Presentation and revelation

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Hey guys! Nightingale here! Respecting your votes, here is a new chapter for "Little Heaven of Mine". Not wanting to spoil the chapter too much, I'll only say that in this chapter you will all get to know what is the relation that Lucky has with some of the NPCs as well as bit on their views on him. Will that out of the away and since you guys are not here to hear me babling, sit back, relax and enjoyyyyyyy ...


6th floor of Nazarick

To say that Momanga was surprised was a huge understatement. From the sadness of watching the place that he and his friends made disappearing for ever, to the sudden teleportation to a world where all of Nazarick and his friends's creations became sentient and alive somehow and now, after thinking that he was all alone on this new world, he found that Lucky Little Feet was also with him.

Momonga: Lucky-san, you're here.

He was indead surprised, but for some reason his voice didn't transmit that feeling like he wanted to. Thankfully, his friend didn't seem to mind that.

Lucky: I'm glad to see you too old friend but sadly it's not the time for a happy reunion. You felt that as well didn't you?

At first Momonga didn't understood why was he acting like that, but that sudden feeling of calmness and reasoning washed all over him again and he immeadiately understood the real meaning behind Lucky's words. He was role-playing, just like they did back in Yggdrassil.

Momonga: Yes. I was in the throne room with Albedo and Sebas when I felt something strange happening.

Lucky nodded.

Lucky: (thoughts) So it happened the same thing to him too. The only difference was that he was in the thone room when it happened.

Lucky: Do we have any information on what happened?

He questioned his friend continuing with his role-play. To the Floor Guardians, it looked like their leaders were exchanging information and ideas to decide the best course of action to defend Nazarick, but in reallity, the two players were sharing informations on their own situation, all under their noses.

Momonga: We are not where we used to be. The swamps around Nazarick are gone and we are surrounded by plains with no forests or trees now.

Lucky: So we are completly exposed to outside treats.

Momonga: Unfortunatly. How are things in the last floor?

The Guardians leaned slightly foward at Momonga's question. Both Lucky and the last floor of Nazarick that he ruled over became a sort of urban legend for the NPCs over the years. They knew that they were both true since the other Supreme Beings talked about them, but aside from that, only just stories and rummors. 

Lucky: Everything was like in the upper floors, normal.

Momonga hummed and nodded.

Momonga: (thoughts) So everything there also becamed alive somehow, but other than that it's just like designed.

Momonga: It's best we go to the office and discuss this in private Lucky-san.

Lucky understood what he was thinking and nodded.

Lucky: I agree, let's go.

Both the Supreme Beings then turned their attention towards the Guardians.

Momonga: Guardians, me and Lucky-san will be discussing the current situation at my office, go fulfill your orders and interrupt us only if you gain any relevant information.

Albedo: We have heard your great words Momonga-sama.

Albedo answered in the name of all the Guardians present.

Momonga: Good. (turns to Lucky) Let's go Lucky-san.

At that moment, Shalltear raised her head up and extended her hand in Lucky's direction wanting to say something, but stopped herself and lowered her head once again.

Lucky: Raise your head Shalltear.

She fliched thinking that they didn't saw her, but obeyed the black rabbit's orders and raised her head to look at him.

Lucky: Tell us what's in your mind Shalltear.

He spoke in a calm and playfull tone so he didn't scare the small vampire. 

Shalltear: I-It's nothing Lucky Little Feet-sama. It was just a thought that possessed me for a second, something unimportant for the Supreme Beings.

She told him in an ashamed tone. Lucky just stood there staring at her with his red eyes without saying anything. 

Lucky: Are you afraid that I may disappear again Shalltear?

She flinched once again and didn't dare to look at him in the eye this time.

Shalltear: Y-Yes.

The Guardians kept silent during the whole conversation, but among them, Demiurge felt the same. After the loss of his creator, Lucky's sudden appearence was a ray of hope for the demon and because of it, he was afraid that the ray of hope was going to eventually disappear and leave him in the darkness again.

Lucky: I'm not going anywhere anymore, Shalltear.

