Plans for the New World

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Hey guys, Nightingale here! Today I bring you the new chapter of Lucky's and Ainz's many adventures on their new world. We ended up with a massacre and a sadistic Lucky in the end of the last chapter, after the Supreme Beings showed the Sunlight Scripture that their Gods wouldn't listen to their prayers, so how about we take a look on what happened after that?

If you're curious, then sit back, relax and enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy ...


Ainz: I won't repeat myself Albedo! No one will acompany me!

It was early in the morning in Nazarick and a couple of days had passed after the incidents that happened in the Carne village.  During that time, Ainz tought that simply staying in Nazarick out of fear was not the best idea if he wanted to survive in this new world and so, investigations were in need. And this is where the troubles started.

Albedo: With all the respect Ainz-sama, as the Overseer of the Floor Guardians, I can't allow the leader of the Supreme Beings to leave Nazarick unprotected.

As soon as he gathered the guardians to inform them of his plan, Albedo was immediatly against it.

Demiurge: I share the same opinion as Albedo Ainz-sama. Even with your power, it's far too risky to leave you alone outside of Nazarick.

To make things even worse, the rest of the guardians were giving her their full support on this matter.

Ainz: Are you saying that you believe I could get hurt by puny humans Demiurge?

Demiurge: I wouldn't dare to even imagine that Ainz-sama!

The guardian quickly clarified as Ainz mentally sighed at his failed attempt to earn some freedom from his new found position.

Ainz: (thoughts) I guess I was too optimistic in thinking that their trust in my abilities would be enough to get me some space. Maybe I was too hopefull.

Albedo: If you really insist on conducting an investigation yourself, then please allow me to acompany you during you journey Ainz-sama.

Ainz: And who would attend to your functions whille you acompany me Albedo?

Albedo: I believe that Demiurge possesses all of the qualities needed to replace me while I'm out.

Ainz: Denied. Demiurge has enough things to think as the Commander of the defenses of Nazarick. Do you wish him to leave his function and risk the Nazarick's safety out of a whim?

Albedo: Absolutly not, but I can just let you do this on our own.

Albedo and Ainz shoot arguments back and foward with no signs of ending or coming up with a solution.

Shalltear: Ainz-sama, may I suggest something?

Shalltear, out of nowhere, asked the Supreme being for permission to speak gaining everyone's attention.

Ainz: I'll allow it. Tell us what are your thoughts on this matter Shalltear.

Ainz said, hoping for anything that could help him get over the situation he put himself in.

Shalltear: Thank you.

The little vampire raised from her kneeling position and revealed them her idea.

Shalltear: Wouldn't it be wiser to ask for Lucky-sama's opinion on this delicate matter?

She asked with a smile at the thought of being able to show the remaining guardians just how excelent was the man she chose to give her heart to.

Needless to say, the guardians, as well as Ainz, wanted nothing more then slam their heads against a wall at the fact that they didn't even consider that.

Demiurge: Of course! If it's Lucky-sama, then I'm sure he can give us a plan that can satisfy everyone.

Aside from Shalltear and demon, the other guardians were still in the dark when it came to Lucky and his capacities and how could their companions be soo dedicated to the secretive Supreme Being, to the point where it looked like they believed that he was the actual leader of the Supreme Beings rather then Ainz.

Ainz: (thoughts) SHIT! I forgot to ask Lucky-san for his opinion! (sigh) I guess there's only one thing to do now. 

Ainz thought with his bony fingers on his chin before giving them his decision.

Ainz: Hmmm, yes I believe that your suggestion will definatly help us with this matter. Good job Shalltear.

Shalltear: Thank you very much Ainz-sama.

The guardian of the first three floor thanked with a small bow before returning to her kneeling position with the others, but not before showing Albedo a victorious smile. As it was obvious, Albedo was not happy with it.

A few minutes after Ainz using a mensage spell, the doors of the throne room opened, with Lucky, acompanied by CIxous, entering throught it.

Lucky: Good morning everyone ...

He gretted before turning towards the guardians and giving them a polite nod, acknowledging their presence.

Lucky: Guardians.

And doing the same towards his friend seated in the throne.

