Day 2.

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Day 2, Little Liar. Ready to play the game again today? I told myself as I got ready for school. Getting changed into a guns and roses shirt, short shorts and heals. While wearing a chocker.

I grabbed my phone and saw Hannah messaged me two numbers, Clays and...Tony's. I bit my lip as I saw a message under it. Thank me later. Oh my god, I laughed. I messaged her back saying I'm going to get you for this. She sent back a heart and a laughing emoji. Well everyone, I thought it was time to rip the bandaid off. So I added Clay and Tony's numbers into my phone, then opening a new message to Tony.

Hey Tony. It's Tina, wondering if you could give me a ride to school? I had my thumb hovering over the send button, have a debating conference in my own head. Whether to press the send button or not, to end the conference I just closed my phone.

I walked out to the kitchen, as I stuffed my phone into my back pocket. Seeing the weapons on the kitchen table, seeing dad with wet hair with one.

"Good morning bubba, how'd you sleep?" Dad asked as he was checking if all the guns were still ok.

"I slept fine." I explained walking over to the table and helping dad. I picked up a rifle and looked through the aim to see if it was broken or not, then hearing horse shoes walking down the hallway. My mother. "Hey Ma." I said with a pistol in my hands, as she came up behind me. She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning moo." She said as I rolled my eyes, as she walked over to my father and kissed him.

It amazes me how much, my mum and dad still hold strong. Even after the hell we've been through, they still love each other more each day. Mum then looked at me and looked at the pistol.

"Honey, do you need a ride to school?" Mum asked and as soon as she said that, my phone buzzed. I brought it out and saw it was a message from Tony and Hannah. The first was from Tony.

Hey Tina, it's Tony. Hannah messaged me saying you needed a ride and of course I can give you one, I'll come and pick you up in 5. Then Hannah's. Talk to you at school. I messaged Tony back.

Hey Tony, thank you. See you in a minute.

"So do you need a ride?" Mum asked me again, as I shook my head.

"Nah, I've got a friend picking me up. But thank you." I told her as she smiled.

"It's ok baby." Then I heard a car honk coming from out front. Tony.

I grabbed my bag and kissed them both goodbye. "See you when I get home!" I called out to them as I left the house and closing the door gently behind me, as mum hates the door slamming.  I tucked my hair behind my ear, as I looked over to the car that was pulled up. The red mustang... and there stood, leaning against the car. Stood, Tony Padilla.

"Hey." I started as I walked over to him, as a smile grew on his face. His brown eyes lit up like fireworks.

"Hey." He replied. "Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, let's go." I told him as all of a sudden he opened the passengers seat door for me, I looked to him and smiled. " Thank you." I told Tony as I got into the car, feeling the gun in the back of my pants. Pressing up against the seat, I look at the main house windows at the front of my house. Seeing a slight crack in the blinds, I gave my parents a look. A look meaning I know what I'm doing.

Tony got in the drivers seat, as he smiled at me and I gave a shy smile back. Tony pulled out of the driveway, as he started driving us to school. "You know you could've rang me or texted me to pick you up, it wouldn't of been a problem." He explained as I smiled at him. I was going to lie again, but I can't lie to him.

"You sure?" I questioned him.

"Yes it's fine." He said again, as I nudge him a bit.

"Thank you." I said softly to him, as we pulled up into the student parking. We both got out of the car, I closed the door. As I could still fill the gun in the back of my pants, few... it's still there.

"See you after school?" Tony asked me over the roof of his car.

"Am I now?" I questioned him raising an eyebrow, as he smiled.

"Well if you make any plans, let me know." He called out as he started walking away from the car.

"I will." I called back to him walking into the school, towards my locker. Seeing Hannah Baker. "Hannah Baker." I said to her coming up from behind, as she turned to face me. Waiting for me to blow my top and go full speed ahead at her... but I didn't.

"Tina Mitchell, aren't you going to like?.. yell at me or something?" She questioned as I smiled and shook my head.

"No, I'm not." I explained as she looked at me confused.

"Why not?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Because you are my friend, there's really no point." I confirmed as she smiled.

"You are different from the other girls." She said to me. Well to be fair she's the only friend I have here, it's not fair to treat her badly.

"Well you're welcome?" I laughed as she did as well. "I'll see you fifth?" I asked her, as she nodded.

