Meeting the guardians

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Hello guys Nightingale here! Sorry I took so long but as I said, school is taking a toll on me so I'm not able to update as usually as I wanted to so I hope you guys can understand it because, as we all know, school can be a real bitch sometimes. But your not here to listen to my complains so sit back, relax and enjoyyyyy ...


Tír na NÓg - Great Tomb of Nazarick

Lucky: Hm?!

Lucky Little Feet found himself confused at the moment. The countdown for the end of Yggdrasil had already ended but somehow, he was still in the game. Not only that, but also the strange behaviour of the creatures he made also confused him a lot.

????: What's the problem my King?! ...

???? 2: Why do you cry?!

In front of him stood the spectral shapes of different persons. They variated from ages and genders but they all had clothes and equipment from warriors of diferent places and ages. True to this people's words, Lucky had tears falling down of his face. He raised a hand to his face in order to clean them, and noticed something.

Lucky: (thoughts) Eh?! What the hell's happening?!Why I'm I so fluffy?! Why can I feel the things I touch in the game?! And why are they speaking outside of the set dialogue?!

The took his hand from his face and started poking the area in front of him, but nothing happened, also noticing his furry hands.

Lucky: (thoughts) Where is the console and the menu?! I can't even do a GM call!

???? 3: My King, is everything ...

???? 4: Alright?

The spirits asked, finishing each others sentences.

Lucky: (thoughts) Ok calm down! At least you know that you are still in the place you created, so answer him the calmest way possible.

Lucky: It's nothing Legion. I just had a little nightmare hahaha.

His voice sounded different too. It was a lot smoother and strangly child like, has he answered the spirit called Legion with a energetic tone.

Legion: There's no need ...

Legion 2: To lie my King ...

Lucky quickly jumped up to get back on his feet.

Lucky: Do you not trust my words Legion?

As soon as those words left his lips, the crowd of spirits immediately fell down to their knees.

Legion: I wouldn't dare distrust you my King ...

Legion 2: Please, forgive me.

Now Lucky felt a bit uncomfortable.


Lucky: Raise Legion, I was merely joking. I know you would never say or think something to offend me.

Of of the spirits got up and bowed.

Legion: I'm unworthy ...

Legion 2: Of such words.

Lucky nodded and started to walk around a bit, still holding the sheep looking insect in his arms.

Lucky: (thoughts) Let me re-check what I found until now. Somehow, while waiting for a forced log out, I was teleported to a place that looked a lot like the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Not only that, but my floor, creatures and Floor Guardian are also here and I look like my avatar. Hmmmmm ...

Lucky: Tell me Legion. Have you felt something happening or changing a few minutes ago?

Legion: Sadly this loyal servant of yours felt nothing my King.

Lucky: (thoughts) It seems like I was the only one noticing this change. WAIT A SECOND! Maybe I was not the only one!

Lucky: Legion I believe that something may have happened in the upper floors of Nazarick so I'll go to the throne room where Momonga may be to discuss things with him. I want you to gather the guardians and protect this floor with everything you got in the meanwhille. Understood?

The Legion of spirits took out their weapons and holded them with a thight grasp.

Legion: If that is your wish ...

Legion 2: Then it shall be done.

Lucky nodded and thought of something to help him leave his floor. He looked at the ring on one of his fingers and closing his eyes, he disappeared moments later.

Throne Room

Not a second later after he teleported away, Lucky Little Feet found himself in the throne room. He took a glance at one of the rings in his hand and was amazed.

Lucky: (thoughts) It looks like there is no need to give the item a command like in Yggdrasil, I only need to think about what I want the item to do, and it will happen. Intriguing.

Remembering about the reason for his visit at the throne room, Lucky started looking around, however, he saw no one. 

Lucky: (thoughts) He's not here. I thought for sure that he would be here moments before the end of the game. Was I hoping too much for both of us to be here?

Whille lost in his thoughts the great decorated door to the room was opened and from it came a girl. She was gorgeous young woman with long golden hair and golden eyes wearing a maid uniform and with her, she brought a couple of cleaning tools. 

As she was about to start her duties she took notice of the figure in the middle of the room.

????: W-Who are you?! How did you get in here?!

She asked now holding a broom as a weapon. Lucky simply took a glance from his side, still with his back turned to her.

Lucky: (thoughts) She must be one of the Homuculus Maids. One of the forty-one artificially man-made humanoid beings made by many of us, as Npc's to be responsible for the various minor miscellaneous jobs. Even so, I must not underestimate her. I know nothing about this word so in a way, she has an advantage. But how the hell doesn't he know me? Legion knew me right away. Is it a bug in the system?

Lucky: Please do not be afraid little maid, I don't mean any harm.

But the maid kept her guard up.

????: I can't believe in the words of an intruder!

