The One Who Pulls The Strings- Part 2

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The Supreme Being decided to try to forget what he had just done and continue with his original plan of action.

Lucky: C-Come out ...

Once again, magic circles appeared near Lucky, only two this time around, one smaller and other bigger then the ones used to summon his first three creatures.

Lucky: Priwen ...

The first thing to appear came from the larger of the two magic circles. The first thing they saw was a large helmet followed by a bulky body covered in silver armor. It seemed to be no end to how big the creature was but once it had been fuly materialized, next to Lucky stood a large Knight two times his size holding one huge round shield in each of his hands.

Lucky: Isolde.

What came from the smaller magic circle was not something that they were expecting after seeing the monstrous things and the colossal Knight that had appeared before it. Slowly taking shape as it came out of the magic circle, was a girl calmly revealing herself as she stood firmly still in a ballet pose, supporting all of her weight on the tip of one of her feet, if they could even be described as that.

She looked to be a little shorter then Albedo and had extremely pale skin, long white hair with blue tips that was kept loose except for a bit of it tied up at the left side of her head with a small black ribbon. She was wearing small white pieces of armor over a black leotard along with equally black high socks and gloves that went all the way over her elbows. Her most eye-catching feature was without a doubt her legs that bellow her knees looked as if they had been replaced by blades.

The twins were just as confused as everyone in the crowd as to who were these new guests but Lucky was not done with surprising them yet.

Lucky: Animato!

As if both of the newcommers had received a jolt of electricity, their bodies twitched for a split of a second before they finally started to move.

Priwen: Osmium Knight, loyalty of steel!

The Knight's mechanical voice boomed through out the arena as jets of stream errupted through some parts of his armour, sounding much the whistle of a powerfull locomotive.

lsolde: Lady of Sorrows, everlasting grief.

Followed by the more gentle and serene voice of the girl, before she opened her eyes and revealed their glowing red colored irises over her black sclera and turned only her face to face the twins with a smug looking smile.

Mare: O-Onee-chan who are those two?

Aura: As if I know Mare! They must be a part of some special type of summoning spell.

Both the twins and the ones seated in the stands could only deduce that the two new helpers were summons from a very particular spell. They did not understand what was the spell that Lucky used  after summoning them though but they were sure that it had nothing to do with the Cleric class. Although they couldn't be one-hundred percent sure that the ideas they came up with were, in fact, the truth.

Demiurge: (thoughts) Animato? But then that means that those two are ...

Out of everyone gathered in the 6th floor, Demiurge seemed to be the only one to really understand what the Animato spell did and that's exactly why he was soo surprised. In order to make sure that is line of thought was not wrong, Demiurge took a quick glance at CZ. As he had thought she had a surprised look on her face, probably coming to the same realization as him.

Demiurge: (thoughts) I think I can see it now. This is what you meant when you said Lucky-sama was different from the others isn't it Ulbert-sama ... ?

Back to the fight, Lucky merely gazed at his three opponents with a knowing smirk. He had came up with a theory that most of the NPC's wouldn't exactly know what his spell was and how to counter it. In a way, this fight had already payed off, but since he felt like it would be boring to end the show with an opening act, Lucky decided to continue with the experiment.

Lucky: What's wrong little ones? Are you not coming to face me?

The Supreme Being provoked Aura and Mare, hoping to perhaps get them angry or nervous enough and create an opportunity for him to take advantage off, but just as he expected, they were not the type to get easely angered and instead decided to regroup with Mare in the back of the formation, trusting that his spells would be able to defend them in case of any major attacks and other spells.

Lucky: No? (smirk) Then I guess it's my turn now.

Wasting no time about being truthfull to his words, Lucky extended his right hand towards Isolde.

Lucky: Isolde, Frost Aura.

Isolde's eyes shone for a brief second before eveyone saw her jump up to the sky. The doll landed on the tip of one of her bladed legs and at that instance, the entire floor around her began freezing. It didn't took long for the arena's floor to be covered in ice, but the twins and Fenn had already avoided the wave of ice by jumping into the air.

The Supreme Being was expecting that and extended his left hand towards the giant knight.

Lucky: Priwen, Dynamite Knuckle !

Before any of them had time to land, Priwen raised one of it's titanic arms and slammed one of it's round shields in the ground and a wave of explosions began making it's destructive way towards Fenn and the twins.

Aura and Mare: AHHHHH!

Since they had no way of avoiding the attack in time, the three of them were forced to endure the impact of Priwen's attack that sent them flying against the walls of the arena.

Cocytus: So that one knows Marial Skills.

Thankfully, it was not something that could empty their HP greatly and leave them in a though spot, but it did a considerable amount of damage, something that no one, Guardian or not, would be advised to try to tank.

Lucky: Go Isolde!

Without giving them any time to gather their thoughts and re-think of a strategy Lucky ordered Isolde to continue the attacks. The girl wasted no time in skiing over the frozen ground and try to cut Mare with a kick but was blocked by Aura that used her bow to shield her little brother from harm.

Aura: Don't space out Mare were are fighting against one of the Supreme Beings!

Aura didn't need to tell that to Mare, he was well aware of that, far more then he actually wanted to.

Mare: A-Alright.

Aura: (looks back) Think you can cover us with some spells?

Mare: Y-Yes of course.

She knew that Mare disliked fighting but as his older sister, she couldn't let him get hurt just because he wanted to be naive and think that the world out there wouldn't do everything it could to hurt him and the ones he cared about. In a way, Lucky's unexpected request was a good opportunity for him to learn that. But even so, she wanted him to finally realize something else ...

Aura: (smile) Then let's show Lucky-sama what we are made off.

The fact that he would never have to face it alone.

There, in the distance, Lucky couldn't help but to stop with his attacks and smile at the sight. While they were not his children, seeing Aura and Mare behave like this, like true siblings should, brought up some emotions he had thought he had forgot a long time ago.

Lucky: (thoughts) Chagama-san, the siblings that you made are truely something else. I bet you would fan all over them if you saw them acting like this ...