Lucky: Ainz.

Ainz: Good morning Lucky-san. Forgive me for calling you all the way here from your floor all of a sudden.

Lucky: There's no need to apologize my friend. Knowing you, I hardly believe you would ask for presence for some useless reason.

His skeleton friend nodded with royal dignity on the outside, but felt himself sweatdrop on the inside.

Ainz: (thoughts) I think it's better if I don't tell him that I completly forgot to ask for his opinion on this.

Ainz: What we have here is a clash of opinions my dear friend. I think the best way for us to survive in this new place we find ourselves in, is by conducting an investigation myself. The Guardians however ...

Albedo: We think it's unwise to let the leader of the Supreme Beings to leave Nazarick without a bodyguard.

Lucky nodded and resumed his way towards the stair's direction.

Ainz: While I can understand her worries, I don't wish to leave Nazarick without a precious member in our defenses.

Demiurge: And it was then that Shalltear suggested that we ask your opinion on this case as one of the two remaining Supreme Beings.

Lucky: ... Did she now?

Now on top of the staircase, Lucky locked his eyes with the small vampire who merely showed him a small seductive smile before bowing her head down again just like the others.

Shalltear: Yes. Being the most cunning being that I ever had the pleasure to see with my own eyes, I thought that you may be one to bring this conflict to an end with one of your devilish ideas Lucky-sama.

Lucky: (thoughts) Woaaaaaaah, hearing her talk about me like that really makes me feel like I'm some sort of villain. Well, that was the whole idea behind my character, but still ...

The others waited for Lucky's response as he decided to sit down on one of the stairs with a deep thinking look on his furry face.

Lucky: It pleases me to see your faith in me Shalltear, you did the right thing in suggesting for my presence. Good job.

Shalltear: I'm unworthy of such words.

As Shalltear keep fist pumping at her sucess in her mind, Lucky stood still now thinking on a way to their problem.

Ainz: (telephaty) Lucky-san help me! I don't want to have any of them watching every step I make 24/7! Please tell me you can convince them!

As if answering to his friend's prayers, Lucky just sended him his usual friendly smile and a small nod. At that moment, if Ainz wasn't an undead, he would have started crying tears of relieve.

Ainz: (telephaty) Lucky-san, I knew I could count on you!

In what came as a surprise for the Supreme Being and the Guardians, Lucky gestured Cixous to come over to him. The poor maid didn't understood why she, out of all of the poeple in the room, was the one that he was called by the Supreme  Being. Either way, she made sure go quickly pick up the pace and go towards him, making sure to bow down and soon as he was in front of Lucky and Ainz.

Cixous: Did you need me Lucky-sama?

Still not satisfied with it, Lucky gesture her to come even closer, which the poor maid had no choice other then obey, knowing that this would probably end in another embarassing moment for her. And she was right. As soon as she was close enough, Lucky gently placed his hand on her golden hair and moved some of it to the back of her ear and began whispering near it.

Shalltear: (thoughts) Who the hell is that maid?! Why is she getting rewarded by Lucky-sama like that?! Not even I had the pleasure to have the words of the supreme to myself like that!

All of Shalltear's previous good mood was long gone at the sight of a red cheeked Cixous nodding at the instructions that were been given to her. 

As it was normal by now, Demiurge's clearly misunderstood the meaning behind the actions of the friend of his creator.

Demiurge: (thoughts) I see it now. So this is a warning to Shalltear isn't it Lucky-sama? It's your way of saying that you can easly get any woman of your desire to replace her, so she shouldn't get overconfident by being able to suggest something so simple and logic as calling for you. Marvelous! To be able to tame the women that is the strongest amongst us Guardians so easely! As expected of Lucky-sama, not even the woman's heart has any secrets for you my lord!

Ending his silent mensage to CIxous, the embarassed maid did one last bow and sprinted away from him, as red as her cheeks were allowed to be, and out the door, leaving the Supreme Beings and the Guardians alone again.

Lucky: And now, we wait ...

The Guardians looked around at each other trying to see if any of them had any idea of what was going on inside the big rabbit's mind but to no avail. They thought about gaining answer from the two of them that knew the best but Demiurge simply shrugged his shoulders keeping his usual smile and Shalltear .... was clearly not in the mood to talk after what she had just saw.

