Day 6.

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Day 6 Little Liar, brace yourself. I woke up as then I got a message from Hannah, saying. Had a shit night at the party I went to last night. I was confused, I didn't know that she went to a party. What party? I replied to her, as when she replied. My blood boiled. Bryce.

I done my normal routine, as then when I walked through those school doors. I was on a mission, I stormed through the halls. Trying to find Bryce. People looked at me, but quickly looked away. I get that affect on people, especially when I'm pissed. I guess I get that from my mother.

I walked around a corner, as I then spotted the jock head group. Spotting Zac, as he just smiled at me. "Bryce!" I yelled, as I stopped as I folded my arms and leant on one hip. As I raised an eyebrow, as then when Bryce faced me. He cheekily smiled.

"Oh look who it is, Tina Mitchell. The chick with the glorious body." He looked at me in a way which made me uncomfortable. As then I spotted everyone in the school surrounding us, seeing Tony and clay beside each other.

"What is she doing?" I heard clay ask Tony.

"Honestly dunno." He replied, as I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want pretty lady?" Bryce asked me, as he came closer to me. As he touched my neck, holding it. As I was holding back the need to punch him.

"Bryce." Zac said grabbing Bryces arm. "Back off."

"No, she came for a fight." Bryce stated, as he took his hand away.

"What did you do to Hannah?" I asked him, as he looked at me confused.

"I don't know what you're talking about Liar." He said to me, as all of a sudden I grabbed him by the shirt and threw him against the lockers. As I said to him in a low tone.

"You son of a bitch, tell me. Or I'll destroy your life." I threatened, as he looked at me worried. Knowing I was serious. He was surprised as well, that I had a guys physical strength. He leant forward to my ear, whispering.

"I gave her what she wanted." I gritted my teeth, as then my fist made friends with his face. He fell to the ground, as I only needed to hit him once for his nose to bleed and for him to have a bloody mouth. I evilly smirked, as I then walked away. Leaving the crowd, as many females and some guys clapped me.

"Tina!" I heard two voices call out to me, I turn around still walking in the direction I was aiming. Seeing Tony and clay.

"What was that about?" They called.

"Ask him or ask Hannah." I said leaving the school. As then I got stopped by my father, I stopped in shock. "Uh? Hi dad." He looked at me pissed, but more disappointed. I lowered my head, as he then spoke.

"Mr Porter rang me, you're coming home. Now." He said in a low growl, as I walked past him. Heading for the car, as I got in. Dad got in after me, as we drove off. I slouched.

"What did Mr Porter ring you about?" I asked him, trying to sound innocent. As he slapped the back of my head.

"Tina! You could've blown cover!" He yelled at me as I stood my ground.

"I was so close to busting him dad! Not for just drugs! But I think he done something bad to Hannah!" I exclaimed, as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean by bad?" He questioned.

"Hannah didn't actually say this, but something bad. Like illegal level, I have a feeling rape." I explained, as we arrived home. As we walked into the house, as I expected a slap from my mother.

"What are you doing home Tina?" Mum asked as I sighed in relief. She doesn't know.

"Someone got into a fight at school." Dad explained to her as I sat down on the couch, as I ran my hand through my hair.

"Mum please don't have another go at me, dad already had the privilege." I added, sighing. As mum then passed me a cup of detox tea. "Thanks." I whispered as they both sat down.

"You just need to be more careful ok?" Mum explained.

"I know."

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