Angel vs Angels

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Hey guys, Nightingale here! Here I am with a brand new chapter for you all. I didn't tought that I would be able to update another one so soon, but here I am. 

In the last chapter, Ainz and Lucky saved a village from being destroyed and Gazef Stronoff made his debut. What will happen now? Well to know that, just sit back, relax and enjoyyyyyy ...


Carne Village

It was already the end of the day, and just when Momonga, now going by Ainz, and Lucky decided that it was time for them to go back to Nazarick, another situation had to appear.

Chief: The Royal Head Chief ...

Gazef Stronoff, the Royal Head Chief of the Kingdom apperead after the conflict with the armed soldiers that attacked the village and stood now before the Village Chief and Ainz. On top of the belltower near them, Lucky continued to observe the situation in silence, ready to jump in, in case something went wrong.

Gazef: You must be the chief of this village. Who is the one standing beside you?

Gazef asked looking at the tall men near the old man.

Chief: This person is-

Ainz: Do not worry.

Deciding that it was better to introduced himself was better and being introduced by someone else, Ainz interrupted the old villager and did a small bow with his head to the warrior in front of them.

Ainz: It's a pleasure to meet you, Royal Head Chief. I am Ainz Ooal Gown, a Magic Caster that came to help this village when it was under attack.

Gazef quickly got of his horse and got in front of the Magic Caster and bowing to him.

Gazef: Thank you for saving this village. Mere words cannot fully express my gratitude.

His words were serious and full of genuin gratitude. Despite his position, Gazef was a simple man, one that didn't care for titles or positions. In his heart was only the desire to serve his king and protect his people.

Soldier: Head Warrior!

One of Gazef's soldier yelled, calling him for his attention.

Soldier: Unknown figures have been spotted. They've surrounded the village and are aproaching as we speak.

Every one of them looked around in the distance.

Gazef: Village Chief.

He called.

Chief: Y-Yes?!

Gazef: May I use one of your houses to think on a strategy?

Chief: Ye-Yes! Of course. You can use my house.

The Chief swiftly offered his home as a base of operations for the kingdom's strongest warrior. He was, after all, trying to protect them.

Ainz didn't feel like Gazef wasn't lying and that he truely was who he said he was. After pondering with the options that he had, Ainz made his decision.

Ainz: (thoughts) Lucky-san.

He mentally called his partner with the spell Message.

Lucky: (thoughts) I'm here Momonga. What are your thoughts on them? Are they friendly, or should I attack?

Lucky asked, ready to take their lifes if needed.

Ainz: (thoughts) No, there'll be no need to kill them. From the Village Chief's reaction I can tell that they are the true soldiers of this Kingdom. May I call for you?

It would be weird for Lucky to appear out of nowhere without a warning and with such a perfect timing, so Ainz decided that it would be for the best if he called out of Lucky to ease the tension a bit.

Lucky: (thoughts) ... Yes. But make sure to do a bit of an explanation on me first. While the villagers seemed to accept me, there's no telling what those soldiers might do once they see me.

His words were wise. The villagers did in fact, warm up to him with no racism or nothing similar. The members of the army however, were a different matter. If if they were anything like the ones in their old world, then some of this knights may come from noble families and a higher class. There was no way of telling how they would react to his friend.

Ainz: (thoughts) I understand. Please wait in the belltower for a bit longer  Lucky-san.

His friend was right. Ainz couldn't simply risk his life.

Lucky: (thoughts) I'll leave it in your hands then, Guild Master.

And with that, they cutted off their call. Ainz took a couple of steps towards the more humble man of the group, Gazeff, gaining his attention.

Ainz: Gazeff-dono, I would like to speak with you about something.

Gazeff: Hmm?

Taking notice of his ushed tone, Gazeff decided to get closer to him.

Gazeff: What's the matter Gown-dono?

Ainz: To tell you the truth, I didn't save this village all on my own.

That gained Gazeff's interest.

Gazeff: How many are with you?

Ainz: Only two.

His eyes became wide. Only 3 people against a whole group of armed knights?

Ainz: One of them is a woman who serves under me. The problem I'm having is with the other one.

He raised an eyebrow.

