Chapter 13: A Zeti Hunt

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We started to fly over the Lost Hex with it looking a bit more darker than last time we where here.

Y/N: Man this place has seen better days.

Tails: Agreed, this place used to have so much life and color but now it feels so cold and dead.

Nine: Trust me you get used to the feeling

Y/N: So where is Zeena.

Nine: The radar says she's a few miles north, Y/N you run while me and Tails stay in the air.

Y/N: Sounds good Nine.

Nine and Tails got back into the tornado with them taking off and me starting to run

I started running with me seeing the place with the dead leaves being scattered through the wind with that same cold dead air hitting my face.

Y/N: Man this place sure has changed.

Nine: No kidding.

I soon jumped onto a spring with being launched into the air and got a better view in the air. As I started to desend I got a sent of perfume.

Y/N: Hey Tails you smell that?

Tails: Smells like lavender, Shadow's favorite.

Nine: Seriously, he likes lavender.

Y/N: It's complicated, come on follow that perfume.

I landed on the ground with me doing a drop dash, I them did a quick hop and kept running with me kicking up the pace. I then saw no road ahead but saw some walls, so I simply jumped onto the wall and started running across them and then hopping onto a could and bounced off it.

Y/N: I'll admit if we weren't dealing with the chaos council I would probably be enjoying this much more.

Tails: No argument here.

Nine: It does sound like fun. So how long have you two been on adventures?

Y/N: Oh Nine me and Tails have been going on adventures ever since we met.

Tails: Some were great, some were fun, some were sad, some had high stakes but when we work together there's nothing we can't do.

Nine: I bet so.

I looked up and saw Nine was looking down.

Y/N: Hey Nine something wrong.

Nine: Well it's just. I wished I had a friend like you back home, maybe if I had someone like you when I was being picked on I probably be more open to making friends.

Y/N: Nine, you don't need me to make friends, if you want to make friends then go make them on your own.

Nine: But how will I know they will like me?

Y/N: You'll never know unless you try. Look I know it might sound intimidating and a bit scary but if your willing to open your heart to others maybe they'll open their hears to you.

Nine: What about my second tail, wouldn't they make fun of it just like everyone else.

Y/N: Sure that can happen but in my opinion that's what makes you and Tails, Sails and Mangy special.

Nine: How does having an extra tail make us special?

Y/N: It gives you that one thing that makes you unique, it makes you special cause you have something very few have and if your anything like Tails I'm sure you can learn how to fly with it.

Nine: Seriously, I can use my tails to fly?

Tails: Yep, it takes sometime to learn but once you figure it out, it feels like the sky is the limit.

Y/N: Besides would you rather generic fox number 1992 or would you rather be on of the cool foxes that have two tails and can fly.

Nine: I guess that does make me feel better, if I knew I could fly with my second tail a long time ago they probably be jealous more then anything.

Y/N: Yep and along with the mechanical tails, that would make them more jealous and you be really popular because of that big brain of yours. I bet everyone would love to have a cool friend like you Nine.

Nine then looked shocked and smiled with him shedding a tear.

Y/N: Hey Nine you ok, your crying?

Nine put his hand where the tears where at.

Nine: Strange I'm crying but I'm happy.

Tails: That's because you've feeling something you haven't felt before.

Nine: Maybe.

We kept going until we saw her sitting on a stump doing her nails.

Nine: What's the plan

Y/N: Stay here I'll go talk her and see if we can get her to help us.

Tails: Try using the good old blue blur charm.

Y/N: That's what I'm hoping for, wish me luck.

I started to walk up to her with her back facing me.

Y/N: Hey Zeena long time no see.

She then looked at me a scoffed and went back to doing her nails.

Zeena: Oh it's you. You know last time I saw you, you chipped one of my nails are her to chip another.

Y/N: No, no, no I'm here for the opposite reason.

Zeena: Oh really and what would that reason being.

Y/N: Well you see, you and I had some interesting things happen and well you know.

Zeena: Cut to the point.

Y/N: Gotcha ya. You see, I need your help.

She then looked confused with her looking at me.

Zeena: Go on.

Y/N: You see there are more then one Eggman called the Chaos Council and while we taken care of most them there is one left and he has an army of robots and with your ability to control machines maybe you could help us.

Zeena: Oh really now tell me. Why would I help you I'm no goodie two shoes like you and last time we saw each other it with the metal virus slime and you chipping one of my nails for the second time.

Y/N: I'll admit that is true but have you ever thought of not being a follower.

Zeena: Oh please ( starts filing her nails ) I'm no follower.

Y/N: Are you sure? Cause both the first and second time we saw each other you were listening to Zovak like a little ginnie pig.

Zeena: ( Scoffs ) Did you call me a ginne pig?

Y/N: Maybe but listen would you like to be more then that, wouldn't you like to be more then good looks which I must say you are rocking that all green look and those nails are man those things make jewels look ugly.

Zeena: Oh your such a flatter, keep going and maybe I might help you out.

Y/N: Well let's just say while the others are powerful and all but when it comes to you their looks are a crime, like it should be illegal to look just as beautiful as you.

Zeena: I know, I do take pride in my looks.

She then pulled out a mirror and checked with hair with me looking back at Tails and Nine with them giving me a thumbs up

She then looked back at me with me now leaning on the stump she was on.

Y/N: Besides it's not only the looks you have, you are much smarter than the others.

Zeena: That's what I keep thinking, those bozos are just holding me back.

Y/N: Exactly, you don't need them. I think it is time that Zeena the Zeti start her own solo career and show the world she isn't just beauty but she is also brains and brond and is a force to be reckoned with. Besides you'd be doing something that Zavok couldn't do and actually beat an Eggman.

Zeena: Oh yeah it would. It put Zavok to shame, alright you convinced me I'll help you with your little council thing.

Y/N: Sweet, right this way my lady.

Zeena: Ooooowwww such a gentleman, maybe I got you all wrong Y/N we should probably go out sometime I'm thinking of a candle lit dinner under the moonlight.

Y/N: Sounds like my treat.

We made it back with Nine and Tails waiting for us.

Zeena: Wait where you two listen in on us?


Zeena: ( Scoffs ) Whatever just make sure I get the window seat I want to get out of this dump.

Nine:... I'm pretty sure both seats are the window seats.

Zeena then sat in the back with Tails at the controls and I stood on the top while Nine stood where Knuckles usually stands. We then took flight as we flew away from the List Hex

And that was it I hope you also enjoyed it. Also quick question should I keep the human designs or should they everyone be in their original designs and if so I might give Y/N his own look either way I'll see you all in the finale

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