Chapter 5: Let it Burn

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Amy and Bernadette had made it by a nearby camp with some people from Sunset city where they were met by Blaze.

Amy: Hey Blaze how're you doing?

Blaze: I'm doing well, who's this?

Bernadette: I'm Bernadette, I'm Y/N Aunt and I know it's surprising and all but that's not import right now. Amy here needs help.

Blaze: Right this way then.

They soon went inside with them coming across Marine.

Marine: Hello, are you ok?

Bernadette: Amy here was in a fight and is completely tired out, she needs some rest.

Marine: Sure thing, over here please.

Bernadette helped Amy over to a medical bed as Amy laid down to rest.

Amy: Thanks for the help.

Bernadette: Anytime, now try to rest ok?

Amy: Sure thing.

Amy closed her eyes as she went to sleep to rest a bit.

During that time Bernadette met up with Blaze.

Bernadette: So how have you and your friend been holding.

Blaze: We've been handling ourselves pretty well, we brought over supplies from the sol dimension to help out here.

Bernadette: I see, well thank you for the help.

Blaze: Seeing how much your nephew has helped us out it's the least we can do.

They were soon interrupted with someone running in with them having some type of armor on.

Soilder: Your highness.

Blaze: What is it?

Soilder: One of those EXE things has made it's through our defenses and it's on it's way here to the camp.

Blaze: I see, hold back here and defend the camp I'll handle this myself, if I don't make it back take all of the people we have here and evacuate.

Soilder: Understood

Blaze ran out of the camp to see what was going on with her soon coming across the EXE attacking.

Blaze: I see you also use fire as well.

???: Yes I am Burn, and I'll be sure to sear you to a crisp.

Blaze: I see.

Blaze then grabbed a hold of the robe she was wearing as she tossed it off her body with her having a more combat themed outfit underneath

Blaze: Today, you will join joining your fallen brothen

She drags her foot through the dirt as he fists slowly shimmer with fire.

Blaze: Bones to dust. Ashes to the wind.

Blazes hands ignited with fire as Burns burned with red fire.

The two then charged at each other with trails of fire behind them as the two of them clashed with them blasting around at highspeed, and while Burn did a fiery spin dash while Blaze did a fire tornado. As Burn tried to push through Blaze jumped out of the way and fired down multiple blasts of fire while she floated in the air.

Burn rolled out of the way and went up a destroyed sign with him using it as a ramp to make it to Blaze but Blaze blasted backwards and performed a crescent kick, with her doing a fury of kicks with the kicks being engulfed in fire. She then kicked him in the back of the head as she was in the air she clapped her hands together and a stream of fire came out with it hitting Burn in the back with him crashing into the ground as the fire scorched the ground.

As Burn got up from the fire his claws burned away he had rather sharp and jagged claws with most of his fur snigged.

Burn soon disappeared with him appearing behind Blaze and grabbing her by the face and slamming her down to the ground, she then raised her hand and fired a power blast of fire that exploded in Burn's face which pushed him back.

As he digged his claws into the ground as he was dragged across the ground he soon got up and ran towards Blaze which Blaze held her fingers and dragged it across the wind which made a fire sword appear as she grabbed a hold of it and held it like a rapier as she held the blade with one hand.

She then blocked his attack with her sword as the two clashed with spark of the sword going everywhere. She than parried his next attack with her then preforming various slashes that sliced up his chest, as he held his chest in pain Blaze fist ignited with fire she then performed an one inch punch which caused an explosion that sent him flying into a building.


Burn unhinged his jaw and shot out a stream of fire, Blaze used the sol emeralds with her in her burning form, she then clapped her hand together as a small sun formed in her hands.

As the stream of Blaze fire clashed with Burns with both flames pushing against each other in a power struggle.


Blaze: Unlike you I have absolute control over the flame, even yours.

Blaze then started to merge Burns flames with her own which made hers much stronger. Blaze fire started to overwhelm Burn's fire as his flame was slowly merged into Blaze's flame.


Burn was soon consumed by the flames as he was reduced to ash.

Blaze soon turned back to normal with her dusting herself off.

Blaze: Piece of cake.

Blaze went back to camp as she put her robe back on.


Amy soon woke up with her fully rested.

Blaze: How are you feeling?

Amy: Much better, how about you?

Blaze: Not even a scratch.

Bernadette: Thank you for all your help.

Marine: It was no problem.

Blaze: Anyway you're welcome to stay here if you like. We could use the help.

Amy: Thank you, we'll try to help out the best we can.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

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