The One Who Pulls The Strings - Part 1

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Hi guys, Nightingale here! Sorry for the wait, but rejoice, for the first time since I've started writting, I'm gonna give you guys a double chapter for a story. Many of you have been asking me to update "Little Heaven of Mine" and I might got a bit carried away trying to write a longer chapter to compensate for my lack of updates. So, for your mental sanity as well as mine, I've decided to split the absurdly long chapter into two separate ones. 

I do hope double the chapters will mean double the fun though. But since you guys didn't came here to listen to my rambling I'll simply let you guys be. I hope you guys have some snacks ready though XD.

With that out of the way, just sit back, relax and enjoy ...


Inaba Province - Japan

Man: God damn it! Of course it had to start raining as soon as I left my god forsaken job.

Currently, a middle aged man with a long beard was running throught the streets of Inaba, using his bag some sort of replacement for the umbrela he had forgot to bring, desperatly trying to get to a shelter.

The poor salaryman was unfortunate enough to have to work extra hours back at the office and have rain pouring down on him as soon as he took a step out of the building he worked in. Overall, this was not his lucky day.

Fortunatly for him, he knew just the place to get away from the rain and get over the bad day he had. Soon enough, the man reached what looked like a Cafe with a sign over it in the form of a blue shark with a White rabbit jumping over it and large red kanjis spelling "Inaba's White Hare". Oh how happy he was that he finally got here.


Garçon: Welcome.

The chiming of the bell over the Cafe's door did not go unnoticed by a member of the staff that was quick to welcome the man inside before moving on to continue to do his job. Along the usual greeting, the man was instantly embraced by the warmness inside the establishment, the sweet scent of bakeries and coffee and the relaxing music that was playing at the moment.

Man: Ahhh~ This is what I needed after what I went through today. 

The middle age man sighed happily and wasted no time in making his way inside and find a table for himself. 

The Cafe was neither too big nor to small, just big enough so that each table had a good distance between each other, giving the occupants a bit more privacy. The simple decorations, wooden floor, music and lights that were not too bright gave the cafe an extremely relaxing and welcoming vibe that the man was unable to resist.

Fortunatly, he was still able to find an empty table inside the busy Cafe that still seemed to be breaming with people even though it was already soo late. 

As he took a seat and waited for someone to come over so he could take his request. The middle-aged man looked around until he saw one of waitresses taking an order from another table and his eyes couldn't help but wander at the sight of her figure. Even though the manager made sure that the uniforms that the staff members were wearing looked good enough not to embarass them and avoid possible dirty looks that could make them uncomfortable, it was impossible to hide the girls curves no matter how much it tried to hide them. 

????: A married man shouldn't be looking at young girls like that Tanaka-san.

A deep voice suddently said, surprising the man with the sudden mention of his name. Tanaka quickly straightned his posture again and looked back to see the one that caught him on the act.

Tanaka: Oh Okuninushi-kun you were there.

There, near the coffee machines and behind the counter was a man in what appeared to be his early thirties carefully cleaning a white mug that he had in his hands with a cloth. The said man had black hair combed back with small parts being white on the sides of head. He possessed strong features and a kind looking pair of green eyes that didn't hide the fact that he was an experienced person in life itself and far from innoncent.

Okuninushi: Seeing as this is my Cafe and I work here I think it would only make sense for me to be here don't you think?

Okuninushi answered as he gazed at the mug to see if it was properly clean, reminding the man that he was inside his establishment, before putting it down and proceeding to pick another one up to clean it as well.

Tanaka: Oh don't be like that Okuninushi-kun. Just because I'm married that doesn't mean I have to be blind does it?

Tanka asked with a goofy smile on his face.

Okuninushi: Then don't blame me if you ever see your wife not being as blind as you might want her to be.

The youngest of the two men quickly answered, never bothering to give him a glance or stop moving his hands immediately wiping away Tanaka's smile from his face at the thought of his wife actually checking out other men when he wasn't around.

Tanaka: Damn it Okuninushi-kun, can't a man joke nowadays?

Okuninushi: Please blame the one who did the joke, not the one that didn't find it funny.

The members of the staff looked at the interaction in silence. Some sighed with smiles at the apparently usual sight and the Okuninushi's usual attitude.

Tanaka: You know, for the guy who makes the best pasteries in Inaba, you sure as hell can be bitter when you want.

Okuninushi: You can complement me all you want but you won't get a discount on anything you order.

One of the garçon snickered at the fact that his boss took both of the things said as complement making it harder for their customer to give him a comeback.

Tanaka: See what I mean? You won't get yourself a girlfriend if you don't do something about that sharp tongue of yours.

Okuninushi: Well, too bad for me then. I have no intention of changing just for the sake of pleasing someone's taste. Great news for most men out there I guess.

The owner said not really seeming to care about his lack of a romantic partner.

Tanaka: Now that I can respect.