The maid continued with her defensive attitude, but in reality, she was shaking with fear.

????: (thoughts) This is bad! That person is as strong as the Supreme Beings. Momonga-sama is in danger.

She took notice that she was still near the still open doors.

????: (thoughts) If I can just made him lose sight of me for a while, then I can warn the others.

Slowly she began to take small steps back in the door's direction.


He mentally panicked.

Lucky: (thoughts) If I get surrounded by the forces of Nazarick I'LL SERIOUSLY DIE!!!

She continued going backwards as Lucky tried to come up with the plan to get out of this situation. It was at that time that lightbulb was lit inside of his brain.

Lucky: That's a good plan.

He said in a happy and energetic tone that his usual self wouldn't have in a situation like this, making the maid freeze in place.

Lucky: You saw that you couldn't win, so you thought of a plan to escape throught that door and warn the forces of Nazarick so theycould hopefully subdue me.

????: (thoughts) HE KNOWS!!!

In response to her panick, Lucky started to slowly clap his hands together as he walked foward towards her.

Lucky: Wonderfull! Simply wonderfull! It's so reassuring to know that even the Homuculus Maids are able to come up for the best possible solutions to protect The Great Tomb of Nazarick!

He declared happily confusing the maid even more with his words.

????: How do you know about us?!

The girl asked surprised.

Lucky: Of course I would know about you dear.

He said in a matter of fact tone.

Lucky: After all ...

Once he got close enough to the young maid he raised his hand an pointed at one of the rings in it.

Lucky: I helped create this place.

The girls eyes went wide as she grabbed to take a closer look a the ring.


Lucky: (thoughts) Oh thank God! It seems like the ring that only the guild members have made her lower her guard a bit.

????: But how? Only the Supreme Beings can use one!

Lucky: (thoughts) Supreme Beings? Is she refering to the Guild Members?

Lucky: Well I guess that makes me one of them dear.

She looked at him in the eyes, or rather up into his eyes do to the size difference.

????: J-Just who may you be?

Lucky leaned down a bit getting really close to her face.

Lucky: Only if you tell your name first dear.

The maid cheeks lit themselves with a small blush as the figure in from of her was only milimeters away of her face.

Cixous: I-It's Cixous sir.

He got even closer to her, making their noses touch and giving her a esquimo kiss.

Lucky: Don't be so nervous dear Cixous. I'm just a friendly little rabbit~

Her hearth-beat sky rocketed at the his gesture. But she was not the only one ...

Lucky: (thoughts) WHAT THE HELL I'M I DOING?!!! 

Lucky too was panicking, thinking that the young girl may see him as a pervert.

Lucky: (thoughts) I already had a good view back there, but now that I'm real close I can tell for sure, this girl is gorgeous.

Lucky: T-Tell me Cixous, do you know where Momonga is?

The poor maid could barely give a whisper from the embarassement she was feeling right now.

Cixous: I-In the Sixth Floor in a meeting with the guardians sir.

Lucky: G-Good. I need to be going now, k-kept the good work.

And with no further words, he teleported away leaving the young girl to use a nearby all as support to keep her from falling as her heart continued to race at an rate. Just who was this misterious man that appeared in front of her?

6th Floor

The 6th floor of Nazarick.  A place about 200 meters in height, created by Blue Planet, holding  a fake sky on it's ceiling, reproducing the day and night cycle that changes according to the time of day.

As soon as Lucky reached it, he fell back on his bottom with a hand where his heart should be.

Lucky: (thoughts) WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! I felt like I was possessed! I just wanted to get close to her, but it was like she was hypnotizing me with her natural charms!

He took a couple of deap breaths to calm himself down and got up. Then, he started patting his pants to clear them from any dirt and fixed his top hat. As soon as he was done, he started to hear voices inside of the arena in the middle of the 6th floor's Amphitheater.

Lucky: (thoughts) It must be them. I don't know how will the Guardians react to me so I need to take some precautions. It's not the best time, but my life may be on the line so let's test it.

Lucky: Wild Stealth

Lucky felt a thingling sensation on his body as a pale green aura enveloped him for a few seconds. He then walked until he got to the arena's balcony and saw all his friends talking to the guardians as they where on one knee, bowing to him.

Momonga: And lastly, I wanted to ask each Floor Guardian something. First we'll start with you Shalltear. What kind of a person am I to you? 

His friend made the question to a short statured girl with the appearance of a buxom fourteen-year-old girl. She could be described as a true beauty with pale shiny skin, seductive crimson-red eyes, and fine facial featuresand a silver hair is tied in a ponytail through a large ribbon on top of it all, allowing others full view of her face and a soft black evening dress with a big heavy skirt covering her body.

Lucky: (thoughts) Shalltear Bloodfallen. The True Vampire that is the Guardian of the three first floors of Nazarick. (smile) Still can't believe that the pervert actually managed to create something so cute.

