+Halloween Special+

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{I Don't own BNHA or The Reader, not connected to the plot}

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{Y/N} smiled brightly holding the pretty snowflakes hand in her right and in her left a boy slightly younger than them, the three were told to stick together during this night, "Thank you for doing this" the cousin of the boy told the {H/C} and green haired girls brother.

"It's no problem" Izuku told her, before looking at the three whom were hand in hand, he could see it already, the next Big three villains, that is if hero society isn't already gone by the time their grown up, "I'll be sure to keep him safe, and get him home on time"

"Be back by 10" she told him "and if I'm not back by than just leave him at the dorms" he nodded and she was soon off with the others, apparently the teachers were holding an exclusive Halloween party to de-stress after all the villain attacks, so Izuku had decided to take the children trick or treating.

Once she was gone Izuku lead the children away from the school gates, where he had met up to get the small boy for the group after all, he could be attending the party being thrown in the dorms but children were far more important.

"Izu-Nii the houses aren't that way" she watched her brother gesture them towards an ally way, slightly confused as to what was going on, soon a swirling vortex opened in the alley way, "were not trick or treating are we?" she really wanted to go trick or treating.

"We are but in a different since my little {N/N}" he told her, casting a glance at the two others in the group, "No telling the heroes about this, for tonight were gonna get a bunch of sweet treats, for were going to rob a bakery".

"Pretty sure were gonna get caught" the dark haired child stated bluntly, as {Y/N}'s hand slipped from his and pulled down the mask he had on his head in order to cover his face, it seemed the costumes the little villain chose for them all had included masks.

"Not if they don't see our faces" she giggled, pulling down her own mask, the three were dressed as Lock, Shock and Barrel from a movie called The Nightmare Before Christmas, her brother was dressed as a ghost, she watched him pull out a mask and pull up the hood of his costume.

And so after masks were on the group of four were heading through the portal, and that Halloween not one but five bakery's were robbed of all their baked goods and sweets.

By a three children and a villain, whom than proceeded to have a Halloween party with the villains in their newest base, all the baked goods they stole had indeed went to good use, nothing went to waste that night.


"Zashi put your shirt back on" Aizawa groaned, as his husband had gotten on a table and began to strip for everyone, drunk out of his mind, and singing at the top of his lungs while he did so.

"Nah keep going!" The R rated hero with them shouted, tossing bills at the man as he took off another thing of clothing and as he did the door to the teachers lounge was opened, and there stood two students whom froze, looked at the scene and shut the door.

That night Sero and Kaminari had been the unlucky ones to witness what happens at a teacher Halloween party, for they had seen a drunken present mic stripping and singing, Nezu hitting on a pillow, the wild wild pussy cats drunk and dancing in a corner, Midnight throwing moeny at present mic, Aizawa crying, and worst of all All Might wearing a lamp shade on his head passed out naked on the sofa in the teachers lounge.

The two were in need of therapy after that, and they honestly thought their Halloween party in the dorms was wild, no the teachers had them beat, because what they saw will forever haunt their nightmares, more so than Todoroki's Halloween costume.


"Alright, alright, it's a hell of feeling though~"

"Who are these people I just woke up in my underwear~"

"No liquor left on the shelf~"

"I should probably introduce myself~"

Todoroki, Monoma and Mei had began to sing don't threaten me with a good time by panic of the disco at some point, the three only got along when it came to singing the song apparently, the counter they made their stage was covered in a thick red substance, as a body lay bloodied away from the counter.

The Halloween party had included people of the different classes, and at some point three third years had probably murdered Mineta whom was being quite rude to the girls, also a body had been thrown threw the window, and somebody spilled fake blood all over the counter to make the three's singing stage more Halloween like.

This had all happened as soon as Sero and Kaminari left to go get the teachers because of Mineta, but they hadn't returned yet so things just got stranger, Uraraka was laying in the bushes outside the dorm, having been thrown threw the window, she was fine due to having activating her quirk on herself, but due to overusing her quirk that night she was now in the bushes sick to her stomach.

Somebody had indeed went to go make sure she doesn't bleed out from the cuts due to the glass, Bakugou and Iida were dancing together at some point having came in matching costumes, so far the night was wild for the students, and nobody even noticed the fact Todoroki had indeed brought a real severed hand for his costume that night.

Come the next day no one would speak of the events that occurred that night, for no one could remember due to the fact someone had spiked the punch that night, and the only memory was the camera's in the school recording everything so Nezu could use them as blackmail.

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{This chapter took longer than I thought to finish, yesterday I had no inspiration so quite sorry, but here it is the Halloween special...}  

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