Luckly, they didn't have to wait for too long. Only a few minutes after Cixous departure, a gate opened near them and from it, came the Pleiades.

Losing no time, the maids too felt to their knees and greeted their masters.

Pleiades: Good morning Ainz-sama, Lucky-sama.

Ainz: Hmm, good morning Pleiades.

Ainz: (thoughts) The battle maids? How could they help me in this situation?

Lucky: A good morning for you ladies as well. Forgive me for calling out for your presence this early in the morning.

All of them shook their heads at his words.

Solution: Please don't be Lucky-sama.

Lupusregina: We exist only to serve both of you.

Yuri: Exactly. We shall always answer to your calls whenever you need us.

It still felt strange to have people making his life and comfort the reason of their lifes for Lucky, but far, far better then having to deal with the lies and deceits of the people from his old world.

Lucky: Thank you. Those words coming from you that don't know me for that long, truely make me feel loved.

Needless to say, the battle maids felt the same burning feeling on their cheeks as Cixous did earlier at those words and while trying to keep their professional act together, they couldn't trick the eyes of the jealous vampire in the room.

Shalltear: (thoughts) THOSE DAMN MAIDS!!!! Who do they think they are?! I've known Lucky-sama for far longer so they better not think that they can get to him before me!

Lucky: I'll be quick so you may go back to enjoy a good breakfast with your collegues so please come here.

Lucky signaled them to get up and move towards the front of the Guardians and Ainz. 

Albedo: Lucky-sama forgive me, but I still don't understand ...

Feeling her doubts, Lucky simply place a finger in front of his lips to shush her.

Lucky: Patience Albedo, all in do time ... 

The red orbs of the Elder Lich in the throne carefully whatched the Pleiades's moves silently as Lucky made his way to his side.

Lucky: Well then Ainz ... choose.

Only silence could be heard in the room.

Albedo and Ainz: Huh?

Lucky: Like I said, chose one of the Pleiades to acompany you on your journey.

Silence once again.


Aura: Hmm Lucky-sama? I'm confused.

Mare: M-Me too.

Cocytus: I share the same opinion.

And so, the professor's lesson started.

Lucky: Well dear Guardians, the problem here was that Ainz wanted to conduct the investigation outside of Tomb alone, while Albedo wanted to acompany him to insure his safety, but that let him to refuse since he didn't want to leave one of your position's free as that person replaced her with her functions. So how do we solve A PROBLEM SUCH AS THIS?!! ... Simple. 

Lucky explained while taking a stroll around the Pleaides, finishing with a quick turn in the confused Guardians's direction.

Lucky: We just need someone outside the Guardians to escort him instead. 

As it was obvious, Ainz was not liking the sudden revelation and the sudden chain of events that was happening before his non-existing eyes.

Ainz: (thoughts) OI LUCKY-SAN! This is not what we agreed!

Lucky: (telepathy) Hmm? I wonder what you are talking about Guildmaster~

The beastman glance behind him with a smirk to see Ainz's jaw almost falling to the floor.

Ainz: (thoughts) Don't play games with me rabbitman! I wanted to have some fresh air without any of the NPC's following me around! This is not what you said it would happen!

Lucky: (telepathy) Oh, like the fact that you forgot to tell me about leaving the Tomb and leave me in charge of all the responsability while you went out to do whatever the hell you wanted?

It was that time that Ainz knew ... that his plan failed.

Lucky: (telepathy) Yeah, we can both play that game Bone Daddy. Plus, I didn't lie. You said you didn't want a Guardian following you around 24/7, and the Pleiades are not Guardians. Now go on, choose~  

Demiurge: While I'm not doubting your great plans, could you give us your reason to why choose them as an alternative Lucky-sama?

Every Guardian nodded in response to their companion's doubt.

Lucky: You see Demiurge, most of you Guardians fail at one of two requirements to sucessfully acompany my friend in his stay on the outside.

They failed? How could this be possible? To fail the Supreme Beings in any way and not being able to realize it. Those thoughts hauted every single one of the Guardians right now.

