Carne Village

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Hey guys, Nightingale here! Sorry I took so long but as you probably know, School is a bitch! I'll try to update as often as I can, but I make no promises. That aside, on the previous chapter, Lucky and Momonga were on their way to save a village, and now what will be the villages reaction towards Lucky and how will he see the first humans that he will come in contact with since his arrival on the new world. Well, to find out, sit back, relax and enjoyyyyyy ...


Forest outside of the village

Enri: (thoughts) Why is this happening?

A teenage girl thought to herself. One one moment she was coming back home with her little sister and father just like in any normal day, and on the next one, a group of armed men dressed in knightly armors appeared out of nowhere and started to murder every person that they came across for no apparent reason. She didn't understood. No one in the village was rich or socialy important the same going for the village itself. It was like they were just doing it for fun and nothing more.

Her father's words still haunted her mind.


The image of her poor father trying to hold back a knight for them to escape before being mercilessly cut down by another one.

Nemu: Onee-chan.

The little girl in her arms called out softly, worried about her sister that just like her father, received a cut from one of the knights to protect her.

Knight: Eheheh.

Enri: (desperate tone) Nemu.

One of the group of man that had been chasing them took a step foward and raised his sword in the air, laughing at their suffering. Enri, immeadiately hugged her sister closer to hopefully shield her from another strike.

Enri: (thoughts) I have to buy enough time for Nemu to escape!

The elder sister thought having completly given up on the idea of saving herself and focusing on her sister's survival.

Group of men: What?!

Enri opened one of her eyes to see that the group of men had halted their advances and now stood still in place, not noticing the dark gate in front of her.

Knight: What the hell?!

Following the men's eyes, she looked foward and froze. From inside the gate, a figure slowly started to reveal itself. What came from the other side, was a creature that only her worst nightmares could give shape to. A giant skeleton, towering above all of the Knights with burning red eyes and dressed in dark clothes. Her sister almost cried, had it not been for the fact that she was too scare to even be able to actually do it. 

Momonga: Grasp Heart !

The creature said as he raised one of his hands and grasped the air in front of him.


Before she had enough time to even wonder what was the creature doing, one of the men behind her dropped down on the ground dead as blood left his lips by the fissures on his helmet.

Momonga: I was thinking of running away if my favourite undead skill, a 9th tier spell, didn't work on the humans of this word.

The girl looked at the Undead in front of her to see his hand red with blood.

Knight: A monster?!

He yelled preparing his sword and shield for an eventual fight.

Momonga: Hmph, I don't even feel a thing, even when I kill people. I guess both phisically and mentally, I've stopped being human.

He said to himself as he took a step in the Knight's direction.

Momonga: You can chase woman and children, but you can't go against someone different from you? I went through all the trouble of coming here so I'll have you assist me with my tests.

His hand suddently lighted itself with intense sparks, making the man dropped his weapons and run away as fast as he could.

Momonga: Dragon Light-

Lucky: Come out! Sechs, Acht, Neun (german for 6, 8 and 9).

From the path in front of the man, a bright light appeared from the ground and from that light came three creatures. O gigantic stuffed rabbit with a sewn mouth, a stone like creature and a levitating cloaked monster with equally floating gloved hands and a log for a head. Each of the creatures also had a number written in roman somewhere on their body.

Knight: What the hell are these things?!


Hearing something coming from their side, Enri frightfuly looked towards the place where the sound came from to see yet another strange being.

Lucky: Going so soon?~ We just came out to play~

This time it wasn't anything horribly terrifying that came out from the portal. Instead, it was a big rabbit dressed like a person. Enri immeadiately thought that she was seeing things from the blood loss, but this was reallity even if somewhat strange.

Lucky: Acht.

The rabbit called and the stone looking creature took a step foward and grabbed the man with his hand.

Knight: What are you doing?! Let me go!

The sound of metal being dented was heard, followed by the man's screams as the giant squized the man thigher and thigher at the rabbit's orders.