Tanaka said with a healthy laugh, remembering the large list of things he had to change about himself everytime he wanted to even have a chance to ask a girl out back in his younger days. Too much of pain and too small of a possible reward.

Just then, one of the waitresses finally reached Tanaka's table, ready to take her order.

Waitress: Welcome to Inaba's White Hare, may I ask what you would like to order?

The waitress asked with a frienfly smile.

Tanaka: Ah yes. I would like-

Okuninushi: A Cappuccino with a slice of Moon Caress Cheese Cake.

The owner of the cafe interrupted as he placed the final mug down, finally having cleaned all of them.

Okuninushi: Right? 

He asked with a knowing smile before turning around and starting to make the said cappuccino, making the man nod with a small laugh.

Tanaka: Yes. God I wish my wife could read my mind as well as you.

Okuninushi: Carefull with what you wish for Tanaka-san.

With the request already taken, Okuninushi turned to his waitress.

Okuninushi: I'll take care of Tanaka-san's request so go see what those two ladies near the back want Ami-chan. And please tell Itsuki-kun that I'm really losing my patience with him flirting with the girls on the table on the left corner of the room. 

Ami: O-Oh! Right away chief! But how did you-

Okuninushi: Know that he's not doing his job and flirting with the female customers?

The girl's boss finished her question for her as he continued to make the cappucinno and a variety of other things at the same time without ever taking a glance at what was happening behind him. She knew he was always busy behind the corner so she had no idea of how he was able to do soo much things, talk to the customers, answer the calls and actually pay attention to all of what the staff was doing at the same time.

Okuninushi: Well, I haven't seen him walking around in the last 10 minutes since those girls came in so it doesn't take genious to figure out what he's doing right now.

Ami: I see. Do you want me to-

Okuninushi: Tell him anything else? No there will be no need for that Ami-chan. And I'm sorry to ask yout his when you're already busy covering for his mistake.

Okuninushi ended her question once again surprising her once again. 

Okuninushi: You can expect a small bonus on your wage for your extra work this month.

He said with a charming slime as he looked at Ami for the first time since the conversation started hoping to compensate the girl for the trouble caused. The girl actually blushed a bit at black-haired attitude. All the females that visited or worked in the Cafe knew about the owner's unique charm, but that didn't mean that it was easy to defend themselves against it.

Ami: O-Oh! Thank you very much Chief.

Okuninushi: Don't mention it. 

The girl quickly turned around and went to do what she was ordered to do by her boss.

Ami: (whisper) Jesus he's like an Esper.

Ami thought, refering to how Okuninushi always seemed to know exactly what everyone was about to said before they could even finish a sentence.

Okuninushi: I'm sorry for the wait. Here's your Cappuccino and the slice of Moon Caress Cheese Cake Tanaka-san.

While the owner usualy stood behind the counter preparing the things for the waiters to take, Okuninushi didn't want to slow down the pace in the Cafe even more by calling anyone so he decided to finish the order himself.

Tanaka: I've been waiting for this all day.

Okuninushi: ...

The lack of an answer stopped Tanaka from enjoying his treats and look up and see a very displeased look on the owner's face. Both he and one of the garçons that was just passing followed his line of sight to see Ami leaving another garçon's side making him immediately look back at the girls in the table he has supposed to be serving right now.

Tanaka: Ohhhhhhhhh boy ...

A vein slowly made itself visible on the owner's forehead as he slowly made started making his way towards the said table.

Garçon: (thoughts) That's never a good sign ...

The poor garçon just continued with his attempts to get the girls's attention, completly unaware of the storm that was slowly making it's way towards him.

Itsuki: Hmmmm, OH! I know! You're studying Psychology  right?

Girl: Nope, wrong again eheheh.

Itsuki: Are you sure you aren't lying to me? I mean even since you came through that door I just can't seem to get you out of my head.

The girls giggled at Itsuki's attempt to find out what each of them was studing at the moment.

Girl: Aren't you a smooth talker.

Itsuki: For you girls, I'll be anything you want me to be.


Just as Itsuki thought he had finally managed to get one of the girl's attention, he felt two taps on his shoulder and immediately sighed thinking that it was Ami trying to ruin his soo called chance again.

Itsuki: What now Ami? Can't you see I'm working her-

His words got stuck on his thoat as soon as he turned around and saw his boss looking down at him and sending a shiver down his spine. 

Okuninushi: ... (looks at the girls) None of you ladies would happen to be studying ophthalmology by any chance ... ?

Itsuki gulped down the lump on his throat as soon as Okuninushi's eyes went back to being directed him.

Okuninushi: It would seem that one my employees is having a hard time distinguishing men from women.

Girls: Pfffff!

The girls couldn't help but to snicker at the owner's way of mocking Itsuki making the young man become red with embarassment.

Itsuki: B-Boss, how long have you been-

Okuninushi: Here? Ever since Ami went back to do her job. 

