JJ and Bath Time

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~3rd person POV~

When Jack came back getting everything out of the car he was walking to his door when he heard rustling in the bushes. Jack was confused slowly putting down the items as he walked carefully to the bush. More rustling was coming from there before something popped out. It was JJ! "J-Jamason?" (I Hope I'm spelling that right.) He nodded smiling hugging his leg. "When did you get here? H-How did...how did you even get here?" Jack went down to his level. JJ looked at him giving him an exaggerated shrug. "How long have you been out here?" JJ helped up 5 fingers.

Jack nodded lifting him up carrying him inside. Again he was only gone for 15 minutes so they where all still asleep. Though Chase moved around a lot but he was still asleep. Jack set the stuff down in front of his door closing it carefully. Jack looked down at Dapper (those are one of his nicknames) who was looking around the room smiling. He was covered in dirt. "Hey uh JJ? Maybe you should have a bath." Dapper nodded as Jack carried him to the bathroom undressing him which was weird since you're bathing your own ego but he got over it quickly due to Dapper having a child like attitude.

~After bath time~

It wasn't even bad. Dapper was very cooperative unlike Anti was the highchairs and shit like that. "Shit." Jack thought. "I need another highchair. Or get a boaster seat for one of the boys so Dapper can have that one. Maybe Schneep he's more responsible." After testing some clothes on him he found out he's the same age as Marvin. Great now he has two 1 year old , three 3 year olds and one 2 year old. He put JJ in a white onzie with a little black mustache on it and some black pants. Dapper smiled and clapped at the outfit choice. Jack chucked fixing Dappers hair. "Glad you like it bud." He set Dapper down on the couch next to Anti letting him take a nap. Jack went to set up the stroller and the playpen.

~After Nap Time~

Everybody slowly started to wake up. Once Chase woke up he got off the couch running to Jack looking up to him tiredly. Jack sighed picking him up resting him on his hip. Jackieboyman got up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes before going to Jack hugging his leg looking up at him. "Jackieboy I cant pick you up I've already got Chase in my arms." Chase laid his head on Jack's shoulder wrapping his arms around his neck. Dapper then woke up also running up to Jack hugging his other leg looking up at him as well. "Dapper I can't hold you either. Again I'm holding Chase." Jackieboyman tried pulling Chase out of Jack's arm but Jack quickly stopped him. "Jackieboy Stop. Don't do that." 

Anti had a scowl on his face as if he was disgusted. "Wait when did Dapper get here?!" Schneep looked at Dapper the whole time. Then everyone looked at him which caused him to smile and wave at them still holding onto jack's leg of course. "When I was coming home from the store-" "Wait you went to the store while we where sleeping!!?" Anti stood up on the couch obviously angry a bit. "Yes I did I needed to get a few things. And I need some more for Dapper since he's here now." He ruffled his hair causing him to smile. "Anyways when I came home he was in the bushes so I brought him in giving him a bath cause he was covered in dirt."

"Which reminds me you all need a bath since you didn't take one yesterday and said you'd take one TODAY.AND you guys are covered in ice cream." Jack smirked. Chase whined saying "No" into Jack's neck and Jackieboyman shook his head. Marvin was watching all of this a little confused on how Dapper got here so he didn't say much till he heard "bath time." Marvin flopped on the couch again "Do we have to???" He groaned out. "Yes." Jack said still covered by the same kids. "We weren't ZAT mezzy Jack." Schneep got off the couch walking over to him. "It waz  moztly Anti." He said calmly. "HEY NO IT WAS NOT!!" Anti gave Schneep a death glare glitching out a bit.

"Yeah -huh even Jack said it too!" Jackieboyman held onto Jack more sticking his tongue out. "NO ONE ASKED YOU JACKIEBOYMAN! YOU BITCH!!" Anti's face was turning red form anger his glitching growing more and more. "WE DON'T NEED STUIPD FUCKING BATHS!! ITS NOT LIKE WE'RE ACTUALLY CHILDREN WHO NEED A BATH FOR EVERY. LITTLE. THING!!!! AND EVEN IF WE DID WE CAN DO IT ON OUR OWN!!" Anti had now thrown a full on tantrum. He was kicking and screaming stomping on the couch and even throwing some of the blankets on there glitching our the whole time. "Anti you can take a bath AFTER they take there's so YOU don't have to be with THEM when you do. Now stop throwing your tantrum." Jack said clam but sternly over Anti loud cries.

