Day 12.

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Banner by the amazing ohmyhaylee

I woke up, feeling warmth against my back. I felt around my waist, a tight strong grip. Wait a second, did we? No, ok cause I've still got my pants on from yesterday. What the hell is wrong with me? Ok, ok, I need to keep this away from Tony and make sure Theo keeps it a secret.

I'm actually glad we've got the day off, due to our job. I pretended to be asleep, feeling Theo wake up. He done his usual morning groan, getting out of bed. Seeing him going out of the door, seeing through the crack of the door. He was heading to the gym under the house. Remembering dads home. I quickly got out of bed and got dressed into new clothes, basically a biker style. Running down stairs to the lounge room, stopping seeng dad.

"Dad!" I cheered, smiling. Seeing dad crack a smile.

"Hey honey." He replied, seeing mum smiling at us. While I ran at my father, him picking me up in a hug.

"Ive missed you so much." I muttered to my father, while he placed me down. Seeing his arm in a cast.

"I've missed you too." He replied, while I held his arm.

"What happened, you know if you needed back up you could've rang me?" I told him, being worried daughter.

"I'm ok baby." He said hugging me again. "I'm ok, aren't I?" I nodded, he was alive.

"I think I might go and make sure Theo's ready, he's in the gym." I explained, feeling dad pat my back as I walked off. My emotion changed like a switch, I went down into the gym. Seeing Theo near the mirror, doing weights. I closed the door behind me, taking in every muscle on his back. Snap out of it Tina.

"Hey you." Theo started, as I stood near him.

"Morning, um. I've got a question." I begun, needing to classify the question going through my head.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Did we, last night-?" He cut me off.

"Have sex? Ha, no Tina. If we had sex and your dad heard, he would've murdered me." He's not wrong there.

"Got a point there, ha." I felt awkward.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked, knowing I haven't slept well due to Hannah.

"Fine.. you?"

"Actually good." I needed to set a fact down.

"Theo, I know last night was... good?" I begun, as he nodded. "But I just hope you don't think, us. Is a thing, I love Tony. Can you please keep it a secret?" I begged.

"I get it, we had a moment. Trust me, I'll keep it a secret." He explained looking to me through the mirror.

"Thanks." I replied, knowing something was up with him. He placed down the weights, walking over to another lot of machinery. I followed him, I looked away. But the corner of my eyes landed on his abs, this job. Being away from Tony, it's made my emotions fucked. He's playing a game with me, I grabbed the metal bars he was using. We were fighting against one another's strength, it was even. "I don't know what game you are playing, it's not a game what we've gotten ourselves into." Referring to the job.

"What about you make up your mind, it's not healthy. You've got to be honest, last night was actually good. No, amazing. It was heated. Probably better then whatever you've experienced with tony." Theo's jealous.

"Well jokes on you, I've actually fucked Tony. He was better." I let go of the bars, standing back and folding my arms. He just smirked.

"Aren't you a strong one." Surprised of my strength. "I'm sorry, let me make it up to you. I want you to be my friend, I want to be friends."

"I'll think about it, breakfast is ready and then we've got fight training with my dad." I smirked. "I'll kick your ass." I left the gym area, taking my breakfast and sitting with my father. Soon seeing Theo, with wet hair. Coming into the room, saying morning to everyone. Grabbing his food and sitting across from me, next to my mother.

"So Mr Mitchell-." Dad then cut him off.

"Call me Sam."

"So Sam... Tina told me we've got training today? What sort?" Theo questioned.

"Well Theo, you and Tina are doing basic combat. One on one." Dad explained, as I sighed lightly. Breakfast was normal, normal conversation and all. Soon after Theo and I done the dishes, we went to get changed into gym clothes. Meeting dad in the combat room, dad directed us to stand opposite one another. "On three, move twelve. One, two." As soon as dad said three, I went to kick Theo on the side of the head. But he caught my foot, he went to do something. But I jumped and my legs wrapped around his neck, twisting him and flipping him onto his back. I got up brushing myself off.

"This is going to be fun." I whispered to Theo.

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