Shalltear: A crystalliztion of beauty and one of most beautifull persons in this world.

She answered with a seductive tone.

Momonga: Sebas.

He turned his attention to a elderly butler, dressed gracefully in a traditional black uniform. with hair that was  entirely white and a immaculate beard with the same color.

Lucky: (thoughts) Sebas Tian. His not one of the guardians but also a high-ranking Npc being the Head Butler. He's also the sole creation of our first Guild Master, Touch Me.

Sebas: The head of all the Supreme Beings and the merciful leader who stayed behind with us until the end.

Momonga: Mare and Aura.

This two guardians were children with dark skin and pointed ears, a signature trait of the dark elves. They both had golden hair and heterochromia, with one of their eyes baing blue and the other green. They were both dressed in two white uniforms but both for diferent genders (even if they weren't in the correct gender of the children).

Lucky: (thoughts) Aura Bella Fiore and Mare Bello Fiore. The twin Dark Elves created by Buckubuckuchagama to be this floor's Guardians. Still trying to figure out why she criticised Peroronchino of being a pervert when she made her creations traps and crossdressers.

Mare: A-A very kind person.

Aura: A mercifull leader who excels at foresight.

Momonaga: Cocytus.

The next one had the appearance of an insect walking on two feet and a fusion between a mantis and an ant with a tail twice as long as his height and covered in sharp spikes like icicles and strong jaws. 

Lucky: (thoughts) Cocytus, the creation of Warrior Takemikazuchi. A Vermin Lord with the both the personality and concept of a true warrior, as well as the Guardian of the 5th Floor.

Cocytus: A being stronger than all of the guardians. A man worthy to be the absolute ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Momonga: Demiurge.

Next was a tall man with dark skin and nicely combed black hair. Behind his round glasses were eyes so squinted that they are not normally visible and he was wearing a British suit with a tie,  like a gentleman. Behind his back was a silver tail, covered with metal plates and six long spikes at the end.

Lucky: (thoughts) Demiurge, my dear friend's creation, this one I can't hope to forget. The Demon Guardian of the 7th Floor and the Npc leader of the defensive actions. 

Demiurge: A man who makes wise decisions and acts upon them efficiently. A man who truly fits the word "inscrutable".

Momonga: And lastly Albedo.

The last one was a woman of impeccable beauty with lustrous jet-black hair and the face of a goddess. She had eyes with golden irises and vertically split pupils and a pair of thick horns protruding crookedly coming from her temples, and on her waist were a pair of black angel wings.

She was wearing a pure white dress with silky gloves covering her slender hands and a golden spiderweb necklace that covers her shoulders and chest.

Lucky: (thoughts) Lastly, we have Albedo. The Overseer of all the Guardians and the Npc with the highst ranking in Nazarick. She also looks gorgeous, but knowing Tabula and his gap moe, it wouldn't surprise me if her mentality didn't match her beauty.

Albedo: The highest ranking of all the Supreme Beings an our ultimate master. As well as the man I love!

She admited with a healthy blush, worthy of any highschool girl in love.

Lucky: (thoughts) Called it.

He though with a sweatdrop, before looking around one more time.

Lucky: (thoughts) That means that the only ones missing are Gargantua and Victim. It was a good decision to leave them in their Floor.

Lucky took notice at the absense of two of the guadians. What he didn't notice, was that his skill's aura was getting fainter and fainter, and that didn't go unnoticed by the guardians.

Albedo: Who's there?!!!

The Guardian Overseer asked as all of the guardian's got up and ready to protect their master.

Cocytus: Hiding is futile. We can sense your aura from here. Show yourself.

The Vermin Lord said as he gripped his halbard and a gust of cold air left his jaws. They waited for a few second before seeing something coming out of the balcony and high into the air. Lucky landed near all of them, creating a small dirt cloud as he holded his tp hat with one hand and dusted his clothes with the other.

Lucky: Why so hostile little ones?~

He asked in a playfull tone, contradiction his mind who was fearfull of the Guardians could actually do to him. The reactions were mostly hostile, but not all of them.

Albedo: How did you get in here?!

Demanded Albedo, not liking the cheerfull attitude of the "intruder".

Lucky: The same way as him.

Said Lucky while pointing at Momonga who had his jaw, literally, dropped.

Aura: Oi! Don't point your finger at Momonga-sama!!!

Aura was the next to show her displeasure towards the black rabbit's atitude.

Cocytus: That does not matter. Don't resist and accept your fate with honor.

As this words were being said, Shalltear looked at the intruder with a teary expression.

Albedo: If you decided to tell us how you got so far into Nazarick, I at least promise you a swift a painless death bug.

Momonga didn't like how things were going for his friend and decided to interfere.

Momomong: All of you-

Demiurge: YOU FOOLS!!!

