Day 1.

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Little Liar. The one word that sticks in my head, the name I've been called for the past six years. Fun isn't it? While also making my family move for the sixth time. I've also never had that much luck in making friends, I was always that one girl who sat alone and got stared at or hit on.

I rest my head on the back seat of the cars window, with my earphones in. As music played loudly in my ears. I held the bottom of my grey jumper in my hands, as the drums in the songs pounded in my head. I was nervous, could you blame me? The sixth school in six years, gotta be a new record.

The car pulled up to the high school, as my mum turned and faced me.

Her features were completely different to mine, she wasn't as tanned as I was. But I get my tan from her side of the family.

"Tina! Tina!" My mother yelled at me, as I sat up straight and took my ear phones out.

"Yes mum?" I replied with no sass or anything, I was taught to treat my parents with respect. Well I should shouldn't I? I've made their life so stressful and a living hell, but they still do all of this for me.

"Ready baby?" She asked me as I took a deep breath, you could tell by the way I took the breath in. Shaky. You think I would be use to this, but I'm not. I'm like a scared little puppy, in a box in the middle of nowhere while it's raining. The box is each school and the rain is the other teenagers.

"As I'll ever be." I told them, as I grabbed my bag from next to me.

"You'll be fine Tina." My dad replied as he looked over his shoulder as he sat I've drivers seat.

"What am I going to do Dad? Shoot everyone with the .45 you gave me when I first started high school?" I joked, seeing my mum roll her eyes. Making my dad laugh.

"That's my girl." My dad smiled as I shyly smiled back.

"Tina, please don't be going around shooting people." Mum begged as dad and I laughed.

"I promise I won't mum." I told her.

"You remember the drill?" She asked as I sighed, of course I do.

"Yeah mum, I'll see you after school. Love you guys." I said getting out of the car, closing the door behind me.

"See Mr Porter." Mum said stressed, I nodded.

"Have fun kiddo." Dad said as I patted the car as they drove off.

I sighed and slowly turned to face the new school for now, seeing the crowds of people everywhere. Liberty High School... hopefully. I kept my head down as I started walking through to the office, as I had people staring at me. I picked up my speed and made it to the office without being harassed. I walked through the office and went to the front desk. There stood an older lady.

"Hi Miss, my names Tina Mitchell and I'm new. I'm here to see Mr Porter." I explained as she looked at her list.

"Oh yes, Miss Mitchell. Please take a seat, he'll be with you soon." She said with a smile, as I smiled back and nodded. As I walked over to a seat and I saw there was a girl sitting there.

"Hi, is this seat taken?" I asked her as she smiled.

"No, please sit."

So I did, as I sat down she faced me and it looked like she was taking in all of my features.

"You're not from this school, aren't you?" She asked, as I smiled. Tucking some of my hair behind my ear.

"Is it that noticeable?" I laughed.

"New meat, its noticeable." She explained, as I smiled. I turned and placed my hand out.

"Tina. Tina Mitchell." I introduced myself as she shook my hand.

"Hannah. Hannah Baker." She replied, as we both laughed.

"Miss Mitchell, Mr Porter will see you now." The lady at the desk told me, as I grabbed my bag.

" Thank you." I told the lady at the desk as I stood up.

"Hey Tina. Tina Mitchell." Hannah said as I faced her.

"Yeah?" I smiled.

"See you around?" She asked, which almost sounded like she wanted me to promise it.

"Yeah I will." I told her as I walked to Mr Porters office, as I knocked on his door. Slowly opening it.

"Miss Mitchell! Come in, take a seat." He told me as I came in and sat down, as he sat across from me. "So Miss Mitchell, tell me about yourself."

"There isn't much to know about me." I lied there's heaps to know about me.

"Where are you from?" He asked, oh my god. No, he can't know I'm from Lawrence, Kansas.

"Chicago." I lied again. "I done dancing there." That's true, I've done dance since I was 2 till 12.

"Oh nice, we've got a dance competition coming up soon , so now I'll give you some paper work to sign. Get you your timetable and then you can find your locker." He explained as I nodded.

He gave me several sheets to sign and two to take home to my parents, I was excused. I left to the halls and found my way to my locker. When I arrived to it, I put in the combination as I went to open it. It wouldn't budge. As I heard the bell ring, I kept trying to open it. As a voice made me jump.

"Oi Tina. Tina Mitchell." I turned and saw I was directly across the hall from her. I smiled as I ran my hand through my hair.

"Hannah! Hey! Can you help me please?" I asked as she laughed and walked over to me, as I gave her my combination on the piece of paper. She done the combination, went to open it and then bashed it once. It popped right open. "Thank you." I told her.