Enri and Nemu watched as the man struggled and begged for his life at the hands of the creature, until something blocked both of their visions.

Lucky: It would be better if you don't look at what's coming next.



A sickning sound of bones breaking echoed in the forest before Lucky took his hands from the girls eyes and they saw the Knight's body falling limp on the ground with a loud thud.

Lucky: So simple. Even though he was a warrior, he died so easely at my toy's hands. It seems like it wasn't necessary to bring out all three I brought with me at once.

The rabbit said as he got up and looked at the skeleton.

Lucky: Sorry for interrupting your spell Momonga.

The skeleton just waved a hand.

Momonga: Don't worry Lucky-san. You also needed to check out your strenght too. Besides I can still do some expirements. Create Middle Tier Undead, Death Knight.

From out of nowhere, a black substance apperead and fell on top of one of the dead men's bodies. The body started to twich, scaring the two already horrified girls, before getting up on his own feet.

Momonga: (thoughts) Ugh. It takes over a dead body? That's pretty different from Yggrasil.

The body became envolved in the dark substance and grew larger and bulkier. When it was all over, a giant undead warrior in dark armor stood in front of them with a huge sword and shield.

Momonga: Death Knight! Kill all the knights that are attacking this village.

Momonga ordered the beast pointing at the remaining corpse.


The creature roared before started sprinting towards the village.

Momonga and Lucky: Huh?

Both the Supreme Beings just stood there seeing the shape of the monster getting tinier as he aproached the village.

Lucky: He wasn't suposed to do that, right?

Asked his friend as he and his creatures walked towards him.

Momonga: (thoughts) What's the point of a defensive monster leaving the one that he's supposed to protect behind? I'm the one who ordered him to do it, but still ...

From the portal came Albedo dressed in full dark armor and wielding a big battle axe in her hands.

Albedo: The preparations took some time. Please forgive me.

Momonga: No. Your timing is perfect Albedo.

Albedo: Thank you very much.

The Sucubus thanked before looking at both the human girls on the ground.

Albedo: And so, what would you like me to do with these lower life forms?

Lucky: (thoughts) Hmm, she doesn't seem to like humans. I need to take note of that, I don't know if it's just her or a good part of the NPCs back in Nazarick that feel that way towards humans.

Momonga: For now, the ones wearing that armour (points at the corpse) are our enemy.

Albedo: Understood.

Momonga then turned his attention back at the elder girl.

Momonga: It looks like you are injured ...

He leaned down and showed her a red potion.

Momonga: Drink this.

His intentions were good, but Enri didn't seem to understand his act of good will and panicked.

Enri: Blood?!

She asked staring into the eyes of the terrifying creature in front of her.

Enri: I-I'll drink it! But my little sister-

Nemu: Onee-chan no!!!

As Enri tried to pick up the potion, Nemu immediately grabbed her hand to stop her, fearing what could happen to her if she drank the strange thing that the monster offered her.

Momonga: (thoughts) What the hell is this? They don't trust me at all. What did I do wrong?

He great leader of Nazarick thought to himself clueless to why where they so suspicious.

Albedo: You lower life forms!

Albedo too seemed to misunderstand the girls behaviour, thinking of it as an act of disrespect towards her master and raised her battle axe in the air to strike the fools who dared to do such a thing.

Momonga: W-Wait! Don't rush things! 


Both of the non-humans quickly received a chop from the remaining Supreme Being and now holded their heads in pain.

Lucky: Stop! You are scaring these two to death.

He scolded.

Lucky: (telephaty) Pay more attention to your appearence Momonga. It's obvious by human standards to be frightned by a giant skeleton, it's only normal that they don't trust you.

Momonga: (telephaty) OH! I COMPLETLY FORGOT!

Lucky just sighed and walked closer to scared girls and took the potion from his friend's hand, proceding to crouch down near them and taking his hat off.

Lucky: I'm sorry. He may look all big and scary but he has a heart made of gold, he didn't want to make you any harm. The same goes for Albedo, she's just very protective.

He tried once again and raised the potion up in Enri's direction.