"See ya Tina." She said to me as I walked to my locker as she walked off to somewhere. I kept my head in my locker as I placed all my books in. As I took out my engineering book.

I headed to engineering, as I walked past Clay. He didn't realise as then I pinched gently the back of his neck, making him jump. He turned to face me walking as I looked back.

"Hey clay!" I called out as he smiled.

"Hey Tina!" He called back as I smiled, continuing to walk to engineering. As I turned into class, I looked around the class. Seeing if there was a spare spot, as my eyes scanned the room. I spotted Tony, as I looked to him. His eyes shot up and looked at me, as I saw the seat next to him was taken. I saw him mouth sorry to me, as I saw a empty seat at the second last row of the class on the left. As then I heard a pair of heavy boots coming into the classroom, which made it feel like an earthquake was happening.

"Good morning everyone, we've got a new student here with us. Miss Tina Mitchell, please make sure you make her feel welcomed. I'm Mr Dallas." He said as I slightly smiled, a I don't give a fuck smile.

A bunch of the guys looked at me, as I crossed my legs. As I was glad I could feel the cold metal of the gun resting on the lower part of my spine. The way the guys looked at me, I felt like I was prize. A thing being hunted.

I sat through that class with my guard up, with my senses enhanced. Like I was on a job. I made my way through that lesson, hardly. Come on Tina, you've been though worst. You can definitely deal with teenage boys, who can't keep there dick in their pants.

I grabbed my things, as I started heading out of the class. Heading to my locker, my phone buzzed. I got it out of my back pocket seeing a message from dad and it was apparently important.

"Hey!" A familiar voice called out to me, I hid my phone as I turned around seeing Tony.

"Hey!" I said putting on a smile.

"You ok? After that lesson?" He asked me as I saw worry and disappointment in his eyes. I think he's disappointed because he couldn't keep me safe from the knuckle heads.

"I'm fine Tony." I explained as he nodded.

"Just making sure." He said as by phone started ringing.

"Are you going to get that?" He asked me, as I didn't want to. I turned my phone over as I rested on my books, seeing I got another missed call from dad. I read the message as I realised, oh shit. "Tina I'll see you this arvo?" He asked.

"Sorry Tony, but I'm getting picked up by my dad." I explained, as he nodded.

"All good, see ya around." He said walking off, as dad messaged me again.

I'm at front. He said as I grabbed my stuff I needed out of my locker as I raced outside and down the steps as I saw dad in the car. I raced over and got it, as he started driving back home.

"Are you sure the guy is at my school?" I questioned my father.

"Oh hello to you as well." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Hi daddy. Now what is the job about?" I asked him, as we turned to our hill.

"You'll see when we get home. Now who's the boy who picked you up this morning?" He asked, oh shit.

"A friend, he's names Tony." I explained.

"Do you like this boy?" He asked as I slapped him.

"Dad!" I yelled at him as we pulled up in the drive way.

"Sorry! Should remember you are like your mother." He said we raced inside, as I saw the place in a mode I don't particularly like.

"Mum? What's going on?" I asked her, as I hugged her. As then she dragged me over to the dinner table. "Seriously? You put the evidence where we eat?"

"It's just photos and guns Tina." Dad said to me as clicked my tounge. The photos were all of one guy, doing many different things. Such as walking, in his house, selling something.

"What's he selling?" I asked my parents.

"Have a closer look." Mum told me, as I did.

"Drugs." I said softly.

"That's right, now he's at the school you are attending at the moment." I love how my father said 'at the moment'.

"What do I have to do with this? What do you want me to do? Sleep with him?" I asked.

"No! Cause I will kill the boy myself." He said as I rolled my eyes, as my phone buzzed.

"Who's that?" Mum asked me as I saw it was from Hannah.

"My friend Hannah." I explained.

Hey where are you? She asked as I replied. Sorry! Family emergency, everything's all good!

"Ok Tina, I want you to go down stairs and practice shooting at a few targets. Ok?" Dad asked me as I nodded heading my way there.

I walked downstairs as I looked at my home screen.

I remember that day well. Avery and I went to a place where the food in like 10x bigger then the average size.

I miss her.

I walked down to downstairs as I got my stuff ready and set up the target as I grabbed my gun and began.

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