Gazeff: Is something wrong with this person Gown-dono?

Ainz shook is head in denial.

Ainz: No, there's nothing wrong with him. The problem I'm having is that he's not human, so I'm afraid how you and the soldiers under your command will react when you see my friend.

Gazeff wondered. If he wasn't human, then what is he?

Ainz: I can assure you that he's not evil in any way. With that being said, fear of the unknown can be make a man do less then moral things and I would rather not put my friend's life in danger if I could.

The Royal Head Chief of the kingdom hummed and nodded. He personaly, never had an encounter with a peacefull non-human before, yet, he truely believed that just like humans, not all other creatures were the same and that some possessed morals, honor and justice in their hearts just like him.

Gazeff: Please call your friend Gown-dono. I'll make sure that none of my men hurts your comrade, you have my word.

Ainz took a couple of seconds to look into his eyes, before turning around and calling for his friend.

Ainz: You can come out now Lucky-san!

The soldiers were obviously confused. The Magic Caster in front of them was already mysterious enough, they didn't need anymore surprises today. Sadly, they were about to get, yet another one.


Everyone looked towards the wooden belltower to see someone going down the ladder. Do to the setting sun, all that they could see was a large shadow, that after going down the ladder, began walking in their direction. As it got closer, they noticed that he was way taller then what they inicially thought and soon enough, they could make out it's shape.

Soldier 1: It's a Beastman!

Soldier 2: Everyone! Get ready to-


Gazeff's shout make his men flinch, stopping the reckus that they were making.

Gazeff: Who gave you permission to raised your swords?!

Soldier 2: Bu-But Sir-

Gazeff: Put your weapons away at once! This creature is not a threat.

They did what he ordered and then, Gazef aproached the creature.

Gazeff: Gown-dono, how should call him?

Lucky: Eheheh, I can answer that.

Not only the soldiers, but Gazef too was breathless with surprise. 

Gazef: Yo-You can understand me?

Lucky: Obviously. My name is Lucky by the way.

Lucky said in his gentlemanly way, extending his hand for the Head Chief Warrior to shake. It was only obvious for Gazeff and his men to be surprised. Beastmen came from a nation composed of several tribes and are notorious savages and predators who constantly raid the neighbor lands for food.

From several testimonies Gazef had read, Beastmen seemed to be a vicious race, holding very little regard for human life, seeing them as nothing more than food. Sadly, attempts by human nations to negotiations with the Beastmen have been fruitless, not only because of their savage behaviour, but also because of their lack of a complex mindset and speaking capabilities outside of their own communication system.

Yet, dispite all of that, they stood face to face with one that seemed to be a complete opposite. Not wanting to be rude. Gazef shook himself out of his daze and shook the creature's hand.

Gazef: It's a pleasure meeting you Lucky-dono.  I am the Chief Royal Warrior of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff.

Lucky: The pleasure is all mine.

Gazef: Forgive me if my next words come out as rude, but you hardly sound like a Beastman Lucky-dono, why is that so?

The million dollar question that everyone was asking themselves.

Lucky: There's no need to look so worried, it's not the first time, and certainly not the last time, that someone will make me that question. I'm more then glad to satiate your curiosity Chief Royal Warrior, but let's talk as we walk. I can't relax knowing that someone may be watching us from somewhere.

This comfirmed it. The Beastman in front of them was not normal and his behaviour was far from natural. The way he thought, the clothes we has dressed in, his manners, everything looked soo ...  human.  Gazef nodded at his proposal and both of them, along with Ainz and Albedo, started walking side by side towards the Chief Villager's house.

Lucky: Hmmm, where to start?

Lucky wondered out loud making Ainz mentaly smile at his attitude. His friend was known back in their guild as one of the players that enjoyed the role-playing of Yggdrassil the most. He had no doubt that by now, he already made up a convicing backstory to tell.

Gazef: I'm lost on what to ask myself Lucky-dono. 

Gazeff admited with a small smile on his face.

Gazef: You are simply too different from the Beastman that I saw in my life. Just how did you even learn how to speak the human language?

Lucky turned his head towards the great warrior, and started telling his "tale".