"It's all good, what class do you have next?" She questioned me as I looked at my timetable, I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Umm, Pe." I explained, as she sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"You're in the class with dickheads next." She explained as I raised an eyebrow.

"Is there any descent people?" I asked her.

"Yeah, there's Clay and Tony. I think they are in that one." She explained as the bell rang in the halls.

"See ya Tina. Tina Mitchell." She said to me starting to walk off.

"See ya around Hannah. Hannah Baker." I laughed, as I started heading to my first class at my first school. As I went to try and find my way to the gym, I soon landed on my ass. I looked up and saw a pale boy, with white hair, tinted eyebrows and blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry." He said giving me his hand to help me up.

"Thanks, I'm so sorry. I'm new, I'm Tina by the way." I said in a nervous rush.

"Alex." He shook my hand.

"Could you possibly show me to the gym? I've got Pe." I explained.

"That's a heavy question."

"Guessing you don't like Pe." I said with my arms folded.

"Look, the new girls a genius." He said as I smirked.

"Can you please?" I asked as he nodded.

"Sure follow me." He said as I followed him, I wasn't far from the gym. Just about 3 rights and a left away from it. We walked through the gym doors, as I spotted the teacher. He was a darker tone skinned man, he wore glasses. He seemed like he was a father to a 33 year old. Alex and I walked over to the couch.

"Couch, this is Tina Mitchell. Tina this Couch." He placed his hand out for me to shake it as I did.

"Nice to meet you Miss Mitchell." He said to me as I smiled.

"Nice to meet you to couch." As I finished my sentence, I saw a pale boy. Along with a much tanner guy, who had tattoos. Seeing...

That's gotta hurt. "Miss Mitchell, as this is your first lesson. I'll give you several sheets to fill out that'll last until lunch, as this is obviously a double." He explained as I nodded, as he took about 7 double sided sheets out of his folder and gave them to me.

"Thank you." I told the couch.

"See ya Tina." Alex told me leaving.

"See ya." I said to him walking over to the side court seats, as I walked over there. Hearing my shoes make the noise of horseshoes on a road, I had several cat whistles directed at me. I looked at them all, then looking at the guy with tattoos up his arms. The one who was with the guy who got hit in the head with a ball before, his look was mixed. Mixed with, curiosity and sorrow.

I grabbed a pen out of my bag and started filling out the sheets, as I heard someone sit beside me. I ignored them, Hannah was right. "Excuse me." I looked up and saw the kid who got hit in the head by a volleyball.

"Hi." I replied smiling. "Sorry for ignoring you, I thought you might've been one of the dickheads." I explained as he smiled.

"I'm Clay." He introduced himself.

"I'm Tina. Hannah told me you and a Tony guy might be in this class." I told him.

"You've met Hannah?" He questioned as I nodded.

"I met her when I went to see a Mr Porter this morning." I explained. "Who's Tony in here?" I asked him, a she pointed at him. Tony was the guy with the tattoos up his arms.

"Thats him." Clay said as I looked at Tony looking at the volleyball game.

For the rest of the double, I made friends with Clay Jensen. As the lesson came to the end and everyone was sent to the showers. I started walking over to Couch, as this happened.

"Hey beautiful." A guy said to me as he turned to look at me as he had the ball in his hands.

I gave him a bitchy look, telling him to piss off. I walked over to the couch, giving him the papers. As I left to lunch, I went in the lunch line. Grabbing healthy options as all I've ever had was that, as my father is a health freak. I walked around scanning the whole cafeteria, seeing Hannah. By herself, so I walked over to her.

"Seat taken?" I asked with a friendly smile.

"Hey you, sit." So I did, seeing the differences between our food choices. "What are you a rabbit?" She asked seeing like every kind of vegetable stick in front of me, I laughed.

"It's a habit, by father is a health freak. There's like no sugar in the house, my mum and I have to basically hide chocolate." I explained as Hannah laughed.

For the rest of lunch, we talked and got to know more of one another. Telling what I could tell her about me, as she told me about her and telling me about everyone in the school she knew and about them. Finding out the guy who called me 'beautiful', his name is Zach.  

As the first day of my new sixth school came to an end, I left along with everyone to go home. I walked down the stairs, as someone started walking beside me. Realising it was Hannah.

"So where are you going now?" Hannah asked.

"Home." I explained.

"Got a ride?" She asked me as I shook my head no, she then looked looked towards the road. Seeing a red mustang and tony standing with it. "Ask Tony." She smiled.

"Why?" I asked her, as Tony spoke up.

"Do you want a ride home?" Tony asked.

I looked towards him and sighed, as I looked back at Hannah. She gave me a look like she was saying you two are cute.

"Please." I told him as I whispered to Hannah bye, as I walked over to Tony. "Nice car." I told him as a smile grew on his face.