Lucky suddently said making every Guardian raise their heads to look at him and see the big rabbit smiling.

Lucky: Now that I layed my eyes on you, and you on me, I'm no longer a story or a ghost that was nothing but that. I'm one of your leaders and you my subordinates. There's no way that I could face my friends if I left their children behind is it?

He continued to smile with his little nose twitching once in a whille.

Albedo, Aura, Mare and Shalltear: (thoughts) S-So cute.

His words were in fact emotional, but for the women and younger boy, seeing a big fluffy bunny dressed in clothes and smiling at them with his little nose twitching was just too much.

Demiurge: We are eternaly gratefull Lucky-sama.

Thankfully, the demon's words brought them all back to reality.

Lucky: Hahaha, I see. Then let's all do our jobs right now alright? (turns to Momonga) Let's go Momonga.

At that moment and not a second later, both of the Supreme Beings teleported away leaving the Guardians alone with each other in the arena.

Mare: T-That was really scary wasn't it Onee-chan?

Said the dark elf as they all got up.

Aura: Seriously, I thought we were going to be squashed by the pressure.

Said his older sister in relieve.

Cocytus: To think that they would be this impressive.

Albedo: So that's Momonga-sama when he truely shows himself as our leader~

Said Albedo while in the middle of her day dream, completly forgeting that Momonga was not the only Supreme Being with them at the time.

Demiurge: So it seems. 

While adjusting his glasses, Demiuge saw that Shalltear was still on her knees unlike them.

Demiurge: Is something wrong Shalltear?

Soon the others also looked at her.

Cocytus: What is wrong Shalltear?

Shalltear turned her face to them and they saw a visible red blush on her cheeks as she had a hand on her chest and sighed happily.

Shalltear: Being able to feel Lucky-sama's touch on me for such a long time is make my underwear go through a bit of a crisis.

To say that the ones that asked her the question were ... surprised, was a bit of at underestement, but they knew that she was created to be like this so they didn't say anything.

Albedo: You bitch!

Well, not all of them.

Shalltear: HUH?! Lucky-sama was so kind to bless us with is presence, we just received a great reward. A GIRL WHO DOESN'T GET WET BY SOMETHING LIKE THAT MUST BE CRAZY, YOU WIDE-MOUTHTED GORILLA!

Both the females Guardians started giving each other seriously intense murderer stares.


Shalltear: I was created to look this way by the Supreme Beings!

Albedo: That's the same for me you know?!

Do to the intense aura surrounding both of them, none of the other NPCs dared to aproach either of them to stop them.

Demiurge: Aura, I'll leave the issues between woman to another woman.

Aura: HEY, DEMIURGE! Are you planning on making me take care of this?!

By the time Aura was finished her question, Demiurge had already turned his back on her and started to walk away.

Demiurge: If something happens I'll intervene.

He calmly said, now being followed by the remaining male Guardians that also didn't want to be between Shalltear and Albedo in the state that they were at the moment.

Cocytus: Honestly. Is this something worth fighting over?


The desperate voice of the older dark elf was ignored as the three males kept walking away from her.

Demiurge: Personally, I would be really interested in the results.

Mare: Huh?

Mare didn't understood the demon's interest in the sudden fight that was taking place right now.

Demiurge: It would be a great addition to our forces and for the future of Nazarick.

Mare: Wh-What do you mean?

Even with his explanation, Mare still couldn't understand what Demiurge was thinking.

Demiurge: Great rulers should have heirs right?

Said Demiurge with a devilish smile.

Demiurge: Momonga-sama and Lucky-sama stayed behind with us until the end. But, they may leave for another place like the others someday. It would be nice to have someone who we could pledge our fidelity to in their place.

He said in a saddened tone.

Mare: Hum, s-so you mean that Shalltear and Albedo would give birth to their heirs?

Cocytus: What kind of blasphemy are you spouting?!

The ever serious Vermin Lord asked to his fellow Guardian.

Demiurge: Tell me, wouldn't it be nice to pledge ourselfes to our lord's descendants too?

Cocytus: Hmm! That would be nice. NO! THAT WOULD BE WONDERFUL! WHAT A WONDERFUL SITUATION! AHHHHHH~, to be called Uncle! ...