In his mind, Lucky thought that perhaps this was the relation that Bukubukuchama had always wanted to have with her brother Peroroncino and it saddened him to think that she would probably never be able to see it with her own eyes.

Lucky: Let me tell you a little something about your creator Mare ...

He called gaining the attention of Mare and everyone else.

Lucky: Bukubukuchama-san was a truely kind person. She had a heart of gold that cared for everyone no matter the flaws that they might have had. When I look at you and Aura I see a glimpse of her in your eyes.

The dark elves blushed. They were similar to one of the Supreme Beings? And their own creator none the less?

Lucky: And that's exactly why I have to ask you to stop doing with what you're doing now ...

Lucky continued with a slightly sad look on his face.

Lucky: What you're doing right now is not kindness, it's naivety. Don't ever mistake one for the other. If you turn a blind eye to all the foulness and repugnance of life in hopes of only seeing it's beauty then I know that one day this filthy world will break you and take everything you care away from you.

Every person made sure to listen, think and learn from the words of the Supreme Being, with Mare being the one that seemed to realize the most amount of things with them. A slightly more serious look found it's way into his face and while he still didn't look threatning in the slightest, they held no more fear anymore.

Lucky: Kindness is not the act of ignoring the flaws of people and this world, it's the numerous steps you take to correct them.

With a motion of his arms, the two summoned creatures jumped back to their original places at his side. And just like that, the fighters went back to their original fighting positions.

Lucky: If you truely understood what I'm trying to say then show it to me with all of your resolve and strenght Mare Bello Fiora!

Without losing even one more second, Mare raised his staff up and used one of his spells.

Mare: Heal !

Aura and Fenn were covered by a soft green light that healed some of the damage they had took. With this, things were back to being balanced.

Aura: Let's go Mare!

Not wanting to lose to her brother, Aura jumped on Fenn's back. The giant wolf wasted no time and started running at high-speeds, seemingly not bothered by the new frozen terrain under his paws.

Lucky: Now that's more like it. Isolde, Icicle Road !

A line of icicles errupted from the ground bellow Isolde and shot towards Fenn who quickly dodged it as Aura prepared another arrow.

Aura: Shadow-piercing Arrow !

The arrow in her bow got covered by a dark purpleish aura before she released her hold on the string of the bow, releasing it. The projectile was clearly aimed in Lucky's direction, but he was not the target. It was his shadow.

Lucky: Hmm?

Lucky watched with curiosity as the arrow sunk into his shadow and now stopped him from moving.

Lucky: (thoughts) A rooting skill, (looks at Mare) Which means ...

Mare: Triplet Maximize Magic - Great Fire Ball !

Just as Lucky expected, Aura's true aim as to immobilize him so that Mare could use some of his more destructive spells without having to worry about him dodging.

Lucky: Priwen.

At the mention of his name, the great knight immediately placed himself in front of the Supreme Being with one of his round shields ready to defend him from the fire balls heading towards him.


The fireballs exploded as soon as they came in contact with the large shield, raising a huge cloud of dust in the arena. Lucky was unsunscathed and the same could be said for his larger companion. As it would seem, not even Mare's spells could leave soo much as a dent on the large chunk of metal that was his shield.

Lucky knew that this situation was not exactly good for him since he was fighting against a master of guerilla tactics so he needed to prepare for their next rush of attacks, and the first step would be getting rid of the root effect placed on him.

Lucky: Dispel .

Holy light covered Lucky from head to toe and freed him from Aura's skills and just in time before Fenn could sink it's teeth into him. In order to avoid the wolf's jaw, Lucky jumped in the air and quickly prepared a counter attack by creating eight daggers made of light between his fingers. To him this was the best option seeing as Aura could have already filled the area around him with traps along with Mare.

Lucky: Luminous Daggers !

Lucky launched the eight daggers into Fenn's exposed back expecting to hit Aura that was there but instead, he hit the giant wolf itself, making it whine in pain. As for Aura, she was nowhere to be seen.

Aura: I'm right here!

Looking over his shoulder as soon as he heard Aura's voice, Lucky saw the young dark elf appearing from tin air a few meters over him with a new arrow ready.

Lucky: Isol-

Aura: Galatic Shot !

The Supreme Being was not fast enough to call for Isolde this time around and as a result, a bright arrow charged with power found it's way into his back and sent him back to the ground with it's devastating strenght.


The strenght of the shot dispersed most of the dust that was hovering over the arena, leaving only a small part of it where Lucky was supposed to be.

Mare: You did it Onee-chan!

Mare congratulated his sister, happy that their teamwork had allowed them to get a clean hit on one of the Supreme Beings.

Aura: Hehe, no, we did it. But keep your eyes open, we are still in the middle of a fight. I doubt that Lucky-sama would go down with just that.

Fenn barked in agreement despite the pain in his back.

Entoma: It seems like Aura-sama and Mare-sama are back on the lead.

Entoma said in her usual sweet voice. Yuri looked at her sister with a disaproving look at the way in which Entoma said that.

Yuri: It's hard as it is to deal with any of them by themselves Entoma. I'm sure that if it was any of us had to deal with either of them we would have been long gone by now.

Demiurge: But in addition to that, Lucky-sama allowed Aura to bring one of her beasts and fight along side with Mare.

Cocytus: Mhm, they are strong enough by themselves, but together they have the best teamwork in comparison to any of us here in Nazarick. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think that even all of you Pleiades could be able to fight with the same level of synchronization as those two.

Everyone, somewhere in their minds, thought that perhaps the Supreme Being might have tried to bite a bit more then he could chew by fighting against the twins with soo many handicaps.

Lucky: Middle Cure Wounds.

Lucky's voice was heard from inside the dust as he used one healing spell to recover back a good amount of his HP back. Once the dust finally settled back down, he could be seen patting it off his clothes with a joyfull laugh.

Lucky: Hahaha, my goodness, I knew I was a bit rusty but I never thought I was this rusty. (sigh) Overconfidence is one hell of a bad trait I'll tell you that much.

Aura and Mare where happy that he was ok. While they were happy to be able to get a good hit. They sure as hell didn't want to to hurt or, god forbid, kill one of the two creators of Nazarick that had stayed behind with them in the end.