And just like that, a one-sided conversation started.

Okuninushi: Say, do you want a few tips? I have to admit, I'm not a master flirt by any means but those pick up lines were soo cheesy that they were actually close to causing a disturbance in the "force" Itsuki-kun.

Once again, the group of girls had a hard time not bursting out in laugh at the punishment that their garçon was getting right now.

Itsuki: W-Well-

Okuninushi: How about, and this is just my humble opinion, you do some roleplay for them? You know, dress as a garçon, pick up a notebook, a pen and ask what they would like to order.

Okuninushi said putting special emphasis on the last part leaving the boy speachless.

Okuninushi: Itsuki-kun, come with me for a second. (looks at the girls) I'm truely sorry to ask this to a group of our customers but could you please wait just a bit more? Once I'm done I'll personally come to take your requests.

Thanks to his personal experience working at the Cafe, Okuninushi knew a thing or two about how to talk to a group of college girls and he knew what buttons to press to make them cooperate so he asked them for a bit more patience with all the charm that other people said he didn't realize he had. The girls reaction was instantanious and they just looked everywhere aside from his eyes in sudden embarrassement. 

Girls: O-Ok~

Okuninushi: (bows) Thank you very much. Let's go Itsuki-kun.

 Having no choice in the matter, Itsuki followed his boss all the way into the kitchen, away from the looks of the other customers. 

Once inside, the owner wasted no time with small talk.

Okuninushi: Itsuki-kun go pack your things, you're fired.

As expected, the young man could not believe what he was hearing and at first thought that it was just his boss's way of giving him a scare, but the look he was giving him was clear as water. He was dead serious.

Itsuki: Wait what?! Chief you can't be serious! I was just-

Okuninushi: Flirting instead of doing your job as usual I know. Do you know how many times I've warned you about flirting with our female customers just this month ?

Itsuki: That's-

Okuninushi: Rethorical question Itsuki-kun. If we include today's warnings, you've been warned 16 times by me alone and I'm keeping the extra warnings you got from your co-workers out of the count.

It was clear as water that Okunisushi was done with giving opportunities to someone who clearly didn't want to learn.

Itsuki: But you can't do that! This is not fair! I was trying to get you more regular customer and this is what I get?


As soon as Itsuki was done with his little rant, another vein popped from the already furious owner's forehead as his green eyes became wide and blind with rage as he looked down on at him.

Okuninushi: Huh? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to boy?

He tried to teach this kid the right way, but if he really wanted to learn how life worked in the hard way, then he was just as happy to oblige. 

Okuninushi: As far as I can remember I'm the owner of this Cafe. Why the hell should I be paying you the same amount of money I pay to any of the other people that work here if you don't do what I hired you to do? Hell, why should I be paying you at all?

The owner was in full throtle now and sadly for Itsuki, he had no intention of hitting the brakes for a while.

Okuninushi: Everytime you stop to try to get the number of some random girl, one of your collegues has to do your part of the work to make sure that customers don't have to wait 10 minutes for you to move your ass and actually decide to your job and come over to take their orders. 

Itsuki wanted to say something, anything, but he was just unable to do it, Okuninushi didn't gave him even a small pause so he could talk and try to justify his actions. 

Okuninushi: That costs me money and with that, their salary as well.

Itsuki: I was just trying to be nice-

Okuninushi: You can be both nice and professional at the same time. Your collegues are a fine example of that. If I wanted to hire Playboys I would have made this place a Night Club, not a Cafe.

What was left of the blunt scolding was a cold dead silence as the young man finally understood that there was no longer a room for negotiations with Okuninushi at this point. 

Okuninushi: I already left an envelop with your last salary in your locker so be thankfull. Take off the uniform and get out of my Cafe.

And those where the owner's last words to his ex-employee before he slammed the door towards the public part of the Cafe and left him to go pick up his things.

End of the day - Okuninashi's Home.


Several hours later, Okuninushi was finally home. At last, he didn't have to deal with any more noise, Tanaka's jokes about him still being single and above all else, no more dealing with an incompetent worker making him lose time, money and patience.

Okuninushi: (long sigh) Why do people that have everything always need to constantly act like complete morons like their lifes depend on it? How stupid.

Okuninushi wondered as he tried to ease the stress of what happened that night by rubbing the sides of his head. Now that he was inside, he was free to take off his shoes and overcoat at the entrance and go inside to hopefully get some time to relax.

Okuninushi: Stupid brat. A guy tries to teach him something usefull he can use for all of his life and he immediately tries to make me pay him for standing around doing nothing? Yeah, you're not getting far in life boy.

The owner laughed at the stupidity he had been dealing with for little over a month now.

Okuninushi: Can't say I wouldn't love to see life put him in all fours, fuck him from behind and call him it's bitch but sadly I have more important things to care about, like finding a decent garçon to replace his incompetent ass. 