Lucky: This is a healing potion, take it.

The girls looked at the friendly creature who spoke so kindly to them with no hint of malice and felt at ease. It was hard to believe that this big bunny could even harm a fly, so Enri took the potion from his hand and opened it. Taking another look a Lucky, she saw him with a friendly smile signaling her to drink it. Once she drank all of the potion inside the bottle the large wound on her back immeadiately disappeared with a green glow.

Enri: No way.

She softly whispered not believing the effectiveness of the potion.

Momonga: Is your pain gone?

Seeing that they trusted his friend and that Lucky assured them that he knew him, Momonga tried once again to talk with the girl.

Enri: Y-Yes.

He thought for a second before making them a question.

Momonga: Do you know what magic is?

Enri: Y-Yes. A pharmacist, who is a friend of mine, often comes to the village and uses magic.

Momonga: I see. That makes things easier to explain. I'm a Magic Caster.

From his place, Momonga raised his hand up and casted two spells.

Momonga: Anti-Life Cocoon. Wall of Protection from Arrows.

A green colored wall appeared around the two girls.

Momonga: I casted protection magic on both of you. You are safe so long as you stay in there. I'll also give you these just in case.

He said throwing two small horns towards them.

Lucky: (telephaty) Momonga, I'll be going foward. I'm worried that your Death Knight might just kill everything in sight, including the villagers.

Lucky messaged his friend as he explained the girls what the horns did.

Momonga: (telephaty) I understand, please be carefull Lucky-san.

Lucky: (telephaty) Eheheh. Who do you think you're talking to Guild Master?

Lucky: Do as he says and you will be safe little ones. I'll be back in a second. Albedo, I'll leave my friend in your care.

Albedo: Understood, I'll protect Momonga-sama with my life.

The maiden bowed and thanked him for intrusting her with the Guild Master's safety.

Lucky: (telephaty) Carefull Momonga, you might get attacked while I'm not here~

He teased.

Momonga: (telephaty) Shut up!

The creatures summoned by Lucky disappeared in a pillar of light and he crowched down before jumping over the trees in the village's direction.

Carne Village

Landing on one of the village's rooftops, Lucky managed to take a good look on the situation bellow. The Death Knight found out where the soldiers were gathered and immeadiately iniciated a brutal one-sided massacre. Taking a better look around, his eyes found the villagers all gathered in the center of the group and separated from another group made of children.

Lucky: (thoughts) Poor things. Their entire life was completly messed around in a couple of hours and they don't even know that are about to be sold to slavery once those men get rid of the old ones and have their way with the women.

He simply thought with no real pity for them. 

Lucky: (thoughts) The death Knight seems to be paying attention only to the Knights like he was ordered. In that case ...

Taking another look at the children, he saw that the men that were supposed to guard them were paralyzed in fear looking at the Undead Mob, complitly open for an attack.

Lucky: (thoughts) They will probably try to use them as hostages when Momonga gets here. Well, too bad for them.

With a swift jump, Lucky launched himself in the air and took aim at them men bellow who remained clueless of the threat above them.

Lucky: Luminous Daggers.

Between his fingers, eight light daggers appeared and he swiftly launched them at his targets.


Bullseye. All of the daggers meet his target's throats and their bodies fell down to the floor without a sound. The children looked around to their guards, understandably confused by their  sudden death.


They all jumped back at the sudden appearence of someone seemingly coming out of nowhere. Lucky leaned down so they could take a look at his face and placed his finger in front of his lips.

Lucky: (Whisper) Shhh, it's ok now, you are all safe. A friend of mine is coming to save your parents.

Girl: (Whisper) B-But the monster ...

A small girl said worried for their parents being out there with a monster. The dark rabbit took a couple of steps foward and placed a hand on the girl's head.

Lucky: (Whisper) The monster listens to what my friend says, he was the one that told him to beat the bad guys, he won't do hurt your parents little one.

The fluffy creature's words seemed to have it's effect on her, but the children remained scared after seeing the beast destroy the entire group of Knights with ease and getting closer and closer to the adults. 

