Chapter 2: Introductions

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I was running towards Tails work shop which seemed to be ok, but there where some ancients guarding the work shop I was reaching for Calibur but then.

???: Stop.

I looked around until Sage appeared Infront of me and looked different

Y/N: Sage is that you, how are you alive and what happened to you anyway?

Sage: My father or as you know him as Dr. Eggman was able to revive me by using Ancient technology and the reason I look different is while trying to recover me from Cyber Space I was transformed into the form you see me as now.

Y/N: So Basically what you saying is with you being brought back from Cyber Space made you older.

Sage: Correct.

Y/N: I see, anyway what about the Ancients guarding the place?

Sage: I have taken control of the Ancients and commanded them to protect Tails lab with it being our base of opportunities.

Y/N: Ok then, may I come in?

Sage turned her back to me signaling me to follow her

Y/N: I'll take that is a yes.

I followed her where Sonia and Tails landed.

Y/N: Hey Tails, hey Sonia how's my older sister been?

Sonia: Better question is, are you ok? Tails told me about you getting shot down and that fight you had was intense.

Y/N: Don't worry I'm ok, and that Dr. Deep guy was a piece of cake.

Sonia: Good cause well if you think I was worried, imagine how mom will be like.

Y/N: Don't worry, mom knows I can handle myself no problem.

Sonia: Ok then, also when did you get those shoes?

Y/N: Oh these, let me tell you sis after I beated that Dr. Deep guy this weird crystal came out of his armor I touched it and well that's how I got these new shoes and gloves.

Tails: I see, do you think I can take a look at them in the lab?

Y/N: Sure and we'll where's everybody else.

Tails: They're inside follow me.

Tails put in the code to his lab as we went inside and saw everyone with Amy being the first to hug me tight.

Amy: Y/N are you ok, Tails told me what happened on the Tornado.

Y/N: Don't worry I'm fine, not been the first time I've been shot down.

Amy: I know you just had me worried.

Y/N: Sorry Amy I didn't mean to make you worried.

Amy: It's ok I'm just glad your here in one piece.

Y/N: I'm glad your here too.

We than passed by everyone else with Tails scanning my shoes.

Tails: Strange it seems those shoes seem to have the same energy that rift produced.

Y/N: I wonder if they have anything in common.

Tails: It's possible we have never seen anything like this before.

Y/N: With us having dealt with Robots, Demons, Knights, Pirates, Dinosaurs, Aliens, Time monsters and even Zombies, I'm actually surprised that this is something we've never dealt with before.

Tails: No argument here.

Rouge: So Y/N, what is this about a crystal I heard you talking about?

Shadow: Along with this Dr. Deep?

Y/N: Well I can't talk about the crystal sinces it's now dust now.

Rouge: Damn it.

Y/N: As for Deep he kinda looked like Eggman but he looked younger and didn't seem to know what he was getting into or some sense like that.

Knuckles: Sounds like someone was trying to be an Eggman imposter.

Y/N: Yeah, along with that those robots we fought looked like something Eggman made but if he was on a budget.

???: Oh ballistics I can think of much better robots alone then those useless pieces of scrap called robots.

I turned to see Eggman with Metal Sonica.

Y/N: Eggman your helping too, but why?

Eggman: It's simple, if anyone is going to have the pleasure of crushing you and taking over this world it's going to be me and not some cheap posser.

Y/N: Wow it feels like not so long ago we worked together.

Eggman: That's because it isn't that long ago.

Sage: Approximary a few weeks almost a month you two worked together.

Y/N: True, anyway the point is we seem to have an common enemy question is, who is this enemy?

Soon sometype of alarm went off which we went outside to see the ancients fighting something some of us couldn't expect.

Knuckles: Is that another me.

Rouge: I can say the same with me even though she doesn't really have my style.

Sally: But what are they doing here is a better question.

Y/N: Only one way to find out, Sage can you make the ancients hold off for a second.

Sage raised her hand in the air and they stopped with us meeting the new Rouge and Knuckles with them being just as surprised to see their counter parts.

Knuckles 2: Am I seeing this right or am I seeing doubles.

Knuckles: I wish I was seeing things too.

Y/N: Listen we just want to know who you are and what are you doing here?

Rouge 2: Well I'm Rebel and this is Knucks.

Mighty: Not the most creative name is there.

Knucks: Do you have a problem with my name?

Mighty: Not if you do buddy!

Ray: Mighty wait don't start don't forget what the master taught you.

Mighty breathes to calm down.

Y/N: Ok and your here because?

Rebel: Simple, you.

Y/N: Me?

Amy: What do you want with Y/N you Rouge copycat.

Rebel: Can we first come in we'll explain everything about who you fought and what that crystal is.

Rouge: Girl I like how you think.

Y/N: Ok then, come on in.

They followed us and saw Eggman.

Knucks: Why is he here?!

Y/N: Look you might not like Eggman here but he's on our side here, so please try to get along with him for the time being.