Lucky: As expected of you two, your combinations are as impressive as I thought they would be. I'm just barely keeping up with you and I'm having this hard of a time defending myself.

He complemented them as he streached his sore muscles once again gaining a smile from each of the twins in the process.

Aura: We are honored by your words.

Mare: T-Thank you very much.

Once done with the small pause, Lucky repeatively opened and closed his hands with curiosity before nodding to himself.

Lucky: Mhm, I think I finally understand how to do things properly again so how about we jump  straight to round 3?

Without any warning everyone felt an immense amount of pressure on top of their shoulders once the Supreme Being finally assumed a proper battle stance. His arms where once again extended towards where this two companions who jolted once again life they had just received a shock in their body.

Lucky: Magic Boost, Quick March, Haste, Absorption, Regenerate, Reinforce Armor, Greater Strenght, Greater Dexterity, Greater Hardening, Bless Weapon, Titanic Power, Angel's Mercy, Heavenly Aura, Iron Heart, Blood of Steel, Immovable Object ...

Lucky casted spell after spell, covering his entire party in a rainbow of colours created by the amount of buffs placed in them.

Aura: Shit this is bad, Mare-

Lucky: Priwen!

The twins knew they had to stop Lucky from buffing his group, but as it would seem, he was done with that, as well as their plans for the fight. From there on, this was his turn to rule the battlefield.

Priwen held both of his roundshields next to him and everyone watched them extending over their edges and connect with each other, encasing Priwen and turning the knight into a colossal silver ball.

Lucky: Go.

The giant ball started spinning as fast as the wheels of a race car and dashed foward at speeds that none of them where possible for a creature of that size.


Fenn only had enough time to push his master and her brother out of the way before the giant smashed against the walls of the colosseum, breaking it and going right through it with another set of booming sounds coming where he went in and then one from the outside. Once it was done, all that they could see was a giant whole present in every single one of the halls and walls of the structure and allowed them to see the outside of the colosseum through it.

Yuri: I-Impossible!

Cocytus: Demiurge, what exactly is happening here?!

The spectators cjust couldn't keep up with how much the action had changed anymore and turned towards the only one among them that could have any sort of understanding of what was happening. But Demiurge seemed to be just as shocked as all of them.

Demiurge: ... (whisper) Wonderful ...

Or so they thought.

Demiurge: WONDERFUL! Giving your opponents the illusion of hope for the sole reason of crushing it later and throw them deeper into despair once they realize that their efforts meant nothing whatsoever! This is indeed the person that the great demon Ulbert-sama called his greatest friend, the shadow of the deceit the pulls the strings of numerous lives, Lucky Little Feet!

Demiurge couldn't help but feel happy at the thought of finally understanding, even if just the surface of it in his mind, who truely was the man that his creator respected and apreaciated soo much and unintentionaly raised his voice just abit too much allowing the fighters to hear what he was saying.

Lucky: ...

Aura: (Whisper) Nooooooooooooo there's no need to worry, of course we are fine thank you for asking. You're one hell of a friend Demiurge no doubt about that, I'm almost crying from seeing you that worried about us.

Aura muttered in a sarcastic tone, taking note to herself that she would need to have a word with Demiurge about his "support" later. Mare only laughed with a sweatdrop not understanding how his sister could be surprised by the actions of the Guardian of the 7th Floor who, besides being their friend for a long time now, also happened to be a demon.

Mare: Thank you Fenn.

Aura: Yeah, you saved our butts there buddy.

Lucky: Oh, I wouldn't say he saved you ...

The voice of the dark rabbit brought them back from their little moment to see drops of water gathering around Isolde's hands and taking the form of javelins.

Lucky: More like he delayed the inevitable.

As if to mock them, Isolde's face went from stoic back to a smug smile as she took aim at the twins.

Lucky: Isolde, Twin Magic - Aqua Javelin.

Isolde threw the first water javelin at the twins with increadible speed. Fortunatly, Mare was already ready to defend them with his staff.

Mare: Boosted Magic - Gaia's Embrace !

Plants errupted from the ground and molded the earth and stones around them to take the form of a great golem that placed it's arms around them to shield them from the attack.


The javelin hit their new shield and broke a good part of it, but it had been just enough to defend them from the first attack. But Mare knew that the second attack would definatly break his spell so he had to do something. While she was happy that Mare was finally being a man for once, Aura was not gonna let him get all the action.

Aura: I won't just stand here and watch! Bind !

Aura placed her hands on the ground just before Isolde was about to throw her second projectile and multiple vines of various shapes and sizes appeared all around them and over the golem, holding the giant together and stopping the damage from the previous attack from making part of it from breaking apart.

Lucky: Here goes the second one. Isolde!


The seconds attack exploded against Mare spell and once again managed to withstand it's power thanks to Aura's fast thinking. Lucky had to complement the sister, it was a very unique way to use that particular spell.

Lucky: (thoughts) So she used an immobilizing spell as a way to reinforce Mare's defenside one. There was no way that a thing like that would be possible in Yggdrassil since you couldn't use spells of a category to turn it into one from another  but it seems that magic in this world is not as limiting as it used to be in the game. (smile) Now this is a very interesting discovery.

Lucky: You did well in blocking those two attacks.

He smirked with a sadistic looking smile at what he was about to say next.

Lucky: (smirk) But what will you do about the third one?

Mare noticed Lucky muttering something under his breatha nd before the twins or Fenn where able to get properly confused by his words, Priwen came right through the wall behind them and slammed itself into their exposed backs.

Aura and Mare: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

The three of them were sent flying in every direction and hit the groound of the arena with loud thuds. They had plenty of HP left, but that didn't exactly made the attacks they just received any less painfull.

Mare: Ohhh that hurt.

Aura: Ouch, ouch, I guess we deserved that for even think that we were winning against Lucky-sama at any point of this battle. (looks at Mare and Fenn) Can you guys keep going?

Fenn growled at the pain he felt in his body and stood up in his four shaky legs supporting Mare, as he too stood back up, before howling, showing his tamer how he had not thrown the towel yet.

