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Hey guys, Nightingale here! And with me, a new chapter about the adventures of your favourite evil bunny: Lucky Little Feet. In the last chapter, you all saw that he left the Slane Theocracy's soldier live for his plans. What are those plans? You'll have to wait and see. But for now let's see what is he up to now.

If you're curious about that, then sit back, relax and enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy ...


Great Tomb of Nazarick

Ainz: Well then, I'll be leaving Nazarick under your care now Lucky-san.

The day has come. All the loose ends had been tied and all the preparations were complete, and now, the time for Ainz and Naberal to explore the world outside of Nazarick had come.

Currently, outside of the great tomb, stood both of the remaining Supreme Beings and most of the Floor Guardians together as this was an important moment for all after all. Since his appearence would cause people to flee in panick, Ainz was dressed in a fully jet-black full body armor adorned with purple, golden markings and a large red cape over it with two large swords strapped on his back.

As for his companion, Naberal Gamma, a maid working as an adventurer would also draw too much unecessary attention on them so she was wearing much simpler clothes compared to her uniform under a plain brown cloak.

Lucky: Rest assured knowing that everyone is in good hands guildmaster. Have a safe trip.

Lucky assured Ainz that he had nothing to worry with him in charge of the Great Tomb of Nazarick and it's citizen.

Ainz: I'm sorry. I'm leaving and placing all of this burden on you like this.

The Great Lich apologized. He felt like his wish to explore the outside ended up causing problems to his friend, even if it wasn't intentional, since with him away, that meant that Lucky was the one that would have to take care of everything that happened in their home while he was away. And it was a lot.

Lucky: Just fulfil your goals and come back safely and then you're forgiven my friend.

He was happy. Not only was Ainz not alone in this new world, but the one that was here with him was someone soo understanding as Lucky. Honestly, he felt like he couldn't ask for more ...

Lucky: (menacing tone) But you better show your face here once in a while, or else ...

Even though he could be scary as hell sometimes.

Ainz: O-Of course.

Lucky: (telepathy) You better mean that Ainz.

Ainz: (telepathy) I get it! I get it! I'll come back often to take care of the boring stuff!

Yes, as it would seem, Lucky was the type of rabbit that didn't forget and held grudges and the memory of Ainz wanting to leave everything to him as he went out to explore was still pretty much alive to the second Supreme Being.

Lucky: We'll be waiting for you then. (turns to Naberal) Naberal Gamma, I'm trusting you with my friend's life.

And of course, Lucky made sure to remind the Pleiades maid that her mission was of the highest importance.

Naberal: Thank you for placing your trust on someone like me Lucky-sama. I'll be sure to protect Ainz-sama until we return to Nazarick, even if it costs my life.

Naberal answered with the professionalism that they were all used to see in her, but still unsettled the former humans among them. They didn't exactly have every single person around them wanting to take a bullet from them soo willingly during their entire lives after all.

Ainz and Lucky: (thoughts) I'll never get used to that.

Demiurge: We are all counting on you Naberal.

Aura: Stay safe!

Mare: P-Please don't get hurt.

Shalltear: Try your best to meet our expectations Naberal.

One by one the guardians said their goodbyes in their unique ways, wishing her good luck on her task to serve the ones they all called masters, even if some were more straightforward then the others.

Albedo: Naberal ...

Albedo called for her in a sweet tone gaining the Maid's attention.

Naberal: Yes Albedo-sama?

Albedo: Be sure to bring our master back without a scratch ok?

Naberal: Understood-

Albedo: Without a scratch alright?

Albedo suddently said, seemingly teleporting towards Naberal and staring her right in the eyes and forcing the poor maid to take a step back.

Albedo: Without a-


Albedo: Aw!

Knowing the direction on which this was going, Lucky quickly chopped the Guardian Overseer in the back of her head, forcing her to stop and hold it to help sooth the pain from then sudden attack.

Lucky: Stop putting unecessary pressure on her!

The beastman scolded Albedo who was clearly making Naberal uncomfortable, and that was a feat by itself considering how the Pleiade usually behaved.

Demiurge: (thoughts) As expected of you Lucky-sama, none of us even had the time to intervene.

As it was to be expected, Demiurge was too busy admiring what Lucky did rather then worry about how much strenght he had used on that chop. 

