Chapter 1: A Duel

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I started to wake up with my head banging like a drum. I got up on my feet rubbing my head.

Y/N: Man what a terrible way to wake up, man my head is killing me.

I looked around and saw no one.

Y/N: I think I'm the only one who got knocked off the Tornado, hope Tails made it out ok. Better get a move on before more of those weird robots show up.

I started running back to Tails work shop where I saw some of those robots tearing down the forest.

Y/N: Ok not cool.

I spun up into a ball and smashed my way through the robots tearing down the forest.

Y/N: Sorry this forest is under the protection of Y/N the Hedgehog

Robot: Power source detected, dubbed 'Y/N the Hedgehog' proceed to capture.

The robot's stopped what they where doing and focused on me instead.

Y/N: I don't know what your talking about what I do know is that I'm about to send you all to the scrap heap.

I spun up into a ball and tore right through them and followed it up with a spin slash that sliced some robots that where around me. I than hopped onto another one which I did a powerful axe kick which split it's head into two which I than did a homing attack into another which blasted into peices.

Y/N: Come on I can do this all day.

Rusty POV

Rusty: Doctor Mr. Eggman it seems the robots seem to be too weak to capture the power source that identifies itself as 'Y/N the Hedgehog'

Doctor Mr. Eggman: I see, Dr. Don't give them more power.

Dr. Don't: Whatever I call dibs on his hair.

He than powered them up to 50%


I was trashing more of those robots when more showed up and they started to spark.

Y/N: What's wrong is this a bit shocking for you.

They tried to hit me but I did a back flip and did and drop dash into on of the robots which was torn in half. I landed on the ground and before they could hit me time slowed down for me with me doing a cycloop around them which sent them into the air which I did a multi-homing attack with all of them exploding. I than put my hands behind my head as I fell to the ground and while one tried to grab me I moved out of the way and was resting on it's back holding on of it's buzzsaw in one hand while resting my head on the other.

Y/N: I think you lost this.

I rammed it into it's head which I ripped it out and took the buzzsaw and decapitated the robot's head. Soon more started to show up and after balancing it on my finger I grabbed a hold of it and tossed it at the row of robots which sliced them in half which caused multiple explosions which destroyed the robots as peices flew all over the place.

Y/N: ( Starts bowing ) Thank you thank you I am here all week.

Rusty POV

Rusty: Results of success is 0% of the Hedgehog capture.

Doctor Mr. Eggman: ( Infarcted ) Power them up to 100% then.

Dr. Don't: Whatever.

He than powered up the robots to 100%.


Soon I saw more robots appear with their eyes glowing red and sparking like crazy.

Y/N: Want an encore? Who am I to deny my fans.

They pulled out blasters out of their backs along with their arms turning into rocket launchers and as they fired time stopped.

Y/N: Guess they never learn.

I walked up to the rockets and grabbed them all of them and started throwing them like darts with them stuck in the air. I soon spun up into a ball and sliced one in half and pointed the lasers at two of the robots with them slowly being sliced in half. I than jumped off it and did any axe kick which caved it's head in into it's torso, I than than did a homing shot into nine of the robots and did a homing attack at one with me punching through it as it had a massive hole in it's torse.

Y/N: And boom.

Soon time went back to normal with all the robots exploding into peices and as I didn't looked at the explosions.

Rusty POV

Doctor Mr. Eggman: How is this possible!?

Dr. Babbles: ( Cries )

Doctor Mr. Eggman: I don't know what's going on either, Rusty results.

Rusty: The results are unclear, even at 100% the robots have unsuccessful captured the hedgehog with a 0% of success.

Doctor Mr. Eggman: ( Groans ) Dr. Deep you deal with this.

Dr. Deep: Tots, that Hedgehog will be captured for sure.

Dr. Deep left and entered his robot mech and was teleported down to deal with Y/N

Rusty: Who are you?


Y/N: Man whoever made these things must be lazy, at least Eggman actually puts work into his robots, even though these look like something Eggman would build if he had to do some budget cut.

Soon a red light appeared behind me with Eggman showing up in a samurai suit but he looked different

Y/N: Hey Egghead what's with new look, I'll be honest it doesn't suit you.

???: I am Dr. Deep I am part of the Chaos Council.

Y/N: Chaos Council, never heard of it and what name is Dr. Deep, what are you a doctor of poetry, what's your book called "50 shades of scrap".