The 5th floor guardian enjoyed the idea soo much that he immediately became lost inside his own toughts.

Demiurge: By the way Mare ...

Mare: Hmm?

Demiurge: Why are you dressed like a girl?

The demon was refering to the dark elf's more, feminine, clothes that he was currently wearing.

Mare: Th-This is something that Bukubuku Chagama-sama chose for me. Um, she said it I was a "otoko no ko"  (basically a cross dresser) so I-I'm pretty sure that didn't mistake my gender.

Explained Mare. Demiurge just hummed in though.

Demiurge: The perhaps all young boys in Nazarick are supposed to be dressed like that.

Thought Demiurge taking in consideration what he just learned from one of the Supreme Beings. Oh, how wrong he was.

Demiuge: But that aside, COCYTUS! Comeback to reality if you would.

Cocytus slowly aproached them with a happy sigh in response to his friend's call.

Cocytus: What a wonderful scene. That is truly a scene to wish for.

Demiurge: I'm glad to hear it. ALBEDO! SHALLTEAR! Are you still both fighting?

He asked looking at where they were to see the girls in question out of breath and Aura shrugging her shoulders.

Aura: They finished fighting. But right now they are ...

Shalltear: We are deciding which Supreme Being each of us will be trying to charm.

Albedo: Fortunatly we chose different ones so there won't be a need to decide who would be the official wife. Personaly, I think I made the best choice.

Demiurge: If you are speaking in terms of position and power then I belive that both of them are equally matched in those regards.

Albedo: Huh?

Shalltear just giggled at her like she knew something that Albedo didn't.

Demiurge: I will explain in a better time. But, as interesting as it would be to talk about it, don't we have orders to fufill?

Both the girls adjusted their dresses and hairs to look more presentable.

Albedo: Yes. You're right. (turns to Shalltear) Shalltear, we'll discuss this at length at another time.

Shalltear: I have no problems with it.

Albedo: Then ...

She turned towards all of the Guardians present.

Albedo: Let us begin with the plans.

Tyr na NOg - Nazarick

Lucky: (thoughts) I know I should be expecting something like this but ...

After leaving the guardians on the 6the floor, Lucky and Momonga went to the Guild Master's office so they could talk freely without the need for role-playing messages. There they could finally say how relieved they both were that they were not alone in this strange new place and discuss what they would do next. What they decided was that first and above all, they should test their new found strenghts and see if their were able to use their skills and magic without problems as well as colect other types of information.

For that reason, Lucky went back to his floor and into his house. The interior was just as he setted it, simple but also refined and aesthetically pleasing. The problem was when he got to the lowest compartiment of the house. That place was full of small tools and materials carefully organized and placed all around a big working table and next to it, several diferent large boxes with a lable on it with the names of different materials. All and all, it looked like a very organized workshop. That wouldn't be a issue, IF, it wasn't for the multiple sculpted humanoid and beastly looking parts hanging from the ceiling in one part of the workshop.


Lucky thought with his jaw comically open before he went towards the working table, only for him to see a sculpted head on top of it.

Lucky: (thoughts) ... This is soo messed up.

He simply thought placing a hand on his face.

Lucky: (thoughts) Or it should be ...

He thought as he carefully picked the head up and stared at it.

Lucky: (thoughts) For some reason, since I got here I'm don't feel any fear from things like this. Not even the giant Vermin Lord that was Cocytus made me flinch. 

He carefully examined each inch of the sculpted head to see if it had any cracks or flaws.

Lucky: (thoughts) I need to make some more tests to see if the teory I have is true.

Lucky then placed the head back on the table.

Lucky: Let's make a deal ...

He said out loud, seemingly speaking to the strange thing that he had in his hands seconds ago.

Lucky: You won't stare into my soul, and I won't look at you, ok?

He said as he rotated the head to face the wall and away from him and started walking towards the exit, locking the door. After doing it, he placed two fingers on the side of his head.

Lucky: (telepathy) Sebas, are you there?