Shalltear: This is why I can't stand old hags. They always panic at the first sign that their man will run away.

And as it was obvious, Shalltear just had to ad some salt to Albedo's wound, something that the fallen maiden didn't apreciate.

 Albedo: Big words coming from the girl that pissed herself when she touched her man, little lamprey.

Aura: (thoughts) Here we go again ...

The first shots had been fired, and every Guardian decided to take a step back knowing what would happen next. A cat fight.

Shalltear: (menacing tone) Wanna see how I can make you piss yourself old hag?

Albedo: (menacing tone) I have a better idea, how about I make you swallow those fake boobs of yours?

Shalltear: (menacing tone) Old hag!

Albedo: (menacing tone) Fake titted lamprey!


Shalltear and Albedo: Aww!

The all out cat fight was fortunatly difused by Lucky before the two women could basically obliterate the entrance of Nazarick.

Lucky: Now, are we gonna behave and wish Ainz and Naberal a good trip?!

Lucky asked like a a furious father would ask his misbehaving kids.

Shalltear and Albedo: Yes, Lucky-sama.

Ainz's jaw was pratically touching the ground at this point at the things he was seeing in front of his non-existing eyes.

Ainz: (thoughts) Yup, time to go ...

Ainz: W-Well, we'll be leaving now. (turns to Naberal) Let's go Naberal Gamma.

Naberal: Yes, Ainz-sama.

Ainz: Fly.

Now ready to go, both Ainz and Naberal used the spell Fly and after getting covered by a light blue light, they took of to the skies to start their small trip with E-Rantel and their first stop.

Everyone: Have a safe trip.

They all waved them goodbye until both their master and their comrade were out of sight in the clear blue sky.

Mare: T-There they go I guess ...

The small dark elf softly said, still looking at the sky as if he was trying to find Ainz's and Nabereal's shape in the horizon.

Aura: Don't be a baby Mare. Ainz-sama will come back.

His older sister assured, wishing to herself that her little brother would man up for once.

Cocytus: Remember that they are doing this for all of us. And until they get back, we all have our own jobs to do .

Demiurge: That is correct. For now let's support Lucky-sama with whatever he needs Mare.

The older looking male Guardians too, tried to best to cheer up their little fellow adn fortunatly, all of their words seemed to make him feel better.

Mare: I-I understand. I-I'll do my best!

Demiurge: That's the spirit.

Lucky: Hmmmmm ...

Demiurge and Shalltear took notice of the thinking face that the remaining Supreme Being was making now that Ainz was away and their curiosity simply couldn't allow them to remain quiet.

Demiurge: Is there something wrong Lucky-sama?

Lucky didn't answer Demiurge's question, or rather, he was soo deep in his own thoughts that he actually didn't listen to the demon's question.

The great dark rabbit suddently took a pocket watch from his inner coat and quickly took a peak at the time.

Lucky: I guess we still have time ...

Their second leader was not making any sense. They still had time? Time for what exactly?

The one that was able to bring Lucky out of his thoughts was Shalltear with a soft tug on the sleeves of his jacket. The Supreme Being was then faced with the small vampire's red eyes filled with doubt.

Shalltear: Lucky-sama, is everything ok?

Noticing her worry, he was quick to reassure her by picking her up, much to her pleasure, and giving them the answer they wanted.

Lucky: Yes, yes, I'm quite alright. I was just making up my mind on something. (turns around) Follow me guardians, there's someone I would like you all to meet.

Without any further explanations, Lucky started walking towards the entrance of Nazarick with Shalltear still in his arms. The Guardians looked around at each other trying to understand the sudden change of plans that Lucky made but in the end, they simply shrugged it off and started following Lucky who was already entering the first floor of the Tomb. If they were gonna work for him, then they would have to get used to his unsual mindset.

Shalltear: L-Lucky-sama this is ...

Surprisingly, Salltear's cheeks were as red as her eyes at the moment, something that was very rare to see in the more straight foward of all the Guardians.

Lucky: Hm? What is it Shalltear? Should I put you down?

Shalltear: No! No! I just don't want to bother one of the Supreme ones so- Kyah!

Without a warning, Lucky lightly pick Shalltear and threw her up before she quickly fell into his arms again. To some of the Guardians around them, it was actually quite entertaining to see the girl that bragged about being the strongest amongst them getting scared soo easely.