Lucky: That is an easy question Gazef-san. I can speak the human language, because my parents were human.

Once again, Gazef was dumbfolded. Before he had time to recover from a surprise, Lucky just threw another one at him.

Lucky: Of course, I don't mean that they were my real parents or nothing of that kind. I was adopted.

At last something that made some sense.

Lucky: Maybe because I was weak, or maybe because my real parents prioritized their own survival over my own, I was left alone in a forest while I was just a newborn.

Gazef: I'm sorry for that Lucky-dono.

Lucky: Please don't be Gazef-san. I was luckly found by a very kind human couple. My mother couldn't give birth to children of her own, so when they found me, they took care of me and raised me as their own. I was lucky to find them, and they were lucky to find me, so they gave this name I have today. Lucky.

Gazef: What an astonishing story Lucky-dono! The Writters and Bards back at the capital would die of jealously to able to writte and sing a stories such as your own. Where are your parents right now?

Lucky's mood instantly dropped at those words, but he gripped his hand behind his back to hold himself back.

Lucky: Sadly, they passed away a couple of years ago.

Gazef: I'm terribly sorry for your loss Lucky-dono.

Lucky: They taught me that everything that is good eventually has to end so I was prepared for it, but I apreciate your worry. 

Once they were near the Village Chief's housen Lucky stopped at the entrance and turned himself towards Ainz.

Lucky: Ainz, I'm gonna prepare some traps around the village. Is there any problem with that?

Ainz: No, not at all. It's always good to be prepared. I'm counting on you Lucky-san.

Lucky: Then gentleman, (tips the hat) if you would excuse me.

He turned around to leave.

Gazef: Lucky-dono!

But Gazef's call made him turn back around to face him.

Gazef: Take care.

Gazef wished with a smile and Lucky answered it, with one of his own.

Lucky: You too.


And with a jump from his legs, both man and beast went in their different paths, each with their own mission to fullfil.

A couple of minutes later

Ainz: When I first met the humans here, I saw them as no more then insects. But I grow fond as I converse with them, coming to see them as small animals.

After a brief talk inside of the the Chief Villagers house with Gazef, Ainz found out the reason for the attack. It appears that everything was made with the intention of luring the Royal Head Chief and kill him. The ones after him were a group of magic casters from one of the lands close to the Kingdom. The Slane Teocracy. And now, he continued to observe as Gazef Stronoff charged into battle with his men.

Albedo: Is that why you went as far as promising him with your great name?

Asked a curious Albedo that stood next to the leader of the Supreme Beings of Nazarick.

Ainz: Perhaps.

He admitted as the Chief Villager and his wife aproached them both.

Chief: Ainz-sama, why is the Royal Head Chief leaving?

Ainz: Their target is the head warrior.

Lucky: As expected ...

The two elder villagers jumped in scare at Lucky's sudden voice while the other two looked up at their companion seating on top of one of the roofs staring at the group of warriors in the distance.

Ainz: Welcome back Lucky-san. How was it?

Lucky: There are no enemies around the village anymore, they all started to retreat and regroup a few minutes ago. I planted a couple of traps around the village just in case. And you?

Lucky asked.

Ainz: I did what I could, now is up to him. 

Lucky: I see ...

Having got his answer, Lucky turned his attention towards the group of soldiers again. Ainz couln't put a finger what was happening, but his friend looked distant.

Ainz: Is everything alright?

There was a brief moment of silence before Lucky jumped down and shook his head denying his worries.

Lucky: No, everything is fine. 

Albedo: What should we do now my lords?

Their friend's creation asked, wanting to know the next step to take.

Lucky: Let's go inside. Like Ainz said, we already made everything we could.

Ainz: Yes, that would be for the best. Let's go inside Chief Villager.

Chief: Y-Yes!

Despite the attack made earlier in that day and the treat of a new one, inside of the Village's store house, everyone seemed calm. Maybe it was because the kingdom's strongest warrior was fighting for them or perhaps it was because of the two powerfull people that were under the same roof as them.

