Chapter 14: The Final Battle

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We soon landed with us running into the others.

Rebel: Welcome back, so this be Zeena

Y/N: Yep.

Sally: I'm surprised you were able to get her to join us after what she and her group do.

Y/N: I have a way with words.

Zeena: Can someone explain why there are multiple versions of other people here?

Nine: To put it simply it's a multiverse.

Tails: I'm surprised you didn't say anything when you saw Nine?

Zeena: I just thought you had a twin brother.

Tails: Sadly I am an only child even though Y/N is kinda like my brother.

Y/N: Back at you buddy.

They soon went inside with everyone armed with weapons, the anicents ready along with Eggmans robots along with some mech's for people to pilots along with the gun agents ready.

Y/N: Everyone ready Sally?

Sally: Everyone is ready Nicole has strengthened the firewall so our mech's or robots won't turn on us.

Y/N: Good don't want to deal with two armies at once.

Sally: Agreed, you know it's been a long time since we did anything like this.

Y/N: Does bring back memories of those old days.

Sally: Agreed, a part of me kinda misses it.

Y/N: You know if you really miss those times when used to work together to save the world, your always welcome to tag along.

Sally: Thanks I could use some time to get out of the castle.

I smiled at Sally with Sage appearing with Rusty.

Y/N: Sage, Rusty what's up with you guys.

Sage: We have ran the numbers of our chances of success.

Sally: What do you have?

Rusty: It's complicated the numbers say that we will win while the other half says that Mr. Doctor Eggman will win.

Y/N: It's not about numbers Rusty it never was.

I grabbed a box and stood on top of it with me getting everyone attention.

Y/N: This isn't about numbers, it's about why are here and what we are fighting for and what we have lost along the way. Some of you have lost your homes some of you have lost the things that are most important to you, some of us have even lost the ones we love. Now it is time to avenge those we have lost.

Rebel them stood next to me.

Rebel: We all have lost things that are most important for us now it is time to take back what is ours today the chaos council falls.

She then looked at me and nodded with me doing the same.

Y/N: Nicole where is Mr. Doctor Eggman location.

Nicole: He is located at Green Hill with him building his empire there.

Y/N: Them we attack there. Prepare yourselves

They all nodded with everyone following me to the doctor's empire.


We made it there with me stepping forward.

Y/N: Hey, Mr. Doctor Eggman is me the boy who's been tearing apart your little chaos council, come on out.

Soon a screen appeared with him projecting himself on it.

Mr. Doctor Eggman: Hello Hedgehog glad to see you made it this far but I'm afraid your little upstart ends here.

Soon swarms of robots started to come out of his flying base like a sworn of bees. They then landed a few feet away from me.

Y/N: Sorry Doctor, I got an army of my own.

Amy came on down and slammed the ground with her hammer which sent some of the bots flying and soon everyone else showed up with my crew attacking by the seas with other battle ships, and Tails in the air with a squadron of planes.

Mr. Doctor Eggman: Attack!

Knuckles: Attack!

We all charged it with us tearing away through his forces as his robots hit the ground.


As they fought their way through Y/N was using Caliber to slice through Mr. Doctor Eggman's robots. Y/N then did a cycloop that sent some into the air with Silver lifting them up and smashing into a massive metal meteor which crushed them.

Y/N: Nice one Silver.

Silver: Thanks it's my specialty.

Meanwhile Amy and Thorn where smashing the doctor's robots with their hammers.

Amy: Hey your pretty good with that hammer.

Thorn: Well your not half bad yourself.

Amy: Thanks

They than threw their hammers at a field of robots which smashed them into scrap they then called back their hammers with Amy catching Thorn's and Thorn catching Amy's.

Thorn: You get the little one.

They than tossed each other's hammer with them returning to their proper owner.

Amy: Keep it this one is just right for me.

Back with Batten and the rest of Y/N they kept firing the cannons with them also fighting Amy robots that got on their ship.