Lucky: Oh my little bat~ If something as light could tire me, then I wouldn't be one of the Supreme Beings now would I? Just call this a little motivation for your trip my dear.

He joked as they continued to move deeper into the 1st floor.

Shalltear: I-I see. I'm unworthy of your kindness Lucky-sama.

Albedo: Lucky-sama.

Albedo suddently called, deeply enjoying the face that Shalltear made once she ruined her little moment.

Shalltear: (thoughts) This old hag ... !

Albedo: Sebas, Solution and Lupusregina will be arriving pretty soon, shouldn't we just have waited for them at the entrance. There is no need to bother yourself with going to to them personaly.

Lucky: No need to worry Albedo. I'm just making use of the fact that Shalltear is still her along with most of you Guardians to introduce you all to someone very special.

Aura: Who is that person Lucky-sama?

Aura asked, filled with the curiosity and cheerfullness that Lucky used to see in her creator, Bukubukuchagama.

Lucky: Patience Aura, all in do time.

Lucky answered her vaguely. But luckly for them, they didn't have to wait that much to get their curiosity satisfied. 

Lucky: (whisper) I guess this will be good enough ...

Lucky whispered to himself as soon as they reached the center of the first floor and he placed Shalltear down. 

The first foor, as well as the second and the third floor were all part of a large group of Catacombs. They consisted of subterranean burial chambers where several dozen undead were seen wandering around in the darkness.

Demiurge: Is the person you want us to meet here my lord?

Asked a confused Demiurge.

Lucky: No. But he'll be here shortly ...

Leaving no room for any further questions, the big black rabbit took a deep breath in and shouted with all of his might ...


The Guardians almost had their ears blown away from the shout that made even stone walls of the Catacombs tremble and continued to each throught out the entire floor. But it didn't stop there, his voice traveled throught out the entire Nazarick until it eventually, reached the ears of the one he was calling for.

Deep down in the 10th floor, the three headed hound known as Amore woke up from his frozen sleep and ready to do just as he was asked to do.

Amore: I have heard your great words my liege ... Grrrrrrrrrr! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

With a mighty roar, Amore started pulling the chains around his body foward, breaking some of the ice that had been formed over them a long time ago do to the chains never being used for their intended purpose. Until this day. 

Slowly, but surely moving foward, Amore pulled the rattling metal shackles and made the mechanisms around the huge door behind him move and gradually open the large set of doors that he was ordered to guard.

It only took less then a minute for the large doors to be fully opened and Amore started to see tiny blue fireballs coming out of it, illuminating his frozen domain with a spetacular show  of lights.

Lucky: Come to my side ... Legion.

Lucky called out the foreign name in a soft tone from all the way over them in the 1st floor, being heared by his three- headed creation. 

Amore: Our father has summoned you. 

Amore kindly said to seemingly no one around. At those words, the small fireballs burned brighter a single time before they all simultaniously started floating up and disappearing through the celling of his room.

Amore: Make haste now, run to his side ...

All the three heads of the watchdog couldn't help but smile as he, once again, returned to his original position in the center of room and looked up at blue flames as the large doors slowly closed themselves behind him, hiding the wonders that were beyond them once again.

Amore: Our dearest ghost.

Meanwhile, back in the 1st floor, the guardians looked around hoping to see just who was this Legion that Lucky had called. The first ones to notice that something felt off were the twins, Aura and Mare, and Demiurge was the one that took notice of it.

Demiurge: What's the problem Aura?

Aura: Shhhh!

The older dark elf quickly signaled Demiurge to be quiet in order for her to pay attention on the strange sound that she and her brother were hearing.

Mare: S-Something is coming ...

The seconds felst like minutes and face with the unknown, the Guardians instincts were driving them crazy.




Legion: Your great words have been heard ...

A female voice echoed throught out the dark catacombs and finally allowing the dark elves to pinpoint it's owner's location.

Aura: It's bellow us!

At those words, the inumerous blue fireballs came out of the ground bellow them and started floating around Lucky and the group of Guardians  who had placed themselves around to protect the Supreme Being.

Legion 2: With your forgiveness I leave my beloved homeland behind ...

The voices of several men was heard as all the fireballs stopped moving and began to burn more violently until faints shapes could be seen.

Legion 3: All to grant your mighty wish ...

Legion 4: O King of all life, holder of all wonders ...