He laughed at his own joke before sighing as going up the stairs to go to his room. As it would seem, Itsuki was really set on being a pain to to deal with to the bitter end. He had just gotten rid of him, but now the good owner got a new problem thanks to him. But that would have to wait, right now, Okuninushi was too tired to even think about that. He knew, however, a great way to forget about all of that for a few hours ... 

Okuninushi: Ahhhhhhh ... I need a couple of hours in Yggdrassil. I wonder who'll be online today ...

His favourite game with his favourite people. 

Back to reality

Lucky: Hmmmmmmmm ...

After a brief dream about his previous life Lucky found himself waking up. He tried to rub the sleep off his ruby like eyes and tried to recall where he was and what time it was.

Lucky: When did I fell asleep ... ? 

He was definatly still in Ainz's office that's for sure, now he only had to find out what time it was. Sure he had work to do, but if it was still bed time, he sure as hell was gonna go back to sleep and this time on an actual bed. He was not sure if the chair he was in was any good to his skely friend considering that all of his own bones were a mess after sleeping on it for a bit.

Lucky: God I feel like I've picked up a fight with someone and I got absolutly wrecked.

Lucky complain as he streached out his sore muscles and gained several pops and cracks from his bones.


The Supreme Being was pulled back from his thoughts once he heard the large doors of the office opening, revealing Albedo who had come to prepare the usual papers for him ever since Ainz left to explore.

Albedo: Lucky-sama?

The Overseer of the Floor Guardian was obviously surprised by seeing the Supreme Being at that time of the time. Someone arriving earlier then her was not something the Succubus was used to ever since the day she had been created.

Lucky: That's my name Albedo, don't wear it out.

The big rabbit joked as he was still in the process of trying to wake up properly, something that Albedo didn't miss out on.

Albedo: Is everything alright Lucky-sama? Could it be that you didn't get any sleep?

Lucky: No Albedo (sigh) that's not the case. I'm afraid I fell asleep at some point during the paperwork.

Albedo immediately fell to her knees with an ashamed look on her face.

Albedo: Please forgive me for my incompetence Lucky-sama. For the Overseer of the Floor Guardians and a servant of the Supreme Beings to not notice your hard you were pushing yourself to this point. I'm a faillure.

It was too early and Lucky was too tired to deal with this kind of thing but sadly, if he wanted to survive, he had an image to uphold. For his and his friend's sake.

Lucky: Raise Albedo for you have done nothing wrong. This was something not even I could control. This is a fine example as to why me and Ainz created the rest rule. Not everyone is like Ainz and as you can see, fatigue is even able to affect people like me. Imagine what could happen if none you got a few hours to get a proper rest.

Fatigue truely was a dangerous thing. If it could even affect a Supreme Being like this, then Albedo was gonna make sure to learn from this and make sure that everyone respected their rest rule.

Albedo: I can finally understand the reason of your worries my lord.

She said as she got back on her feet.

Albedo: But I have to ask, are you feeling well Lucky-sama? Would you like to go take a rest? I promise I can take care of things in here by myself.

Lucky: No, no I'm fine. (sigh) With that being said, I don't think I can endure another day locked away in here looking at papers.

Lucky: (thoughts) Even so, I can't just leave all of this here for when Ainz comes back ........ or that's what I would say if he had told me about his little exploring plan. But since he didn't do that, fuck him.

It was decided, Lucky was done with doing Ainz's job. It was an important job of course, but he had no doubts that Albedo could take care of it for him. Who knows, that might actually earn her a few points with his friends in the long run.

Lucky: Albedo, cancel all the things I had scheduled for today. There are a few things I need to do. Take the day off as well, you deserve.

Albedo: But ... !

Albedo was fine with the Supreme Being being away from this kind of job since it was never his function to take care of the more delicate concerns of Nazarick, but the concept of a "day off" was something unknown to the Succubus. Sadly enough for her, Lucky had already made up his mind and she knew by now that he would not reconsider it.

Lucky: Your dedication is admirable Albedo but I'm sure that you would be a lot more productive if you took some time to explore your interests once in a while. I'm sure Nazarick is mighty enough to work properly even if you decide be a day away from the 9th Floor. 

The Supreme Being said in a joking tone before waving her goodbye and leaving the room, leaving the black-haired by herself inside.

Albedo: Explore my interests? ... Wait! Explore my interests?! Does this mean ...

As it had been expected by now, the servants of Ainz Ooal Gown had the tendency to twist the meaning behind the words of Lucky and Ainz, just like Albedo was doing at the moment.

Albedo: Could this mean that Lucky-sama supports my relation with Ainz-sama?!

Albedo's face blushed at the though of her "relation" being blessed by another one of the Supreme Beings and she squealed like a love struck highschool girl.

