Chapter 4: Love Hurts

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Amy was helping the refugees gathered some supplies especially when it came to food and water.

Amy: There, this should be enough for everyone back at G.U.N

Refugee: Thank you.

They soon left while Amy stood there, and as they left she soon heard something with it sounding like something falling over.

Amy: Hello, is someone there?

Amy pulled out her hammer as she went down to see what it was, and what she saw was Y/N.

Amy: Y/N: What are you doing here, shouldn't you be with NiGHTS and Psycho?

He soon ran off with Amy following him with her soon seeing him jump into a white ring.

Amy: Strange?

Amy raised her hand over the ring and was about to enter too but soon pulled her arm back.

Amy: No, if Y/N wanted me to come along he would say so, and he didn't answer why he came back so soon.

Amy turned around and

Amy: GAH!

Amy soon tripped back and fell into the ring.

She soon found herself inside a dark special zone with her suspended in the air

Amy: What the? Where am I?

Soon an EXE appeared Infront of her

Amy: Who are you?

???: Oh you can call me Sark my dear.

Amy: What do you want?

Sark: What do you think, you know just as I do that you have to go since you and your friends have been interfering in our work. Since you were the closest nearby I feel like you should be the first to go, but don't worry your friends will be joining you.

Sark then snapped his fingers and Amy started to fall with her heading down into what seemed like an endless void of darkness.

Amy: Oh crap what do I do?

Amy kept on falling with her grabbing her hammer and soon thinking of an idea, it might not work but it's the best she can think of.

Amy: Oh please let this work!

Amy reared back her hammer and as she fell she soon swung the air with the hammer glowing pink and before she could reach the void she smashed the air with the space around them cracking and soon reality shattering around them

Amy soon landed on a broken shard of the reality they where in.

Amy: I can't believe that worked.

She looked around to see what happened.

Amy: Woah, I didn't even know my hammer could do that?

Sark: You idiot!

Amy turned around and looked up.

Sark: Look what you've done! You destroyed my own universe!

Amy: Really? Who knew my hammer could do that?

Sark: I'll make you suffer for this.

Sark raised his hand up and soon what seemed like red spikes formed under Amy but she quickly used the force of her hammer to move from a different shard to another. Sark kept on doing this with Amy able to jump to shard to shard, Sark than summoned what seemed like a demonic blue bear

Amy: Uh oh, ( pulls out her Tara cards ) please give me a good one, ah ha!

Amy then used the card to summon a crossbow with it loaded with an explosion tip. Amy pointed it at the bear and fired with the arrow hitting the bear in the head and soon exploded into chunks.

Sark: What the, how did you do that?

Amy: Let's just say my cards have more than one purpose.

Soon what seemed like a blue ghost appeared

Amy then used another card to summon a device from a different dimension.

Amy: Have no idea what this is but hopefully it can do something.

Amy then pressed a button on it, soon sucking the ghost up and trapping it inside the vacuum.

Amy: Wow that was useful.


Sark: You got to be kidding me? A demon was stopped. BY A VACCUM!!!

Sark voice was powerful that it shattered the shard Amy was standing on, she soon kept falling until a pool of dark appeared below her, she soon fell into it and what seemed like more EXE came out and tried to pull her in but she soon summoned the emeralds she had with her and as she got pulled down she soon went Super Amy and blasted her way out

Sark: Oh super too, why not!

Soon Sark's rage caused him to transform

Sark: You aren't like the Amy where I'm from, who are you?

Amy soon snapped her fingers and her hammer came back to her within an instant.

Amy: I'm the Amy who's going to smash your skull in.

Amy and Sark flew at each other with Amy swinging her hammer with Sark catching it and as he did Amy summoned an extra a hammer and smashed him in the head with him falling through different shards with him soon recovering.

He soon than teleported behind Amy and grabbed a hold of her head and started to fly downward as he summoned more spikes to impale her with. While she tried to hit him with her hammer, he simply smacked it away and broke her arm.

Amy: GAH!

Amy soon pushed back against him with the two getting closer to the spikes, and before Amy could make it to them Amy posted up and went into Super 2

Amy's arm soon fixed itself as she summoned her hammer back and smacked him across the head, she soon than spun themselves around with Amy impaled him against the spikes. While he was motionless for a moment he recovered and pushed Amy back with her flying off into the distance, Sark than did Sonic very own spin dash and charged at her but Amy used her hammer to slam into the ground but he soon disappeared and appeared behind her and spun into her back. He soon slammed her into a shard where he tried to crush her head but she went into Super 3

She than teleported and appeared behind Sark and grabbed him and started to slam him into spike in the shard.

Amy: Why aren't you dying?

Sark: Because, I am immortal, what makes you think you can kill me?

Sark's quills than spiked up  which slashed at her so she soon went flying back, to buy herself some time she used one of her cards to summon a flash bang and tossed it at him which exploded in his face and when he looked she was gone.


Amy was hiding amongst of the shattered remains of Sark's universe as she tried to think of a plan.

Amy: What can I do? If I can't kill him than how do I stop him.

Amy thought for a bit than got an idea.

Amy: What if I can use one of my cards to summon an master emerald copy. It might not be as powerful but hopefully it will be enough to do what I'm hoping for.

Amy used one of her cards to summon the master emerald copy which she went back to normal and used her emeralds along the master emerald copy which glowed brightly which Sark could see.

Sark: There you are.

Sark raised his hand and soon  multiple shards were around her location and soon caused a powerful explosion with only smoke being there

Sark: Like I said, no one escapes me.

Soon a hand came out and grabbed Sark by the face as Sark saw Amy had a make shift Hyper form

Amy: I guess there was one thing your Amy never thought to do. Go for the head!

Soon Amy hammer powered by the master emerald copy soon flew over to her really fast. Amy than flew towards the hammer while she held Sark by the head, as he struggled to get out of her grasp but it was too late as the hammer came in flying with it hitting him in the back of the head and the chaos energy was too much for him to handle so he soon shattered like glass like his own universe as Amy flew in the destroyed universe in trimph as she yelled at the top of her lungs at the universe around her was still broken.

It soon started to implode on itself and Amy was too tired from the fight that she turned back and was floating in the destroyed universe and soon there was nothing.


Amy soon woke up seeing she was back and in a cold sweat.

Amy: What just happened? Wait how did I get back here on Mobius?

???: That would be me.

She turned to see a blue hedgehog but she had yellow hair

Amy: Who are you?

???: I'm Bernadette the Hedgehog, or Y/N Aunt.

Amy was shocked.

Amy: Y/N Aunt?! I didn't know he had an Aunt.

Bernadette: Well it's been awhile since he's saw me he kinda forgot which I don't blame him, I've been gone for quite awhile.

Amy: Then how did you pull me out of there?

Bernadette: I think these have to do with it.

Bernadette showed Amy the emeralds she used.

Bernadette: I basically used the emeralds you have to teleport you and myself back here before we were destroyed in that universe.

Amy: Well thanks, I'm Amy Rose by the way.

Amy tried to walk but she fell.

Bernadette: Take it easy, you just had a tough fight, come on I'll get you to a doctor.

Bernadette helped Amy up with Amy using her hammer as a cane.

Amy: Thank you, and it's nice to meet you Bernadette.

Bernadette: Nice to meet you too.

The two soon left with them going to find Amy help.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later.

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