Chapter 8: A different type of song

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We soon showed up to where Fleetway arrived with us seeing what the world looked like

AOSTH: Geez this place is a dump, you can practically see the smog in the sky.

Sonic: You can say that again, I can't tell if it's daytime or nighttime.

Sonicman: Agreed, luckily my radar still works, and it seems Fleetway did come here.

Y/N: In that case, after we deal with Fleetway we can come back and help this place out.

AOSTH: Sounds good to me, so where do we start boss?

Zonic: Not sure, split up see if you can find anything. When you do call us and we'll meet up together at your location.

We all nodded with us dashing off in different directions.


As all of them split up each one of them took a different part of the city with some asking around about any strange sightings or if they seen another hedgehog that looks like them.

During that time AOSTH was looking around for anything with him soon coming across what looked like a camper van


After I found the van I walked to the front door and knocked on the door.

AOSTH: Hello is anyone home? I want to ask you a question.

As the door opened AOSTH came face to face with a other Sonic which this one actually looked like him

Sonic?: Who are you and why you look like me?

AOSTH: That's because I am you dude, or a different version. Just let me in I'll call the others so we can explain everything to you.

Sonic?: Sure I guess.

He let me inside as I called the others to my location.


As we looked around we soon started to get a call from AOSTH

Y/N: What is it AOSTH?

AOSTH: I found the Sonic of this world, he might have something that Fleetway wants or at least know about something in this world Fleetway she might want.

Y/N: On our way

We all ran off with us soon coming across a van of somesort with AOSTH waiting outside.

AOSTH: There you guys are, come on.

We got inside where we saw this version of not only Sonic but also Sonia and Manic

Sonic?: So what is this about?

Y/N: You see we are known as the Sonic Society and there's someone named Fleetway on the lose and she's been stealing items from other universes and let's just say we tracked her down here.

Zonic: We believe she might want something you all have. Do you all have something she might want?

Sonic?: Well we do have these.

They showed us their medallions.

Y/N: Oh I remember those things, I used to have one of those.

Zonic: If you had one what did they do?

Y/N: Well they would summon magical instruments that have different powers.

Sonic?: Yep mine is a sick guitar and it has the ability to summon lighting.

Sonia: Mine is a keytar and this baby can shoot lasers.

Manic: And finally my summons a par of drums and these puppies can cause earthquakes.

Stealth: That sounds good but compared to what Fleetway has taken it's truly nothing that special.

Y/N: Is there anything else you might know of that might peak her interest.

After a moment Sonia snapped her fingers.

Sonia: The master emerald! She might want that.

Y/N: If the master emerald exists here if she gets her hands on it who knows what she'll do.

Wachowski ( movie Sonic ): Then let's get going then.

Manic: In that case bulk up we are going for a ride.

Manic got into the driver's seat and hit the gas with him driving fast.

Sonic ( Rockstar ): Wait Angel Island is in the air how we supposed to get up there Manic?

Manic: Oh don't worry I've upgrade the van.

Manic flipped some switches with the van's wheels pointing towards the ground with wings coming out from the side and thrusters coming out from the back and lifting off.

AOSTH: Wow talk about sick ride. Tails would love to see this.

Rockstar: Manic where did you get this stuff?

Manic: I stole it why?

Rockstar: Manic I thought you said you quit stealing!

Manic: I lied.

Sonica: I'm pretty sure this is an expectation.

Rockstar: Fine, that's a freebie.but no more afterwards got it Manic.

Manic: I promise.

Both me and Sarah looked at each other after he said that.

Y/N/Sarah: He's lying.


We soon made it to angel island with us seeing a familiar Echidna resting underneath a tree with him looking up and waving at us.

We started to land with us making it to the ground with Rockstar, Manic and, Sonia left the van first with us coming out of it afterwards.

Knuckles: Hey guys, who are they and why they look like you Sonic?

Rockstar: It's a long story buddy but they have an idea what's going on.

Knuckles: Well then what is it?

Y/N: You see we think someone might be after your master emerald.

Knuckles: Oh really, and who is this person after my emerald?

Zonic: They are known as Fleetway, and they've been taking powerful items from other worlds or those with chaos energy, we believe that they might want your master emerald.

Knuckles: Well if they try to get nearby my emerald I'll give them a classic knuckle sandwich.

Shadic: That wouldn't be a good idea since they took out someone known as Nazo and they were incredibly powerful.

Y/N: That is why we are here to help out to make sure they don't get it first.

Knuckles: Well alright then, so what are you guys going to do to stop them from taking my emerald.

Sonicman: Simple, me Shadic, and Pyscho are look for her in the air.

Crystal: While me, AOSTH and Sunky check underground.

Knuckles: Alright then.

Sonicman, Psycho and Shadic flew up into the air looking for Fleetway while Crystal turned his hands into claws and started digging while AOSTH pulled out a minerscap and dug underground by spinning into a ball while Sunky kinda just spun like a top going into the ground.