Aura: That's ma boys.

Aura laughed before jumping back on her feet ...

Aura: AW! AW! Bad idea! Bad idea!

And instantly regretted doing it. Being a show off when after being runned over by a metal chunk of severals tons was not the best idea she had in her life.

Aura: So we are all down to half of our HP or more, those two guys Lucky-sama summoned are a pain in the ass to deal with and god knows what his true build is or what his equipment does. Any ideas on how to get us out of this mess?

Mare: O-Onee-chan!

Mare called gaining the attention of Aura.

Mare: I think I know what to do! I just need-

Aura: An opening right?

Mare: Y-Yes.

She interrupted seemingly understanding what he was thinking.

Aura: How long do you need to prepare the spell?

She asked.

Mare: Not much, but I'll need to cast another spell before I can cast the one I'm thinking off.

Aura nodded without any complains. Since she was out of options because she couldn't exactly hide or bring more of her beasts, she might as well go with his plan.

Aura: Alright then me and Fenn will cover you so just focus on those two spells.

With that said, she jumped back to Fenn's back and gave him a soft pet.

Aura: Ready for one last effort?

Fenn barked showing that he was ready and took off running again.

Mare: Control Weather !

Mare casted his first spell making the stary night sky of the 6th created by Blue Planet become covered in dark clouds. Meanwhile Aura and Fenn to attack Lucky time and time again but Isolde blocked their attacks, both melee and long ranged ones, with her speed that had been buffed by Lucky and forced both to retreat before Priwen could ran them over again.

Lucky: Oh my, I think it's gonna rain. And here I thought we were gonna have a clear sky all day.

The Supreme Being joked at the sight of the cloudy sky.

Mare: (thoughts) Lucky-sama must have spent a good amount of MP summoning those two creatures and buffing them. He's doesn't seem to have as much as a Magic Caster like Ainz-sama ...

Aura: (thoughts) Then if that's the case he won't be able to defend himself against a large AoE effect even if he uses those two to protect him and if if he does, those they will be out for the count and we will gain advantage again.

As the fighters continued with their duel down in the arena, CZ spoke for the first time in a while since the start of the battle once again confused by some of Lucky's actions.

CZ: This is strange.

The maid said out loud with her usual doll like stoic face.

Entoma: You're talking a lot more today aren't you CZ-chan?

Yuri: Now that's something we rarely get to see. What you mean by that CZ?

CZ didn't spare anyone a glance even after their small joke and explained her thoughts.

CZ: All of it feels strange. I've heard that Lucky-sama was a Cleric but soo far we never saw him use any of their best skills, high tier magic spells or even trying to engage them in melee combat. He has no weapon or proper armor equipped meaning his defenses are extremely weak now so why doesn't he go after Mare-sama if he knows that he's preparing a large AoE spell? Why does he look soo relaxed ever since he took Aura-sama's attack head on? I'm having a hard time computing all this.

It wasn't strange for them to see why CZ was having such a hard time dealing with all of this. Out of everyone of the Pleiades, CZ was by far the most logic one when it came to her thoughts so the obvious rookie mistakes and actions that Lucky had showed them soo far was very hard to understand in her eyes.

CZ: Mana Essence.

In an attempt to see if Lucky had any trumph up his sleeve, CZ was about to use a certain amount of spells to gather some information on his status and run some simulations. Wha tte spell Mana Essence showed her, was not something she could have never imagined.

Yuri: Hmm? What's wrong CZ?

Yuri asked after seeing a sudden wide eyed CZ for a brief moment.

CZ: ... Lucky-sama's MP ...

She narrowed her eyes in frustration at the sight of another strange piece of information to leave her even more confused.

CZ: It's still completly full.

Mare: Onee-chan, the spell is ready!

Mare shouted. Lucky answered to that by extending his right arm towards him, and as expected, Isolde attention was immediately turned towards him.

Lucky: Haha, as if I would allow you fool. Isolde, Ice-

Mare: Silence !

Lucky's orders were silenced by Aura's spell that instantly ended all the sound that would come out of him and the area around him and making Isolde stop dead in her tracks, now looking more like a statue then a living being as Priwen keep rolling in circles after Aura and Fenn.

Aura: (thoughts) I'm sorry Lucky-sama but me and Mare have already seen throught that trick. The two you summoned can only obey more advanced commands like casting spells or focus on a specific target if you give them a verbal order. If we take away your commands from them, then they are just puppets that had their strings cut from them.

The sky rumbled with thunder now that everything was set in place and Mare was ready to unleash his spell on the Supreme Being.

Mare: Maximize Magic -Judgement !!!

Slamming his staff down on the ground, Mare made a lighting fall on the arena, followed by another and another, until the sky started launching them as if their where drops of water falling down on a rainy day and their started falling closer and closer to the Supreme Being.

Aura smiled on top of Fenn knowing that they got him now.


The world started moving in slow motion as Mare's wide eyes looked over her shoulder to Priwen's shield disconnecting from each other as he spinned around and his chestplate started glowing.

Aura: (thoughts) Silent Magic?! No, it can't be! They can only cast their skills and spells with verbal commands! Don't tell me ... !

It shouldn't be a skill or a spell, it couldn't be, she knew, but even so, Aura decided to look at Lucky just before the thunders could finally hit him with all of his might. There, she saw him just standing there with his arm extended towards the giant knight and his glove glowing in the same colour as the glow in it's chestplate, looking at her with the biggest, smugest smile that a furried creature could ever have.

Aura: (thoughts) It was all a trick!

Lucky: (thoughts) Widen Magic ... Thunder Core!

Priwen's chest opened itself to reveal an interior filled with all sorts of mechanisms and wires mixed with pieces of flesh and a blue core with silver accents filled with runes carved in them pumping like a hearth. as soon as it was exposed all the lightnings that were about to fall on top of Lucky suddently changed their course and went straight in it's direction and hitting him instead of the Supreme Being as if the silver knight was some sort of a lightning rod.