Before he could actually say something, the booming voice of Demiurge gained the attention of most people in the arena and scaring Mare in the preocess. Tthe Demon Guardian didn't look happy at all.

Demiurge: Do you have any idea to who you are speaking to?!

He asked angered not with the "intruder", but with his comrades.

Albedo: Demiurge?

Albedo looked lost as to what triggered her friend's anger. Mare then saw Shalltear holding the sides of her dress and running towards the stanger with a desperate look on her face. Soon, the vampire found herself looking at Lucky afront to front as she took small steps in his direction now.

Shalltear: I-Is this possible?

She said as she took another step towards him.

Shalltear: A-Are you really him?

She asked finally getting near him and grabbing his clothes, leaving the rest of the Guardians even more confused. In response to her desperate answers, the tall black rabbit easely picked Shalltear up by her armpits so she could look at his face as his little nose twiched slightly from time to time.

Lucky: My~ You are as tempting as the first time I layed my eyes on you, Shalltear~

At those words, the little vampire threw herself at him and place her slim arms around him, giving him a warm embrace.

Shalltear: (Whisper) L-Lucky-sama.

Now that was a name that they remembered.

Mare: L-L-L-LUCKY?!!!

Aura: You got to be kidding!

Finally seeing that they understood the gravity of the situation, Demiurge sighed and placed himself in front of the others.

Demirge: Finally you understood. That's right. This person is none other than my creator's greatest friend as well as one of the Supreme Beings, Lucky Little Feet-sama.

He told them as he gestured towards Lucky, who still had Shalltear in his embrace as he gor closer.

Cocytus: It can't be!

Albedo: The illusive Supreme Being that lives in the forbidden last Floor where not even the other Supreme Beings could set foot on?! That Lucky Little Feet?!

They couldn't look more amazed right now.

Lucky: (thoughts) What the hell is this?! Why is she speaking of me like I'm some rare animal?!

Lucky: The one and only~

Immeadiately all of the guardians fell on to one knee once again.

Albedo: Please forgive us Lucky Little Feet-sama! We had no idea that it was you!

Demiurge and Shalltear patiently waited to see what kind of punishement would fall onto their friends for their foolishness ...


But they only saw him clapping his hands slowly.

Lucky: Wonderfull! Truely wonderfull! Just as I expected of you Guardians!

Once again they got confused. What was this black rabbit thinking?

Shalltear: My lord?

Lucky: It was all a test, little ones. 

Guardians and Momonga: A test?

Lucky: Yes. I wished to see your loyalty towards us and Nazarick ...

Lucky: (thoughts) What the fuck am I saying?

Lucky: For that I thought of testing both of those you knew me and those who didn't ...

Lucky: (thoughts) No seriously, WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING?

Lucky: As I expected, those you didn't knew me wanted to eliminate me as a possible treat as well as protect Momonga and the two who knew who I was were ready to protect me against their own comrades, exactly as I expected Guardians.

Knowing that it was all just a test gave them some peace of mind for their previous actions.

Albedo: Your kind words are waisted on us.

Albedo humbly thanked him.

Demiurge: As expected of Lucky-sama.

Lucky and Momonga: (thoughts) Eh?

Demiurge: You wished to know if we could forget about our comrades in case of a possible betrayal and eliminate them with no remorse. I could only expect such a thing from Ulbert-sama's greatest companion.

Lucky: (thoughts) Ok, how the fuck is did we get to that?!

The Guardians seemed to understand Demiurge's line of though and smile. 

Mare: S-So that was it!

Cocytus: The title of " Tricky Little Feet" is definatly sutted for him.

Lucky was about to say something until he saw Shalltear's look in him. She looked like a child in the arms of her idol as she glanced at him with her ruby like eyes full of admiration.

Lucky: (thoughts) But I ... I didn't meant to ... (sigh) Fuck it, MOVING ON!

Lucky: Congratilations on undertanding my plan Demiurge, I expected nothing less from my friends creation.

In response bowed his head even more.

Demiurge: Thank you very much.

The Supreme Being nodded and gently placed Shalltear down and gave her a head pat before she bowed and went to her place near her fellow Guardians.

He then walked towards the other supreme being in the room and whispered something as he joined him.

Lucky: (Whisper) We need to talk.


Annnnnnnn done! First oficial chapter is done and Lucky reunited himself with Momonga. The Floor Guardians were a bit hostile but not all of them so that's a plus. A bit of back story if you need: Lucky's best friend in the guild was Demiurge's creator, Ulbert and he also had a bit of a relation with Shalltear's creator, Peroronchino but I won't reveal the expecifics just now, only that during Yggdrasil, Lucky had Shalltear as a Bodyguard Npc in case something happened. 

As always, leave me yoour comments, suggestions and doubts, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!

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