Day 4.

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Day 4 Little Liar, ready for the start of hell? I looked at myself in my mirror that was the size of me, sighing as I didn't know what the day would bring. As for yesterday my first proper best friend here got bullied, not knowing what to do myself.

My phone buzzed, seeing I got a messaged from Hannah. Can you walk with me to school? Her messaged asked, as I replied to yes. Cause she needs me. I walked out of my room, walking to the lounge/kitchen area seeing this...

I coughed, breaking their tension to one another. Dad wiped his mouth looking towards me.

"Hey moo." He said as I put on a smile.

"Hey dad and mum." I said grabbing an apple and my bag. As mum wiped her smudged lipstick.

"You need a ride?" Dad asked me, as I shook no.

"I'm walking with Hannah." I explained, juggling the one apple.

"Who's this Hannah?" Mum asked.

"She's a friend of mine, like best friend." I explained further, as they smiled. "Bye! You can continue on with your business." I said curtsying out of the door. Started to walk to the meet up spot.

As I walked closer and closer to the meet up spot, the wind grew colder and harsher. Like the weather was against me. When I got closer to the playground, I saw Hannah leaning against the wire fence.

"Tina!" She called out to me as I waved to her.

"Hey you." I said to her, as we hugged. "Are you ok?" I asked her.

"I think so." She said as we left the hug.

"If anyone else bully's you tell me and I'll shoot them." I told her feeling the .45 in the back of my pants. She laughed thinking it's a joke, it isn't one. But we just laughed it off, so she wouldn't catch on.

We started walking to school, laughing and talking. Getting to know each other better, as we planned for her to come to mine tonight.

We spilt our separate ways, as when it reached lunch. Being the daughter of a Heath freak again, I got rabbit food. Waiting at Hannah and i's normal seat, as she walked over with a dark skinned girl.

"Hey rabbit." She said to me as I rolled my eyes. "Tina, this is Jessica. Jessica this is Tina." Hannah introduced us.

"Why does she call you rabbit?" Jessica asked as they sat down.

"Cause I'm a Health freak like my father." I explained, as she nodded and a I understand way.

Jessica and Hannah sat down and we talked and ate. Getting to know more of one another and only telling what I could once again. When the school hours came to an end, Hannah and I waved goodbye to Jessica. As we started walking to mine.

"Ok, so before we arrive at mine. There is something you need to know of my parents, they are..-." Then she cut me off.

"I'm sure I can handle them just fine, Tina. Stop stressing." She said as I smiled.

"Ok." I replied as we got closer to home. I opened the front door, seeing mum and dad no where. Fingers cross they aren't having sex. "Mum? Dad?" I called out.

"In the kitchen." Mum called out. Hannah and I walked over to the kitchen, only seeing mum and dad nowhere to been seen.

"Hey mum, mum this is Hannah. And Hannah this is my mum." I introduced them, as Hannah and mum shook hands.

"Nice to meet you Hannah." Mum said to her.

"Nice to meet you too Mrs Mitchell." Hannah replied.

"Mum we have an assignment in group studies, we'll be in my room." I explained, as we started walking to my room.

"Oh hon, take the chocolate in the hidden spot." I smiled as mum gave me a wink. I got the chocolate in the secret area in the cupboard, which was in a safe inside the wall.   Getting the chocolate, kissing my mum walking past her. Hannah and I raced to my room, her mouth literally hit the ground seeing my room.


She looked around, hoping she doesn't find the button behind the pile of wood, to open the wall behind my bed head. Which shows my weapons and the button that changes my window to a steel forced wall.

"It's a bit much?" I questioned her.

"No! Haha! You're room is amazing!" She said as she spun around. As I laughed, as I joined her. As then there was a knock on my bedroom door, which echoed through my room.

"Yes?" I called out as the door opened slightly, as I saw it was dad. "Hey dad."  I said sitting up, as Hannah did as well.

"Hi hon, oh hi." Dad spotted Hannah, as I casually without him knowing I hid the chocolate under my pillow. The advantages of being a kid to 'spies' as most people like to call them, well Avery did the most.

"Dad this is Hannah, Hannah this is my dad." I introduced them, as Hannah done a short wave at him.

"Nice to meet you." Dad said to her as she smiled.

"Like wise." Hannah replied.

"Dad we've got homework." I explained.

"Oh I'll leave you to it. Oh and Hannah do you like stir fry?" He asked her.

"Yes I do, thank you." She said to him.

"All good." He said leaving, as Hannah looked at me with an expression on her face meaning oh my god!

"Your mum and dad are hot!" As soon as those words came out of her mouth, I shoved her playfully. As we laughed and ate chocolate.

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