Lucky used the basic spell "Message" to send a mental message to the Head Butler and waited for his answer.

Sebas: (telepathy) I'm listening Lucky-sama. Do you wish for something?

Lucky: (telepathy) Yes. I think that it's about time that I revealed myself to the residents of Nazarick. 

Sebas: (telepathy) A-Are you certain my Lord?!

Lucky: (telepathy) The fact that they don't know what I even look like could become a problem in the future. Now that we are in this unknown place, we need to be united and not wondering if every person that may enter in Nazarick is actually me disguised. That's why I need to ask something from you.

Sebas: (telepathy) Please tell me your wish Lucky-sama.

Lucky: (telepathy) Gather all the Homunculus Maids and the Pleiades under your command and wait for me on the 10th floor by entrance of the room with the Cerberus Statue.

Sebas: (telepathy) The entrance to your floor?!

Lucky: (telepathy) Yes and please be as fast as you can.

Sebas: (telepathy) Understood. We'll all be there in 30 minutes my lord.

Lucky: (telepathy) Very well, then be on the Cerberus Statue in 30 minutes. Oh and, don't tell them anything about me Sebas. I'll do my introduction myself.

And with that, he ended the spell and the conversation.

Lucky: I guess I have 30 minutes to look presentable for the ladies. First impressions are everything.

10th floor - Nazarick

Cixous: I'm not lying!

Just like Sebas said he would do, he gathered the Pleades battle maids under his command and all of the Homunculus Maids under the request of one of the Supreme Beings and they were now all marching towards the designated spot. In the end of the line was the maid that Lucky found when he teleported to the throne room, Cixous, and two other maids.

????: It's kind of hard to believe what you said Cixous.

Said one of the two maids near her, a young woman with yellowish bobbed hair and green eyes. 

Cixous: But it's the truth Foire.

She insisted.

????: Cixous. Even the us, the maids, know of all the Supreme Beings in existence so I can say for sure that none of them is a walking bunny dressed in clothes.

The other young maid with long blonde hair shining mysteriously and wearing eyeglasses.

Fiore giggled a bit at her other friend's description.

Cixous: But he had a Ring of Ainz Ool Gown, I swear! I saw it with my own eyes Lumière!

Yuri: You three on the back, behave yourselves!

The autoritive voice came from woman walking besides Sebas. She could be considered a beauty with an intelligent look, wearing glasses and a wide blue necklace and her hair tied into a low-cropped bun at the back of her head. This woman is Yuri Alpha, the vice-captain of the Pleiades. 

The young maids muttered an apologie and kept following Sebas and the others in silence.

Cixous: (thoughts) I wasn't dreaming, he was there, I'm sure he was.

Cixous said to herself as they got closer to their objective without her knowing about it. 

Foire: Atchu!

Foire suddently sneezed.

Lumière: Bless you.

Foire: Thank you. It's just my impression or it suddently got real cold in here?

Lumière: No, it definatly got a bit colder. Just where are we going anyways?

Sebas: We arrived.

Sebas said suddently, answring her question, once they got in a large room with a frozen statue of a dog with three heads on the middle and chains around it and then stuck to the walls around the room. Behind it, stood a large set of doors with a great tree sculpted on it as well as a few characters too resembling small animals and fairies.

Yuri: This place is ... !

Solution: Sebas-sama we are not allowed to be here!

A blonde beauty with spiral curls and blue eyes, and uniform that emphasized her sex appeal suddently said after her vice-captain recognizing the place that they were in.

Solution: This is the sacred entrance to the last floor where the 41st Supreme Being lives. Not even the other Supreme Beings were allowed to go farther than this. 

Lupusregina: We shouldn't be here right? Let's go back.

The one supporting Solution's idea was another member of the Pleiades, Lupusregina. This one was also a young women of great beauty with slightly darker skin and red hair tied in two long braids, wearing maid uniform with short sleeves and long black gloves with a skirt that has a long slit on its left side, revealing thigh high white stockings. 

Sebas: Be at ease everyone. We have the authrorization to be here for now.

Maids: Eh?

That was strange, who had the authority do allow such a thing, Momonga?