Albedo: If even the other Supreme Being aproves our relation then this means I was never wrong. Me and Ainz-sama were meant to be together from the start. Oh if only Tabula Smaragdina-sama was here to see this ... I understand it now Lucky-sama! I'll be sure to make good use of this opportunity you gave me!

With her misunderstanding finally concluded, Albedo too left the room with a new destination in mind. Ainz's room.

Meanwhile, as Lucky was going through the halls of the 9th floor, he ended up seeing one of the Pleiades, Entoma Vassilisa Zeta, as she, probably, made her way towards the cafeteria to join her sisters for breakfast. 

Entoma: Good morning Lucky-sama.

Entoma greeted with a polite tone and a bowed in respect to one of her Masters like any great maid would in her place. It was too late to avoid making contact and make her ignore his presence so Lucky greeted her back in the same polite tone.

Lucky: A good morning for you was well Entoma. Are you heading towards the cafeteria?

Entoma: Yes. I was about to get my breakfast but if there's anything you need from me I can postphone it for later my lord.

Lucky sighed inside of his mind at her attitude.

Lucky: (thoughts) I'm never gonna get used to this treatment.

Lucky: No, no, there will be no need for that. I was just on my way to my floor to prepare somethings for today. Go on now, I'm sure your sisters are waiting for you. Enjoy your breakfast with them.

No matter how loyal everyone of them were, he sure as hell wouldn't feel good by making a girl lose her breakfast because he wanted something done. With those last words, Lucky simply tipped his top hat and went on his way. 

As he resumed his march towards the last floor, Lucky reminded himself of something that has been on his mind for a while now and stopped making the maid stop as well and look back at him once again.

Lucky: On second thought Entoma, there is one thing I would like to ask you to do for me.

Entoma: Please name what I have to do and it shall be done.

Once the dark rabbit over his shoulder at Entoma, she saw what could only described as a twisted grin that was by no means soothing, especially in inocent looking creature like him, and a sinister glow in his read eyes.

Lucky: Entoma, would you be a dear and go tell the twins to prepare the arena? I have somethings that I wish to try on the 6th Floor. 

She was unsure as to why Lucky needed Aura and Mare and why was he soo happy soo suddently, but it was not her place to question the reasons of a Supreme Being. She was created to obey their wishes and that was what she was going to do.

Entoma: As you wish Lucky-sama, I shall get to it right away.

Lucky: No, no there will be no need for that Entoma, I'm not in a hurry and still have things to prepare, just give them my mensage after you're done with breakfast. Oh and be sure to tell Aura to bring one of her tamed creatures with her, one that's not low-leveled. 

Entoma bowed, acknowledging the orders she had just received.

Entoma: Understood. Could I possibly know what do you intent to do Lucky-sama? Just in case Aura-sama and Mare-sama ask for any details.

Even so, Entoma couldn't help but be curious. This was the Supreme Being that was considered a legend even among the other Supreme Being that ruled Nazarick for centuries, so the reasons behind his thoughts and actions where all very new and her curiosity just got the best of her.

Lucky: Well, those two must be feeling bored with nothing to do these past few days so I thought they would apreaciate some quality time outside their usual functions.

Lucky explained before resuming his march to his floor once again.

Lucky: (thoughts) It's been a while since the last time I pulled a few strings, so I guess I'm gonna kill two birds with one stone here eheheh ...

Later in the 6th Floor

A few hours later, the twin guardians of the 6th Floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick were already inside of the Colosseum fully equipped and simply waiting for Lucky to arrive.

Aura: Hahaha, c'mon Fenn stop it! Lucky-sama will be here at any moment hahaha.

With Aura was one her tamed beasts, a gigantic and monstrous black wolf with red eyes and dark green pelt. The name of it's race was Fenrir but Aura had decided to name it Fenn. 

The giant beast was continuously of licking the face of it's owner seemingly thinking that Aura had called him there to play as Mare just looked on at it's display of affection with a little smile on his face. 

Aura: Hahaha, alright, alright I'll play with you when we are done with what Lucky-sama wants so stop it.

That proved the be the correct answer to give to the giant wolf who finally let her go and allowed her to get back on her feet.

Mare: T-This is a lot of pressure right Onee-chan?

Mare asked, refering to the fact that they were asked, among everyone else, to meet one of the Supreme Beings by themselves. As it was expected, that kind of request created quite some pressure on top of the youngest Guardian's shoulders who was famous for not being all that good under stressfull situations.

Aura: Calm down Mare, I'm sure that Lucky-sama just wants to get to knows us better and probably give us some instructions on what do to while Ainz-sama is out.

The elder sister assured Mare, wanting him to be as relaxed as possible. 

Demiurge: That's right Mare, I'm sure that you didn't made anything to anger Lucky-sama so just take a deep breath to calm yourself down.

Aura was happy that one of her comrades was helping but still, she couldn't help herself but ask a question that had been on her mind for a while now.

