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I unpublished all my other stories because I was going some problems  with stress so this one I'll definitely keep and wont delete.

This story will contain:




Some violent themes

Make sure to vote and comment


Jeon Jeongguk

Personality: Loveable, kind, adorable, gullible, sensitive, can get jealous, anger issues.

Likes: dancing alone in his room, nibbling his bottom lip alot, lollipops and sweet foods.

Dislikes: limes, lemons and any kind of sour fruit.

Turn ons: None, yet.

Sexuality: gay

Kim Taehyung

Personality: Mostly quiet, keeps to himself, aloof, nonchalant, disinterested unless its dancing or music, caring but only for certain people.

Likes: Japanese food, performing, keeping to himself, eating, some forms of attention.

Dislikes: Chinese food, marzipan, whiny girls, pink hair, being forced into certain situations.

Turn ons: brats, cute personalities, littles, being dominant, obedient partners.

Sexuality: gay

Jung Hoseok

Personality: Friendly, helpful, approachable, kinda nerdy, smart, can get offended easily.

Likes: dying his hair, shades, fashion, anything to do with science, probably you.

Dislikes: boring personalities, too much makeup, hair extensions on girls, strong perfume.

Turn ons: dirty talk, being able to switch in sex, being rough, degrading.

Sexuality: bisexual

Kim Seokjin

Personality: A little, Goofy, hilarious, generous, cutie, interested in what everyone else is doing.

Likes: cake, hugs, sitting on peoples laps, being with people, being happy, making friends.

Dislikes: being alone, not having cake, ginger beer, motorbikes, dancing, milk.

Turn ons: doesnt have any.


Sexuality: straight

Min yoongi

Personality: Mysterious, mute, somewhat friendly, shy, distant, stares alot.

Likes: drawing, painting, sketching, candy, staring, earphones, sitting in corners or against walls.

Dislikes: when people notice him staring, coffee, butter, peanuts, people who try to talk to him.

Turn ons: tall boys, brown short hair, doe eyes, in shape body types.

Sexuality: gay

Park Jimin

Personality: mocking, judgemental, dishonest, envious, untrustworthy, manipulative, steals other peoples partners.

Likes: cute littles, feminine boys, loyal partners, makeup, silk shirts, ripped jeans.

Dislikes: girls, brats, disobedient partners, people who disagree with him, the colour green.

Turn ons: rough fucking, ropes, handcuffs, degrading, hickeys, scratch marks.

Sexuality: gay

Kim Namjoon

Personality: Chill, calm, understanding, intelligent, helpful.

Likes: Writing music, drawing, spending time in his dorm, sleeping.

Dislikes: loud people, bad fashion, pop music, short skirts, tacky phone cases.

Turn ons: not many, but would share them with his significant other.

Sexuality: bisexual.

• • •

Jungkook P.O.V

Jungkook walked down the halls of his new university, keeping his suitcase close to him as many people strolled by. He was extremely nervous since he was in the dancing sector of the uni, having to perform his talent and art of dancing to other people.

His palms became sweaty and wet as he approached his dorm room, the door slightly open which refrained him from taking his key from his back pocket. His brown eyes slowly peeked through the small crack of the door only to see another boy in there, sitting on the bottom bunk.

Jeon took in a deep sigh and slowly creaked the surprisingly heavy door open, meeting eyes with the supposed older. "H-hello." He spoke out, the older tilting his head slightly as his eyes wandered down the boys front, then back to his hazelnut eyes.

"Hi." He spoke back, his voice slick like honey. Jeon only smiled in return and made his over into the stuffy room. "I'm Jeon jeongguk, you're new room mate." He gave him a big smile but the older just scoffed slightly in return as his eyes noticed the badge on jeons shirt.

"Dance major."

"Hmmph. Taehyung." He simply replied before his eyes averted away from the boy, back to his book he was reading. Jeon gulped down the thick saliva that formed in his throat and just nodded in return before setting down his suitcase sideways on the floor. "Oh! You're a dance major too?!" He spoke aloud with such excitement but the other just simply rolled his eyes.


He frowned. Opening up his suitcase he took out a few clothes and folded them into neat piles. "You dont like talking?" He asked, the other boy still not so interested in Jeon in the slightest.

"Not to you."

Jeon blinked for a few moments before letting out a tired but deep sigh. "I'm just trying to be nice."


He shook his head lightly and placed his neatly folded clothes into his side of the room, opening up the drawers. Jeon was extremely nervous and expected his room mate to be more respectful, but that wasnt the case at all.

It was the complete opposite.

He slid the clothes into the drawer one by one, feeling his face become a little hot. He was so disappointed and just wanted to look around the university before Taehyung upset him any more.

