Ch.6.Little Fox.

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{I Don't own bnha or the Reader}

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His phone had been placed on mute as he enjoyed the meal with the Midoriya's, Shoto had his suspicions that the green haired boy was the secret love child of All Might for their quirks were similar, but that was washed away when he learned his classmates father had been hospitalized a few years ago after a villain attack.

It had caused various amount of damage and it was around the time the youngest was conceived, he had only wished his own father would be placed in that sort of accident, but the green haired males father sounded like and actually great one by the stories told at the small dining table the family owned.

The one that shared no attributes with the family was apparently Izuku's adoptive little sister, her white hair and crimson eyes and the bandages kept on her arms, he could see why they took her in, away from whoever harmed her, he only wished someone would have done the same for him.

But one thing is for certain Shoto felt he needed to protect this family, they were innocent and the perfect ideal family he wanted to have, he felt like he belonged here, even though watching them made his heart ache.

When the meal was done he thanked them for having him, "Thank you for having me over Midoriya-San" he bowed slightly manners had always been etched into him from a young age, by his shitty father.

"Call me Inko, and I'm so happy to meet my little Izuku's friends" Inko Midoriya smiled at the young boy, though her eyes showed sadness, she knew exactly why her son invited the boy over, not just for a crush no the boy he was not in a decent household, her research on the family had proved quite correctly "Are you certain you don't want to stay over it had gotten pretty late"

"I am quite certain my father will be wondering where I've been" the word father was bitter, and he did not enjoy calling the one whom raised him that, "See you at school" he told the green haired male.

"See you there as well Todoroki-Kun" Izuku smiled at the male "I really hope we can do this again, mom really likes you so does {N/N}-Chan and Eri Chan" Shoto was uncertain why but he felt a warmth in his heart at those words.

"If you'd have me, I'd enjoy it as well" He told the family, before he left their apartment that night, maybe just maybe that was what sparked a change in his routine, for the fact that day forward he found himself not heading straight home from school like his shitty parent figure wanted.

No he found himself heading towards the home of the Miodriya's whom became like his second family, and he knew with them he'd actually get his fill of food and a look into the perfect family he always wanted.

Though he had yet to realize he was slowly being tangled into the web of the Midoriya's, a web he will never untangle from, and even with his father constantly wondering where he's gone he would never give them up, because his house never felt like home.

But with the Midoriya's he felt like he was home, he felt like he belonged and he'd be dammed if he allowed anyone to take that away from him.

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{sorry for not updating in a while everyone, and sorry for the short chapter hopefully the next one will be longer, now question-Who else should the Midoriya's entangle into their web?}

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