The amount of electricity coursing through his body made the big knight jolt several times as it continued to redirect all of Judgement towards him until the duration of the spell ended and he fell down on it's knees.

Mare: M-My spell ...

Mare was the one who was in the biggest shock. It was said that he was best AoE spell user in all of Nazarick, yet, one of his best AoE spells was avoided soo easely. Even after he used the Control Weather spells to further boost it's power, he was only able to take out one enemy.

Lucky: Mhm, that was an explendid way to boost the power of your spell Mare. Using Judgement with a boost from an altered weather condition to make it's area of effect and it's magnitude to make them even more devastating was truely a great idea. However, what you two did was a gamble. Using such a large scale of preparations, distractions and spells based only on unrealiable sources of information given to you by your opponent was a serious mistake.

Lucky explained.

Lucky: Tell me, have any of you stopped to think that perhaps I was just using vocal commands to make you think that I needed them in order to control these two?

Their lack of an answer or proper reaction outside of their surprised expression immediately gave him the answer for that.

Lucky: (sigh) Fools. You should've made some more tests first. Aura, I'm sure that if you covered the area with some sort of smoke and then used your stealth skills, mixed with a silence spell from Mare to test that theory, I would have probably never thought that you were testing my control on Priwen and Isolde until it was too late. Be sure to reflect on this in the future.

At the end of that explanation, the gears inside Priwen's chest became turning at a very fast pace before his chest plate closed itself again and his eyes became bright with power.


The Knight roared loudly making everyone cover their ears. They felt a shiver going down their spines once he came back to life. Steam errupted from the gaps in it's armor as small cracks began appearing on it.

Lucky: Alright, I think that will be enough for today.

With a snap from it's fingers, a magic circle appeared bellow Priwen and teleported the Knight away from the arena and back to wherever it came from.

Lucky: Are you two ok?

Lucky asked the twins, worried that perhaps he went a little to hard on them with this spar.

Aura and Mare: ...

The twins didn't respond to anything and just kept looking at him him with wide eyes.

Lucky: (thoughts) I got carried away. I know that I needed to establish dominance for my own safety by defeating at least one of the Guardians, but these two are just kids. There was no need to scar them like this. How the hell am I supposed to apologize for this?

The last thing he wanted from all of this was to traumatize two children but in Lucky's mind, it was too late for that.

Aura: That ... was ... AWSOME!!!

Lucky: (thoughts) ... Eh?

Demiurge: You can say that again Aura, this truely was a sight to behold.

Lucky looked over his shoulder to see the members of the audience aproaching him with smiles of satisfaction.

Cocytus: Mhm, that truely was a a great battle, honorable and intense just as I had hoped.

Lucky: (thoughts) ... EHHHHHH?!

Lucky knew that their mindsets where not exactly meant to be normal but this level of excitement from all of them with his actions were surely a joke.

Yuri: That was magnificent Lucky-sama.

Demiurge: Indeed. An impressive display of your power my lord.

Aura: Man I totally thought we were gonners back there Lucky-sama!

Everyone surrounded the Supremem Being, showering him with praises and complements, unknowingly making him even more uncomfortable.

Lucky: (thoughts) ... In all honesty, I don't know why do I even bother with getting surprised anymore ...

The great rabbit sweatdropped in his mind. This was his new "normal" so he should get used to it as fast as he possibly could, for his own mental health.

A soft tug on his jacket brought him back to reallity. Looking down he saw that it was CZ Delta the one doing that.

Lucky: Yes?

CZ: May I ask you some questions Lucky-sama?

She asked with her ever stoic, yet incredibly cute, face.

Lucky: That will depend on the question dear CZ.

Clearly she didn't realize that he was just joking and paused in order to think a bit more on the questions she was about to do.

CZ: Then, why didn't you equip any proper gear if you knew you would be fighting against Aura and Mare-sama? We're you just that sure that your odds of winning were just that overwelmingly higher then theirs? I'm having a hard time understanding it.

Lucky: Hm? But I am properly dressed for any fight.

Everyone around looked at him in confusion as he adjusted his suit in a joking manner.

CZ: With all the respect Lucky-sama, the Noble of the Misty City set does not possesse enough defensive properties or bonuses to properly be used in an actual fight. It's simply too underwhelming to be a good choice for a PvP.

Once again, she clearly didn't understood his joke.

Lucky: (thoughts) Note to self, add "give the NPC's some sense of humour" to the MUST DO list.

Lucky: Since when did I say that I was using the Misty City's Noble set CZ?

Piece by piece, the parts of his set were engulfed in a flash of blue fire and then everyone saw that he was now wearing a completly different set.

Cocytus: That's the armour that I saw back then.

Cocytus said, remembering the day when Ainz and Lucky saved the Carne Village and the Beastman weared those extremely decorated white robes, that long religious red scarf over his shoulders and those great wings behind him.

Yuri: Layered Armor?!

Luck nodded as he took the hood of his robe from his head.

Lucky: Exactly. Not a bad way to trick my opponents right?

CZ nodded finally getting the answer for one of the doubts she had.

CZ: Yes. Was this why you were refraining from using your Cleric class skills and spells? Because you didn't want them to be cautious?

Lucky thought deeply about the answer he should give her. After all this time, he was still reluctanct about revealing his secrets to them, but fact remained that he needed to work with the NPC's in order to survive in this new world. So far they had proven themselves to be absolutly loyal to him and his friend so right now, he would have to trust them.

Lucky: Yes and no CZ. For starters, this was merely a spar. Even if the three of us blew it a bit out proportion ...

He explained, looking at the twins with a knowing smile and making them giggle in an akward way, knowing that he was being kind with the " a bit" part.

Lucky: So there was no need to use most of the destructive spells and such. And then there's the fact that the usual Cleric skill tree is not really the main component of my build.

His main class was not the main part of his build? How could that be possible? The main class that someone has and how proficient and skilled that person is with it dictates how strong that individual can be. How can someone push such an important thing aside and still be this strong?

Demiurge: That's because your true power lies in the fact that you are actually an Artificer. Isn't that right Lucky-sama.

Entoma: (tilts her head) Artificer?