"IM NOT HAVING A TANTRUM!!" He screamed back. "Mhm Yeah sure." Jack gathered everyone expect Dapper and Anti. He had to put Chase down because he needed to carry Marvin up the stairs to the bathroom. Though Chase and Marvin complained how Marvin wanted to be put down and Chase wanted to be picked up. Then Jackieboyman and Chase argued a little since Jackieboyman wanted to be held.

Back downstairs Anti was throwing pillows and blankets stomping on the floor and on the pillows before he laid down burring his face in one of them and started crying. Dapper ran over patting his back but Anti got mad swatting at him a little before going back to crying in the pillow. Dapper didn't mind  and kept patting his back even rubbing it at times. Jack was having some troubles trying to get the boys clothes off to bathe them. Of course they put up a fight but not a big one. They probably wanted to get it over with.

He left them to check on Anti leaving Schneep to watch them. When Jack came down he saw Anti flat on the floor with his head in a pillow sobbing with Dapper rubbing his back. Jack looked around at how Anti trashed the area but  he felt bad when he saw him crying though he still didn't go soft. Jack walked over to them patting Anti back. "Anti why are you so cranky? You just had a nap." Jack was about to pick him up until Dapper stopped him. JJ shook his head "no" and put his hands together then under his head as if he was sleeping. "What do you mean he didn't sleep?" Anti shook his head no still crying.

Jack sighed picking Anti up and he fought and screamed but Jack had a hold on him. He put him on his hip and Anti put his head on Jack's shoulder crying. He started shushing him running his fingers through his hair. "Anti why did you throw that big tantrum?" "C-Cause this is all STUIPD an-and I h-HATE it! And it WASN'T a tantrum!" Jack didn't say to much about the last part."I know Anti I know though there's nothing I can do I don't even know how you got like this." Anti calmed down his sobs Turing into hiccups. "Anti remember what I said you take a bath after everyone else." He nodded. "Now I'm gonna let you off without a time out this time but next time you'll be in time out. Got it?" He nodded again. "If you can clean this up you can have dinner tonight." Jack gently put him down and he went to clean up. Dapper helped Anti out as Jack made it back upstairs and finished cleaning them.

He put them in their PJs since it was getting close to their bedtime anyways so he dried them off bringing them downstairs as Jack got Anti. Right before though Jackieboyman ran up to Jack. "Jack! Jack! When you're done with Anti can I be carried by you!!? Please!!" He begged. Jack chuckled ruffling his hair. "Yes you can." Chase whined "No fair!!" "Chase I already held you today let Jackieboy have a turn." Chase pouted while Jackieboyman smiled going to the couch watching TV. Jack picked up Anti to bring him upstairs to the bathroom. Anti went right back to fighting just not as bad as the other times. He put him in the tub and started washing Anti. "Why where you crying?" There wasn't much talking so Anti got a little startled when he heard Jack talk.

"None of your business Jack!" Jack started washing Antis face and Anti was whining moving around a lot but as Jack washed his face he saw something come off. Makeup? He looked back at Anti and saw dark bags under his eyes. Poor boy. "You don't sleep huh?" "Only a little for like a few minutes then I'm up again." Jack nodded and had to scrub his legs and such but Anti was now full of energy screaming and kicking. Jack sighed. "Look Anti I know you don't want me to but the more you kick and scream the longer we're both here. If you let me finish up then you can get out faster." Jack said a little annoyed. Anti getting more angry trying to push Jack away. "Anti you'll be in time out after this with no dinner if you keep acting like this." Jack sternly said.

"But you said-" Anti stopped looking at Jack wide eyed. "I know but that doesn't mean I can't give you a timeout for this." Jack looked at Anti giving the parent stare. Anti pouted crossing his arms before Jack finished cleaning him taking him out and draining the tub. Then drying him and getting him in his Dino pjs. "Thank you Anti you can have dinner tonight and no timeout." Jack praises as he brought him downstairs. Anti rolled his eyes going on the couch to his spot where he took a nap. Schneep and Marvin where fighting over the remote. "We where watching your show the whole time!! Let me have a turn!!" Marvin was using as much strength as he could to pull the remote out of Schneep's hand. "Not even!!" Schneep replies.

