Going shopping

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Jack's POV

I buckled everyone up into the car. The only one who really struggled was Anti. No surprise there though. "Anti stop moving!" I shouted. He didn't listen so I wanted to see if this gem worked but I highly doubt it. "Anti if you don't stop moving when we come back you're going in time out." I said with some strictness in my voice so he knows I'm not playing around. He looked up at me wide eye like he was gonna cry or something, thank god he didn't he just stopped moving and let me buckle him up.

"I can't believe that actually worked" I thought to myself. I got in the drivers seat deciding to go to IHOP since it was close by. It was actually kinda funny to hear there conversations. They acted if I wasn't there. Kinda cute too. How high their voices are and there tot size makes them really cute.

3rd Person POV (makes it's easier)

"Oooooh Anti got in trouble." Jackieboyman sang playfully. "Shut UP Jackieboyman!!" Anti crossed his arms scowling at the red suit man. (Boy ?? Child ?? Tot ???) "It'z funny to see how a glitch bitch who can kill a person on camera and then go on and look as zcary az they can only come back be "Zhut up."" Schneep relied back with a smug look on his face. Anti growled back at him. "Says the one who can't say their "S" right." Anti didn't even look away form the window saying that. "That was just weak." Chase looked over at him still looking out the window. "That's what Stacy said in bed with you-" Chase threw his hat at Anti hitting him right in the head. "BOYS STOP IT ANTISEPTICEYE APOLOGIZE TO CHASE RIGHT NOW!" Jack yelled at him. Anti threw the hat back at Chase. "Fine sorry.!" He said looking at the ground now arms crossed. "Whatever." Chase said. "Now you're definitely getting time out when we get home." Jack stated as he parked his car. "Haha!" Chase mocked. Anti didn't say much but just flipped him off.

-Back to Jack's POV-

I let them out having Anti near me so he doesn't cause anymore while we're inside. We get in a waiter comes in leading us to a booth in the back. Along with bringing booster seats for the tots. They weren't happy about it but they couldn't do much either. If they sat without it they couldn't see the top of the table. I was on the left side with Anti in the end and Jackieboyman on the open side. Then on the right was Schneep at the far end then Chase in the middle and Marvin in the front. When our waiter got here everyone ordered besides Anti. He was still angry over what happened in the car, so I ordered for him.

It was a big mistake to give them pancakes considering all the syrup which is a lot of sugar. They also got really dirty after. All of them where sticky and covered in syrup. "Goddamnit." I mumbled to myself. I knew I fucked my self over once they started squirming.

-Getting back to the car-

There was not stop giggling in the backseat form them. They're eyes where big and wide showing a child like wonder to them. They where so focused on each other (minus Anti still he was in his own little world) that they didn't release I parked my car into a baby store parking lot. I got out grabbed a cart putting them in before going inside. I couldn't fit all five so I had to carry ONE. I carried Jackieboyman since he seemed to like me more and didn't mind at all that I tried to pick him up. Of course he was embarrassed and it didn't help that Anti was teasing him. "Awe look it's the true baby of the family. I knew it form the start." He laughed at his own comment.

"Anti enough." I said looking around for clothes and other items. They where so hyper they didn't still still in the cart. Or sit at ALL. I let them out to run around to burn off some energy, making it easier on myself. Though I did have to watch  them even more. I knew I was gonna be there a while might as well. A few moments later they all cams running back crashing from their sugar rush. I put them back in the cart and carried Jackieboyman again before they all passed out and I payed for everything.

-So many time skips-

I heard them waking up and by that I mean I can head shuffling and movement in the guess room. I walk in and I was right. Anti was fixing his hair, Marvin and Schneep where fixing their mask while Chase was rubbing at his eyes and Jackieboyman was stretching. I sat on the bed meaning they all had to look at me which they did thankfully. "So there's some things that I found out one being your ages. Schneep, Chase and Jackieboyman are 3. Well Jackieboyman you're going to 3 but mostly 3. Marvin you're 1-" "HAH." Anti pointed at him laughing. "And Anti is 2." I finished looking at him. "WHAT!?" He stood up. "I WAS HERE BEFORE THEM WHY AM I NOT OLDER LIKE THEM!!" He pointed to Chase and the others stomping his feet a bit. "Hahaha." Marvin stuck out his tongue to him.

"I think two iz a perfect fit for you Anti. You're acting like one already." Schneep laid his head to the back on the pillow. "Anti I suggest you shush up cause you're adding more time to your time out." I looked at him with a stern look on my face. "But I didn't even DO anything!!!" Another stomp form him. I picked him up even though he kept screaming and kicking. I decided to put him in the kitchen corner downstairs. "Stay here Anti. I'll get you when your time is done." I walked away going back upstairs to the rest of them.

"Let's go downstairs you guys can watch TV or something I have to set some things up for all of you." I lead them all downstairs and turned on the TV setting the controller to the side. "Don't bother Anti and leave him alone please." They nodded as I went upstairs to set up the room for them.

Hi it's me sorry I didn't post on Tuesday I got super busy. I will post or try to at least to post another chapter for today. Also I'm really really really sorry this is SUPER bad. I'm so sorry again. Anyways enjoy this was kinda rushed.


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