That was a new word for most of the NPC's present. Lucky simply laugh after a brief moment of surprise at the fact that his friend's creation was able to uncover what many others tried and failed to do in the past. Demiurge truely was not to underestimated.

Lucky: That's right Demiurge. I would complement you for that deduction but in all honesty, I expected nothing less from you.

Demiurge: (bow) Your great words are wasted on me.

The demon of the 7th Floor couldn't be more proud of himself right now, feeling like he truely had lived to the fact that he was a creation of the great demon Ulbert.

Yuri: My apologies but I'm still clueless as to what this Artificer is. Would you be as kind as to explain to someone like me what that is Lucky-sama?

CZ: It's a very rare Job-class Yuri-nee.

CZ answered her sister instead of Demiurge or Lucky finally getting the confirmation she needed to prove one of her many theories.

CZ: A craftsman that fuses magic and technology using arcane powers and magic in the same way that a Blacksmith would use fire and steel to create many wonders. That is what an Artificier truely is.

She explained the complexity of the Job-class as simply as she could, knowing that it was not  exactly easy to understand the many things that an Artificer could actually do.

Lucky: Very good CZ, very close to a perfect answer. However, you forgot to properly explain it's rarity. I do not balme you though, many of the class's details are not exactly acessable or easy to come across.

The maid accepted his honest complement with a nod and waited for him to continue with the explanation.

Lucky: Artificier is not a rare class bin itself. It's requisites are not hard to fullfil, quite the opposite actually, so long as you are a Caster of any type with a few points in crafting skills, you can easely unlock it. It's more a case of no one wanting to take the job.

Cocytus: Why is that Lucky-sama?

Cocytus asked. In order to explain the next part better, Lucky took a few coins from his inventory and showed one of them to the NPC's.

Lucky: Because the costs of the class are simply too high for most people.

He extended his hand towards CZ who raised her hands to receive the coins that the Supreme Being had in his hand.

Lucky: Usually most of the other classes would have to worry about simple things like equipment ...

He allowed one of the coins to fall on the palms of CZ's hands.

Lucky: Acessories ...

And another.

Lucky: And Consumables

And yet another.

Lucky: But the Artificier requires all of that plus extra materials, enchantments, knowledge from several sources, tons of more farming, looting and materials ...

He kept numering things and dropping a coin of each of them until he simply decided to let all of them to fall in the palms of CZ's hands in a quick sucession.

Lucky: Not to mention that the experiments and crafting attempts have a higher chance of failing for an Artificier then for any other class meaning that even with all of that investiment, you might get rewarded with nothing at all.

Back in Yggrassil, money was extremely important since it was required to be able to most of the things in the game. It's market was extremely complex and all players needed to always have a good amount of gold with them or saved if they wanted to properly level up and participate in several events. Not to meantion that there was always the risk of losing their equipment if they were killed by someone and in that case, a level loss penalty would be the least of their concerns.

Lucky: In other words, it's not a rare Job-class to unlock, it's a rare Job-class to see someone use because the amount of investiment you must do for such low-rate rewards.

They could see why being an Artificer didn't sound that appealing for many people. But that simply raised a bigger question.

CZ: Then why did you decide to be one Lucky-sama?

Oh the nostalgia that came with that question. Back in Yggrassil many of the members of the guild asked him the exact same question. Some even joked that Lucky was crazy stupid or crazy rich to choose that particular class. Oh the amount of arguments and talks that that created in the past.

Lucky: Eheheh, let me answer that question with a small story little one.

A chair appeared behind him and he took a seat. The sight of the younger looking NPC's taking a seat on the ground in front of him reminded the Supreme Being of the time when grandmas and grandpas used to tell stories to their grandchildren this a way much similar to this.

Lucky: Once upon a time, in a faraway land called Izumo lived 81 princes that were always competing with each other.

He started.

Lucky: Hearing of the beauty of the princess in the land of Inaba, all of the brothers decided to try and woo her. Their mistreated youngest brother Okuninushi went along with his 80 older brothers to carry their baggage and soon, he lagged behind.

The younger ones frowned at the way that, making Lucky laugh in his mind, remembering that that was the exact same reaction that he had as a child when his mother told him this exact same story.

Lucky: On the way to the princess, the older brothers eventually reached the edge of Inaba and there they saw a fur-less hare. Deciding to play a cruel prank on the poor creature, they advised it to bathe in seawater and then stand on top of a high peak and let the winds and sun dry it, saying that this would allow the hare to recover quickly. The poor hare, believing the words of the princes, did as it was told, but the winds and sun dried out and cracked it's skin, causing it even worse pain.

Now they looked saddened by what he told them.

Lucky: But some time later the younger brother reached the same place, staggering under the weight of his brothers's luggage and heard the pitiful cries of the hare. He questioned the hare what had happened, and then listened to its story.

He giggled at the next part he was about to tell.

Lucky: The Hare was originaly from a small island in the middle of the ocean and it had wanted to travel to the mainland for many years but it was unable to do so on his own do to being just a small hare. So the Hare came up with a plan. He decided to challenge the sharks surrounding the island. He told them "Let's see which there are more of, you sharks or us rabbits. Have all your fellow sharks line up one by one from here to mainland, and I'll count you. Then we'll know for sure which group is bigger."

Even the older looking NPC's heard him in silence and Demiurge had to admit, he was loving how the Hare was obviously tricking the sharks to get what it wanted.

Lucky: As the sharks lined up, the hare jumped from shark to shark, counting each one of them . Just before he leapt to the mainland, the Hare boasted about tricking the sharks, so, the final shark bit off the hare's fur off.

Aura, Mare and Entoma: Ouch.

Lucky: Ahaha, ouch indeed. That was where he met the large group of princes whose advice had only made things worse. After hearing the tale, the eighty-first prince reprimanded the hare for its trickery and then, being a kind young man, the prince gave it instructions that would actually heal its wounds.

Mare: (looks at Aura) I like this Prince Onee-chan.

Aura: (looks at Mare) Yeah this Okuninushi guy sounds like a cool dude.

