Suagr rush and Nap Time

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~3rd person POV~

Jack was pretty much crying on the inside because of how hyper they where. They couldn't sit still if they're life depended on it. The car ride home was filled with giggles and non stop moving around. When Jack parked the car and opened the doors they practically jumped out of the car running inside. Jack sighed regretting everything before he muttered "Why the fuck did I even give them ice cream???" to himself. All the boys where running around chasing each other, jumping over the couches, running in and out of the kitchen. He pretty much watched them playing around.

"Guys calm the hell down! You're running up the walls already go burn some energy off outside or something not in here where you'll break something." He was face palming still cursing himself out for this. They all nodded before running out back. Jack made a cup of coffee seeing as he needed the extra boost to help him out. As he sipped his coffee he saw them all running around in a way it looked like they where playing in a way? He just shrugged drinking his coffee watching. Jack new they weren't going down so easily so when the time was right or at least when he saw them die down just a little he called them inside to watch TV as relax.

He wanted them to nap to at least take off the energy off them so he could do a few things while they're out. They sat on the couch still playing with each other a bit. When Jack put his cup away and came back to the kitchen he saw and felt the energy go down in them. Jackieboyman was even nodding off. "You guys seem pretty tired, mabey you just should lay down and nap." Jack suggested. He heard a couple of whines before Jackieboyman said proudly "Sleep is for the weak!!!" "Yes but we still need it Jackieboy." Jack said winking back.

"No we don't! It's not like we're actually children Jack. Who need naps and shit like that." Anti was rubbing at his eyes yawning a little too. "I'm just saying you all looked tired maybe a little nap would help." Jack looked around, some of them couldn't keep they're eye lids open. Schneep nodded "I guezz *yawn* I COULD for for a nap rigz now." He laid down a little on the arm of the chair. "I'll get some pillows and blankets." Jack left the room for a bit coming back with lots of blankets and pillows from his closet. Once everyone had one they all started to lay down. 

Chase was on the couch unlike Schneep who was on the arm rest his hair a little puffy since Jack took off his hat so he could sleep better. Marvin and Jackieboyman on the other couch sleeping on the same side. Marvin's hair was much puffier than Chase due to one his hair already being like that when he was big. Marvin had to take off the mask to sleep which he was not a fan of. "Marvin you can't sleep with that on." Jack said. He stuck his hand out for Marvin to give him the mask. "Hand it to me and I'll take care of it I promise. It'll only get damage if you sleep with it."

With that Marvin thought for a bit before whinnying but handing Jack the mask. Anti was on the other side sleeping form Marvin and Jackieboy. He was in his usual burrito style, though he wasn't sleeping. Jackieboyman refused to go to sleep. Even though he was nodding off and couldn't keep his eyes open. He sleepy bummed into Jack's leg as Jack slowly picked him up Jackieboyman laid his head on his shoulder tiredly muttering "Sleep is for the weak." Jack rocked him side to side a little before saying "Yeah maybe, but we all need it and how can you be a superhero when you're really tired? How are you gonna stop crime?"

Jackieboyman didn't answer cause he was already fast asleep holding onto Jack as if he was a good pillow. Jack looked around the room seeing everyone asleep. Expect for one. "Anti you're not tired?" Jack was kneeling down next to him. "No. I don't sleep ever." He said calmly. "You where sleeping last night, and you where rubbing your eyes just now." Jackieboyman was still resting his head on Jack's shoulder asleep. "No I wasn't!" Anti raised his voice a little causing Jackieboyman to squirm a bit.

Jack shushed him before going back to Anti "Alright then what where you doing?" He asked. "...I stayed up for a little...and then I-" "Fell asleep." Jack finished for him. "You have to have to sleep and some point cause you where when I came to get you guys this morning." "I-I fell sleep cause I got bored okay!?" He turned back to the little corner of the couch causing Jack to chuckle. "Anti it's okay to sleep everyone needs it. There's so shame in sleeping ." Anti was quite for a moment before muttering "fine" and with that he was asleep.

He set Jackieboyman man down next to Marvin. Him being small There was more room for him. Jackieboyman held on a bit but laid down back on the couch as Jack put a blanket over him. As he was about to leave Chase woke up sleepy calling Jack's name. "Yeah Chase?" Jack whispered. "Can I sleep with you?" He got up slowly rubbing his eyes. "Not today buddy I'm gonna be a little busy." Which was true he was gonna go out and buy a stroller real along with a little play pen for them. He saw Chase's eyes get watery making Jack feel bad. "Though I can lay with you for a little." Jack offered.

Chase nodding holding his arms up before Jack picked him up sitting down on the couch next to a sleeping Schneep as Chase put his head on Jack's shoulder and Jack putting a blanket around the little fellow. Chase fell right back asleep. Jack rubbed his back looking around again at all the sleeping toddlers he had minus Marvin. The same three were where sucking on their thumb. Marvin, Jackieboyman, and Anti. That's another he needed to get. Pacifiers. Jack reminded himself. After a little He put Chase down though he held on tight. So Jack stared to shush him "It's okay Chase I'm still here." He said calmly and quietly. Chase eventually let go as Jack laid him down and left the room.

Jack left the house getting a stroller though he only got one that can hold four kids. Since the rest where 3 he thought they might not need it. Marvin for sure needed it Anti could use it as well. Though there's an empty space it could work in case one of the other boys get tired and it's easier. He also got a few pacifiers and a play pen. He was only gone for 15 minutes.

This is late I'm very sorry I spent latterly all day with a friend and phone died too. Hurray so I finished this today I'm very sorry hope you enjoy.


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