Momonga: Death Knight! That's enough.

As if to answer their prayers, the monster stopped at the order it received. Everyone looked up to see Albedo and Momonga, wearing a red mask and gauntlets to hide his Undead features, floating in the sky.

Lucky: See? There he is.

Girl: That's your friend Rabbit-san?

Lucky: Yeah, that's him. Come on, lets take you to your parents.

He picked one of the children up and the hand of another and  they all started walking towards the villagers. The other Knights finally took noticed that the children were free, and that they lost their bargening coins.

Knight: Th-The kids ... !

Knight 2: When did that thing get behind us?!

Lucky: Neun.

Before the men could get any ideas, Lucky summoned one of his "toys" at his side.

Lucky: Drop your weapons. If you move a finger then my friend over here (points at Neun) won't be as kind as my friend (points at the Death Knight) over there.

The man looked back and forth between the eyes of the souless creatures and chose the wise decision of dropping their swords and shields as Lucky passed through them with the children walking as close to him as possible.

As soon as their were close enough, both the children and the adults started running towards each other embracing themselves in warm hugs to forget the painfull memories of this day. Meanwhile, Momonga and Albedo landed on the ground with Lucky joined them both to watch the happy reunion.

Lucky: Nice timing Momonga.

Momonga: Thank you. I see that you took care of any possible problem that they may have caused once I got here Lucky-san.

Lucky: Hostage situations are always a pain to solve so took care of that before it could turn into a problem.

Albedo was impressed. Even if the opponents were mere humans, her lords were able to completly immobilize the group of men in every possible way and corner them against a wall with no hope of getting out.

Momonga: By the way, I just decided that it was for the best to name myself Ainz when speaking to the outsiders of Nazarick.

Lucky took a few seconds to think before giving him his answer.

Lucky: Trying to gain the attention of other Yggdrasil players that may be around somewhere in this word?

Momonga: Exactly.  One of our companions like Herohero-san may have come to this world too, so I needed a way of them knowing that we are here too.

Lucky: Good thinking.

Ainz: I suggest we try to get some information from the chief villager now, Lucky-san.

Lucky continued to stare blankly at the parents and their children, completly lost in thought.

Ainz: Lucky-san?

Lucky: That would be the best option right now. Can I leave that to you?

Momonga: Huh? Won't you be coming along?

Lucky slowly shook his head.

Lucky: There are a few things I want to try with the villagers, especifically the way that they see non-humans. I'll be with the villagers for now, after that we'll exchange what we got. Does that sound fair?

Ainz couldn't disagree with him, by splitling up they could gain double the information at once. This was also a sign that his friend trusted him.

Momonga: Very well. Albedo will come with me to the meeting whille you observe the villagers behaviour.

The villagers started gathering around them, hoping to take a better look at their saviours. It was going to be hard to invent a good story.

Later that day - Cemetery

The day had mostly passed away at Carne Village. After a whole day discussing about his situation, Momonga had managed to get a whole ton of information regaining the place where they are, the lands around it, the monetary and politic system and a lot more. Meanwhille, like he promised, Lucky helped the villagers and spoke with them the best he could. It seemed like the villagers's children held no fear towards him at all, including Enri and Nemu, the adults however were still a bit skeptical, but after what happened that day, he didn't blame them for not enjoying a "monster" company among them. All it took were a few words and giving a hand on some jobs and the adults too seemed to harm up for him.

Right now however, both Lucky and Ainz stood on a shade of a three looking at the funeral made for the victims of the attack. The graves were simple stones with no names written on them, no decoration, nothing. Lucky took his eyes from them for a second to see what his friend had on his hand.

Lucky: (telephaty) Are you planning on using the Wand of Ressurection on the dead villagers?

He simply asked.

Ainz: (telepathy) ... No. Between a Magic Caster who brings death and a Magic Caster who can revive people, I don't know which one could be dragged into more trouble than the other. For now they will have to be satisfied with just being saved.