Demiurge continued to prefer the rabbit, but he couldn't say that he wasn't disappointed that it had decided to throw his perfect plan down the gutter at the very last second.

Lucky: He told the hare to wash itself in the nearby fresh water river, then lay out fluff from the cattails and roll in it. The hare did as Okuninushi said and his pain was finally soothed and and it soon completely healed. The Hare was soo gratefull that it gave him a prophecy that the princess would chose the youngest of the princes over any of his 80 brothers. Imagine his surprise when he finally arrived to Inaba and the princess told the elder brothers that she would have nothing to do with any of them, but would only marry the kind Okuninushi. Because of his kindness he found love and gained a country to rule over with his beloved. The end.

The NPC's clapped, thankfull that the Supreme Being decided to share this story with all of them.

Lucky: I've always hated the thought of being the same as everyone around me so I decided to become an Artificer, so I could be different from them and earn my own glory and skills by following my own path rather then doing what others did. Just like Okuninushi was able to get everything he could've ever wish for by being different from all of his older brothers.

Lucky got up from the chair, making it disappear. To the NPC's, the mistery that was Lucky Little Feet was something truely too captivating for them to stop trying to unravel. Even now after he was among them, they couldn't help but realize that, so far, they had barely scratched the surface of who this Supreme Being really was.

CZ: I see ... may I ask one more question?

He had already answered soo many important ones soo far, so Lucky didn't see the harm in answering one last question.

Lucky: Of course little one. Is there anything else troubling you?

CZ: No, I'm just curious, why does it seem like you mana never runs out Lucky-sama? Is that one of the perks of being an Artificer as well?

Lucky: Oh that? Hahaha ...

That ironacly was the easiest question for him to answer.

Lucky: No, no it has nothing to do with my Job-class dear CZ. The answer to that lies within these gloves.

He said, showing them the unique gloves he was wearing.

Lucky: The name of this item is Gear Maidens and this is my true weapon. Most of my gear has been enchanted with MP regen and these gloves have a bonus that doubles any MP regen buffs of any gear I have currently equipped.  

He extended his hand towards Isolde and with a couple of moviments from it's fingers, the girl began moving again and aproached them.

Lucky: My speciality in the Arcana fields is crafting automatons and other mechanical things. In order for my dolls do move with this level of complexity, I have to spend a good amount of MP and even more if I want to control multiple of them at once and cast their skills and spells.

Aura: I had no idea that those things you've summoned were actually automatons Lucky-sama.

Mare: M-Me either.

CZ finally seemed satisfied now that no more doubts were bothering her any longer something that her sisters seemed quite happy to see. What came next however, nearly gave Entoma and Yuri a heart attack. CZ embraced the Supreme Being.

CZ: Thank you Lucky-sama.

She thanked him in her usual monotone voice and stoic face, huggin the big rabbit tightly.

Her sisters quickly pulled her off the Supreme Being and tried to explain the situation as fast as they could.

Yuri: I'm terribly sorry Lucky-sama! CZ has the habit of hugging the thing she likes so she was just showing her affection towards you, please forgive her. (whispers to CZ) What the hell were you thinking?!

Lucky: Hahaha, you are an interesting one CZ Delta. No need to apologize Yuri, I'm honestly  flaterred she feels that way.

Yuri: T-Thank you very much for your great compassion.

CZ didn't really seem sorry for anything as she was currently in the process of trying to place a one-yen sticker somewhere on Lucky.

Yuri: Will you stop it?!

Lucky: (thoughts) This is quite possibly the best thing that happened to me since I woke up.

As funny as it was seeing the Pleaides act like this, Lucky unfortunatly had other things to do today so he simply took the sticker from CZ and placed it on his hat.

Lucky: As much as would love to keep talking with all of you like this, I have other things that require my attention right now so I'll be taking my leave. Yuri, do me a favour and inform Lupusregina that I need her to be ready by nightfall. It's time I start making some much need changes in Carne Village.

Lucky: (thoughts) It's not like I distrust you but that's enough secrets for one day. There are things that are be better left unknown for now.

CZ: I'll inform Lupus.

CZ offered and Yuri was instantly ready to scold her sister once again.

Lucky: I'm ok with that. I'm counting on you then CZ.

Without any further words or instructions for anyone else, Lucky turned around and began walking away. The NPC's simply bowed and wished him a good day, knowing that he was a busy person and they also had their respective jobs to do.

As he was walking, he threw something over his shoulder that was caught by each of the twins. A pair of golden apples.

Lucky: Those are from my gardens. Think of them as a thanks and an apologie for the trouble. I'm sure you'll like them.

And with that unique gift, Lucky teleported away from the damaged arena to prepare for his next meeting of the day.

Carne Village - Night time

Later that day, as the sun was slowly being replaced by the moon in the sky, Lucky had asked the Village Chief to gather all the men of the village along with Enri in his house. Enri knew that whatever was the reason that lead him to asking for their presence in such a short notice must have been important, but she failed to see why she was the only woman being called. Aside from her and Lupusregina, there where no other women present in the room which made her a little uncomfortable.

Lucky: Good evening everyone, thank you answering to my request on such a short notice. I understand that you are all tired from the work done during day and wanted to be with families right now but I assure you that what I have to discuss with all of you is of the utmost importance.

The men and Enri listened to him, still unsure of what this meeting was all about. Enri was especially confused since she seemed so out of place in the room.

Chief: We don't really mind Lucky-sama, but what's the purpose behind this sudden meeting and soo late none the less?

The oldest man in the village asked, wanting to make the Supreme Being as comfortable as he could amongst them.

Lucky: I simply thought that it would be rude to interrupt your usual routines since you are busier then ever at the moment with the construction of the wall.

Enri suddently raised her hand in air and waited for her chance to speak.

Lucky: What is it Miss Emmot?

Enri: Hummmm, Lucky-sama could you please tell me why I'm also here? I don't mean to be disrespectful but I have to take care of my sister and I don't think I belong in here.

She respectfully explained her motives and reasons for her doubt, something that the strongest beings in the room noted. Maybe this girl was not meant to simply be just another village girl and could be used for something else in the future.