Eggman: Besides ever sense I had my daughter Sage I'm a changed man and just want to be a good father for my girl.

Rebel: Fine.

We than sat down.

Y/N: So tell us about who they are.

Rebel: They are the Chaos Council.

Y/N: Got that covered.

Rebel: In that case this is the Chaos Council.

She than displayed a hologram of the Chaos Council.

Y/N: Looks like a Eggman family reunion aren't I right.

Eggman: I honestly can't blame you for thinking that.

Rebel: The youngest is Dr. Babbles, the one with the hair in his face is Dr. Don't, you already know Dr. Deep, the oldest is Dr. Done it, and finally Doctor Mr. Eggman.

Y/N: Doctor Mr. Eggman? That's new.

Eggman: That here are multiple mes

Y/N: No that there's an Eggman with hair.

Eggman: Why you little rodent!

Rebel: Actually that's a comeover.

Y/N: Wow that's even worse.

Eggman: Oh come on at least I don't look like a boomer.

Y/N: Aw you right you right. So why are they here?

Rebel: You see that goes into that crystal you found, you see that is a Paradox shard, they came from something called the Paradox Prism, but they where shattered and spread across the Multiverse with our universe being one of ours to have one and the Chaos Council found it.

They than showed those same robots tearing down their home and over night turned into a city that just screamed Eggman

Eggman: Did they name that city Eggman land.

Rebel: No they called it New Yoke city.

Eggman: That is a stupid name.

Rebel: Either way when they learned that the shard they had aloud them to travel through out the multiverse they traveled to other worlds that had them to make their machines unstoppable. We tried to stop them but once they had all the shards we couldn't stand up to them and had to go into hiding.

It showed their based that was underground with them keeping the last palm tree they had alive.

Y/N: Listen I can't tell how sorry I am about what happened to guys.

Rebel: It's alright, soon when the Chaos Council went off to another world we traveled through a different portal which led us here, and after we saw you kill Dr. Deep it kinda gave me a sence of hope I never felt before.

Y/N: Well I am flattered but in my defense he attacked me so really it was self defense.

Rebel: Never the less, after we saw you defeat him we knew we where going to need your help with you having the shard's energy now.

Y/N: No mention I'm kinda used to stuff like this and if your asking for my help say no more cause I'm already on board for busting those Eggheads.

Rebel: Thank you very much.

Y/N: But I do have one question, how come your version of me didn't stop them, sure there are five of them but I'm sure he could've handle it if he had from this resistance you had.

Rebel: That's why we are here, we don't have a you.

Y/N: What? There's no version of me in your world.

Knucks: If we did would we be here right now.

Y/N: Well no it's just, Rebel your clearly a different version of my friend Rouge here and you Knucks are clearly a different version of Knucklehead here, why is there no version of me in your world?

Rebel: We honestly don't know.

Amy: Is there a version of me in your world.

Rebel: Yes there is but she isn't on our side she works with the chaos council she is called Rusty Rose.

She showed us a mechanized version of Amy.

Y/N: This looks like what you look like if you where robotized, which I don't even want to think of those days.

Sally: That makes two of us.

Y/N: Ok so let's get this straight so what's left is Rusty, Babbles, Don't, done it, and the Doctor.

Rebel: Yes.

Y/N: Sounds simple enough but if we are going to do this we are going to need more than numbers.

Knucks: And what's your bright idea then?

Y/N: Well I have been thinking, do you have a Tails in your world?

Knucks: Don't know and even if we did we never met him.

Y/N: I see, Tails you thinking what I'm thinking.

Tails: If what your suggesting is that we find this other me and see if we can find him and see if he can help.

Y/N: You read my mind buddy.

Tails: Sounds good but how are we going to find him he can be anywhere in the world.

Eggman: I think I can help

He pulled out some type of compass of some sort.

Eggman: This is a DNA tracker, even with the tiniest DNA it can track whoever it belongs to, this thing is still a prototype but I'm sure it can work.

Y/N: Sweet, Tails you know the drill.

Tails spat into a little tray that popped out and it picked up three signals.

Eggman: It seems there's one in station square, one in the jungle and one nearby the beach.

Y/N: In that case let's split up, Me, Tails, Rebel and Knucks will go to Station Square, Silver you take Blaze, Rouge and, Knuckles and check the jungle and Chaotix you check the beach.

Silver: Sounds like a plan.

Rouge: Stay safe little blue.

Charmy: We won't comeback until we can find that other Tails.

Espio: Be safe out there and trust your instincts.

Y/N: Got it Sally you stay here and hold down the fort.

Sally: Got it, Bunny is actually on her way with supplies that might be useful.

Y/N: Sweet, any let's go ( To Knucks and Rebel ) and you two hope you can keep up with me.

I than ran off to Station Square with Tails, Rebel and Knucks behind me.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed, and before I go I'll tell you the next chapter to the story.

Chapter 3: Multiple Tails

I know not totally creative well I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later. BYE!!!

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