Y/N: Meanwhile we'll stay on the ground to keep an eye out if she shows up. Mind taking us to the master emerald.

Knuckles: Fine, follow me.

We followed him and after awhile we found it resting on a pedestal.

Static: Woah now that's quite the beauty.

Knuckles: Indeed it is, my ancestors left it for me to protect and I plan on doing that.

Y/N: In that case let's wait here, she'll have to show up sooner or later.

Zonic: Agreed.


After what seemed like a long time of waiting Fleetway never showed up.

Sonica: Man what is taking her so long, you think something like the master emerald she be coming in a heart beat.

Y/N: Yeah it does seem off.

I than contacted the others on my gizmo.

Y/N: Hey guys you got anything yet?

Shadic: We checked the skies and nothing.

Crystal: Same here, there's nothing.

Sonicman: Not even my radar is picking her up.

Static: Strange, she's still in this world right Fire?

Fire: Indeed, I can sense her presence just not here

Static: Then where is she?

I turned to Rockstar, Sonia and Manic.

Y/N: Listen is there anything in this world Fleetway would want?

They all though but Sonia than snapped her fingers.

Sonia: I got it, follow me I'll explain everything.

We nodded with us running off with Knuckles staying behind.

Knuckles: Good luck dealing with Fleetway.

We all soon made it to the camper van with Manic taking off.

Y/N: So what do you think Fleetway is after.

Sonia: Well you see I think Fleetway is after the master emerald and our medallions, but I don't think she wants ours.

AOSTH: What in the hay is that suppose to mean, how does she want something that's yours but isn't yours.

Sonia: Well we once wounded up in a opposite world, basically in this world we where the bad guys and Robotnik was the good guy.

Y/N: So like an Anti world.

Static: Just like Moebius. It makes so much sense, she probably knew we be after her so she went to this opposite world to take their stuff.

Sarah: Meanwhile we would basically be running around with our heads cut off.

Y/N: In that case we better hurry.

AOSTH: Can't this rust bucket go any faster?

Manic: Like you have to ask.

Manic flipped a switch with the thrusters going into overdrive with it making the van go super fast. As it kept going we saw what seemed like the entrance to this new world.

Manic: Hold on this part is going to be bumpy.

We soon entered the entrance we felt everything shake. After awhile we soon made it.

Manic: Alright this as far she can go.

Y/N: In that case we'll go on foot, we'll go on ahead you guys catch up.

We ran off with us going fast with Sonia pulling out her motorcycle with Manic jumping on and driving behind us.


After awhile we made it to the city with us seeing the place was up in flames with us seeing Fleetway with her having the emerald and the medallions.

Fleetway: Oh there you are, sorry you just missed out one heck of a party.

Sonia used her medallion and summoned her keytar and fired a laser with it hitting Fleetway in the head but she just readjusted her head like it did nothing while laughing

Fleetway: That tickled! I would like to stay but I have to go, todols!

She than teleported away with us seeing nothing but a burning city with the screams of help from the people of the city.

Y/N: Come on we can worry about Fleetway later, we got help these people.

Static: On it!


All of the Sonic Society split up each one of them went to helping the city, with Stealth he went inside a burning building with him lifting up the debris that had trapped a couple inside their home.

Stealth: It's ok I can carry both of you.

Stealth's mechanical arms came out with him picking them up and soon jumping out of the building while swinging by webs with him carrying the couple.

Elsewhere Sonicman used Chill Spike to turn the fire into ice letting people get out of the fire safely, while Boom used his mech to lift up some debris so people could get through.

Static: Come on people, one at a time and keep a steady pace.

Along with that Fire was absorbing the fire so people could get out.

Fire: That should be everyone

Boom dropped the debris with the trio getting out of the building.

With Sunky he used his long arms to grab a group of people that were trapped from a collapsing floor with Hog coming in and catching one that had fallen off and ran up the walls to join Sunky.

After awhile they were able to save everyone from the fire.


After we got those people out from those burning buildings along with some people trapped by the fire we stood around planning what to do next.

Sonica: So what's our game plan?

Sarah: We can't keep chasing after Fleetway, if we keep this she'll just get what she wants.

After a while sitting there I soon got an idea.

Y/N: Then let's not go after her, what if we go somewhere. Places she hasn't been to yet and get whatever she's looking for there first before she can get it.

Static: That could work, if we go to other worlds and get whatever powerful items in that world we could get them before she can.

Scrap: So breaking off from the norm. That might actually work.

Zonic: Ok, if that's the case we better head to a world that's close but isn't a place Fleetway has head to yet.

Zonic put in the coordinates with a portal opening for us.

Y/N: Hey we might need your Sonics help mind he tags along.

Sonia: Sure.

Manic: I'm cool with that.

Rockstar: I was going to ask to join anyway.

Zonic: In that case welcome to the Sonic Society, let's get going.

We jumped through the portal with us heading over to the next world over.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

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