Lucky: I can see why you are soo confused Miss Emmot but the ones I asked to assemble here are the leaders of every family in this village. Ever since your parents passed way, you basically became the head of your own family so excluding you from this assembly was not an option.

From his studies, Lucky was able to conclude that the families of this world still worked on a patriarch system so, for now, there would be no need to discuss most of the business he would have with the villagers in great detail with everyone. Enri was of course, a clear exception.

Enri: B-But I'm a woman.

Lucky: ... Your point being?

Lucky asked, clearly not amused by her words.

Enri: We-Well I just .. I thought that ..

She knew she had despleased him somehow and now she had no idea on how to say anything to him anymore.

Man 1: Who cares Enri?

Man 2: Exactly, you have a right to be here. If not for the fact that you are now the oldest member of your family then I think Lucky-sama would have called you here because you're basically the leader of the goblins.

Man 3: Indeed.

As the "owner" of the biggest source of manpower available in the village, it honestly made sense for her to be there in their minds.

Enri: You guys ...

Lucky: Any further questions Miss Emmot?

Seeing no need to explain her anything any further, Lucky decided that it was about time they move on with the conversation. Lupusregina couldn't help but find the reactions of the village girl very amusing to see each time that Supreme Being spoke to her.

Enri: N-No Sir.

Lucky: Good. (looks at Lupusregina) Lupusregina please bring me the thing ...

Lupusregina: Yes Lucky-sama, right away.

The maid excused herself for a while and went to the bottom to the room to pick up something for the Supreme Being.

Lucky: Gentleman, Miss Emmot, while I like to think of myself as a patient man, I don't think I have enough patience to beat around the bush when discussing important matters. With that in mind, I'll jump straight to the main topic of this discussion.

Lupusregina came back to Lucky's side and handed him a medium sized pouch before going back to her spot behind Lucky..

Lucky: I would like to buy your village ...

He suddently said, before throwing the pouch in the middle of the table and the confused villagers, spilling a great amount of silver coins all over it.

Lucky: Will these be enough for you?

Lucky had realized the first mistake that he had done in his last visit to Carne. An artist can not paint his true masterpiece if he doesn't own the canvas first. And once this canvas officialy belonged to him, then he could finally start painting on it in the way he wanted.

Tyr na Nóg - Coast of the island

The nights of Tyr na Nóg were always a spectacle of breath-taking proportions. The diurnal creatures went back to their little homes and gave their place to the nocturnal ones so they could enjoy the beauty of the trees glowing with all the colours of the rainbow and play to their heart's content under the moonlight. Even without their trusted Guardian around, they just kept going on with their small lives in these forests of the Fae.

But just as their Supreme Being, the almighty Oberon himself had made this land, he also made the sea and that, was a whole other world to experience. This one however, was not as safe as their own.

A beautifull voice echoed near the coast where waves of the sea crashed into the rocks and sand in what seemed to be a an eternal struggle between them. In one of the said rocks, stood the the owner of the enchanting voice. A young human looking girl with pale skin sang the entrancing song as she combed her long platinum hair with her fingers. The darkness of the sea didn't allow much of her to be seen, but it was clear that there was no one that could question her beauty or how hipnotic her figure was.

Several sets of lights moved on the water around the rock where she stood, looking much more like large pairs of eyes watching her from the depts, as if dancing to the sound of her voice. It was haunting sight, yet just as beautifull as the one seen in the mainland.

Seemingly satisfied with her hair, the girl got up from the rock and started walking towards the edge. It looked as if she was about to fall into the cold waters, but something rose from the depts to create a sort of place so she could place her feet on. That thing looked like what the old sailours of the past would describe as the long body of a sea serpent. As the white-haired kept walking over the creature, another elongated, scaly body errupted from the depts, followed by another and another, creating a bridge for her so she could reach the coast without touching the water.

Once her feet finally touched the sands of the shore, the monstrous bodies sank back into the dark depts and the girl stopped singing.

????: Fufufufu, my oh my ...

She said with clear amusement in her sweet delicate voice

????: What a refreshing feeling it is not having the voices of my dear brother nagging me for once.

She played with her hair for a bit and her lips curved into a beautifull, yet obviously malicious smile.

????: Oh dear brother!~ I'm gonna enter the forest without your permission, better come and stop me!~

The girl sweetly shouted towards the forest before placing a hand close to her ear in a mocking way, knowing very well that she would not get a response from the person she was talking to.

????: Fufufufu, I guess he doesn't mind this time around. Now then ...

What looked to be a dark tentacle suddently came out of her back and allowed the girl to seat back and use it as a chair as she though.

????: This is a very unique and unusual situation I find myself in. Hmmmmm what to do? What to do?~

She mused, tapping on her cheek with one of her fingers. The answer, came in the sight of the biggest tree in all of Tyr na Nóg, the home of the illusive Supreme Being, Lucky Little Feet. The smile of this siren only got bigger and she couldn't help but giggle at her own thoughts.

????: Eheheh, I've come all the way here already. Even if I can't pay a visit to my dear big brother, I might as well see how my beloved father is doing. After all ...

She licked her lips in delight as her eyes lit up with clear desire.

????: I can't waste this chance to be with my soulmate can I?~ Fufufufu~


Annnnnnnnd end of part 2! Dear god these two chapters were hard to right but DAMN where they satisfying. Surprise, surprise guys, Lucky is not actually a full Cleric but rather a Artificer, the great cratsmen that mixes arcane magic with technology and the two automatons that were shown here are part of a much bigger collection that have a very special tale to them, one that unfortunatly I won't be sharing for now XD

Some of you seemed to enjoy the samll view of his past in the 7th chapter so I thought I should give you another glimpse of what his life was before he became his avatar Luky Little Feet. His real name was Fujiwara Okuninushi and he was the owner of a famous Cafe in Inaba and for now, that's all you're going to get :)

I do hope you guys enjoyed this little surprise but let me know what you guys thought. You know your opinions will always be important to me.

As always, leave me your comments, suggestions and dounts and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!

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