The fireballs coming from the ground bellow them were endless as some of the spectral figures began aproaching the ground and even voices of children began echoing around them.

Legion: From the green forests of Tír na NÓg I have arrived ...

Once all the flames went finally out, what all left was the phantasmagoric sight of a small army of pale blue ghosts of several different people, man and woman alike, with gorgeous red eyes surrounding Lucky and the Guardians.

Legion 2: "Phantom of the Hundred Whispers" Legion ...

One of the spirits introduced himnself as all the figures slowly kneeled down to pay their respects to the Supreme Being.

Every ghost: Prepared and ready to serve! 

The NPC's were looking around in astonishment, unable to say a single word. Just who could these people that they have never saw be?

Lucky: (thoughts) Wow ... since when was he a show off?

Lucky: Allow me to make the introductions ...

As much as Lucky absolutly adored the faces that the Guardians were making right now, he had a busy schedule for today soo he couldn't exactly wait for them to come back from their shocks by themselves. With that in mind, the Supreme Being left the circle created by the Guardians and cleared his thoat to gain everyone's attention.  

Lucky: Floor Guardians I want all of you to meet the Guadian of the 11th floor and my eldest creation ...

The rabbit said with obvious pride in both him and his creation as he made a quick spin with open arms, refering to every single one of the pale blue phantoms in the room.

Lucky: Legion.

Even with his introduction, the Floor Guardian didn't seem to understand the situation in the slightest. The unsetling gazes of the ghost brigade around them didn't exactly help them either.

Aura: Lucky-sama I'm confused, which one of them is Legion?

Every ghost: I am Legion.

Every ghost simultaneously answered Aura giving her a jumpscare.

Cocytus: I'm confused my Lord.

Lucky merely laughed at the interactions and the confusion amongst the Guardians.

Lucky: Hahahaha, I don't blame you Cocytus. It might sound confusing to you but every single one of these spirits is Legion.

Mare: E-Even though there's this many people Lucky-sama?

Lucky: Yes. He might have many different shapes, bodies and voices, but in the end, all of these astral bodies share one mind and heart. To put it simply, they are all actually one person.

Albedo: I see ...

Demiurge: So this is the Floor Guardian living in Tír na NÓg, truely fascinating.

Seeing as they all understood Legion's overall concept now, it was time for Lucky to let his child face other people for the first time.

Lucky: (thoughts) I'm curious to see how he'll interact with them.

Lucky: Now that that is out of the way, please introduce yourselves. (turns to one of the ghosts) Legion, these are your fellow floor guardians. (looks at the Guardians) Introduce yourselves.

With his introduction out of the way, even if he wasn't the one doing it, Legion stared with his countless ruby eyes each and single one of them, waiting for them to make their own. The first was unsurprisingly Demiurge.

Demiurge: It's a pleasure to finally meet you Legion, I'm the Guardian of the 7th Floor Demiurge. I hope we can get along.

Followed by the Cocytus.

Cocytus: I am Cocytus, Guardian of the 5th Floor. Thank for coming all the way here to help us Guardian of Tír na NÓg.

And then the twins.

Aura: I am Aura and this (grabs Mare) is my little brother Mare, we are both the Guardians 6th floor. Nice to meet ya.

Mare: H-Hello.

Followed by Shalltear.

Shalltear: Guardian of the first, second and third floor, Shalltear Bloodfallen.

And finally, Albedo.

Albedo: I'm Albedo, the Overseer of all the Guardians. If you ever need anything I would be more then happy to help you.

The ghosts nodded, appearing to have decorated all of their names.

Legion: It truely makes me happy ...

Legion 2: To finally meet my Floor Guardians comrades.

So far, it seemed like that thhere will be no problems amongst them. And just in time.

Lupusregina: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!

Everyone's eyes immediately turned towards the three new guests of the first floor that were currently aproaching the group. Thos three were none other thenb Sebas, Lupusregina and Solution that had come to meet with the Supreme Being and depart on their own missions.

Lucky: Ah, just in time. Come Lupusregina, we have places to be and time waits for no one.

The Maid, although confused, picked up her pace and hurried up to follow Lucky who was already walking away.

Lupusregina: Whoaaaa, were there this many people in the fist floor before?