As Sebas took the first step into the room, the air got a lot colder and in the middle of the room as the three sets of eyes that the statue had opened and, In a flash, the "statue" lunged at Sebas only to be stopped by the chains on it's body.

Cerberus: TURN BACK!!!

Spoke all of the heads of the creatures in unison as they all snarled directly at the man who had dared to set a foot inside of the room.

Cerberus: Beyond that door lies the Kingdom of the Fae ruled by one of the Supreme Ones!

Yuri: I don't believe we are as welcomed as you thought Sebas-sama.

Said Sebas's second in command pushing her glasses slightly up.

Cerberus: Only the great Oberon-sama can decide who can get in!

The heads spoke in a more agressive tone scaring the Homuclus Maids who were not made for battle and were suddently put in a dagerous situation when they were just trying to follow orders. 

Lupusregina: Oberon?

Lupusregina on the other hand was just confused to who was the person that this creature in front of them spoke of.

Sebas: I was told to meet someone in here at this exact time. I know you are merely doing your job just like me, but I have order from a Supreme One to enter this room so please step aside.


In response all the three heads lunged at him once again only to be stopped by the chains once again.


Sebas took a battle position and the Pleiades soon followed his example. In response, the Cerberus eyes became even more wild and the cold gusts of wind around him more intense. Both sides were now prepared for a fight to the death.

????: That will be enough, Amore.

The giant frost hounds's ears immediately perked up at the call and all of the three heads simultaneously looked at the giants doors he protected.

Everyone followed his example, confused to why he had lost all signs of hostility against them just from a few words. Behind him they saw the great doors very slowly opening and froze in wonder. The door to the place that many imagined to be heaven was opening right before their eyes, a vision that not even the creators of Ainz Ool Gown had ever been able to withness


From the blinding light that could hear steps coming the other side of the opened doors and there in the distance they saw a large but thin shadow gradualy getting bigger with each step. Soon enough the doors started to close again, allowing them to see once again and in front of them stood Lucky in all of it's glory.

Lupusregina: Who is h-


Before the Pleiade could finish her question, the Cerberus jumped away from them and in the dark rabbit's direction, landing in front of him with all of his three heads lowered to the ground in submission.

Amore: My liege! I did not know that you would be coming. Welcome to the room that I guard. I was just getting rid of some pests that dared set foot at the entrance to your domain.

Lucky approached the giant dog and placed a hand on one of his snouts.

Lucky: There will be no need for that Amore. I asked them to be here.

Amore then started to shake as all of his ears dropped much like a real dog would.

Amore: I-I did not knew that they were your guests Oberon-sama. Please forgive me for my foolishness.

Instead of a punishment, all that the loyal guardian got was a bit more weight on top of his middle head. His three pairs of eyes looked up to see Lucky seated on top of the middle head petting it down.

Lucky: I have nothing to forgive little Amore, you were doing the job I told you to do with exceptional mastery. It should be me that should ask you to forgive me, none of this would have happened if I had warned you first.

Amore: F-Forgive you?! You have done nothing that would require asking such a thing to a lowly servant my liege! Your kind words are wasted on me.

The guests were still trying to understand the confusing mess of events that happened and was still happening when Sebas suddently fell to one knee and bowed his head at the creature that had just arrived.

Sebas: We are all here as for your orders, Lucky-sama.

As soon as that name came from his mouth, the maids paled and continuously looked back and forth between Sebas and Lucky in shock. Seeing that this wasn't a joke, they all fell on their knees bowing to the Supreme Being before them.

Lucky: Hmm, good work gathering everyone in here in such a short notice Sebas.

Sebas: Thank you very much.

Lucky hummed and looked down from Amore's head to see the confused faces that everyone had.

Lucky: (thoughts) As I expected, none of them knew who I was. I would rather keep it my character misterious, but the situation could get worse if continued like that.

Lucky: Thank you all for gathering here tonight, Nazarick's Maids. Looking at your faces I see that introductions are in need. Just like Sebas said, I'm in fact Lucky Little Feet, the ruler of what lies here and behind that door.