Aura: Why the hell are you guys even here?

There, over the arena, seated on the Colosseum's stands were Demiurge, Cocytus as well as Yuri, Entoma and CZ.

Demiurge: Why not? Can't we be here Aura?

Aura: That's not what I meant and you know it.

Cocytus: A honorable battle against one of the Supreme Beings is about to happen, as a warrior as couldn't help myself and had to be here to witness it with my own eyes.

As expected of the Vermin Lord, Cocytus was honest with everyone about his reason for leaving the 5th Floor. Sadly, his reason didn't help with Mare's anxiety.

Mare: F-Fight?!

Cocytus: (looks at Mare) What other reason could he have to meet you inside of an arena?

Mare paled even further at the thought of having to fight a Supreme Being making Aura sigh at the sight.

Yuri: Cocytus-sama I think you should stop there. I'm not sure Mare-sama is able to handle the thought of fighting Lucky-sama all that well.

The maid advised.

Aura: Could you all please stop telling him we might be fighting Lucky-sama?!

Aura begged at this point before seeing her little brother trying to make a sneaky escape from the arena.

Aura: (sigh) I knew it ...... Fenn.

Knowing what his Beast Tamer wanted, Fenn quickly covered the distance between him and Mare and picked him up by the back of his shirt and brought him back.

Mare: I-I can't do this Onee-chan!

Aura: Quit being a baby Mare, we don't even know if that's what we are gonna be doing!

Demiurge: Although it's quite possible~

Demiurge added, making Aura all the more red with anger. It's wasn't particularly easy to calm down Mare when he got like this and they were not making anything any easier. 

Aura: Will you stop it?!

Before anything else could happen, Lucky appeared in the middle of the arena using the teleportation granted by the Ring of Ainz Ool Gown and immediately stopping any further talk between them.

Lucky: My apologies, the preparations took a bit longer then I thought they would.

To his surprise, Aura and Mare were not the only ones waiting for him there in the Colosseum.

Lucky: ...

Demiurge: Good morning Lucky-sama.

Everyone: Good morning.

At that moment, only one thought ran throught Lucky's mind.

Lucky: (thoughts) Damn it Entoma you had one job!

Since he only ones that knew about his request were him and Entoma, the Pleiade was without a doubt the responsable for the small crowd that was now in the stands. 

Lucky: (thoughts) I swear to god I can't do anything in peace since I got transported to this world.

Lucky: Good morning everyone. I was unawere that we were gonna have a crowd.

Demiurge: I hope we are not in the way of your plans Lucky-sama.

Yuri: Please forgive us Lucky-sama but curiosity got the best of us. If we are bothering you in any way then we'll gladly go back to the 9th floor.

Lucky just waved a hand signaling them to push those thoughts aside. There was no point in telling them to leave now that they knew what was happening so they might as well stay and enjoy the show.

Lucky: It makes no difference so stay if you all want to, your presences here don't bother me in the slightest.

Since this was their floor, Aura wasted no time in dragging her brother along and bowing to the Supreme Being.

Aura: (bows) Welcome to the 6th floor that we guard Lucky-sama.

Mare: (bows) W-Welcome.

Aura: We are ready as for your orders and willing to serve.

The dark rabbit nodded with a hum in response to their greeting and looked behind them to see that Aura had indeed bring a high-leveled Beast with her just like he asked.

Lucky: A Fenrir, now that's something I haven't seen in while. 

Aura: Yes. I didn't knew what kind of Beast would be the best for the kind of job you would be giving us so I choose one that can support me and my brother the best.

 Lucky: Mhm, a wonderfull choice.

His eyes then turned to Mare who looked like a small mouse in front of a cat.

Lucky: You don't look too good Mare. Did something happen?

Mare: N-No, it's nothing Lucky-sama, I'm alright.

The dark elf tried to assure him, failing miserably to sound convincing. Seeing a child acting like that didn't seat well with the Supreme Being so he placed a hand on his shoulder and tried to reassure him that everything was gonna be alright, not seeming to think for a second that he could be reason as to why Mare was acting the way he was.

Lucky: Alright then but don't push yourself too hard. I know you're a hardworker but I can't have you falling down on us alright?

His kind words seemed to have a positive effect on Mare seeing as he was able to get a small smile out of him.

Mare: Y-Yes, I understand.

Lucky: Don't worry, what I came here to ask you and your sister is some help with some tests. It will be something simple and shouldn't take much of your time.

Simple tests, those two words took away all the weight off Mare's shoulders finally allowing him to rest a ease ...

Mare: T-Then what will we be doing Lucky-sama?

Lucky: Well to put it simply Mare, we'll be fighting.

Only for that weight to come crasing down on top of him all over again with ten times the force it used to have before.

Mare: ...

Aura: (thoughts) Annnnnnnnd now he broke him.

Lucky: Well, actually it will be more of a spar but you know what I mean.