Black Rose: Sorry this boat is the property of Captain Y/N

She then sliced it's head off with her sword with the robot sinking into the ocean.

Sails: Batten, we are running low on cannon balls.

Catfish: What we do?

Black Rose: What if we use these.

She then showed them the robots laser cannon and when it fired it turned one that tried to attack Catfish into dust.

Batten:... That'll work.

They then started firing at the doctors robots with the cannons that they accumulated.

With Eggman with him inside a modified version of the egg dragoon.

Eggman: Get a load of this!

He then loaded up his cannon with thousands of missiles with him destroying tons of the robots and when some of the doctors robots tried to attack him with them stopping in place with Sage appearing protecting her father.

Sage: Stay away from him.

She then held a hand out with tons of beams firing out of portals of cyber space with them being reduced to nothing, he then turned to her father with Eggman looking at her in return proud of her

Eggman: That's my girl! Come on we have more father and daughter bonding to do.

Sage: Right away father.

Meanwhile Zeena was doing her make up with some robots about to take her.

Zeena: Oh dear, could you mind doing me a favor by attacking your robot buddies.

She then winked at them with their eyes turning green and started attacking their fellow robots.

Zeena: Good boys.

As that happened Y/N was working side by side with his female robotic counter part.

Y/N: It's been awhile we worked together.

Metal Sonica's eyes just flashes red.

Y/N: Yeah you can't talk.

They then both did a spin dash with them smashing the robots into scrap, afterwards the ground started to shake with them seeing Manic on his drums.

Manic: Man it's been awhile since I used these puppies!

Sonia: You got that right, I missed using my keytair.

She then fired a magenta beam which hit one robot and trailing off and hitting more at once. Y/N then went to his siblings and spin dashing into some.

Y/N: Where's mom?

They then saw their mom single handle destroying armies of robots by herself and the blade of the underworld  with her dodging out of the way of one of it's attacks and grabbed it by the back of the head and stabbing her blade through it's head with it falling to the ground.

Manic: Man our mom is a badass.

Sonia: I guess it runs in the family.


We kept fighting our way with something being off.

Tangle: Hey anybody noticing that there are robots then before.

Y/N: Yeah I started to get the same feeling.

Sage then appeared by our side.

Y/N: Sage what's going on, why are there more of them than before.

Sage then showed me the inside of the Mr. Doctor Eggman empire with me seeing the robot production.

Sage: He has put the robot production into overtime with more being created the more we destroy.

Knucks: So when we one destroy two more are created!

Nine: More like a thousand more are made.

Sally: He isn't trying to destroy us he's trying to overwhelm us.

Rebel: Sounds like the doctor as usual.

Knucks: So how do we stop it!?

Sally: We got to shut down production before we get over run ( impaled a robot with an energy blade ).

I looked up and saw more coming out on the inside.

Y/N: I'll stop it. Rusty make me a path I'll go for the doctor little toy making machine.

Rusty: Acknowledge.

Rusty extended her arms out and started spinning like a cyclone with her sending them flying. I then started to rev my legs up building up speed.

Y/N: Here we. GO!!!

I then rocketed forward with me making my away through and as I got closer more of the doctor's robots got closer trying to stop me but they then glowed cyan and tossed away.

Silver: Keep going we'll hold them back!

I nodded at Silver and sped up towards the doctor's empire and when another tried to hit me it got blasted away with me seeing a familiar face.

Dread: Ahoy there Captain Y/N, it's been awhile.

Y/N: Dread your alive, how?

Dread: Let's just say that little explosion blasted me to the surface with me running into my old crew and now I'm in charge but that doesn't matter I'll tell you later, you have a doctor to feed to the fishes, now go!

I nodded and giving Dread a thumbs up.

Y/N: Eye eye Captain Dread.

I then made it with me making it in the inside.


I soon landed inside and saw the robots being made and it looked like something out of star wars the clone wars.

Y/N: So this is how the robots are made, looks like I have to tear it down. Time for a little spin ball.