Lucky: Not, but I'll explain everything on our way. (turns to the Legion) Legion, you'll be replacing Shalltear for the time being soo use this chance and ask everyone what you need to know and good luck to you Shalltear, Sebas and Solution, I expect great results soo don't disappoint me.

Lupusregina: AH! Please wait Lucky-sama!

And just like that they were both gone and all the attention were once again to the Floor Guardian that outnumbered them by a large marging, creating a akward silence.

Legion: ... For my first question ....

Legion suddently said, outright ignoring the akwardness in the room, and pointed at Mare.

Legion 2: Why is that boy dressed as a girl?

Timeskip - Carne Village

After several days had passed after the attack on the Carne Village, the people were slowly going back to their usual lifes. Sure,they had lost a lot of good people that day, but they had to move forward even if they didn't want to. The harvests were aproaching and now that they had less people, they had to find a way to defense themselves, especially since they had tasted the fact that no one would be coming to protect them since they were soo isolated.

Surprisingly, it was one of the remaining girls in the village that came up with a solution for their defensive problems. Using the Horn of the Goblin General , an item that it was given to her on that fatefull day, Enri was able to summon a troop of Goblins that apeared out of nowhere and obeyed every single one of her orders without complaning. Thanks to that, a wooden wall was slowl, but surely being raised all around the village and giving the people some hope.

Goblin: Miss Enri, we have gathered enought wood to extend the wall for about 20 meters.

A armed Goblin with a big sword on his back reported to the blond teenage girl that was currently busy washing hers and her sister's clothes in a river near the village with the other women.

Enri: (sigh) Goblin-san, I already told you to report that to the Chief, not to me.

As it would seem, these report had already been going on for a while now and the young woman was getting a bit tired of having to do her work and have to listen to other peopl's work. Not that she didn't apreaciate the help she was getting from the Goblins, but she had a lot to think about with her house chores and taking care of her sister.

Goblin: The Chief has already been informed and with all the respect Miss Enri, but our loyalty is towards you so we have to report anything related to your orders to you as well.

She could see that his words made sense, but she still wanted to focus solely on her sister and the house for now.

Enri: If you want to do that then at least report those things to me in the end of the day, I'm busy working now.

Enri explain him as she picked up the wheat clothes and ploaced them on a basket before starting to head back to the village, with the Goblin making sure to follow her.

Goblin: I understand, I'll give out your orders to the others as well Miss Enri.

Enri: (thought) I was not a order actually ahahah ...

Goblin: But what if something important is required?

Enri: Then you can report it to me, but only if it's really-

Goblin 2: MISS ENRI!!!

Enri: (sigh) Important ....

The blond maiden couldn't help but sigh again at the sigh of another one of her Goblin screaming her name as he ran towards them, undoubtly to "report" something to her. Even so, kind and warmhearted as she was, she couldn't simply ignore them so, she waited fot the second goblin to reach them, and it was there that she saw the pany on his face.

Enri: What's wrong?!

She asked full of worry in her voice now.

Goblin 2: Miss Enri! We have unknown people aproaching the village!

Her body froze at the thought of a group of bandits or something similar using this chance to to attack them in the same way that those Knights diud just days ago. But even with fear, Enri had to make sure that she didn't create panic so she made them the question that would change the actions she would take.

Enri: How many people?

The Goblin looked at her straight in the eye and answered.

Goblin: Two.


Enri: .... I'm sorry, how many?

Goblin 2: Like I said, two people my lady.

At last, her body finally listened to her as she placed a hand on her chest and tried to calm down her racing heart, relieved that it wasn't a large group. The Goblin that was with her though ...

Goblin: YOU IDIOT!!!


He didn't find that funny and punched the second one in the head.


Goblin 2: But one of them was a beastman and he looked really strange so I-

Enri: What did you say?!

Enri suddently asked him, making the first goblin punch the second one again.

Goblin: Stop making up things to get out of this mess, you're scaring Miss Enri even more-

Enri: No, no, no! That's not it!

She interrupted the admitadly comic situation, making both of them look at her.

Enri: You said that one of them looked like a beastman right?

Goblin 2: Yes ma'am.

Enri: Was he dressed in fancy clothes like a person?

Goblin 2: Y-Yes.

The goblin looked surprised at the fact that his leader knew how the intruder was dressed in even if she wasn't there with him at that time to see.

Enri: Did he look like big dark rabbit?

