Ch.7.Little Fox.

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{I Don't own BNHA or The Reader}

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"Your Eraser-Head so cool, can I get your autograph?" Aizawa Shota was not expecting a little girl with {H/C} with green streaks to ask him this question when he was out buying groceries with his husband, the concerning thing is the kid didn't have her parents with her.

"Sure kid" he sighed, as she too out notebook from her backpack, holding it out for him to sign, he took it "So whats your name Kid?" he questioned, something about this innocent child was familiar he couldn't quite place it.

"{Y/N} Midoriya" She hummed, ah so she was the problem child's younger sister if he had to guess as he signed her notebook "I think my Nii-San mentioned his teacher being dark and mysterious, do you teach my Nii-San?" she tilted her head to the side, as he handed her back her notebook.

"Yeah, tell him to stop breaking his bones" Aizawa told the girl bluntly "Your brother is a problem child, honestly, you gonna try and become a hero when your older like your brother?" he questioned the young child.

"I dunno I gotta decide my options first" This little girl was the first child he's met that probably didn't want to be a hero "Before I was born my papa was badly injured and no heroes tried to save him, instead the hero made his injuries worse" she was a wise kid by the looks of it "I'll tell my Nii-San to be more careful, maybe peppermint Nii-San could help, I don't wanna see my Nii-San hurt" even if he barely showed emotion Aizawa was already in love with this kid, she was smart and innocent and she unlike most of his class he'd be willing to teach.

"Speaking of kid why are you here alone?" he questioned the little girl, "Shouldn't you be with your family instead of alone at a store?" not yet realizing the blonde whom had began making his way toward them with a cart holding food items.

"Mama is at work, Nii-San had Ballet class today, Shi-Nii Chan doesn't like big stores so he handed me the list while he waits outside" she hummed knowing full well not to call him Handy Man Nii-San out in public around heroes, "I need lotion and Chapstick for Shi-Nii, he needs it for his skin problems".

"If your looking for that it's about a few isle's down" Hizashi told the girl with a large smile, "A Fan of Sho's I reckon?" he asked the young girl, "Don't see many of those lately, if you want we can help with your list we wouldn't want you getting lost now do we?"

"I dunno I'm not supposed to talk to strangers but I guess since your heroes I wouldn't mind Mister Mic" it was official in that instant she had them both wrapped around her finger, and the two helped her with her list, she made them want a daughter of their own.

Would it be wrong to just take her from the Midoriya's? because to them this child was indeed the most cutest and innocent child ever, not realizing she was indeed carrying around something that was recording whatever they told her.

She was bribed after all to spy on the heroes that shopped there and gain information, she was really gonna enjoy that ice-cream sundae she was promised later, and those cookies, she also got a signature out of this deal, she truly was the greatest asset to the villains, and their little princess, for if anything happened to her the world would surely burn.

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