Lucky: Don't look so desperate, it's two things none of you could do anything about so rest at ease, you have not failed us in any way.

A colective sigh of relief echoed in the room making the strongest NPC's heart's rest at ease that they did no disappoint their leaders.

Lucky: (raises a finger) Requirement number 1! Appearence. Most of you fail to be able to properly pose as humans. Aura and Mare can hide their elven ears, but the fact that they look like human children would make hard for Ainz to properly gain a more dangerous looking job with them around. Shalltear and Albedo with their beauty would atract too much attention on him and Cocytus and Demiurge are by far the least human looking of you.

It was true, there was no way for them to hide among humans withou hindering Ainz's plan in any way. 

Lucky: (raises another finger) Requirement number 2! Power.

Mare: W-What do you mean Lucky-sama? Everyone here is strong, or so I think.

The shy dark elf expressed confused by the second requirement.

Lucky: The problem doesn't lie on you being strong or not Mare, it lies on the fact that you are all too strong. How can someone lower their guard and say what shouldn't be heard when a man is acompanied by beings far stronger that what he appears to be and leagues above themselves?

It would appear that now the Guardians began understanding why the Pleiades were called. All of them were just as loyal as them, looked more human and weaker then them, yet, strong enough to defend Ainz if anything were to happen, not too mention that any of the remaining sisters could cover for the one that acompanied the Lich on his journey, without affecting the entire Tomb of Nazarick. They fitted the description perfectly.

Albedo: Please wait, Lucky-sama!

But as it would appear, one of them was still not satiesfied yet.

Albedo: While I can understand your reasoning, I have to insist on requesting for one of us to acompany Ainz-sama. 

Shalltear's hands immediatly went to the top of her head in panick at hearing her rival's words, followed by Demiurge quiet shushs directed at Albedo who didn't notice it, making Aura wonder what the hell were they doing in the first place.


Albedo: It's far too risky to follow that plan Lucky-sama.

An earie silence filled the room as soon as Albedo had stopped talking.

Lucky: You insist? ...

Ainz: (thoughts) Now you did it Albedo ...

Ainz sighed at what was about to come, placing a hand over his eyes to avoid seeing it.

Turning around to face the Guardians once again, Lucky's face was anything but nice at the moment. No longer were his lips curved into the usual smile they usually had and his ruby like eyes stood wide open looking down at Albedo and the others and they all trembled at the pressure that he suddently placed in the room.

Lucky: (cold tone) Albedo ... this has already been decided.

By the tone on his voice, the big dark rabbit was done palying the nice guy.

Lucky: (cold tone) You have no right on insisting for me to change anything, including my decisions. Do you perhaps think that I didn't made this plan with all different situations and factors in mind? Is that what you're implying Albedo?

He questioned the Succubus as he passed by Pleiades and made it's way down the stairs,

Ainz: (thoughts) There it is ...

Aura: (whisper) I know Albedo spoke out of place, but why this much hostility?

Shalltear: (whisper) Listen, and listen well bean sprout ...

Shalltear warned before explaining what was just happening.

Shalltear: Once Lucky-sama makes a decision, that decision is absolute and no one should ever try to make him change it. He hates being contradicted more then anything else, even our creators knew that doing it was pointless and dangerous.

Ainz: (thoughts) It's been a while since I saw this side of Lucky-san but no matter how much time passes, he's still scary as hell when gets like this.

Lucky: (cold tone) I assure you that no harm will come to Ainz nor we'll have to take people away from their posts if we follow my plan like you all should. So tell me dear ...

At this point, Lucky was in front of Albedo and staring straight into her eyes with his wide, crazy crimson eyes. 

 Lucky: (cold tone) Do we have a problem?

The Overseer of the Floor Guardians could only shake and give a small whisper as an answer.

Albedo: N-No sir.

The pressure continued on, until Lucky got back to his more relaxed atitude and began walking up the stairs again, seemingly dancing as he went up them.

Lucky: Oh good, because for a second there I thought he had a problem~

The people in the room finally could breath at ease now that Lucky was back to normal. Well, all but one ...