She asked used her hands to imitate a pair of rabbit ears on her head, surprising the goblin once again. 

Goblin 2: Without a doubt my lady.

Seemingly satisfied with the answers, Enri started running towards the entrance of the village and leaving the two goblins behind. 

Goblin: Hey.

Goblin 2: (looks at the other goblin) Hm?


Goblin 2: Ahhh! The hell was that for?!

The second asked but the other one was already running after Enri.

Goblin: That's just because I felt like it!

Meanwhile, Enri was reaching the entrance only to see the remaining members of the Goblin Troop all gathered with their weapons in hand.

Enri: WAIT!!!

She yelled making them stop.

Goblin Troop: Miss Enri!

Soon, Enri got to where they were and immidiately told them what to do.

Enri: *pant* Let those people *pant* in. *pant* I think I'm gonna pass out. 

The reasons for her condition were quite large in number actuallly. Hot day, long dress, the small heart attack from before ... the fact that she was still carrying the basket of wheat clothes with her.

Enri: Please take these to my house and call the Village Chief, I'm gonna go greet the people coming here. 

Enri asked, giving the basket to one of the goblin who quickly ran to fufill her orders as fast as possible as she and the other goblins started walking to the entrance.

Goblin 3: Miss Enri, do you perhaps know who these suspicious suspects are?

She actually didn't need to answer, her actions were enought for the entire troop to understand that Enri did, in fact, know the ones aproaching the village.

Enri: Yes. They were the ones that saved our lifes a few days ago. They said they would stop by once in the while after that, but I never expected them to be back so soon. Ahhhh, if I knew they were coming today then I would have pieck something better to wear!

Just as she was finished with panting her clothes anmd fixing her hair and dress, they were already outside of the gate, same being for their guests.

Lucky: Oh, good morning Miss Enri.

Greeted the Beastman  with a friendly smile, taking his top hat from the top of his head before placing it back.

Enri: G-Good morning Lucky-sama, welcome back to the Carne Village.

She stuttered her own greeting back, still being too nervous around this important person and somehow embarassed at the fact that she cried on her saviour on the first day they met.

Enri: I-I see you are not with Ainz-sama today.

The truth was that Enri was expecting the person coming with him to be Ainz, or even the armored woman that was with them back then not this gorgeous girl in front to them.

Lucky: Ahhh, Ainz had to care of somethings so he was not able to come with me today. He does send his regards though.

Enri nodded, understanding that Ainz was a busy person so it may be required a lot of them before she could lay her eyes on him again.

Enri: Thank you and please send him our regards as well. (Looks at Beta? By the way, who's this girl?

Rather then answer that himself, Lucky allowed the maid he personaly choosed to acompany him to do her own introduction.

Lupusregina: Hey there, my name is Lupusregina Beta, one of the maids working for Lucky-sama and Ainz-sama. Great to meet ya Enri.

Enri and the others were a little taken back by Lupusregina's cheerfullness and energy, but in the end, after what they went through, it was honestly very apreaciated. Just like the devilish rabbit thought.

Lucky: Well, that's basically it. Just a fair warning, (places his hand over her head) this girl likes to play pranks and some scares on people but she's a good girl soo I hope you can both get along and forgive her.

Lucky said placing a hand on top of Lupusregina's head and beanie patting her with genuin care.

Lupusregina: Lucky-sama please don't say that ... ~

And as a werewolf, the Beta couldn't be happier with what he was doing. Unexpect, but definatly apreciated on her book.

Enri: (thoughts) Ahhhh, soo that's what's going on ...

Enri thought, confusing Lupusregina's blush and constant effort to make the Supreme Being continue with his actions with a small crush.

Chief: Oh! Lucky-sama!

The conversation was interrupted by the last goblin of the troop joining his comrades and bringing the Village Chief that immidiatly greeted their saviour.

Lucky: Great timing Village Chief!

The Rabbit excitingly said grabbing both Enri and the Village Chief on the shoulders and pushing them inside with Lupusregina happily walking next to him.

Lucky: Let's get going you two. There's much to be done today and I'll need your assistance hahaha!

Both old and new were confused by the sudden spike in Rabbit's cheerfulness and his words.

Enri: Wait? Eh?! What do you mean Lucky-sama?

Without a warning, Lucky took of his top at and placing his hand inside, taking out a small notebook and a pen before putting it back.