"Boys behave! Schneep let Marvin pick the show." Jack went into the kitchen to dinner ready. It was gonna be soup since he and the boys didn't feel like having anything with all that. Once ready he called the boys in letting Schneep sit at the table and JJ using his highchair. "That's not fair! If he gets to sit at the table why can't we!?" Jackieboyman pointed whining. "Yeah!" Chase said. "We're 3 like him!!" "Cause he's more responsible than you two." Jack set down their sippy cups and Marvin and JJ bottle for them. "And also how you two where fighting for Jack to carry you." Anti rolled his eyes drinking his soup. "Shut your mouth Anti! At least we weren't having a tantrum!" "I WASN'T having a tantrum!!" "Enough.!" Jack said staring the two boys causing them to scowl at each other before continuing eating.

Jack was smiling a bit seeing how Anti was getting tired. Poor dude he was most likely exhausted from that big tantrum along with all the crying and lack of sleep. Since everyone was almost done already he took Anti out of the highchair and carried him to the boys room grabbing his PJs and going into his own room. He sat at the end one his bed while Anti still on his hip head on his shoulder letting him sleep. He was trying to keep his eyes open but from his energy going down and the warm ness of the soup wasn't helping him. He dressed Anti before putting him back on his hip.  "Jack..put me down I don't need...need to sleep.!" He mumbled tiredly. "Anti it's okay to sleep bud. Especially with your dark bags under your eyes you need some and we're gonna fix that. So it's okay to sleep. Nothing's gonna happen." He said soothingly running his finger through his hair.

Anti was loosing his battle to sleep nodding off longer and longer before finally closing his eyes and sleeping. Jack smiled letting him rest their a bit. Downstairs in the kitchen however wasn't so calm and nice cause Jackieboyman was arguing with Chase and how he took all his time to be held so now he couldn't. "It wasn't MY fault!" Chase said back. "Yeah-huh!! You took all his time cause you kept asking for it!" Dapper was looking a little while drinking his bottle and Marvin was watching eating the rest of his soup. "Who do you think is gonna win?" Marvin whispered to JJ. JJ pointed at Jackieboyman. "Me too." He nodded in agreement.

"And ziz iz Why Jack let me out of ze highchair cauzs YOU TWO actually act zree." Schneep was sitting on some books since he didn't have a booster seat. "No one asked Schneep." Chase said giving a death glare to Jackieboyman. "Where's Jack anyways?" Marvin put down his bowl looking around. "I zink he put Anti to zleep? I don't know I zaw him take him upztairz." Schneep shrugged. Jack held onto Anti when he saw him stick his thumb in his mouth which Jack quickly removed his finger earning a whine from him. But Jack shushed him hearing a hum when he put a blue pacifier in his mouth. He sucked on it quietly. Jack let Anti sleep in his room just until everyone else went to sleep since he knew they would be loud. As Jack made it back he put all the bowls away taking everyone out of the highchair setting them on the floor.

Jackieboyman ran over to him. "Jack tomorrow can I be held?! You held Chase all day today!" Jack nodded smiling. "Yes you can Jackieboy." Dapper put his hands over his mouth running up to Jack putting his arms up in the air. Jack picked him up before picking Marvin up since they where both to small to go up alone. "I'll hold you after I hold him." Jack promised. He smiled nodding as they all headed upstairs getting in their Pjs with Jack helping Marvin and Dapper. Dapper was put in white footed pj with one big black strip across it. Chase waited next Jack's leg as he wanted to sleep with him again. Chase followed him to his room getting on the bed while Jack carried Anti in the room. Jack new he was sleeping for sure this time cause he was snoring a little.

Jack laid him down on his bed covering him with his blanket. Anti then went into his burrito ball nuzzling into the pillow. Anti was still sucking on the pacifier and when he saw the other two Marvin and Jackieboyman they started sucking their thumbs. Which Jack replaced a yellow for Jackieboyman and green for Marvin. They sucked on their pacifiers as well. Jack made sure everyone was asleep before closing the door going to his room and sleeping in his bed. Chase then slid right into Jack's arms cuddling up to him sleeping. He knew he had to get more stuff at the store now that Jamason was here but he can do that in a few days. Right now he just wanted and needed some rest.

Sorry for not updating Christmas took over and all that stuff so very sorry. Anyways more soon merry Late Christmas to people who celebrate happy late holidays and happy new year.


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