Day 5.

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Day 5 Little Liar, shall we see what lies you tell today? I woke up to Hannah and I both sleeping with our heads in books, as I looked at Hannah as my eyes adjusted. I saw a puddle of drool on her book.

"Hannah! Wake up!" I yelled at her, as she jumped awake. Falling off of the bed as I stumbled to try and catch her. As we both just cracked up laughing. As my mum rushed into the room in a panic, as then she sighed in relief. Seeing us ok, as Hannah screamed when she fell.

"You two ok?" My mum asked in short of breath.

"We're fine mum." I replied as she took a breath.

"What do you two have planned today?" Mum questioned us.

"Shopping for the what?" I asked Hannah looking at her.

"This winter dance thing." Hannah explained, as a smile grew onto my mothers face. I knew she was up to no good.

"May I come with you girls?" She asked, smiling. Especially looking at me.

"Sorry mum." I said to her as her smile fell. "Sorry." I said again. "Love you."

"It's ok sweetie, you two have fun." She said closing the door, as guilt washed over me. As shopping was mum and i's thing.

"Shall we get going?" Hannah asked as I nodded.

We got up and left my room, as I grabbed my bag. Hugging my mum as dad must be on a run, I whispered into my mums ear. "I'm sorry, I want to seem at least normal."

"I understand, have fun. Spoil yourself." She whispered back, as I kissed her cheek. As Hannah and I ran for the door, we stopped. "Tina!" My mother yelled, as then she chucked me her car keys.

"Seriously? Thanks mum!" I cheered, as i waved her goodbye. Along with Hannah, as we ran to my mums car. Observing the beautiful but big creature.

"This is your mums car!? I thought this would've been like your dads?" She said in shock.

"Nah, dads in the 67 Chevy impala." I explained, as we got into the car. As we began to drive, we drove past Zac and his friends. Zac turned around and smiled at us with his pearly white teeth.

"Please don't tell me you like one of them." Hannah stated, as we were getting closer to the shopping mall.

"No, but I don't know. Zac seems nice." I explained as she just sighed heavily, as I pulled up in the car park. As we both closed our doors, we both walked inside of the shopping centre. As we went through all the shops, laughing. As we found Hannah's dress straight away, she picked out a purple dress. She just wanted to go natural, along with silver heels. We went through several shops and after 3 hours of shopping, I found my dress. It was black, and I got my hair done. Along with my makeup for tonight. As my hair was in a bun, as Hannah and I were in the food court with our bag of clothes.

"I love you so much Tina." Hannah said as we ate hot chips together.

"I love you as well Hannah." I replied to her as my phone beeped. I looked down and saw it was from a new number.

Hey Tina, it's Zac. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me tonight?

"It's Zac." I told Hannah. "He just asked me to the dance."

"What are you going to say?" She asked.

"Well I'm going to tell him I've already got a date." I explained replying to Zac.


"I've got you." I told her as a smile grew on her face, as I sent the message. Hey Zac, it's Tina. I'm sorry but I'm going with Hannah, maybe save me a dance?

He replied straight away. Definitely will.

I placed my phone onto the table, open on the lock screen. Forgetting about the photo of Avery and I. "Who's that?" Hannah asked as I jumped, as I just came out with a lie.

"Oh that's my cousin, Anna..." I replied as Hannah just nodded.

The day continued and we headed back to my place to get ready. As when Hannah and I looked at each other to see if we were ok, her mouth dropped.

"You are god damn gorgeous!" She said as i smiled.

"So are you!" I cheered, as we hugged. We headed downstairs to my mum and dad, as dad looked like he was going to cry. But mum was shocked.

"Baby girl you can clean up well!" Mum cheered as we hugged, then I hugged dad.

"Mum, Hannah and I need to get going. See ya guys." I told them as we left and I drove us to school. Which was more packed then my weapon bag, I pulled up and Hannah and I looked at each other. As at a corner of my eye I saw Tony pull up in his car, coming out of it all in leather.

Then saw all of the boys and girls. Hannah and I got out of the car, as then Hannah out of no where. Yelled. "Tony!" She yelled, as we looked at Tony who was about to head inside.

"Hey Hannah." Then saw me. "Hey Tina, you two look great."

"Thank you." Hannah and I both said, laughing at how we spoke at the same time.

"Who are you two here with?" Tony asked as he walked over to us.

"One another." Hannah explained, as then I saw that look in her eye.

"We better get going, see you inside."

"See ya guys." Tony said as Hannah and I ran off, we made our way to the line up for photos. Anxious, as I had to make sure I didn't leave traces of myself. Hannah and I laid up, as all of a sudden I felt strong arms being wrapped around me. Instinct kicked in, I spun around and saw Zac had me. With my heels on our lips were close, a cheeky smile grew on his face. He looked up and down at me, a smile had to calm myself down. Fast.

"Hey gorgeous, you look smoking hot!" He cheered, as I knew he had a drink. Smelling the alcohol coming from his mouth.

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself." I said patting his chest, as it was Hannah and my turn for our photo. ".See ya around." I told him, as his eyes looked enchanted. Like he was madly in love with me, oh no.

Hannah and I walked up and took our photos. As I heard cat whistles from Zac and his friends. Which I just let slide, as I was use to it.

Hannah and I walked into the gym, where the dance was. The pounding music, was making me feel excited. Seeing Tony with another guy at the dj booth, as he spotted me as we smiled at one another.

"Let's go dance!" I told Hannah, as I grabbed her arm.

"No no no, I don't do that kind of dance." She said as we looked to the group of people jumping around. "You go have fun, I think Zacs waiting for you." She said as I saw him wanting me to dance with him.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yes! I'll watch from the sideline, oh look there's helmet. Catch ya." She said pushing me to go, as I laughed as I walked into the ground starting to dance. The music was amazing, as then I saw Zac in front of me.

"You dance amazingly." He said as I laughed, as we held hands while dancing.

"Not bad yourself." I told him, as he turned me around as I danced to my back to him.

*imagine she's in the black dress

Zac was happy, laughing. As he had his hands on my hips, as I spun around doing this move.

As he just laughed. "You're so adorable." He said as he went in to kiss me. As I grabbed his face, as smirked. As he just shrugged it off, as then i spotted Hannah. Then clay walked over to her, which was good. As then they played a slow song. "Can I have this dance?" Zac asked me as I nodded. He grabbed me around the waist, as we were closer then usual. As my arms were around his neck, we were closest near the stage.

As then some equipment came flying from the stage, hitting Zac in the head. Knocking him out, as I caught him. Looking at Tony, who didn't look at me. "Zac?" I asked him.

Zacs P.O.V.

I walked into a bedroom, seeing I was in my boxers. As I walked in I saw Tina on the bed only in a sweater and underwear, as she looked up at me.

"Tina?" I asked her, as a smile grew on her face. As I got closer to her, as she chucked the book onto the floor. Getting to her knees, seeing her breast line. As she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I've been waiting for you." She said as I raised an eyebrow and smiled. As then she kissed me, her soft sweet tasting lips. She then pulled me ontop of her, as she wrapped her legs around me. As I started kissing her neck.

Tina's P.O.V.

"Zac!" I yelled at him, as I laid him onto the floor. As he then gasped awake, as I sighed in relief.

"Tina?" He asked me, as I nodded.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked him.

"I feel great!" He said as I helped him to his feet, as his friends took care of him. Well my first dance here is different.

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