Getting ready

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Jack's POV

This was harder than I thought. I have to set up four toddler beds and one crib, for Marvin of course. I moved the bigger beds aside to another room for now and started building. I was praying they where being good while I was away. I don't want to deal with anymore trouble.


Everyone was on the couch watching Tv flicking back and forth to different stuff. It had been about 20 minutes by now. "I'm bored Schneep can we do something else ??" Marvin said sliding off the couch. "What CAN we do? There isn't much here." Chase sighed. "We can go to hiz backyard." Schneep suggested. Just then Jack came down going to the kitchen getting Anti telling him he's out of time out and to behave next time so he wouldn't be there for so long. Jack left again and Anti came over to the others.

"We can go into the recording room." Anti sat on the couch looking up at the others. "Anti no." Jackieboyman shook his head. "We can't mess with that he'll kill us." He added on. "What if we go outside." Anti smirked. "That's what Schneep said." Chase pointed out. "No not to his backyard. It's big and there's a field but that's it. We can't do much either. What I mean is outside outside, if you keep going to the back there's a forest back there or we could go out in the front and walk around." He shrugged laying his head on the arm chair of the couch.

Everyone looked at him confused. "How do you known that ?" Marvin asked. "Eh when I had my body and I would come by one time it was late and I came in wrong ended up there and found my way back to his house." Anti spoke as he got comfortable. "I mean all vote on saying yes say I." Jackieboyman raised his hand along with Anti. "I" Chase joined in raising his hand. "I" Marvin tried going as high as he could being the shortest from his "age". Schneep sighted there wasn't much here so sure why not. "I. But what about Jack. He'z gonna know we're gone." Schneep gently pushed everyone's hand down.

"I'm sure we'll be back before he knows it. He's doing whatever project up there." Anti sat up to look at him.  "He's setting up stuff for us he got at the store or at least that's what he said." Marvin said flatly getting off the couch. "Like I said we'll be back before he knows it." Anti jumped off the couch and stared running to the back door. "Follow me and I'll show you where it is." They all had to help get the door open since they where to short. They pushed a chair as Anti got on it to push the door and when it was open a little the rest at the bottom pushed as well. Then they moved the chair back to its spot and left Anti showing them the woods.

-Back to Jack-

It took a while but it was all done. I was pretty proud of myself. This is how the room was set up. To the left of the door was Marvin's crib and to the right was Anti's bed. Then behind that was Jackieboyman bed followed by Chase  and  Schneep bed. They had a bunk bed since it was a lot easier to get considering how much I bought at the store. They where all against the wall leaving a big opening in the middle. Then there was a dresser for all there clothes and big soft rug in the middle that was a blue circle. I also got a small toy chest with some toys in there for them just in case. I think they'll like their beds or won't mind it to much.

Anti's Bed (without the plushies) ^^^^^^^

Jackieboyman's bed ^^^^^^

Chase and Schneep (this was the simplest I could find in sorry) ^^^^^^

Marvin's crib ^^^^^^

-To the tots again-

The boys where walking around a lot but they did have fun. They coined tress and rocks and Anti took this time to scare anyone anyway he could. They where walking so much they didn't know where they where going or how far they where form home. They heard the sound of rushing water and there was a creek with Little Rock's you can step on to get to the other side. "So anyone wanna join me to cross that." Anti turned to the others smirking. "Uh Anti how far are we form Jack's house?" Marvin looked around. "I don't know why ? Scared or something? Need your "daddy" to come protect you." Anti teased. "Shut up Anti. And no I'm not I just does anyone else have this weird feeling?" Marvin looked and mix answer. "Yeah kinda but I don't know what it iz." Schneep said. "Pussies." Anti crosses his arms. "Jackieboyman you wanna join me since these babies need their "daddy"." He stuck his tongue out at them. He nodded and they started crossing but Jackieboyman slipped and tripped scraping his knee. He ended up bursting into tears. "Why are you crying !? It doesn't hurt that bad you're not actually 3." Anti said. Schneep rushed over to help him up leading him back. "Come on Anti let'z go back to Jack." He said. "WHAT! All cause HE stated crying over NOTHING! Fuck that" Anti shouted. Everyone walked with Jackieboyman trying to comfort him. "Anti." Schneep said back. Anti rolled his eyes but went with them anyways.

-I'm so sorry for all the time skips and POV switches-

I went downstairs to check on them. I hadn't heard anything but that's not always a good sign. Especially for them knowing how they are, and I've only had them for a day. "Fuck what if something happened to them? What if they got out what if-Okay Jack enough you're starting to sound like a mom." I thought to myself. "Though with the way they act they might as well turn me into one." I sighed and looked around. Nothing. The TV was still on but no one was there. "Anti ? Schneep, Jackieboyman? Marvin, Chase?" I asked out loud for them. No answer.

"Guys where are you ? This isn't a time to be messing around either I'm serious come out now or you're all getting time out." I had my hands on my hips looking around. Still no answer. I looked in the kitchen and saw the sliding door was open. "Crap." I said out loud.
I checked outside and looked around every inch of my backyard. There was a field so I checked that first I knew it would take longer. The field was a bunch of flowers and plants. Lots of trees as well. "Guys!? Guys where are you!? I'm not playing around anymore!" I had my hands cupped around my mouth making it echo more.