I then charged up a spin dashed and fired myself forward and and started to destroy the place and bouncing off the walls with explosions happening with fire everywhere with robots falling into a dark void and kept bouncing all over the place with the place falling apart and landing on a conveyer belt and boosting through more robots with them falling like domino's. I then bounced off one of the robots and kicking one off and landing on the ground and breaking in half and went back to bouncing all over the place until it was all in flames.

Y/N: ( Coms ) Tails the factory is nothing more but scrap.

Tails: Good work, get back here we might need you.

Y/N: On my way.

I was about to leave but I was grabbed by a giant hand where I saw a giant robot that seemed to be pioleted by Mr. Doctor Eggman.

He then held me up to his face.

Mr. Doctor Eggman: You have ruined everything! Everything was well until you came along and joined those rebels! You will suffer for this!

He then started squeeze me with a loud cracking sound coming with something breaking.


He then flew into the air and breaking through the roof and holding on to me and squeezing harding.

Manic: Hey! Get your hands off our brother!

Manic came by in his super form and blasting through him and letting go of me with Sonia catching me while super.

Sonia: You alright.

Y/N: I don't know, I felt like one of those squeezing toys if they had bones.

She then flew to the ground and put me by the others with Amy checking in me.

Amy: Oh my your arm is broken and your bleeding very bad.

Nine: And you aren't healing like usual.

Amy: We need to get you out of here now before this gets worse.

I looked at Me. Doctor Eggman fighting Manic and saw the whole he made where the last paradox shard was powering his mech.

Y/N: Hold on I have a idea, you guys distract him I'll go for the shard.

Amy: Are you crazy, he wants you dead and you have a broken arm there's no way you can sneak up on him without him squeezing you like a grape.

Y/N: That's where you guys come in, if he's only focused on you I can get the shard and power that thing down.

Amy: But

Nine: No buts!

We then looked at Nine.

Nine: If we have a chance to finish this then we have to take no matter the risk no matter the sacrifice.

I then looked at Nine with him nodding at me and me nodding back smiling.

Amy: Ok then ( Goes Super Sapphire ) I hope this works.

She them flew over there so fast it was like she teleported there with the others getting the doctors attention with me soon getting on my legs and holding my broken arm with blood getting onto my gloves, I then popped my arm into place and used my scarf and used it as a cast.

Y/N: Come on Y/N you have one arm and your two legs and that's all you need just hang in there a bit longer.

I charged up my legs as I started to run at the doctor with me dodging out of the way of any fire power and any debris but a peice of scarp metal cut my leg making me get of balance but went back to running with me losing blood.

Y/N: Come on, just a bit more.

I kept running with me starting to feel tired and starting to slow down, I then saw a hunk of metal that looked like a ramp. I then went towards it and ran up it and jumped, I then held out my hand to reach the last shard but I started to fall down with a tons of scrap metal below me acting like spikes and I started to lose consciousness.

I then felt something grab a hold of my other arm and saw Nine carrying me and he was flying with his tails.

Y/N: Nine?

Nine: I'm not letting you die today, especially after what we've been through.

I then smiled at me with me carrying me up behind the doctor.

Y/N: Thinking what I'm thinking?

Nine nodded confidently and started to spin and tossed me at the shard and as I reached out with one hand and I grabbed a hold of it and ripped it out and jumped out to meet Nine and grabbed a hold of me by my armpits but we where smacked away by the doctor robot and sending the both of us flying with Nine crashing in the water and me hitting the ground and landing on my broken arm while holding onto the shard.

Mr. Doctor Eggman: You really think that little sneak attack was going to work?

Y/N: Oh that wasn't a sneak attack. I pulled a trick from Rouge and got myself a present.

He then saw the shard I was holding with his robot slowly losing power but it then powered back on with his eyes red with him using sometype of back up power.

Mr. Doctor Eggman: Goodbye hedgehog!

He was about to crush me but I then absorbed the final shard with my body started to glow with the colors of the shards.

Mr. Doctor Eggman: What are you doing?