While they all tried to kill time in the best way they could, Ainz observed the fight through Gazef's eyes using the item that he gave him before he went to the battle. He was at a clear disavantage. Even though he was supposed the strongest warrior of all, he was easely getting repeled and wounded by basic summons from Yggdrassil. Seeing as he would not get out of that battlefield alive, Ainz decided to act.

Ainz: (telepathy) Looks like it's time to switch.

Those were the last words that Gazef Stronoff heard before finding himself inside the house with the other villagers.

Gazef: Th-This is ... !

He looked around confused by his situation as the Village Chief aproached him to hopefully answer his questions.

Chief: This is the village's store house. Ainz-sama has set a magic barrier here.

Gazef: Where is Gown-dono?

Gazef understood where he was now, but where was the Magic Caster that saved his life?

Chief: Well, he suddently disappeared and you appeared in his place.

The poor old man answered him with a confused tone. The Royal Head Chief's eyes became wide with relialization as he lowerd his sword and took something from his pouche. The small wooden sculpeture that Ainz gave him began to emit a weak light and then vanished from the palm of his hand as he smiled.

Gazef: I see ...

He was tricked all along. Knowing that no one was in danger anymore with that person fighting in his place, Gazef lost his last bit of conciousness as he started to fall back, only to be stopped by Lucky.

Lucky: There are better places to fall asleep then the floor, Royal Head Chief.

Even though Gazeff was dressed in full armor and was by no means a small man, Lucky managed to easely pick him him and place him near one of the walls.


Sure, Lucky was more of the type that prefered to stay hidden in the shadows rather then fight under the spotlight, but being simply left behind like this, made him somewhat mad, probably do to his emotion being now intensified because of his race.

Lucky: (sigh) I guess it's time for me to go. 

Now that Gazeff was safe, Lucky made his way towards the door of the storage house. 


Or so he wanted too.

Nemu: Where are you going Lucky-sama?

Before he could leave the house, Nemu walked up to him and gently pulled his robes to gain his attention, wondering where was he going at a time like this.

Enri: Nemu! Stop it!

Her elder sister quickly make it's way towards them and made Nemu release her grip on the expensive looking clothes that one of their saviours was dressed in, worried that he may take offense of her sister's action.

Nemu: NO!!!

But Nemu was not willing to let Lucky go and hugged his leg tightly.

Enri: Stop being so spoiled and let Lucky-sama go right at this instance Nemu!

The child was, however, stronger then she looked and Enri couldn't make her let go of Lucky who merely looked down at her with his red ruby like eyes.

Lucky: Nemu.

Lucky called down to her, placing his furry hand on top of her head and gaining her attention.

Lucky: I need you to let me go, or else I can't go punish the bad people that are trying to attack the village again.

But the little girl was not letting him go by nothing in the world.

Nemu: No! If you go ... (whisper) then you won't come back.

Enri knew that she had to be strong, but right now, some pert of her holded the same fears as her younger sister. It could be egoism or genuin worry, but neither of the girls wanted to lose anyone anymore today.

Lucky: Hahahaha.

Lucky mearely laughed at their worries as he place his hand on top of Nemu's head.

Lucky: Do I look that weak little one?

Asked Lucky.

Nemu: Fo-Forgive us Lucky-sama! We didn't mean to ...

Once again, Enri tought that they had insulted the being before them, but Lucky quickly assured them that he didn't felt that way by gently picking up Nemu and giving her to her elder sister.

Lucky: I know that the situation is a bit dark, but if don't have faith, then you'll never be able to withness the beauty of a miracle you know?

For the first time since they had layed eyes on Lucky, he took his top hat and made it disappear into thin air with a flick of his wrist, sending it to his inventory.

Lucky: (sigh) But I guess that words alone are not very comforting aren't they?

Chief Villager: Lucky-sama, what are you-

A growing glow started to appear around Lucky as he grinned, pulling his whisker much like a wise old man would do with his beard, interrupting the Chief Villagers question.

Lucky: Forgive me Lord ...





... for I'm about to sin

Somewhere away from the village

Nigun: (thoughs) What the hell is that Magic Caster?!