-To the Tots again-

As they all walked they heard something coming from in front of them. "Guys!? Guys where are you!? I'm not playing anymore!" "Fuck." Schneep said. "It'z Jack." He looked up at everyone a worried looked glued on his face. "SHIT." Everyone pretty much cursed themselves out. "So what now ?" Marvin asked. "Look let's just go I know for a fact we'll get in trouble so might as well get it over it now." Jackieboyman sighed. "Plus my knee hurts anyway." "Fucking pussy." Anti muttered under his breath. They kept walking over and saw Jack and he saw them, and oh BOY he did NOT look happy.


I see them all coming from somewhere I'll ask later right now I'm glad they're back but also pissed off. I see that Schneep is holding Jackieboyman looking down at something on him every two minutes. I have no clue what he's looking at but they made there where over to me. "Everyone inside now." Is all I said and they got the hint and ran inside. Except for Jackieboyman and Schneep. "What's wrong Jackieboyman?" I get down to their level. "He fell and zcraped hiz knee." He said.

I sighed wondering what they where up too or where they went. "Here I'll carry him since that's a bad cut and you've been walking for how long? It's fine I'll carry him just get inside ." Schneep nodded and went in as I carried Jackieboyman following Schneep back to my house as I close the sliding door behind me. Another sigh came out of me as they all stared at the ground. So I said plain and simple, "Who's idea, how long, where did you go, and how did Jackieboyman get hurt."

"Well it was Schneep to say we would go outside but like in your backyard Anti said to go into the forests-" Chase spoke out but I interrupted him. "Hold on I have a forest. In my backyard?" I was so confused. "It's a long story." Anti rolled his eyes shrugging. "For how long we don't know it was when Anti got out of time out till now." Marvin spoke looking down. Most likely guilty. "Then we went to the little river and I wanted to cross it but these fuckers where pussies and didn't go. So Jackieboyman came and slipped." Anti was already done I can tell.

-3rd person POV-

Jack sighed. "All of you in the corner now. You can come out when I'm done making dinner." They all groaned but ended up in a corner as Jack made dinner. He was making spaghetti.

-Time skip-

All the food was done and all in place on plates. Though Jack had a small surprise for the boys. He got highchair for them since they where WAY to small for regular chairs. "Boys come out of time out come into the kitchen." They did and all stood in shock when they entered the dinning room. "Jack there is no fucking way you're putting us in that!!" Anti stated. "Yeah no I don't want to either. Hell no." Jackieboyman looked away cringing. "To bad. You guys aren't big enough to sit in regular chairs." Jack said grabbing their plates. "No fair!!" They all cried out.

Jack obviously ignored their cries and put them in their own highchair. Buckling them all in. And of course Anti was the one who Jack struggled with the most. "No! No! No! No! No!" He cried out kicking and screaming even though he got in eventually. The order was Anti, Jackieboyman, Chase , Schneep , and then Marvin. Jack brought out all their plates setting them in the trays and then handing them their sippy cups filled with AJ. "Jack we're not actually kids! Stop treating us like we are!!" Anti said loud and clear. "I don't agree with thiz one to much but he'z right for once." Schneep looked over at Anti. "Screw you." Anti crosses his arms looking down at his food.

Jack didn't listen and was trying to put a bib around Marvin him being the youngest. And instead of having a sippy cup he had a bottle again being the youngest. "JACK STOP! THERES NO WAY IM WEARING THAT JACK PUT IT AWAY I DONT NEED IT!!!!" Marvin was throwing a full on tantrum right now. The others where loosing it. Laughing so hard some where crying. "Marvin stop moving right now.!" Jack was already done with this kind of thing. He did and finally got the bib around Marvin's neck.

"HAHAHA MARVIN HOLY SHIT I CANT BREATH!!" Anti was dying laughing really hard. The others couldn't hold back as well. "Guys enough! Especially you Anti I'm watching you." Jack have a glare to all of them. "I guess you really DO need you're daddy." Anti muttered playing with his food. "I heard that." Jack said. Everyone ate except Marvin he didn't touch his food. "Marvin come on you've gotta eat." Jack sat in front of him looking at him as Marvin still looked down. "No they're gonna make fun of me." He mumbled. "I promise they won't and if they do tell me and I'll handle it okay?" He smiled to him which earned a weak smile from Marvin and he did start eating.  Later on during their meal Marvin got thirsty and had no choice but to use the bottle.

I can hear Anti start to snicker which lead the others to but Anti was louder. "Anti what did I say earlier." Jack looked at him a bit disappointed. "Oh look Marvin you're daddy's here go help you!" He teased sticking out his tongue. "Anti to do that again and you'll be in time out for the 3rd time today until we all go sleep." Was all Jack said to make him stop.

-Time skip times 10-

Jack looked over at the others. They where a mess. Covered in spaghetti sauce especially Anti. I never knew how messy he could be. So of course Jack had to wipe their faces and hands and yes they fought him. When he got to Marvin he actually didn't fight. Once all of them where clean and the dishes where put away Jack took them up to their room though they didn't know about the changes.

Hi hello yes me again here's another chapter this is also just a little rushed sorry I got busy yesterday. Though I'm trying to stay on schedule. I'll leave this here for now. Hope you enjoy.


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