Day 3.

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Day 3, shall we play a game? I walked around my room going through my closet to find my clothes for today, finding the black jumpsuit and then grabbing a denim jacket. As Panic! At the disco played from my phone, their music is the reason I'm still sane. Is that healthy?

"Tina! Breakfast!" I heard my mum yell from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I yelled back, as I grabbed my phone and headed to the kitchen.

"Good morning moo." Dad said from the couch.

"Morning dad, morning mum." I said to them sitting at the bench, as I grabbed an apple.

"Ready to start your mission?" Mum asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Do I have to? Like why can't I, just curious have a normal life?" I asked her, as I heard my dad whisper oh here we go.

"Because Tina! You've got a job to complete, alright?"

"Siempre decimos un trabajo más." I said as I looked to dad who was taking a minute to translate.

"You always say one more job." I explained. "You guys say always one more job!"

"Bub, it's our job and you're apart of it one way or the other." Dad explained as I sighed in frustration.

"I need to go to school." I explained, leaving the house with no ride at all. I started walking to school, as after a half mile. I heard a beep behind me, I turned around seeing a red mustang. Tony Padilla.

"Need a ride?" He asked me, as I laughed slightly. As he drove along side me.

"Are you following me know or something?" I questioned him.

"I'm not, get in." He stopped the car, as I thought about it for a second.

"Fine." I told him getting into the car, as he started the car again.

"You seem pissed." He said to me as I laughed.

"Not wrong there Padilla." I explained.

"Just Tony will do." He said as I nodded. "What's up?" He asked me, I could tell he actually wanted to know. He wasn't just asking to make me feel better, but I can't tell him. He can't know, but I can't lie to him. Think Tina, think.

"Just an argument with my parents, that's all." I explained.

"We've all had those." He laughed as he pulled the car up at school. As we both got out, seeing Hannah walking with a guy. The guys arm was also around her, I have a bad feeling about this.

"Tony who's with Hannah?" I asked him.

"Justin, he's on the basketball team." He explained.

"I don't like him." I said bluntly, as he laughed.

"You haven't met him."

"I don't need to meet someone to not like them, I have a bad feeling about him." I explained as we walked side by side inside. I quickly grabbed my things from my locker, as Hannah called out to me.

"Oi!" She yelled as it made me jump, as I turned and faced her across the hall.

"Hey Hannah." I said to her.

"Where'd you disappear off to early yesterday?" She asked.

"Family stuff, everything's ok. I promise, shall we get to first period?" I asked her as she nodded as we headed to first period. We walked through the classroom door, as I saw Zac walk over to me. He stopped in front of Hannah first, hearing him whisper to her.

"Can I talk to your friend please?" He asked her.

"I'll save you a seat." Hannah told me, as I nodded as Zac then stepped in front of me.

"I'm Zac." He introduced himself with his hand out.

"Tina." I shook his hand as a small smile grew on his face, I could tell he was nervous. I was taught to sense that. "You're nervous aren't you?" I question him.

"Is it that noticeable?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yeah kind of is." I told him smiling. "I'm sorry for the other day giving you a real bitchy look." I told him.

"It's fine, should've not just said that out of the blue on your first day."

"That's true." I told him.

"I was wondering if we could hang out sometime?" He asked me.

"Maybe, we'll see." I told him as I left the conversation, finding Hannah and sitting beside her. As the lesson started, looking over at Zac who smiled at me. Being the nice person that I am, I smiled back. Then it seemed like my smile was like a trigger, a trigger for all phones to go off. They all beeped, seeing them all looking at their phones gasping looking at Hannah.

"Justin, why the hell you send that around?" A chick in the class asked him, as all he did was shrugged. I god damn knew it.

"I dunno." He said as I looked across to Hannah, who hid her head. She started to cry, as I looked at Justin. Giving him a threat that I was going to kill him, for hurting my friend.

This isn't going to end well.

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