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Hey guys Nightingale here with a new story for all of you. Please don't worry, the other stories will continue, but I thought it would be better for me to have a different universe to writte so I wouldn't make predicable chapters or cliché things in my DxD stories as I think you wouldn't appreactive me writting that for you. But without further ado, sit back, relax and enjoyyyy ...


No one's P.O.V

Yggdrasil. A massive DMMO-RPG released in 2126 and stood as the King of all games for more than a decade due to his extensive map and unusualy high amount of freedom given to players. From the number of Races and Classes to chose to the number of builds and even Npc's, Yggdrasil alowed the greatest customization and freedom of any game to it's players.

Unfortunatly, not everything lasts forever and everything good must come to an end eventually. 12 years after it's release, Yggdrasil's servers were finally being shutdown and the time for it's final moments had arrived.

In one of the remaining guild halls that had not been abadoned yet, remained two players seated on a large round table. One of them looked like a purple blob and the other a very large skeleton wearing expensive looking garnets.

Herohero: Hey there. It's been a really long time, Momonga-san.

The purple slime greeted in a very tired tone.

Momonga: Honestly, I didn't think that you would come Herohero-san. It has been two years hasn't it?

The skeleton said in a somewhat relieved and joking tone.

Herohero: It's been that long? This is bad. I've been doing so much overtime lately that my concept of time is all messed up.

Herohero said in the same tired tone. To his friend, he looked exausted.

Momonga: Isn't that a pretty bad symptom?

Herohero: My body? It's completly worned out.

Momonga: Whoaa.

He trully was working to hard. 

Herohero: I'm sorry. I didn't come here just to complain.

The slime apologized.

Momonga: Please don't worry about it.

Momonga reassured his friend sending a smile emoji. Herohero looked at the time and knew that it was time to say goodbye.

Herohero: Oh, I have to go soon. I'm way too sleepy.

Momonga: Oh! Please rest well.

He said in a sad tone, but still sending another smile emojy to his friend.

Herohero: I'm really sorry about this.

His friend apologized.

Herohero: Momonga-san, thank you for all of your hard work. I hope we meet each other again somewhere.

And those were his last words before logging out of Yggdrasil for the last time.

Momonga: Today is the last day that the servers of Yggdrasil 's servers will run so ...

He still tried to say another thing to his friend but he was already gone.

Momonga: (sigh) I hope we meet again somewhere, huh? Just when and where would that be?*

He spoke quietly to himself in a depressed tone before falling in silence.



Momonga yelled as he he slammed his closed fist against the table.

Momonga: This is the Great Tomb of Nazarick that we all build together. How can you give it up so easily?!

He angrelly asked before once again falling into silence.

Momonga: (thoughts) No, that's not it.

He said as he got up from his chair and looked a beautifull golden staff entwined by seven serpents and in each of the squirming serpents' mouths hold a jewel of a different color. The guild weapon, Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown.

Momonga: (thoughts) No one has betrayed me. That's right. Everyone's livelihood was at stake. There were  people that even made their dreams come true. It can't be helped that they all chose real life in the end.

He picked up the staff and was about to leave the room, but a voice stopped him from doing it.

????: Why the gloomy face Momonga-kun.

Recognizing the teasing but caring tone of voice, Momonga quickly turned around to see the face of another one of his friends. 

Unlike him and Herohero, this friend had a slightly more friendly looking avatar. The avatar had the appearence of a 2 meters tall, red eyed and black furred rabbit standing on two legs dressed in a black suit pants and shoes and a long overcoat of the same color. Inside of the coat he weared a greenish waistcoat and a small noble's red scarf and to finish his looks, a black top hat that didn't stood in the way of his long black ears.

Momonga: Lucky Little Feet-san!

Lucky: There's no need to be so surprised Momonga-kun, it's the last day of the server is it not?

The big rabbit asked sending him a smiling emote.

Momonga: I-I just didn't thought you would be able to come here since you always have to wake up early to open your café.

Lucky: Hahaha, it's just for once. Today is the last oportunity I have to visit the Great Tomb, so I had to come.

Momonga: Thank you for coming. How long will you stay?

Lucky just went to his side as they both now stood at the exit of the room.

Lucky: For as long as the servers allow me my friend.