Lucky: So Guildmaster, who's it gonna be? The fun Lupusregina? The adorable CZ? Our dashing Solution?! Please tell us~

Ainz hated his friend soo much at that moment.

Ainz: (thoughts) That Furrie bastard is loving this.

Right Ainz was. Lucky was absolutly loving making him choose his personal babysiter and boy, it was an not easy thing to do. He scanned every single one of the maids, until he found one that he thought would give him the best result that he planned for his journey.

Ainz: Naberal Gamma, you'll be one acompaning me as I make my investigation in E-Rantel. Prepare yourself as fast as you can because we'll be leaving within the next few days.

Naberal: (bow) Understood, Ainz-sama. I'll do everything within my power so you won't regret having given me the honour of acompaning you.

In his mind, Aiunz thought that maybe, just maybe, his journey wouldn't be so bad after all, even if was going to do it with someone from Nazarick which he hadn't planned of doing. But of course, those thought where quickly pushed away once he heard the giggle of his company via mensage.

Ainz: (telepathy) What the hell is soo funny Lucky-san?

Lucky: (telepathy) Oh nothing, nothing. I'm just thinking on how fun your trip will be~

From his time with Lucky on the guild, Ainz knew that had just stepped on a landmine placed by the cunning rabbit, but he didn't gave any time to ask him what it was since Lucky too had plans for the Pleiades.

Lucky: Well since you are all here already, I guess I should use this oportunity to give you some tasks of my own. As you hear your names please get up and take a step foward.

All the servants nodded at his order and waited for their names to be called.

Lucky: Demiurge.

Demiurge: Yes!

Wasting no time, the demon got up and took a step foward.

Lucky: I know you wish to make some experiments for the future, but for now, please give priority to Nazarick's defense systems. You may, however, start planning the construction of a facility for your future project.

Demiurge: Thank you very much.

Lucky: Next, Shalltear and Solution.

Shalltear and Solution: Yes.

Lucky: I hear you two have quite a bit of compatibility so you two will be working together on this task. 

Shalltear: What should we do for you Lucky-sama?

Lucky: A simple task for two ladies of your caliber. I merely wish you to search for people proficient with Martial Arts and unique skills. People like that can serve a great purpose for the future of Nazarick. With your looks, I'm sure you are both able to get me that information. And Solution ...

Solution: Yes my lord?

Lucky: Please inform Sebas that he'll be acompaning you both during your journey. And you don't have to worry either Shalltear, I'll use my own guardian, Legion, to serve as your substitute in the defense of the first three floors while you're out.

Shalltear: Understood Lucky-sama, when should we leave?

Lucky: It breaks my heart to say this, but as soon as possible. Possibly at the same time as Naberal and Ainz.

Shalltear: Understood.

Lucky: Good. And lastly ...

Lucky turned towards the last person needed for his plans, who was not expecting to play a part on them.

Lucky: Lupusregina Beta, you'll be acompaning me for the time being.

Lupusregina: Eh? Me Lucky-sama.

Asked the confused werewolf maid as she pointed at herself.

Lucky: Of course, who else could I be asking for but you?

Getting excited with his own plan, Lucky forgot the trait gained by his race and immediately found himself behind the poor red-head holding her shoulders as he explained his plan.

Lucky: I wish to make some experiments of my own in the Carne Village and the people we saved a few days ago. They seemed to trust me and Ainz, but just to play safe, I wish you to acompany me~

Lupusregina: W-Why me, if I'm allowed to ask?

Lucky: That's quite obvious my little wolf~ Out of all of your sisters, you possesse the friendliest atitude. That radiant smile of yours will surely make the humans lower they guard and allow us to sink our fangs into their flesh ...

He explained with a playfull bite on her neck. Needless to say, she was expecting any of this.

Lucky: If ever needed of course~

Lupusregina: I-I understand, I-I'll do it.

And for the third time that day, Shalltear felt the urge to kill any maid that she happened to see.

Lucky: Wonderfull! Now that we got out of the way, you are all free to go. And I, am free to go get my breakfast as well. Bye bye.