Lucky: (telephaty) I see. A wise decision.

Finishing their conversation, Lucky took slow steps towards the villagers and the girls that he met before. The adults, even if somewhat confused, made way for him to aproach them. Once he got close enough to the sobbing girls, he took of his hat and placed it near his chest.

Lucky: May I pray with you two?

The girls stopped with their mourning to look at him for a few moments.

Enri: Lucky-sama.

Enri softly said as the rabbit placed himself beside them and knelt down in front of the grave.

Lucky: I hope I'm not bothering, but I too want to pay my respect for the ones burried here.

Enri cleared her tears with the sleeves of her dress before answering.

Enri: You are not being a bother at all Lucky-sama. But why? 

The rabbit looked down to see her younger sister, Nemu, still crying in Enri's arms over their dead parents and his eyes seemed to gain a more human and tender glow to them.

Lucky: The cicle of life and death can be very cruel. The dead pass away leaving their loved ones behind and the living have to go on with the suffering of never seeing the ones who had passed away ever again. I can relate to the pain you are experiencing right now, and that's why I can say this ...

Then, gently, he hugged both the girls

Lucky: I'm so sorry for what happened. Your parents must have been good people. Otherwise they wouldn't have two flowers crying in front of their graves.

The last remaing hint of composture inside of them broke and both Enri and Nemu grabbed the black rabbit's suit, buring their faces inside his harm embrace.


The adults looked at the sad scene in front of them, where one their saviours holded the daughters of the ones we hasn't fast enough to save. They thought that, in a way, he regretted not managing to get there in time and having Enri and Nemu suffer because of it. 

Once they had said their prayers, the villagers began focusing on the village's reconstruction hoping that would make their mind drift away from violence and tragedy even for just a second. Lucky, Ainz and Albedo looked around one last time, deciding that their actions would be enough for today, and it was time to return to Nazarick and restart planning with the new informations that they acquired until they saw the village chief and a couple of other elder villagers gathered with worried faces.

Ainz: (telepathy) Another problem.

Lucky: (telepathy) Don't complain. It may be another chance to spread out our name, let's go.

Ainz: What's wrong Village Chief?

Asked the skeleton once they were close enough.

Chief: Oh, Ainz-sama. We got news that another group of Knight-like people are coming towards the village.

Ainz: I see.

The villager looked hopefully at Ainz and Lucky with fear in their eyes.

Ainz: I understand. Please have the surviving villagers gather around your house. You will come with us to the square to see their intentions.

Chief: Y-Yes!

With Ainz reassuring words, all of the remaining villagers shelthred inside the houses around the Village Chief's house and Ainz, Albedo, Lucky and the Village Chief stood in village's square waiting for the knight's arrival. 

Lucky: I'll be up in the belltower. If they try something funny we'll at least have the element of surprise on our side. 

Ainz: Very well, I'm conting on you in case anything happens Lucky-san.

The rabbit just nodded and looked at Albedo.

Lucky: I don't think I need to tell you what to do, do I, Albedo?

Albedo shook her head.

Albedo: Please rest assured Lucky-sama. I'll do my job perfectly.

The dark rabbit noded and jumped towards the top of the wodden belltower. At that moment, in the distance, the shapes of the knights could be seen aproaching the village mounted on horses. Once they stopped in front of the small group in the square they could see by their armor that they didn't belong to the same group of people that attacked the village previously. From them, a muscular man of around thirty years old with sunbathed dark face with noticeable wrinkles, short black trimmed hair and black eyes aproached them alone.

Gazef: I am the Chief Royal Warrior of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff. I received orders from the King to hunt the knights of the empire that have been causing havoc in this area's villages.

This encounter would be far more important in the future than Lucky, Ainz and even Gazef could possibly even thought.


Annnnnnnnd done! Well that all for today's chapter guys. I know nothing really happened but this is needed to progress in the story. Besides, on the next chapter will be one filled entirely with fights so I think it will be good to balance out the lack of action from this one. As always, stay good, leave me your comments, doubts and suggestions and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!

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