Lucky: Research Miss Enri! That's what I mean!

Later in the night - Great Tomb of Nazarick

Lucky: (thoughts) You have got to be kidding me ...

The entire day went by in a flash and now, Lucky was seated in Ainz office with his furrie face firmly planted on the table in front of him.

Lucky: (thoughts) I knew that they were not that advanced in any way, BUT THIS IS JUST RIDICULOUS!

Seeing as Carne Village was currently the only place where Nazrick had good relations with the outside world, Lucky thought about making a bit of research on this humanity's main resources, social hierarchy, technology  and their overall development and compare it to the people of their old world, in order to improve it and hopefully make them work form Nazarick and take away some work off it's citizen's shoulders. And he was severely dissapointed.

Lucky: (thoughts) They are basically still trapped in the Dark Age. This would only be worse if they were all Cavemen!

Not only was the village's structure completly useless against outside threats, but they didn't build anything in designated areas for specific functions and Lucky was pretty confident that he could set fire on all of the houses in Carne by throwing a candle on just one of their roofs after seeing how they were build.

If the architecture was the only thing wrong then he would be a-ok with it, but that was just the tip of huge iceberg of problems.

Lucky: (thoughts) Their main way of living is working on the fields using manpower and basic tools to dig and cultivate in that place. They have no plan B in case things go wrong.

The villager were basically colectors that lived on what the fields and land near them gave them. They were basically betting on what mother nature gave them.

Lucky: I don't even know where to start ...

He was able to express himself freely after basically forcing Albedo to take a break and go have some dinner, leaving him alone in the office.

Lucky: And to top it all off, I have to do this shitty job.

He said, refering to the papers in front of him. 

In his despair, he decided to simply lean back on his chair and take a small break himself.

Lucky: (whisper) This is exactly why I told them I wanted nothing to do with any of this back then (sigh) ...

Lucky said to himself, being hit with a wave of nostalgia after remembering his time on the guild with the other members of Ainz Ool Gown.

Lucky: (thoughts) I wonder what are they doing now.

Closing his eyes, he tried to imagine the things that the unique friends he made could be doing right now.

Lucky: (thoughts) I miss those days ...

Flashback - Great Tomb of Nazarick

Peroroncino: Admit that I'm right damn it!

Inside the Guild's Round Table were several of it's members gathered and enjoying the show in front of them. A Birdman arguing with a Beastman.

Lucky: I don't do enough charity to aplaude bad jokes like your definition of love Peroron-kun.

Currently, in front of them, were Lucky and his self-proclamed rival Peroroncino arguing for what seemed the 1000th time since they had met. The good thing is that it was as fun to whatch as in the first time.

Peroroncino: DON'T CALL ME PERORON!!! I thought rabbits had good eyesight so how can you be soo fucking blind? Love needs to be like a Hurricane!

Lucky: ... Soooooooooo exciting at first but ends in disaster? Cause if that's the case then I finally understand the reason why the girls you used to date before still call you Mr. Hurricane like you say.

Guild Members: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Peroroncino: At least I dated girls. What did you date? One of the garçons of your café?

Guild Members: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Lucky: I'm a romantic Peroron-kun. Of course I like women but I simply don't have that necessity to to try to hump every single girl I see.

Peroroncino: Of course you have, you're a rabbit, you guys hump everything. Including some of those garçons in your café.

Guild Members: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Lucky merely laughed at that joke, mostly since Peroroncino actually used his brain on this one.

Lucky: Good one Peroron-kun, but you seem awfully fixated in my workers, finally decided to leave the closet and play for the other team? (sing song tone) Sometimes that's the problem~

The guild members simultariously looked at the birdman waiting to see if he had a come back, but the supreme rabbit was not kind enough to allow that.

Lucky: Oh so that's why your last relation ended. (Peroronchino's voice) "Honey I have good news and I have bad news. Bad news is I wanna break up, but the good news is: I'm on your team now".


Ulbert: Fatality!

No matter the jokes and comebacks, the other Guild members were the ones having the last laugh in this. 


Lucky: Of course not.

Lucky said after sending a mocking smile emoji at the Birdman and getting up from his seat.

Lucky: You are not talking about love, you're talking about sex and even that definition is wrong. You can go out there and have your moments with a thousand different women, but if I can find the woman of my dreams and hold her in my arms then compared to me, you're nothing.