After he was finished he had walked over to the door and slowly closed it behind him, making his way up the long but posh hallway. People with all sorts of different fashion and trends passed by, smiling at Jeon, making him feel more at home.

"Morning!" A teacher had chimed, jeon bowing in return. After he had greeted a few teachers in the hallway, what was ahead is what really mattered to him.

The dance studio.

Jeon pattered his chunky Puma shoes across the squeaky shiny floor and peeked into the studio curiously as people were performing. His mouth slowly formed an O shape before suddenly someone tapped Jeon on the shoulders.

The boy slowly turned around to see a smaller looking one, his hair jet black and his figure skinny but muscular in places. "Move, please." His voice was quite high but also very demanding. "Oh, I'm sorry." Jeon apologised and scooted out of the way of the other boy.

He pushed past him and entered the dance studio, leaving the door open, giving him an opportunity to see what's it all about.

"Jimin ah! You're ruining the fucking shot!" A girl bellowed in a rather angry tone, her feet slightly stomping on the shiny black floor. "Alright! God... bitch." The boy, jimin, as the girl named him, moved out of the way and sat on a nearby bench.

He was quite surprised as the girl just adjusted the camera as she zoomed into a boy who was dancing in front of the mirror, some girls on the other side, admiring him.

"Right... r- I said RIGHT!" She screamed, her fists clenched as the boy who was dancing just stared at her in confusion but also in awe.

"Dont worry, honey." A small voice suddenly appeared at the side of jeons ear, making him jump slightly. "Worry about what?" He replied, jimin softly chuckling as he shook his head firmly.

"Dont worry about having her as your teacher. You have me." Jimin gave jeon a small wink, leaning against the wall as he scanned the younger with his hungry eyes.

"Oh, thank you. Are you teacher here?" He asked, curious.

"Ha! No... I'm just like you honey. Except I'm probably more experienced." Jimin said in a slightly mocking tone. Jeon blinked before shaking his head in somewhat disbelief.

"You cant just assume who's good and who's not. That's not very nice." Jeon said as he looked away from the smiley boy who just kept laughing.

"I'm sure taehyung will be better than you. I mean... he is the best here." He mumbled lightly before walking away, a soft prance in his step.

"The best here? We'll see about that." Jeon muttered in an angry tone, huffing as he watched a dance duo take place. Before he could get comfortable, jeon felt a rough push to his back, causing him to fall harshly to the ground.

"Ah!" He yelped as he hit the floor, groaning as he had hurt his wrist. "What did I say about getting in my way?! Move!" A much older man hissed as he walked past Jeon, leaving him there bewildered as his wrist throbbed terribly.

"Oh poor baby~ are you alright?" He heard jimin cooe as he stood over him, giggling.

"Get away from me." Jeon suddenly hissed and quickly stormed out of the dance studio and back into his dorm room. Taehyung was no where to be found so he just sat on the bottom bunk as tears rolled down his red cheeks.

He was exhausted and most of all disappointed. The university was supposed to the best out there, but he felt like everyone hated him already.

Jeon just wanted to make friends but not by the way he was just treated, especially on his first day.

After a while of crying and feeling sorry for himself he had gotten back up and made his way back to the dance studio, walking in just as taehyung was performing.

He was performing a very slow but elegant dance.

Taehyung's silver blonde hair was messy and slightly wet from the patches of sweat that had formed on his forehead. His hands were placed on his hips as they guided him in such a sexy way.

Jeon felt a little flustered watching him so moved his eyes elsewhere.

"I told you he was good." Jimin said to Jeon, trying to initiate another conversation but Jeon just kept to himself and fiddled with the silver rings wrapped around his slender fingers.

"Dont like talking to me baby?" Jimin scoffed, placing his hand on jeons upper thigh. He slapped his hand away harshly and gave him a harsh, dirty glare. "Dont touch me." Jeon said in a exasperated tone, taking in a deep breath.

"Hmm... we've got a bratty one have we?" Jimin laughed as he sat back in his chair, rolling his eyes. Taehyung soon finished his performance and it was now time for Jeon to test his metal.

He stood up as some eyes averted in his direction. Jeon softly patted down  his jeans as he made his way to the stage, his cheeks painted a deep cherry colour.

"Just make it up yeah?" The girl from before said, getting ready to roll the camera.

All Jeon saw as he got into his starting position was taehyungs deep, dark intense stare from the back of the room, licking his lips as he did so.


"Yes! I'm ready..." he sighed, not even prepared for what was about to happen next.

• • •

I've only proofread this twice so if there are any mistakes please point them out for me so I can edit it. Thanks!

What do you think of this so far?

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