Dr. Deep: You choice to mock me and the Chaos Council.

Y/N: Choice? I just did.

Dr. Deep: In that case I will kill you and take your corpse to the Chaos Council to where your powers will be cythined.

Y/N: Oh yeah I like to see you try.

He soon pulled out some words and had buzzsaws that acted like shields.

Y/N: This should be fun.

He charged at me and he tried to slice me with his blades but I ducked and slipped underneath him and tried to attack him from behind and but he used is buzzsaws to block my attack and striked me with his blades which did hurt making me bleed a bit but I was able to heal from it quickly as I got back to my feet.

Dr. Deep: You have a healing facture, how interesting.

Y/N: You can say that.

He tried to attack me again but I dodged out of the way and went on the defensive.

Y/N: I'm going need some help, Calibur!

I than snapped my fingers which called out to Calibur.

Y/N: I hope he can make it in time before I get sliced up like cheese cake.

Calibur POV

Y/N voice: ( Echoing ) Calibur!

Calibur: My Queen your son needs me.

Aleena: Then go to him.

I levated as I flew out of a open window and as I flew to Master Y/N I saw some machines blocking my path.

Calibur: Out of the way you mechanical abominations!

I sliced my way through them and we even impaling one and using it as a shield with me slicing it in half soon after as I soon saw Master Y/N fighting the one called Eggman even though he looked different.

Calibur: Y/N!

Y/N: Calibur!


As soon Dr. Deep was about to slice me again Calibur flew into my hand which I took a grip of him by the handle as I blocked his attack.

Dr. Deep: So you have some steel of your own.

Y/N: Yep.

I than parried his attack as we both stared each other down.

Y/N: Hope your ready Dr. Deep cause I'm about to go all midevil on you!

Calibur: Go forth Y/N, Knight of the wind, and future king!

I charged at Dr. Deep as he charged at me too with our blades clashing with him trying to attack me again but I gripped Calibur with both hands as I pairred his attack and started to slash him a bit with me chipping away his armor.

Dr. Deep: Get a load of this!

He tried to slice me with his buzzsaws.

Calibur: Hurry dodge!

Y/N: Nope I have a better idea.

I blocked the attack and than bounced off the buzzsaws and charged up a powerful slash which left a giant gash on the back.

Calibur: Clever move Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks.

Dr. Deep than fired the buzzsaws at me which I blocked each of them which came back to him after which he than charged at me which I did a flip back and countered by doing a spin slash and sliced him up.

Y/N: What else you got?

Dr. Deep: How about this.

He than revealed a massive cannon on his back which fired at me which I held up Calibur to block the beam.

Y/N: Hang in there Calibur!

The two stood our ground as Calibur took on the beam until the cannon had to power down.

Y/N: You ok Calibur?

Calibur: I am fine Y/N even though I am glowing.

I saw that the blade was glowing red.

Y/N: Hey Calibur, let's give the doctor a taste of his own medicine.

Calibur: I say, go forth to victory!

I held Calibur backwards as I blasted towards Dr. Deep and I sliced through his cannon as it was done charging.

Y/N: Had enough Dr. Deep?

Dr. Deep: Not even close.

His armor started to spark like the robots from before as his blades started to glow red and the buzzsaws got bigger.

Y/N: Oh you want to play hard ball, let's play, Calibur?

Calibur: As the youth say, let's do this.

I rammed Calibur into the ground and got on one knee.

Y/N: Please those who came before me, lend me your strength, lend me the power of the legandary secret sword. Excalibur!

Calibur's eyes glowed golden as a golden circle appeared below me

I floated up into the air as I pointed Excalibur at Dr. Deep as I gripped Excalibur.

We both charged at each other with us clashing our swords together with sparks flying, we started to attack each other with me countering his attacks until I pairried his attack and went slice him multiple times with me slicing away at his armor and I was about to preform a power slash but he blocked it with his buzzsaw which he used as a shield.

Excalibur: Blasted shield!

I started to slice away his shield but he than parried it and fired the shield at me which I blocked it and landed on top of it with me jamming Excalibur with it making to glow golden, I than pulled him out and pointed Excalibur at Dr. Deep with me flying towards him with me on top of it.

Dr. Deep: What in the world!

He than blocked it with his blades with the buzzsaw chipping away at his blades. I than jumped off it with me charging up Excalibur.