Y/N: I don't know but I feel stronger, I feel better.

After a while my body glow brighter with the light blinding everyone and after which I transformed into some new form of some sort.

Batten: By the stars.

Thorn: What is that?

Rusty: My scanners are picking up high levels of Paradox from Y/N.

Nine: He's become a living paradox.

Tails: He's now Paradox Sonic.

Knucks: Um who's Sonic?

Tails: Oh Sonic is Y/N nickname, I should've told you that.

Y/N: ( Demonic voice ) I don't know what this Paradox form can do? But that doesn't matter this is my power and I'm using it to protect the ones I love.

The doctor tried to fire out a wave of missiles at me but as soon they came towards me they stopped and glowed black and with a thought I made them point at the fire with the flick of a finger gun they fired back at him dealing damage to him. I then teleported in front of him and started to attack him with astral images of my news claws with them slicing through his armor. I then reared my foot back and kicked him which sent him flying, I then opened a portal behind him which he went through and another opened in the sky with him crashing to the ground.

Mr. Doctor Eggman: Die!!!

He then fired a beam at me, I then opened a portal in front of me and opened another from behind him with the beam blasting through his robot. His metal arms glowed black which I ripped them off and controlling them with my own arms and started punching him multiple times with his own arms, I then put both of my arms together and smacked him across the face with his metal arms which I then launched at him and pinning his robot to the ground.

I then opened another portal to the main cockpit where the mech was with an astral image of my arm and ripped it open and pulled the doctor out and held him in front of me.

Y/N: Guess what doctor, I'm not leaving I'm staying here. It's you who is leaving.

I then made a tear through reality which made a gateway to another universe which was completely dead. I then tossed through it with him and landed on the ground.

Sticks: And take your baby with you.

Sticks then threw Babbles through the gateway too with him landing next to the doctor.


I then closed the portal on him trapping him and babbles in that universe. I then heard the cheers of everyone, I then teleported in front of them and turned back to normal.

Amy: Y/N you did it!

Amy then hugged me tight with me relaxing into it.

Y/N: You think I wouldn't, I always win.

Tails: True that.

Rebel: So where did you send him.

Y/N: Don't know, I just sent him somewhere he'll never escape.

Rebel: Good.

Knucks: It's finally over, we won!


We made it back to Tails workshop with us talking to Dread and how he met his old crew.

Y/N: So your old crew found you and you put them back into place.

Dread: Yep and they respect me now. RIGHT!

Jack: Yes sir!

I then smiled and looked at Rebel and Knucks.

Y/N: Well it looks like the doctor is gone now, I guess you guys go home.

Rebel: Actually we want to stay here, if that's no trouble for you all.

Y/N: I don't mind, having an extra bat or two, maybe even three staying around.

Rouge: Besides your skills could be useful at G.U.N

Rebel: In that case lead the way Rouge.

The two then left with Team dark with me waving away to them, I then looked at Thorn talking to Prim's group.

Thorn: You know, working with you guys kinda brought back good times.

Prim: Same here.

Thorn: I miss those days, maybe we can work together again.

Gnarly: Really even though you attacked us in the past.

I then walked over to them.

Y/N: Granted you guys stole from the green instead of listening to her, but maybe you guys can work together.

Prim: How?

Y/N: Well maybe in exchange she helps you get food and teaches you to plant your own food you guys help her take care of the green.

Prim: That sounds like a good idea, it benefits both of us.

They then looked at each other while Prim held out a hand to shake. Thorn moved her hand away and hugged her instead with Prim hugging back with the others joining in.

Big: That's sweet.

We then turned and saw Big fishing with another Big with him dressed as a janitor next to him.

Y/N: Big? Where have you been, and who's your friend?

Big: Oh well this is a friend I made, I've been trying to teach him how to fish.

Big ( 2 ): Hello

We even saw the two of them had their own froggys.

Amy: You were fishing this entire time?

Big/Big ( 2 ): Yes.

Big: Did something bad happen?