Momonga was happy. Someone other than him decided to make a small sacrifice and stay in the place that they all build together until the last moments.

Momonga: Thank you very much.

Lucky: Don't mention it. Shall we go, Guild Master?

The big rabbit said as he gestured Momonga to go foward. Both of them started to walk down one of the great halls of Nazarick side by side looking around and re-membering their adventures with their friends in the game. As they were going down a set of stone stairs, Lucky suddently stopped.

Momonga: Is everything alright Lucky Little Feet-san?

He asked but his friend just stood there, with his avatar's red eyes staring at him.

Lucky: Would it be too selfish if I said I wanted to visit that place one more time?

Momonga knew the place that he was talking about and just shook his head.

Momonga: Not at all, that is the place you builded with all of your time and resources, it's normal that you want to see it one last time.

Lucky: But-

Momonga: Don't worry about me "Professor". I'm already more than satisfied that you came, so go.

Lucky was about to say something but he stopped himself from doing it.

Lucky: Thank you Guild Master. It was a pleasure playing with you, if you ever have a chance please make a stop in Inaba and I'll serve you some coffe in my café.

With those last words the big rabbit teleported away to another location.

Momonga: I'll do it.

Momonga whispered as he slowly turned away to continue on his way to the throne room.

???? - Great Tomb of Nazarick

Once the teleportation spell was done, Lucky Little Feet found himself alone inside a great forest. The view around him was mesmerizing. It was nightime, but the the large tree's leafs shinned with all of the colours of the rainbow illuminating the darkness with a breath taking show of lights. 

The ground was full of a green carpet of grass and flowers and Lucky saw the creatures of his forest playing, jumping or flying around, not knowing about their final moments.

Lucky: (thoughts) Thinking back, I was really selfish. I made Tír na NÓg so big and beautifull, but never allowed them to set a foot in here.

He thought as he walked down a path and looked around to see the creatures continuing to do their things. Once in a whille he would pass by a couple of marble statues with many shapes and sizes with a small blue fire balls floating around them.  

Lucky: I spended so much time and gold expanding this place and creating each statue and creature in this place that thinking about it now makes me think that I may have gone a bit too far with the customization of this place.

He walked and walked remembering the fond memories of making the place he was in, until he stopped at the bottom of a big tree that near its roots had a couple of steps and a wooden door with a small lantern illuminating them. He walked foward and sat at the middle of the steps.

TIME: 23:59:15

Lucky: (thoughts) Only a couple more seconds huh?

TIME: 23:59:18

Lucky: (thoughts) Only a couple more seconds and all will be over.

TIME: 23:59:20

Lucky: (thoughts) It was a lot of fun. Probably most amount I ever had in my life.

TIME: 23:59:26

Lucky: (thoughts) But it will all end now.

He said in a sad tone.


A sob was heard in the cheerfull forest and it came from it's creator.

Lucky: (thoughts) You are cruel God, taking away the only place where I can be myself from me.

TIME: 23:59:38

Lucky: (thoughts) *sob* I worked soo hard my entire life and now you're telling me to hide myself behind a mask all over again *sob*.

Has sad as he was, his avatar didn't transmite that sadness. His sad cry was not seen in his avatar's face as it remained with the a stoic expression. No matter how much he wished for it, Lucky Little Feet was only a avatar, a thing he wished to be, but could never become.

TIME: 23:59:45

As one of the sheep looking creatures flyed by, he streached his arms and grabbed it, placing it in his lap.

Lucky: (thoughts) At least least, I'll be able to save this place in my heart as a solace.

TIME: 23:59:50

He slowly started to close his eyes and letted his tears tickle his face on their way down, outside the game.

Lucky: (thoughts) Goodbye ...

TIME: 23:59:57

Lucky: (thoughts) Little heaven of mine.

And so, he closed his eyes waiting for the end to come and kicking out of his dream...

TIME: 23:59:58


TIME: 23:59:59


TIME: 00:00:00




????: Lucky-sama?!


Annnnnnnd done! And so, and new story starts, and with it a new character, Momonga will not be alone from now on (shocking right?), but the questio is: How will he change things up? Only the future will tell. As always, leave me your comments suggestions and doubts and feel free to message me if you want, don't be shy, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!

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