He said pointing over his shoulder at the door behind him. Never on their wildest dreams, the maids thoughts that they would be able to lay their eyes on the creature before them.

Lucky: The one who welcomed you to my floor's entrance here is Amore, a creation of mine. It's his work to make sure that no one goes farther than this so forgive him if he wasn't too welcoming of you.

They all just nodded still in shock.

Sebas: Pleiades battle maids, step foward.

Yuri: Yes!

At Yuri's voice, all of the 6 maids got up and took a step foward just like they were asked to. At that moment, Lucky jumped form Amore's head landing right in front of them. 

Yuri: Deputy leader of the Pleiades, Yuri Alpha. I bow to the Supreme one.

Said Yuri as she bowed her head at the tall creature. Next to her, Lupusregina imitated her gesture with a big smile.

Lupusregina: Pleiades Battle Maid, Lupusregina Beta. I bow to the Supreme one.

She was followed by a young and elegante looking woman with snow-white skin and a black-pony tail wearing a white bonnet in place of a helmet, and black armor decorated in gold and silver in the likeness of a maid uniform. This was Naberal Gamma.

Naberal: Pleiades Battle Maid, Naberal Gamma. I bow to the Supreme one.

She said it in a more serious tone compared to her previous comrade. Aafter her, it was the turn of a short girl with straight red-gold long hair wearing a eyepatch over her left eye, while her right eye has revealed a emerald color and target-mark on the pupil. Her face was very delicate,  as if it was artificially crafted by hand. To end her looks, she weared accessories with military camouflage patterns on her uniforms. This was CZ2128 Delta or simply CZ, the most popular maid in all of Nazarick.

CZ: Pleiades Battle Maid, CZ2128 Delta. I bow to the Supreme one.

He said in a flat tone hidding any emotion.

Solution: Pleiades Battle Maid, Solution Epsilon. I bow to the Supreme one.

And to finish the squad, the last one had the appearance of a young girl wearing traditional Japanese attire with cute red eyes that seemed to never move or blink, with mauve hair with twin chignon. Her name was Entoma.

Entoma: Pleiades Battle Maid, Entoma Vasilissa Zeta. I bow to the Supreme one.

And with that the introductions were done. They waited to see if they pleased Lucky, but he remained silent. Suddently he walked towards Yuri who immeadiately bowed her head in fear that she did something to upset him, but he calmly placed his furry hand under her chin and made her look at him.

Yuri: P-Please forgive me if I said something that displeased you Lucky-sa-

But he just placed a finger in front of his lips to tell her to be quiet and she frightfully did so. After that, his hands went towards her glasses and pulled them up slightly. As if that wasn't confusing enough, his hands then went to her blue bow-tie adjusting it and then he took sometime looking at her from head to toe before going to Lupusregina fixing her beanie and then all of the other members of the Pleiades fixing or adjusting something on their uniforms. 

Some blushed at the sudden touch, others seemed to enjoy the attention and some remained stoic as he did his thing.

After being seemingly satisfied with his work, Lucky took a step back and placed a hand on his chin as he looked at them, before showing them a smile.

Lucky: Ahhh~ I still remember the work that those uniforms gave me, but they it pleases me to know that they fit you all like a glove.

Now they all blushed at both the complement, even if didn't mean it to be one, and his smile join by small twiches from his little nose.

Sebas: What do you mean by that Lucky-sama?

Asked the head butler.

Lucky: Well Sebas, who do you think created the uniforms that they wear?

Asked the obviously proud rabbit.

Sebas: Was it perhaps you my lord?!

Once again they managed to get surprised by Lucky.

Lucky: I don't like to brag, but the one who did those works of art was indeed me. But that was not all ...


He disappeared from their sights only for his voice to be heard coming from behind Sebas.

Lucky: The suit you wear is also a creation of mine ...


He disappeared once again from their sights once they looked at where his voice was coming from, re-appearing at the end of the line of maids, near Foire.

Lucky: Was well as every uniform that the Homunculus Maids are dressed in right now.

The three friends jumped from the sudden scare to see him behind them. At that instance, Lucky recognized one of them.