" Thank you." He said as we both got into the car, as he started it as he started driving me home. "I'm Tony Padilla, by the way." He introduced himself.

"Tina Mitchell." I introduced myself.

"Well Tina, how far is your house?" He asked.

"Take three left and two rights up that hill." I explained as he turned left and started driving up the hill.

"I saw that you've made friends with Hannah Baker." Tony said, breaking the ice.

"Ha, yeah she's cool. I also met Clay." I explained.

"Jensen?" He questioned.

"Yeah, we were talking in Pe." I explained as he nodded.

"What about Alex?" He asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"What about Alex?" I questioned him.

"What do you think of him?" He replied, as I played with the bottom of my grey jumper.

"He seems like a nice guy, a good friend." I explained, as I looked up and saw my house. "It's the one with the blue mail box on the left." I pointed out.

"Here you are." He said as I grabbed my bag from my feet.

"Thank you Tony." I told him, as he smiled.

"Anytime, see you around?" He asked me, I couldn't lie to him. I know I'm going to be here for a while. Lying to his face seemed harder to do, I can't lie.

"Maybe." I said in a teasing voice, as I got out of the car. I closed the door behind me, as I then faced him. As he leant over to see me.

"Is that a yes or a no?" He asked, as I smiled.

"That's for you to decide." I told him as I began walking backwards. "Bye Tony."

"Goodbye Tina." He replied as he backed out of the driveway, driving away from my view. I smiled as I walked through the front door, stopping and looking at the photos mum must've put up today on the wall. Seeing one that stood out to me.

The day dad got me into training and knowing my mother, she took a photo of me while I was taking a breather. I walked through the house to the kitchen, seeing mum and dad. Mum was dressed up as she gave dad a kiss.

"I love you." Mum told him.

I coughed, as they both faced me. "Hey guys." I said to them. "Mum were are you going?" I asked her.

"Nowhere, I just got back about five minutes before you from an interview. Who dropped you home?" Mum asked.

"A friend." I explained as I dropped my bag at the kitchen door, where we keep all the bags.

"You made friends? That's good honey, how many?" Dad asked me, in a tone. Knowing I'm a pain in the ass to make friends with, especially after we had to leave my 10 month long friend. I say friend, but she was more like the only best friend I have ever had. Her name is Avery Collins. I haven't been in touch with her since I've left her and I'm not aloud to, as what mum and dad put it. 'It's for my safety.'

"About 4 I made." I explained, as they smiled.

"Well done baby." They both said at the same time, which i got creeped out on.

"Is it ok if I go for a walk? See the town and get to know where's things are? I'll have my phone on me." I explained as they looked to each other.

"Ok you can, make sure you get changed into warmer clothes first. It's supposed to drop massively." Dad explained as I smiled.

"Thank you and I'll get changed now." I said running to my new room, hopefully one that'll I'll stay in. I got changed into... (minus bag)

I grabbed my phone and waved my parents goodbye as I went down my drive way and started heading to somewhere quiet. After an hour or so of walking, it was dark. As I messaged my parents, that I was ok.

I ended up in a park, I sat on the swing. Looking at my phone, in my photos. I was looking at one photo and that's all. It was a photo of Avery and I.

That day we were going to a rodeo and knowing us together. We had to have the stylish clothing, well... not stylish. We had to be unique to everyone else.

I then heard someone get out of a car, I closed my phone and looked around seeing Tony. I sighed in relief, as I smiled.

"Are you following me now?" I said to him as he leant against the fence. He wore jeans, a white shirt and a synthetic leather jacket. As he ha'd in response.

"Well I did say that'll I see you around." He told me as I ha'd as well.

"What's this place even called?" I asked.

"Eisenhower Park." He explained.

"How long have you been here?" I asked him.

"Pretty much my whole life." He explained. "What brought you here?" He asked.

"What? The park?" I asked making him laugh a bit.

"No,to move here." He said as I a billion of excuses ran through my head.

"My parents and I needed a change." I explained putting on a fake smile, with no teeth.

"Well I'm glad you came here. It's always nice to have a new face around." He said as I smiled. "It's getting late. Would you like me to drive you home?" He asked as I shook my head.

"I'm fine, thanks Tony." I told him.

"Have a nice night Tina." He replied, as I nodded.

"You to."

"See you tomorrow at school?" He questioned, as I nodded.

"You can bet on it." I told him.

"Let Me know anytime if you need a ride." He explained.

"I will, see ya."

"See ya." He soon drove off, leaving me thinking several things.

1.he's god damn cute.

2. How'd he know I was here.

And lastly, 3.I think I might like it here.

Hello readers, yes I know. Tony Padilla is gay in the show, but for my fanfic he isn't. Hopefully you enjoyed and comment your thoughts x


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