him drop me with me slamming my axe into the ground as I slid back to stop myself.

I soon got up with him jumping at me but I rolled under him and hit him in the gut with my axe and slammed him into the ground. He soon then got up from the ground and tackled me and grabbed me by the chest with my axe falling out of my head, he then tried to go for my head I reached for my ace with it soon flying back with it slicing off his hand and crying out in pain.

Y/N: Who knew my axe could do that?

Scrap: Look out!

I looked back and  Scorched grabbed me by the face and started to crush my head but as I struggled my body started to glow blue with me starting to get bigger and changing again

Y/N: Woah this is new.

Soon my tail then stabbed Scorched in his arm making him let go and as I stood up I saw my wounds had healed instantly.

Y/N: Now this is what I'm talking about.

I soon changed back at Scorched as I sliced his gut with my sharper claws and kicked him so hard that his jaw broke. He then tried to attack me again with his other arm but I was able to catch it and ripped it off his torso and beat him with it. I then tossed it aside as I tackled him to the ground as I held him in place.

Y/N: I think I'll do one of your tricks. Going for the head!

I soon grabbed his head and snapped his neck with me ripping his head off and crushing it with one hand as I got on all fours and howled at the moon

After that the sun risen and I was normal again

Y/N: Well that takes care of that.

I soon went back to the others.

Y/N: Is he ok?

Zonic: He'll be fine, luckily Sunky was able to help him.

I looked over to Hog and saw he was  hanging out with Sunky with the two seemingly getting along.

Y/N: Hey Hog, do you like Fatal Error?

He shock his head no seemingly not liking him.

Y/N: Well we are working together to stop him, want to join us.

Hog had what seemed like a happy expression and shock my hand.

Y/N: Welcome to the Sonic society.

Douche Bag: So what do we do now?

Zonic: Well for starters I was able to make some adjustments to Boom mech now it won't mess with his mind and he can take it anywhere with him.

Boom: Now I'm packing some totally awesome fire power.

Y/N: Anyway way let's get going, if Fatal Error was able to get to Hog world easily who knows how many other worlds are like that.

Zonic: Agreed, let's hurry.

We opened another portal with us jumping through to quickly save the next world.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

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