Y/N: Yeah but we took care of it.

Big: Ok.

They went back to fishing with Sticks joining the Thorn and Prim's group.

Sticks: I know the perfect place you guys can stay and best of all, the trees aren't evil.

Gnarly: Finally the trees won't harass us anymore!

We then waved as Sticks took them to where she lived.

Y/N: So Rusty you still want to be by my side.

Rusty: Yes.

Y/N: In that case I know how you can help. You can go to my family's home and help my mom take care of the place, she could always use a helping hand.

Aleena: That would be thoughtful but that's only if you want to.

Rusty: Of course I would love to.

We then saw Rusty smile a bit.

Sonia: Did you just smile?

Rusty: I'm not sure, I didn't even know I could smile.

Y/N: I guess you're evolving past your robotic brothers.

Rusty: Possibly.

Aleena: Follow me then, I'll take you to our home.

They then left with Rusty and me waving goodbye to them. I then looked at Eggman and Sage.

Y/N: Well see you later doc, Sage.

Eggman: Indeed and when we meet you'll see my greatest creation.

Y/N: Whatever you make, I'll break it.

Eggman: I know but can't blame me for trying. So long Y/N

He then left with me looking at Sage.

Y/N: Take care of him.

Sage: I will, so long Y/N till we meet again.

She then followed her father, then there was Dread.

Y/N: I guess you can have both your new crew and your old crew. Also I kept this warm for you.

I pulled out his Captain's hat and gave it to him with him looking at it and smiling and putting it on my head.

Dread: No they deserve better, they deserve you to be their Captain besides I have a crew and no crew is complete without his crew.

I then looked at Dread. No my crew and saw them waving at me and I nodded and smiled.

Y/N: You're right, see you around Captain Dread.

Dread: You too Captain Sonic. Come on we are leaving now! We have treasure to find!

His crew nodded and boarded his ship and sailed away while laughing like a true pirate. I then looked at my crew and went to him.

Y/N: Looks like Dread got his pirate back on, and from what I heard he might go a bit overboard so we might need to pull him back in. And maybe do a bit of pirating ourselves.

They then cheered full of happiness.

Batten: Finally we can finally pirate!

Black Rose: That's all I ever wanted!

Y/N: Indeed but when I'm not around.

I took the hat off and put it on Batten head.

Y/N: Batten is honorary captain.

Batten: Oh thank you, thank you captain.

She then kissed me on the lips afterwards.

Y/N: No problem and make sure she doesn't go overboard herself.

Crew: Eye eye.

Batten: Open the sails we have some pirating we've been missing out on!

I then got off the ship with them sailing away while singing a song.

Amy: So what are you going to do now?

Y/N: After what happened I'm going on a run and taking in the sensory, I'm sure you want to get back to your little hide out Nine.

Nine: Actually after getting to know you guys, I think I would like to hangout with you guys.

I then smiled at Nine and walked next to him and placed my arm on his shoulder.

Y/N: Looks like someone is ready to make some friends.

Amy: Where are you going to stay then?

Tails: He can live in my old lab in Mystic Ruins, and it's not too far from Green Hill so you guys will be neighbors then.

Nine: I would love that. I would love that a lot.

He then smiled and looked at me with me smiling back at him.

Y/N: Welcome to your new home Nine. Anyway see you later guys


As Y/N ran off with Nine feeling the wind he held his hand out where Y/N was going.

Tails: Go on ahead, if you want to run with him go on then he doesn't mind the company he actually enjoys it.

Nine then smiled and took off into the air and followed Y/N while in the air.

Nine: Y/N!

Y/N then looked up at Nine smiling at him while flying and Y/N smiling at him and waving and speeding up with Nine following him


And that is it, I hope you enjoyed this story, I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you had just as much fun reading it as I did writing and I'll see you next time

Elsewhere a portal opened up with two people coming out.

Amy: Tails you sure we'll find him?

Tails: Of course we will Amy besides ( crazy voice ) What are friends for.

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