Lucky: Hello again little Cixous. Quite the coincidence we meet again isn't it?

Foire and Lumière's jaws almost felt to the floor and continously pointed at her friend and Lucky in a quick sucession.

Foire and Lumière: (thoughts) IT WAS REAL!!!

Cixous: I-It's a pleasure to be in your presence once again L-Lucky-sama.

Lucky, in response, just leaned down and gave her another esquimo kiss setting the girl's face with a crimson color as well as all of the other maids who saw the affectionate gesture. Cixous just kept babling none senses before passing out, being caught by Lucky just before hitting the ground.


His playfull facade was replaced by a panicked one as he shoke the young girl to try to awake her.

Lucky: (thoughts) OH MY GOD I KILLED A MAID!!!

Lucky: HEALER!!!

He contined to panick as he called for help. The first to react was Lupusregina. 

Lupusregina: I believe she is just passed out from your gesture Sir!

The playfull werewolf maid said like she was speaking to a commander.

Lucky: Oh ...

An akward silence followed soon after, before he got up and cleared his throat.

Lucky: Take her to her bedroom and be ready in case I need your cooperation from now on. I may require the Pleiades to work with me very soon. 

Lucky: (thoughts) THAT WAS SOO EMBARASSING!!!

Luckly, they seemed to forget his previous lack of control.

Yuri: Whenever you need us, we shall answer to your call.

Lucky hummed in acceptance and walked towards the big doors oce again.

Lucky: (thoughts) This comfirms it, my emotions are somehow getting intensified. If I'm happy I enter a euphoric state and if I feel scared, I enter a panicked state. Is it perhaps because of me being a Werebeast? Tomorow I need to speak with Momonga.

Those were his last thoughts before the doors closed behind him and everyone got up.

Solution: So that is Lucky-sama.

The blonde maid said.

Amore: Yes, that is Lucky-sama, our Oberon.

Amore expressed with evident pride in his voice.

Lupusregina: Hey! Hey! Why do you call Lucky-sama by "Oberon"? Isn't that rude to the Supreme Being?

Asked the curious werewolf maid.

CZ: I have heard of that before.

They all turned towards CZ who continued the explanation instead of Amore.

CZ: Oberon is not a name but a title. That title belongs to the one that looks over the fairies and other magical creatures, their ruler and protector, as well as a symbol of their power. There are stories about kings from other races making peace treaties with the fairies, but those were not because they wished for peace between them, it was because their feared the Fairy King's absolute power. He's a very powerfull existence.

She explained in her monotone voice.

Amore: That is right, he's that powerfull of a person. I'm not here to simply protecting the door to his kingdom, I'm also protecting you all from his wrath. My king is very protective of what lies beyond those doors, I don't even want to imagine the massacre that could happen in Nazarick if someone entered without his permission or, may the Supreme Ones spare us, hurted any of the creatures living there.

More was known from Lucky at each passing second, they thought, and with every word spoken, they knew why his seemingly selfish wish was respected by all, including the other 40 supreme beings.

Sebas: I know that there are powerfull creatures within the Fae, but to be able to rule them all ... 

Naberal: Lucky Little Feet-sama, what a extaordinary person.

Amore: Now that you know it, stay away from this place unless you want to be held responsable for the destruction of the entire Nazarick.

Warned the guard dog.

Entoma: Momonga-sama is also here.

Reminded Entoma, gaining a nodded from most of the maids.


Roared Amore with his booming voice echoing through out the room. Entoma understood the consequences of the situation that she implied and shutted her mouth.

Yuri: Let this be a warning to everyone!

Yuri Alpha raised her voice to her sisters and the rest of the Maids.

Yuri: No one is allowed, under any circunstance to aproach this room without Lucky-sama's permission. We need to avoid the possible catasphrofe, or it may be the end of Nazarick, warn everyone you can!

Momonga's office - The next day

It was day after the meeting with the Floor Guardians and Lucky, now Momonga stood seated in a desk in front of a floating mirror with Sebas next to him, moving his arms around in front of it but never taking his eyes away from the said mirror.