Nigun Grid Luin, the captain of the Sunlight Scripture of the Slane Teocracy asked himself in panick. He simply couldn't understand. Everything was going so smoothly and acording to plan. He sucessfully managed to gain the attention of the strongest warrior of Re-Estize and trap him. He had that man right in the palm of his hand, but now, everything seemed to be falling apart.

Nigun: (thoughts) Even the women that's with him is a monster! Where the hell did they come from?

In just a minute, he lost his target and his entire army of angels was destroyed. Not even their magic was able to leave so much as a scratch on the large Magic Caster in front of them.

Soldier: Captain Nigun! What should we do?!

One of the soldiers under Nigun's command asked his commander after seeing one of the strongest angels that he ever saw, the Principaly Observation, being incinerated to ash in single hit. In response, Nigun laughed as he started searching for something inside of his robes.

Nigun: Eheh, we'll summon the highest level angel!

He proudly declared, holding a big crystal in his hand as his troups watched in amazement.

Ainz: (thoughts) That's ...

Meanwhille, Ainz and Albedo mantained their position, waiting to see what the poor soldiers would do in response to the power that they had showned so far.

Ainz: (thoughts) Based on how it glows, that's a sealing crystal that can seal any magic other then top tier spells. So they even have items from Yggrassil.

Recognizing the object and the potential threat it would oppose, Ainz decided to play safe.

Ainz: Albedo, use your skill to protect me.

Albedo: Yes!

Albedo wasted no time in placing herself in front of Ainz so she could protect him in case something were to happen.

Nigun: Behold, the shining form of highest of angels! Dominion Authority!

The foolish captain bragged as the crystal started to glow and soon, blinded everyone with it's radiace. Once the light started to fade, the summoned angel could be seen as it bathed the area in holy white-blue light. While it's head and body awer obscured it is covered with numerous glowing feathered wings and was decorated with royal tablets. At the front of it's head, a glowing divine magic circle could be seen. 

Ainz: This angel is your strongest trump card?!

Ainz asked, seemingly as amazed as every mortal that saw the angel floating above them.

Nigun: That's right! I have determined that you are worthy enough to use this item.

Nigun could barely control his urge to laugh as the Magic Caster that had been playing with them so far, covered his face with his hand.

Ainz: I'm speachless ...

Nigun: Are you afraid? It cannot be helped. Not when you are in front of one of the envoys of God.



Ainz: How stupid.

Nigun: What?!

Of all the reactions that Nigun was waiting for, this, was not one of them.

Ainz: Was I in guard against such a child's play?

The Captain of Sunlight Scripture's hearth trembled at those words.

Nigun: Child's play? What are you saying? 

It couldn't be possible.

Nigun: (gulp) I-It can't be ... !

It shouldn't be possible. A mere human could not hope to match a divine creature such as the angel before him.

Nigun: No! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! In front of an existence which mankind cannot defeat, YOU'RE BLUFFING!!!

Blinded by is self-proclamed power, Nigun refused to believe that the man standing up to him could be stronger then an angel of the highest order that could easily destroy an entire city.

Nigun: (turns to the angel) Unleash a Holy Smite !

Following his order, the mace in Dominion Authority's hand broke into several pieces that srated to glow and float around him.

Nigun: This is the 7th tier magic that no human can attain. Taste the judment of god, the power that annihilates demons!


Out of nowhere, a great pillar of light fell from the sky, cutting through the dark clouds in the sky and hitting Ainz with all of his strenght.

Ainz: Eheheheh ...

Nigun: Eh?

He was laughing. Inside the attack of a being that managed to single-handedly destroy a Demon God that rampaged throughout the land 200 years ago, Ainz was laughing.


Ainz: (thoughts) So this is the feeling damage! It's it pain?

Nigun's eyes almost fell of the socket at seeing Ainz complitly unarmed after being hit with the highest tier spell that he had ever seen in his life. Albedo on the other hand ...

Albedo: Y-Y-You LOWER LIFE FORMS!!!!!!!

Was not that happy about the damage that, even if small, was made to the love of her life, scaring every men in the area.

Albedo: Lord Ainz! To the man that I-I love so deeply! To cause him pain! KNOW YOUR PLACE YOU PIECE OF TRASHHHHHH!!!

Her high-pitched scream made every man take a step back in fear.