Still oblivious to the damge he actually caused, Lucky patted Mare one last ime before turning away from him and start walking towards the opposite side of the arena where they currently were.

Yuri: Demiurge-sama is everything gonna be ok? Lucky-sama will be facing Aura-sama and Mare-sama at the same time. Isn't this a bit too much even for a Supreme Being?

In response to the maid's worries Demiurge simply smiled not looking the least bit worried with the situation.

Demiurge: I believe everything will be ok. Trust me Yuri, Lucky-sama knows what he's doing.

CZ: Affirmative ...

CZ suddently said out the blue looking at the fighters without blinking for even a moment. Moments like this were rare but, something had managed to get the full attention of the most popular maid of Nazarick.

CZ: It's impossible to determine the outcome of this fight without knowing a thing about Lucky-sama's parameters and figting style ... 

Cocytus: That is right, he's the man that forced to other 41 Supreme Beings to respect his whims after all. This is gonna be a very interesting fight.

Now that everyone was where they should be, Mare knew that he had nowhere to run now. He was gonna have to do this. 

Mare: H-Hum, L-Lucky-sama?

Lucky: Yes Mare what is it?

Lucky asked as he did some stretches.

Mare: Will you be facing Onee-chan and Fenn first or me?

Lucky: I'll be facing the three of you at the same time Mare.

Mare could not understand how could Lucky be soo calm. If it was the other way around, Mare would never dare face his sister while she was with one of her beasts together with someone else. 

Mare: Bu-But wouldn't that be a 3 vs 1 battle Lucky-sama?

The yougest of the two dark elves asked, not thinking that this was a fair fight even if their opponent was one of the Supreme Beings.

Lucky: Numbers were never a problem to me so you don't have to worry Mare. It's not gonna be a fight to the death either way, that would be bad for all of us and do quite some damage in the 6th floor after all.

Lucky was quick to dismiss those thoughts of the shyest Guardian's head. Demiurge had to admit that this information was new even to him. Lucky was seriously ok with fighting two of the guardians at the same time.

Lucky: Besides ... I never said I would be the only thing you two would be fighting against.

With a snap of his fingers, three magic circles appeared next to him.

Lucky: Come out to play Sechs, Acht, Neun!

From behind Lucky, three bright circles of light appeared on the ground and from that light came the exact same three creatures he had used near the Carne Village when he and Ainz went out of the tomb to save it.

Lucky: Now then, should we get this show on the road?

The large creatures stood around Lucky in a protective manner while Fenn growled at their sudden appearence. 

Aura: It would be an honour!

Aura couldn't be happier has she picked up her bow and prepared to shoot an arrow. She was gonna have the honour of seeing the character of legend and it's strenght with her own eyes and face it head on. Despite not being a warrior, as a resident of Nazarick she knew that many dreamed of seeing what she was about to see. 

Mare: I-I'm going to try my best to not disappoint you!

Unlike Aura, Mare didn't seem as happy with the fight, but it was obvious that he too was happy to be able to spar with the Supreme Being.

Lucky: Then come and fight me with all your might.

The Supreme declared that the match had started and welcomed the twins to attack him.

Aura: I'll leave the support to you Mare, 

Mare: A-Alright!

Aura: (looks at Fenn) Let's go Fenn!

As he had expected, even if Mare was technically the strongest of the two but Aura was more sure of herself and Mare used her confidence as a support for himself. That together with their creator's mentality made it quite obvious that the older sister was gonna be the one in charge of leading their team. Mare stood the farthest away from him, Aura's position was just a bit ahead of him and Fenn in front of them as their vanguard.

Lucky: Go.

The three dolls wasted no time and did as they were instructed and began marching towards the twins and the beast.

Lucky: (thoughts) Now, let me see the level I'm truely at right now ...

The Fenrir lived up to his race's name and quickly shorted the distance between himself and the creatures who where much slower then him. The rock giant tried to smash the wolf with his hands, but being as slow as it was, it didn't even come close to hit and instead smashed his hands on the arena. The Wooden one proved to be a bit more swift and managed to block his way for a brief period, but there was just no stopping it.

Aura: Meteor Arrow !

Mare: Stone Blast !

Each of the twins used one of their respective skills to attack the two creatures that Fenn had just passed not wanting to have him surrounded by all three of the them and risk losing their vanguard this early in the fight. 

What came next was a surprise to everyone in the Grand Arena. Aura's arrow was able to destroy the head of the rock giant with no effort whatsoever while Mare's rocks broke the wooden one's body completly. At the same time, Fenn attacked the last one, bitting it in the neck and shredding it to pieces as if it was just a cheap chew toy.

Entoma: Oh my, they were defeated really quick weren't they?

Entoma said clearly not expecting, much like everyone else, to see Lucky's creatures being defeated by what they considered basic skills and spells.

CZ: This can't be it ...