Yamaiko: There goes our romantic ...

Yamaiko, one of the only three females in the Guild, commented laughing at the sight of her friends talking about their views on love soo openly with everyone around.

Lucky: Compared to my definition of love, yours is TRASH!

Lucky shouted as he used the chair he was previously as a support to look down on Peroroncino.

Bukubukuchagama: Are you both at it again?

The cute voice of another one of the three females of the guild was heard. It was Bukubukuchagama, a orange slime in Yggdrassil, but a voice actress IRL as well as Peroroncino's older sister.

Peroroncino: Stay out of this Aneki, this is a man's fight.

In response to that, Bukubukuchagama just sended a sigh emoji.  

Bukubukuchagama: Just stop this, we all know Lucky-chan will win this discussion again.

Shocked, the Birdman slowly turned to face her.

Peroroncino: On who's side are you?

Bukubukuchagama: (points at Lucky) On his side.

Lucky: Thank you.

Peroroncino: (points at her) HERETIC! TRAITOR!!!

 Bukubukuchagama: (points at him) PERVERT! ENEMY OF ALL WOMEN!!!

And just like that, Lucky was out of the argument. Or was he?

Lucky: Now that I think about it ...

He said as he aproached the slime.

Lucky: I've never met you in real life Chagama-san. 

Peroroncino's sister quickly picked on what the devilish red-eyed rabbit wanted to do and she had to admit, she loved it.

Bukubukuchagama: Now that you mentioned it, you're right~

She responded aproaching him as well.

Lucky: You know, I've always felt as if there was a connection between us.

Peroroncino: Oh God no ...

Bukubukuchagama: What kind of connection?!

Lucky laughed, now being just a step away from her.

Lucky: Will you force me to tell it out loud? I'm talking about the red string of fate of course.

He said raising up his pinky finger. 

As for her bother, Peroroncino was instantly near one of the walls banging his head on it at the sight that they were both making, only for a notification saying [Immortal Object] to appear in it again and again.

Peroronchino: AHHHHHHH! STOP IT! It's bad enough thinking about my rival and my sister banging, I don't need a Rabbit and a Slime saying that they are going to fuck using their voices.

Some members felt someone sorry for him, but not many, no brother alive wanted to hear or see his sister in this kind of situation after all.

Unfortunatly for him, Lucky had no siblings and Bukubukuchagama didn't give a crap, so they combined their efforts one last time to place the final nail in the coffin, with Lucky gently poking Bukubukuchagama ...

Bukubukuchagama: Ahhhhh~

And she letting out a sensual moan in her usual voice actress skills she used for when she gave voices in a H-Game. His favourites.

Peroronchino: AHHHHHHH! MAKE IT STOP! 

Lucky: Oh Peroron-kun ...... We haven't even started~

Peroronchino: Oh God I'm gonna throw up!

Back to reality

Lucky: (thoughts) Those were fun times. Sadly Peroron never had a chance though eheh ...

The Supreme Being laughed at the memory. And that seemed to be just what he needed to cheer up.

Lucky: Eheheheheh ...

With a newfound determination, Lucky letted a sinister chuckle escape his lips for a brief moment.

Lucky: (thoughts) Why the hell am I even disappointed? A blank canvas is the perfect thing for an artist to start working on his masterpiece. And besides ...

Having enough for today, he simply decided to go back to his floor and start planning. He giggled like a little maniac as the doors of the room slowly closed behind him. Inspiration had hit him, and because of that, things were gonna be different from now on. Wether people liked or not.

Lucky: (grin) I love making changes.


Annnnnnnnnnd done! Lucky is back and his evil furrie mind is ready to make it's mark on the new world! Since he didn't go with Ainz to E-Rantel, I didn't know what to do with him for a while, but then I remembered the Carne Village and inspiration hit me. For the first Arc of Overlord, Lucky will be making some changes wherever he goes, but mainly E-Rantel, all to prepare my plans for the future so I hope you understand the lack of fighting on his side for now.

You also got to meet Legion a bit better now and even Lucky's relation with the other players in the guild but you can expect more to be revelead as the chapters go and don't worry, "Praise the Rabbit" was not forgotten.

As always, leave me your comments suggestions and doubts and if you would like, feel free to message me, don't be shy, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!

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