Momonga: (thoughts) If I could just figure out how to use this Mirror of Remote Viewing, it would be usefull for securing the area around Nazarick.

He thought, continuing to experiment with the mirror until Sebas was heard clapping.

Sebas: Congratulations Momonga-sama.

Momonga: Thank you Sebas. I'm sorry for making you do this with me.

Sebas: Staying by my master and following his orders, that is the butler which Touch Me-sama created and the reason for my existence.

Sebas proundly declared in response to Momonga's words.

Momonga: I see. Then let's search for areas where people may be.


As he was about to scout for more areas, Momonga and Sebas heard three knocks at the office's door.

Lucky: Momonga it's me. I'm coming in.

It was none other than Lucky entering. 

Lucky: Good morning Momonga, Sebas.

Sebas: Good morning Lucky-sama.

Momonga: Hello Lucky-san. 

The rabbit greeted and they greeted back. Once he got close enough, he saw the great mirror floating in front of Momonga.

Lucky: A Mirror of Remore Viewing?

Momonga: Yes. I thought it could be usefull for scouting the surrounding areas.

He explained as Lucky leaned against his chairs to have a better look at what the mirror showed.

Lucky: And?

Momonga: I was about to start my search.

Soon enough, the mirror showed the aerial view of what looked like a village.

Momonga and Lucky: Hmm?

Both Supreme Beings leaned foward to have a better look on what was happening.

Momonga: A festival?

Sebas decided to take a couple steps closer and look into the mirror too.

Sebas: No, that's not it.

Lucky: Can you zoom in Momonga?

Doing what his partner asked, Momonga zoomed the image in to see people being chased by knights on horses and/or violently killed by those man.

Momonga: They don't seem like bandits.

Lucky took a sideway glance at his friend.

Lucky: (thoughts) People are getting murdered left and right and that is the conclusion he took?! Is it possible that the Undead Race also affects a person's personality? If so, the effects seem to be the complete oposite of mine.

Lucky thought as Momonga kept switching the mirror's image, with every image showing people getting cut down with no mercy by the armored men.

Sebas: What shall we do?

Asked the butler.

Momonga: Leave them. 

Lucky: (thoughts) I knew it.

Calmly thought Lucky at his friend's almost immediate answer to Sebas's question.

Sebas: Understood.

Momonga kept looking at Sebas before uttering something.

Momonga: Touch me-san?!

Those words were not missed by his long-eared companion. After a long period of silence, they both heard the skeleton quietly laughing.

Momonga: Eheheh.

Momonga then got up from his seat and turning towards Sebas. 

Momonga: Sebas, I'm going to this village. Raise the security level of Nazarick to maximum.

Sebas: Yes!

Momonga: Also, tell Abedo to join me, fully armed. Next, prepare the reserve forces. Send a few soldiers who are skilled at stealth or have the invisibility skill.

Sebas: Understood.

Momonga: (whisper) Touch-san, I'll repay my debt with you now.

Whille he was giving the orders, his friend behind him gained a small smile.

Lucky: (thoughts) You are still you after all. Well then, I guess I'll join in too.

Lucky: Sebas, I'll be going too. In addition to Momonga's orders, tell Shalltear and Cocytus to be prepared with a small group of soldiers each and fully equiped in case we need back up.

Sebas: Yes!

Momonga: Lucky-san ...

Lucky: You're not going to leave me here taking care of papers while you go out there to streach your legs and be a hero without me.

They both laughed at Lucky's words.

Momonga: I wouldn't dream of it.

He then took the Staff of Ainz Ool Gown from his inventory as Lucky raised his hand foward.

Lucky and Momonga: Gate.


Annnnnnnd done! Well that's one hell of a rabbit I'll tell you that much. As you saw, Lucky is considered by many to be very influencial and powerfull but there are still more things to uncover. Much like some of the Guild members, Lucky also as a particular characteristic, like Peroronchino's perversion and Tabula's Gap Moe, which I showed a bit in the chapter but that will be fully revealed later in the next chapter so don't miss it. 

As always leave your comments, suggestions and doubts, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!

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