Ch.14.Little Fox.

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{ I Don't own BNHA or the reader}

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Uraraka did not realize the hints, nor did she realize the one she had slowly began to fall for was completely and utterly gay, maybe that was why she began to follow him, began to loose herself she was supposed to be training to become a hero not drop down to Mineta's level.

Though at this point in time the sports festival was coming soon and she like others had noticed Tokoyami and Todoroki become closer, she could tell those two would become a couple soon but she also noticed something else, the look in the green haired boys eyes, the sadness as he stared at the two, and she knew Iida had noticed it as well, they were friends with him and well she did stalk him.

Momo had also been off lately she claimed she was only tired but the bruises on her wrists when she came to school was odd, training her quirk should not have caused that sort of damage also the girl when standing didn't put pressure onto her left ankle, wincing when she did.

Uraraka would be the perfect villain without realizing it, she was slowly going to play into the hands of a certain green haired boy whom pretended she wasn't staring at him while Aizawa slept in the corner leaving them to read over what he had assigned them.

When lunch had come around she would sit close to him as Izuku had for once offered to share his food with her, the males façade never faltering around his 'friends' ah yes Izuku didn't want to use Iida or Uraraka but so far they were only his pawns, not his friends.

'I wish it did not have to come to this decision but I do need my scape goats when the time comes' the green haired teen thought to himself, as he took a sip from his soda watching with sad eyes as Todoroki sat with their invisible classmate and the bird like male, 'dating someone seems like the perfect cover up, someone I can play till I need them no longer' honestly this thought was horrid he may be a villain but he didn't want to truthfully play with someone's emotions.

Unless it was necessary, he would not enjoy playing with his own stalkers emotions for she could find someone better indeed, he however was going to set up the blue haired boy with his childhood 'bestfriend' , honestly Bakugou was his first ever pawn, just push some hatred into the boy with the help of somebody with an emotion based quirk and spread the rumor your quirkless.

Bakugou didn't even realize Izuku was playing him, hell nobody did because nobody assumed an 'innocent' boy to even once be the villain, he was indeed going to love making every underestimate him during the sports festival, but for now he'd enjoy sharing his lunch with his 'friends' and soon to be puppets.


Given an ice-cream sundae and a cup of hot chocolate as a bribery was all it took for Shigaraki to convince the Five almost six year old villain to do his dirty work for him, so that was why {Y/N} was now sitting alone in the bar with the hero killer who only stared at her as she slowly ate her sundae not bothered by him in the slightest.

"Handy Man Nii-san, and Mist-Nii San want you to join our ranks" she told the man, scooping up some ice cream and shoving it into her face with her tiny spoon, "I could use more friends in the league, I really hope you join or else papa isn't going to be happy" the child was told to take his quirk if he tried anything but it's not like he was going to hurt a five almost six year old child.

And well Stain was 100% fucked for he considered denying this request to join the League of villains for he was certain their ideals and his didn't match up, but instead of Shigaraki at this meeting it was a child, an actual child and not a vertically challenged adult.

"There is no way of me refusing this offer is there?" he questioned plainly, staring at the child whom hummed in response before shoveling more of her sundae into her mouth, before moving her hand to the hot chocolate next to her, as she lifted it and took a sip, before she answered him.

"Nope not at all" she giggled "Because papa said I could have your quirk if you refused, and I like pretty things added to my collection" okay so this child would and probably kill him if he refused, that was dully noted, he couldn't do nothing for something furry wrapped around his body, "Plus Kitsune-Chan has the upper hand on you it's not like you can escape".

Stain should have not lowered his guard as fluffy tails tightened around his body, restricting his movements, and so that night in that bar the man had no choice but to join or else he wouldn't be able to continue his work, all because of a devious little child and a fox.

And that was how Stain became a valued member of the league of villains, against his own will.

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{What's this plot development? you bet it is my dears~ anyways I'll be working on an Among us story on my other account for awhile, so expect slower updates~ quite sorry~}

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