CZ Delta narrowed her eyes at the sight in front of her, not in anger but with clear doubt as to why it was this easy for Aura and Mare to destroy Lucky's defenses. Ever since their first meeting, CZ had been curious about the Supreme Being holding the title of Oberon, it could simply be that he was more brain then brawn, but she wanted to believe that he was something more then just that.

CZ: Using things that are equivalent to paper against two Guardians, this can't be all he has. Is he playing around?

Cocytus: Quite likely. Lucky-sama must be testing the waters. It's unbelievable to think that this is all he has.

Cocytus agreed with the maid's line of thought. This was just the start, no way this was all there was to Lucky Little Feet.

Lucky: Hmmmmmmm, just as I thought. These toys were a bit too fragile for you to play with.

Mare: Y-You're not angry Lucky-sama?

Mare was obviously scared, he and his sister just destroyed belongings from the Supreme Being that went as far as lock everything that was his inside a Floor he made for himself and where none of the others could go in. 

Lucky: Hahah of course not. Mare, this just proves that none of you is holding back like I've asked. How could I be angry at you by doing what I've asked you to do?

Lucky: (thoughts) Although I can't say that I'm happy that those three were annihilated like they were some sort of trash mobs. I know that they were the weakest in my collection but still ...

The Guardians looked on with keen curiosity as Lucky placed a hand inside his jacket and started searching inside it's inner pockets. From them the Supreme Being took out a pair of black gloves.

Lucky: With that in mind, I think I should start taking things seriously as well.

Once the gloves were in place, one set of silver looking gears appeared in the back of Lucky's hands. Demiurge jumped from his seat in a way that was very unusual for the calm and composed demon that they all knew.

Demiurge: Those are ... !

He basically shouted sounding too shocked to even finish his own sentence.

Yuri: Is something wrong Demiurge-sama?

The demon's face quickly went from a shocked one to a extremely excited one.

Demiurge: I'm just extremely thankfull to be alive Yuri.

He explained, trying to keep his excitement his check. For that, he decided to share with them some stories he had heard in the past from someone very special to him.

Demiurge: You may not know this but my creator, Ulbert Alain Odle-sama, along with Shalltear's creator, Peroroncino-sama, and Lucky-sama used to be the strongest rearguard of Nazarick when our creators hunted other divine beings many years ago. Destructive power, deadly accuracy and unimaginable brutality, the three of them covered each other's weakness with their own specialities and crushed many gods as if they were just bugs, or so Ulbert-sama used to say.

As the most specialized in ultra-long ranged combat and the World Disaster Mage boosting the highest firepower within the guild, Peroroncino and Ulbert's names were some of the first to pop on the NPC's minds when it came to the most valuable Rearguard members of Ainz Ooal Gown. Since they also got along pretty well, it was no strange for them to team up on numerous occasions, but the group had no idea that the most elusive member of the guild, together with both of them, created this sort of divine trinity.

Cocytus: Hmmm having a Rearguard is just as important as having a Vanguard to do the most amount of damage possible and endure longer battles so I understand how important is that detail you just shared with us. But I still fail to see how that has anything to do with your excitement over a pair of gloves Demiurge.

The Guardian of the 5th said before a gust of cold wind escaped through his mandibles.

Demiurge: Don't be fooled Cocytus, those are not just a simple pair of gloves. This is sign that we'll see the real Lucky Little Feet in action.

The maids just remained silent as the two Guardians talked, not wanting to interrupt their superiors's conversation out of respect and etiquette. Still, that didn't stop CZ from absorbing every bit of knowledge she could get about the Supreme Beings, including the big dark rabbit. 

Demiurge: I never had the honour of seeing it myself but, according to Ulbert-sama, Lucky-sama didn't get his supreme powers in the same way as the other 41 Supreme Beings. The only thing I've heard about it was that when Lucky-sama really felt like he had to fight, he always made sure to put a pair of gloves on.

Lucky opened and closed his hands several times as he looked down at the item in his hands with nostalgy before looking back at the twins and showing the back of one of the gloves only for them to see a series of silver cogs and gears appearing on it.

Lucky: Aura Bella Fiora, Mare Bello Fiora, I shall now reward both of your efforts and loyalty.


The silver gears on the back of both gloves clicked for a brief moment before slowly starting to spin in harmony with each other.

Lucky: Rejoice young ones, the gates of Heaven will be open for the briefest of moments. Blink and you'll lose the glimpse of what a true god's works should look like.

On the outside, his aura was as noble as the NPC'S expected of him and everyone gulped down the lumps on their thoats in anticipation. On the inside however ...


In a moment of weakness, the Supreme Being got a bit carried away with his act and ended up acting like a complete chuunibyou without meaning to. He had to give credit to his friend Ulbert for never fainting of embarassement after doing something like this all the time.

Just how the hell did he do it?

                                                              END OF PART 1

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