Ainz: It's fine Albedo.

Even if he was somewhat scared of her reaction too, Ainz couldn't let her rampage on without thinking straight, so he placed a hand on her shoulder to help her calm down.

Albedo: B-But Ainz-sama ...

Ainz: It's fine.

He reassured.

Ainz: Aside from the the surprising weakness of the angels, everything is going according to plan. Besides ...

Using his Mana Essence spell, Ainz knew that someone was coming, and since he already had his fun, he decided to become a spectator to what was about to happen before them.

Ainz: The strongest angel, is on our side.

As soon as those words were said, several yellow bright circles appeared around Ainz and Albedo. She quickly returned to her position in front of him as soon as figures strated to appear from the said magic circles.

The things comming from them, had and humanoid shape, wearing white clerical white attires and none of their faces was visible as they were hidden by big hood and bandages. All of them had the same posture, straight and both of their arms together, hidden by the long sleeves of their attires, much like the monks in a monestary.

Albeado: Ainz-sama, just what are ...

Ainz: Calm down Albedo. They are on our side.

Ainz assured, knowing what was about to happen next. 

One of the said creatures took a step foward towards both of them and the others gathered together around the first one.

Creature:  ♪  Da pacem, Domine. in diebus nostris  ♪

                               (Give peace, O Lord, in this day)

Everyone: ♪  Quia non est alius, Qui pugnet pro nobis, nisi tu Deus noster  ♪ 

                      (Because there's no else who will fight for us, if not you, our God)

As soon as the first one started to sing, every member of the group started to sing with him as one. 

Nigun: A-A chant?

Coming from a highly religious country, Nigun has heard everyone of the nations chants and hymns, yet, he couldn't understand a thing that monk looking creatures were singing. 

Slowly, they raised their hands to the sky, to the te soldiers admiration, they saw a figure calmly floating down.


To put it simply, it looked divine. The being was dressed from head to toe with large robes extremely decorated with a long religious red scarf over his shoulders. Behind him, a large pair of wings flapped as it made it's way down.

Albedo:  Ainz-sama, is that Lucky-sama?

Ainz: Yes, that's Lucky-san when he's wearing his God Items.

Ainz: (thoughts) This brings back memories. Back in Yggdrassil, Lucky-san always used this formation to support us everytime we picked up a fight with the human Guilds.

Nigun: W-What is that angel ... ?

As amazed as he was, Nigun could not believe that there was another tier of angels above the Dominion Authority and on closer inspection, he saw that the "angel" didn't even looked human at all.

Nigun: Eheheh. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! "Strongest angel" my ass, that thing is just a Beastman!

True to his words, Lucky was no angel. Or was it?

Nigun: The messengers of god would never look like a filfhy animal, nor are they allowed in his holy land! Both you and your pet wil pay dearly for this blasphemy Magic Caster!

At the man's words, Lucky merely raised his hand up and pointed it towards the angel under Nigun's command.

Lucky: Return Angel.

And with that, in a flash, Dominion Authority dispersed itself into tiny lights going upwards towards the heaven's above.

Nigun: T-The angel, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY ANGEL?!

Ainz: He made him return to realms of God. 

Nigun: He returned my angel, to God?

Lucky: (thoughts) More precisely, I used a spell that dispawns holy beings that are bellow my level. Since Ainz Ool Gown was filled with Undead and Unholy beings, I had to spend some points into minimizing holy treats from taking us by surprise. 

Nigun: A power that surpasses demons and controls the highest holy beings. What in the world are you?!

Ainz: Ainz Ooal Gown. In the past, there was no one who did not knew this name. But that aside, have you not noticed?

Nigun: Eh?


A part of the air around the areas cracked and shattered like glass as soon as the Supreme being was about to warn Nigun.

Ainz: It seems someone was watching you from afar, using information magic.

Nigun: My country was, watching me?

Ainz: My counterattacking defense barrier activated so they must have not seen much.

Lucky: Foolish sinner ...

Having had enough of paying around, Lucky used one of his Cleric skills to summon a small army of 3rd tier angels, the Archangel Flame, as pointed at Nigun with a cold stare.