Without any further room for discussions, Lucky used his ring to teleport away from all of them. And yet, again, most of the NPC's were unable to get a read on Supreme Being that continued to catch them off guard ever since the first day~

Slane Theocracy - Great Cathedral

Bishop: I understand. Very well, you are free to leave now that you gave us your report. Take some days off before going back to service. Dismissed.

????: Thank you very much. 

Inside the holy cathedral of the Slane Theocracy, a single soldier, surrounded by various types of priests got up from his kneeling position and made his way out, leaving them to discussed their own business.

He was seen travelling over the white street, passing by several guards wih the same uniform as him doing their jobs, several merchants, and several non-human slaves that were either acompaning their masters or about to be sold.

Soon before the sun could set in the horizon, the soldier got to a small house near the edge of the city, close to walls that protected it.

Little girl: PAPA!!!

As soon as the man opened the door to the house, a little girl seated in what seemed like a wooden wheel-chair yelled for him as she pushed herself in his direction, making him take of his buvket looking helmet and hug the small girl.

Soldier: I'm home Diana.

Soon enough, as the two of them were making up for the lost time, a women dressed in a simple dress entered the room.

Woman: Welcome home dear.

The black haired man picked up his daughter from her chair and and quickly gave a kiss to his wife, smiling now that he was finally home.

Soldier:  I'm home Rose.

Rose: How did the mission go?

The soldier stopped for a brief moment, the flashbacks of what was a massacre still very much alive in his eyes and mind.

Rose: Tristan?

The voice of Rose thankfully, brought him back from the horror that he was relieving.

Tristan: It didn't go well. We failed and the entire Sunlight Scripture was wiped out with the exception of me.

Rose: My goodness!

The poor wife gasped at the idea that her husband being so close to death and leaving her and their daughter alone in this city, that was all, but pure and safe.

Tristan: Haha, don't worry, I came back alive didn't I?  

Rose: This is not a laughing matter Tristan.

She scolded.

Tristan: I know, I know. Don't worry, I'll be more carefull next time.

He said while making his way to one of the house's compartiments.

Rose: Where are you going?

Tristan stopped and looked back at his wife with a smile.

Tristan: I'm gonna offer a prayer for being able to come back.

He explained.

Diana: Me too! Me too! I want to thank God for bringing you back to me and mama, papa!

Tristan: Ohhhh you're such a good girl Diana. Ok, come with me.

Continuing his way through the halls of the house, the happy family entered a room with a small altar with of several statues of what seemed like saints, near six bigger statues of six warriors with two candles lit in front of all of them.

Rose felt that something was wrong with Tristan. As soon as he entered the room, he froze as he glanced at the small altar.

Diana: Papa?

And she was not the only one, Diana too noticed the strange behaviour of her father. Inresponse, Tristan made it's way to it, as it was usual, and once he stopped in font of him ...


He slapped every single statue out of the altar and directly into the floor, breaking every single one of them with no exception, and in return, place something else in it's place.

Diana: Papa what is that?

Tristan took a step back and kneeled down with his little girl still in his arms as she looked at him.

Tristan: This, Diana, is papa's guardian angel ...

The soldier smiled and said the following words with the biggest amount of faith possible, like either of his family members never heard from him.

Tristan: And a God. (smile) Our God.

Diana looked at the smiling Tristan onfused, before looking back at the altar again and at what her beloved father put on the statue's place. 

Diana: A rabbit?

In the top of the altar now stood a small hand sized statue of a black rabbit with two red jewels for it's eyes.

Tristan: Don't let him fool you Diana, you better continue to be a good girl ...







.... or the black rabbit will come for you.


Annnnnnd done! Well people, sorry if you were waiting for a more action filled chapter or maybe Lucky going with Ainz on his journey, but our ddear rabbit has other plans for the future. This is more of a preparetion chapter that will be the base to explain Lucky's future plans, which let me tell you, he has plenty off.

Just what is he trying to do to Carne Village and especially, that soldier from the Slane Theocracy? What is that cunning carrot-eater thinking off? For those answers and more, you'll have to wait for the next chapter of "Little Heaven of mine".

As always, leave me your comments suggestions and doubts and if you would like, feel free to message me, don't be shy, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!

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