Y/N: I call upon the power of Lancelot!

Excalibur eye's flashed black with a spectral image of Lancelot behind me copying my moves as I used his powers, which I held Excalibur backwards and charged up a powerful attack and as soon Dr. Deep pushed away the buzzsaw I preform a powerful slash which cause a multiple slashes at once

Dr. Deep: What power is this?

Y/N: Just a little something called Knights of the round table, and there's more. I call upon the power of Percival!

Excalibur eye's turned purple with Percival behind me with Excalibur on fire and Percival copying me my moves.

I than gripped Excalibur and charged forward with the point of Excalibur pointing at Dr. Deep which he tried to block it with his buzzsaw with me piercing through his shield which broke into multiple peices and as he turned to me I held Excalibur backwards again with the flames charging up.

Y/N: Flames of caviar!

I than charged at him as I started to spin with me forming into a fire tornado with him trying to block my attack with his other buzzsaw but I easily broke through it with the limb even catching on fire.

Y/N: I call upon the power of Gawain!

Excalibur's eyes glowed red as Gawain appeared behind me copying my moves as well. I than charged at Dr. Deep which he tried to block my attack with his blades but with the strength of Gawain I broke his blades instantly.

Dr. Deep: This can't be!

Y/N: Oh it be, let's wrap this up.

I flew up into the air as I raised Excalibur into the air.

Y/N: I call apon the knights of the round table and the legandary King Arthur himself!

Soon Excalibur eyes glowed golden as the blade extended into a massive glowing blade of light, I than raised Excalibur into the air and came down on Dr. Deep and appeared behind him with me returning to normal. Soon Dr. Deep was sliced in half as he slowly fell apart along the mountain that was behind us being sliced in half.

Y/N: Here's some poetry for you. With me all things end.

Rusty POV

Rusty: Dr. Deep has been destroyed.

Doctor Mr. Eggman: This is impossible, he was using the power source that powers our machines and new yoke?!

Dr. Babbles: ( Babbles while crying )

Dr. Don't: Whatever that was super lame anyway.

Dr. Done it: I think I'm having a heart attack!

I soon saw in the monitor one of the blue shards that was used to power the city and the robots flew out of Dr. Deeps armor.

Rusty: Doctor you should see this.

I displayed the video on screen with Y/N approaching it.

Y/N: Is this what was powering his suit

Sword: I think so, be careful we don't know what it can do.

He than grabbed it which started to glow with it's light going into Y/N and soon being reduced to dust with Y/N shoes and gloves transforming.

Y/N: Woah what are these, they looking stylen, normally I love my shoes but these are killer.

Sword: Should we get you new ones?

Y/N: Nah these are cool and the gloves they are amazing.

Dr. Done it: What happened to the shard?

Rusty: It seems the being known as Y/N has absorbed the shard's energy, with it now becoming apart of him along with various unknown abilities he has.

Doctor Mr. Eggman: ( Inferated ) Send as many unites after him!

Rusty: Yes doctor.


As I kept looking at the shoes more robots appeared so I snapped my fingers and Calibur was back in my hands.

Calibur: Y/N as much I would love to slice these monstrosities to ribbions you just got done fighting an intense fight, you need time to rest, I suggest we retreat.

Y/N: Ok but where to?

Soon the robots got blasted by bullets as I looked up and saw Tails and Sonia on the Tornado with Sonia shooting and Tails flying.

Tails: Head to my workshop, south east from here!

Y/N: You got it buddy, as for you guys I'll deal with you later.

I ran off as I put Calibur away as we made our way to Tails workshop

Rebel POV

Me and Knucks watched as the boy ran off.

Rebel: Did you see that? That boy killed Dr. Deep with no problem.

I than saw where the boy was running off to.

Knucks: What you thinking Rebel?

Rebel: Simple, if that boy can defeat one of the members of the Chaos Council than maybe he might be able to help us defeat the rest of them. Besides he seems to have absorbed one of the Chaos Council shards which might have weakened them a bit, if that's not a good reason we should trust him, what else can.

Knucks: Fair enough, fine let's go see if he can help.

I started to fly towards where the boy was going with Knucks gliding behind me, I don't know what this is but this boy is giving me a feeling of hope like no other.

And that is it, I hope you liked it and I'll see you later. BYE!!!

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