Chapter 9: Something about Y/N

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As we made it to the other world we found ourselves in a world that seemed to be hand drawn

Crystal: Where do you suppose this place is?

Y/N: Not sure, but got to admit compared the last place we went to this place is much more colorful.

Sonica: Well since we are here now what?

As we stood there Hog tugged on my arm.

Y/N: What is it buddy?

He pointed over by a capsule that just got opened with animals pouring out of it with us seeing a Sonic and Tails

Boom: What do you suppose those guys are doing?

Y/N: Beats me, but let's check it out.

We jumped down to see what was going on with them turning to us.

Y/N: Hey there, watcha guys doing?

They looked at each other with them showing us a chaos emerald.

Y/N: So you guys are looking for the emeralds?

They nodded yes in response to my question.

Y/N: Well there's someone named Fleetway taking things from other worlds and she might come after the emeralds how about we work together to get them before she can.

They looked at each other with this Sonic moving around a lot.

Sonica: Does anyone speak spastic flawying?

Sunky Walker passed us with him doing the same in response

This Sonic nodded and gave us a thumbs up.

Y/N: So I'm guessing they're tagging along with us?

Sunky nodded rapidly in response.

Y/N: Cool, let's get going everyone.

We all ran off extremely fast with us instantly making it to chemical plant, as we made it Tails had a device that went off with it being an emerald radar.

He than pointed over to the top of the building with a purple light coming from that tower.

Sonic: Ready!

He soon blasted off and came back in an instant. As he came back some toxic sludge came pouring down with all of us dodging out of the way of it with us seeing this version of Eggman showing up

Eggman: Give me those Chaos emeralds!

Sonic pointed at Eggman with him jumping on him with Tails joining in on the beating.

Static: Should we do something.

Y/N: No I think they got this.

After that Eggman was sent flying into a wall, Sonic then ran off with us joining him.

Y/N: You're not the only one who's really fast.

As he gave me a thumbs up we all made it to a platform with it going upward slowly, as we waited Tails showed up with Sonic going nuts and spazzing out like crazy.

Wachowski: Woah buddy calm down we be there soon.

As the platform made it to the top Sonic ran off fast with the rest of us following behind him.

We soon made it to the Aquatic ruin zone with Tails pointing to the water with Sonic jumping in and moments later grabbing another emerald, suddenly Eggman cane out of nowhere with him trying to crush Sonic but he had already gotten out of the way of Eggman's hammer.

Sonic: Nice try Robotnik, See ya!

He than ran of fast.

Sonica: Wait so can be talk or does he just talk when he wants to?

Boom: I choose the ladder.

We ran after him with us seeing he dealt with Eggman by making him use his hammer to make a pillar come below him and knocking him into the air.

Scrap: He's fast on his feet, I like him.

We followed him into the casino where we saw a bunch of flashy lights and a bunch of giant sized pinball machines.

Tails: Mayday mayday!

We saw Tails crash into one of the pinball machines with us seeing him get bounced around.

Sonic: Tails!

Rockstar: Come on let's get him!

We all than blasted off with us running up a ramp with Sonic catching him.

Tails: Thanks Sonic

His emerald radar went off with another emerald was so Sonic tossed Tails away with him going off to get the next emerald.

AOSTH: Man he doesn't like staying still.

Tails: Uh oh.

We turned and saw Eggman had captured Tails with Sonic coming back with the Chaos emerald.

Y/N: Let him go, or else.

Eggman: Actually I have a better idea, how about we play a little game? If you can beat my high score in Eggman  Pinball Madness Mania, I'll let your little friend go but I'm a fair ruler so give me your emeralds and I'll let him go. What do you say?

Before we could talk back Sonic had already gotten Tails back, with Hog pulling out a button in response.


We then ran off with us in the hills with us seeing Eggman's robots looking for the emerald even though it was right in front of them.

Static: That's just sad.

Sonic jumped down and took the emerald with the rest of us following behind with Eggman coming back again.

Eggman: Enough games, give me back what is rightfully mine!

Sonic: Ok, here!

Sonic tossed it at Eggman with hitting him in the head and coming back with Sonic catching it with Eggman crashing into a mountain.

As we watched him Sonic got himself some new shoes from a capsule and with them he went extremely fast with us following him into the mountains with getting another emerald but Eggman came out of the ground.

Static: Man this guy doesn't quit.

Eggman: Sonic quickly give me your chaos emeralds and I swear to spare half your friends when I'm king of the planet!

Tails shock his head no with us doing the same with Sonic than shaking his head no.

Eggman tried to attack us with his drills but Sonic already dealt with it with him stuck in the wall with him constantly spinning.

We than followed Sonic to oil ocean with them starting a ocean fire with them making Chilli dogs.

Sonic: Chilli Dogs

Scrap: Shouldn't we do something about the fire?

Fire: It'll die down eventually

Sonica: Either way I'm hungry pass me one.

We all decided to sit down and have some chilli dogs. After our lunch break we ran off again with us in metropolis, as Sonic and the rest of us dashed around we soon made it over to Eggman with him having multiple versions of himself.

Y/N: Deja vu.

Eggman: I'll be taking those Chaos emeralds now you spiney rat!

Tails soon came in with the last emerald.

Tails: I did it all by myself.

Tails through the emeralds as Sonic with them knocking him out.

Scrap: Well that's not supposed to happen.

As Eggman fled Sonic actually went super with him flying after Eggman while the rest of us got out.

As we made it out we watched from the ground as the death Egg exploded with Sonic coming back quickly.

Douche Bag: Good work, don't know what you did but good work nevertheless.

Zonic: Well we know now that the emeralds are safe with you, but there are still worlds that need our help, would you mind joining the Sonic Society.

Sonic:... Chilli dogs.

Y/N: I'll take that as a yes.

Zonic tossed him a gizmo with him putting it on.

Rockstar: You seem to have a lot of those, where you get them?

Zonic: I made more awhile back before you joined us.

Y/N: Anyway let's get going.


As they left Tails looked around with him running off and jumping into a bush and pulling up in a car of somewort

Tails got in the car and drove off to where ever he is going to.

Anyway that is all and I'll see you later

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