Lucky: For the crimes of blasphemy and slaughter of innocents, I sentece thy to forever cast your screams to the heavens!

Nigun: W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-Wait a second! Ainz Ooal Gown-dono. No, Ainz-sama! All of us, NO, I alone am enough! If you spare me then I-I'll give you any reward that you wish!

Nigun desperatly tried to bargan for his life. If it was humans that he was dealing against, then they might have showned mercy. Sadly, the things in front of him were far from mercifull or human.

Ainz: Your punishment has already been set, not even I can change it now. The Wild Hunt has already started.

In response to Nigun's pleas, Ainz turned his back to him and his soldiers and started walking away with Albedo following after him.

Ainz: You should have chosen a different path during your life.

Nigun: P-Please! I'll do anything!

Lucky: Are you ready to repent sinner?

Looking up, the entire Sunlight Scripture found themselves staing into Lucky's red eyes. Never in their lifes, have they ever felt so puny and insignificant as in this moment.


Soldier 2: I DON'T WANT TO DIE YET!!!!

As expected, the soldiers began running away, and as expect, the Archangel Flames began their chase, while the monks resumed their chants, setting in motion, the start of a grand massacre.

In the distance, Shalltear and Cocytus watched the whole scene taking place from the three line.

Cocytus: I would have never imaginated. Of all things, I never expect Lucky-sama to be a Cleric. This is unexpected.

Cocytus expressed, followed by a gust of wind escaping his jaws.

Shallter: Ahhhhhhh~ Lucky-sama is killing them with no mercy whatsoever~ This is dangerous. Very dangerous indeed ... ~

Cocytus: Hmm? Why do you say that?

Asked a genuinly confused Cocytus. What danger could possibly come from killing the blaspemus men that disrespected the Supreme Beings?

The answer became clear once he layed in his eyes on Shalltear. The little vampire was moaning as she rubbed her legs against each other and her cheeks becoming increasingly redder. 

Shalltear: At this rate~ (pant) I won't be able to control myself~

Soldier 3: GAHHHHH!!!

Soldier 2: AHHHHHHH!!!

Back to the slaughter, Lucky gazed down bellow, seeing his minions chasing the defenseless soldiers as they ran over each other and pushed themselves away, not caring about their former comrades lifes if they were able to escape the hell in which they put themselves in.

Lucky: (thoughts) How ugly, the followers of god are sacrificing theirs brothers so they can live another day ...

He thought as another soldier died victim to two swords of light belonging to the Archangels Flames.

Lucky: (thoughts) Humans are really ugly ... ~

A small giggle escaped the innocent looking creature as it obsvered the masssacre happening bellow him and quickly gave him a truely unhuman grin.

Lucky: (thoughts) And so fun to play with! Eheheheh!

Soon enough, only a couple of survivours were left, including Nigun, but one thing got Lucky's attention. Surrounded by corpeses was a one of the soldiers, kneeled down and holding a cross in his hand. After giving it some thought, Lucky decided that he could make good use of it and made up a new plan in his mind.

Lucky: (Telepathy) Shalltear, please come here and bring Cocytus with you.

Lucky ordered with the Mensage Spell.

Shalltear: (Telepathy) As you wish (pant) Lucky-sama~

Ignoring the sultry tone that Shalltear was using, Lucky ended the spell and made his way to the ground, right in front of the kneeling soldier.

Lucky: Tell me child ...






... would you like to live?


Annnnnnd done! Finally a new chapter for Lucky, it was about time! It would seem like the Slane Teocracy tried to bite off more then they could chew huh guys?

One thing is for sure, and that's that Lucky is no defenseless rabbit. His main class will be Cleric and that's all I'm gonna say for now. Back in Yggdrassil, Lucky was the only member of Ainz Ooal Gown that specialized in Divine Magic and Support in order to cover up most of the Guild Member's weaknesses and, together with his non-theating appearence, manage to infiltrate into Human partys and Guilds.

Now, what is this tricky rabbit planning to do with the soldier and the survivours? What evil scheme could he possibly be cooking on his mind? All of that and more, in the next chapter. 

As always, leave me your comments suggestions and doubts, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!

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