Day 11.

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Day 11 Little Liar, ready for the guilt? "Kids wake up! You're going to be late for Theo's first day!" I heard my mum yell up the stairs, I groaned. Rolling to my side, rubbing my eyes awake. Seeing Theo sleeping, I smiled at him. While I got up, I walked over to the door yelling.

"We'll be ready in 15!" I called out to her, closing the door. Seeing Theo still sound asleep, he could sleep through a tornado and still not be shaken awake. I walked over to him, crouching eye level with him. "Theo." I said as he groaned, I pinched his shoulder blade. As his eyes shot awake.

"Ow." He groaned, grabbing the hand. Seeing if I had nails, I didn't. "How in the hell?"

"A trick my dad taught me, I can teach you if you want." I said to him, as he nodded. In a please way, he got up. As when I went to walk to my closet, Theo grabbed my hand and spun me around to him. All he did was hug me tight, my body was squished against his bare chest. "What are you doing?" I questioned, not use to the affection.

"Making sure you are ok, from last night." He said generally caring, I hugged him back.

"I am, thank you. Thanks to you." I told him, as when we left the hug. He yawned, his mouth as wide as a lion. I laughed at him, he was tired. I was aswell, but that's just the upside of this job.

"Can I go back to bed?" He asked like a baby, I shook my head.

"Nope, come on. We have to get ready." I explained, as he groaned. I went to my closet, walking in and getting change. Walking out, seeing Theo doing up his jeans. I was brushing my hair, as I saw at the corner of my eye. He looked impressed in my outfit.

"What can you tell me about your high School?" Theo questioned, as I saw in the mirror. Him putting on a shirt, he went over near my door. Grabbing his converse.

"It's basically the hunger games, most days. Others it's normal." I explained, as he walked over to me. My heart pumping out of my chest, feeling his hand being placed on my hip. While he reached to grab his deodorant, what the hell tina? What was that about? Ok, Tina you need to get your head around this. Ok I'm insane.

I sprayed my perfume, turning to Theo. Who smiled at me, as I walked over to him. Seeing his shirt was a bit misplaced, so I grabbed the ends of his shirt. Yanking it, pulling it all into place. I used my hands to smooth it all out. " Definitely taking the fake relationship to the next level." He raised an eyebrow, smirking.

"Don't get your hopes up, I've got a boyfriend. That you need to keep secret, ok?" He nodded. "So we are boyfriend and girlfriend at school, anywhere else but here."

"Got it, its work. Not all play." He reached in for a kiss, I grabbed his jaw.

"Save it for school." I told him, as he laughed. I grabbed my handbag, as Theo grabbed his phone. We headed downstairs, I was expecting dad to be home. But he wasn't, he must be on a serious job. "Morning mum." I said to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning Mrs Mitchell." Theo also said, as mum kissed his cheek. Theo then joined me in the kitchen, seeing a lip stick mark on his cheek.

"Theo." I said as he faced me, I grabbed a rug and wiped the lipstick off. "There you go."

"Thanks." He smiled, while he looked in the cupboard. I grabbed my yoghurt out of the fridge, I stood in the corner of the kitchen eating. While Theo ate mums health food cereal, I'm surprised she let him touch it. I saw my phone, seeing the time and we half hour. I put my yogurt in the bin, as I grabbed Theo. We rushed and brushed our teeth, saying goodbye to my mum. Getting into the car and I drove us to school, the first day of having Theo as a boyfriend at school. This will be interesting and awkward if I see Tony, I wished he could be apart of my job. It's for his safety though.I pulled the car up, as I locked it. Putting the keys in my bag, grabbing Theo's hand. I was stressed, Theo must've picked it up. As I felt him squeeze my hand in comfort, I slowed down. "Tina, it's ok." He reassured me, as he pulled me closer. I nodded.

"Thank you." That's all I said to him, in the short time I've known him. He's been nothing but good to me. We walked through the school doors, seeing eyes stick onto us. As if we were a target and at any minute, guns will be pointed at us. We continued to the office, to see Mr Porter. As we waited in the waiting room, we held hands. Our fingers entwined. We went over everything that mr Porter would ask him.

"Tina?" I jumped on this inside, why am I so jumpy? I looked up and saw Clay, he was up against the front desk.

"Oh hey clay, how are you?" I questioned him, knowing I haven't talked to him since Hannah. He sighed, shakily.

"I'm ok, what about You? And who's this?" He questioned, looking and I saw he felt intimidated by Theo.

"I'm ok, this is my boyfriend." I rambled, realising how stupid I was not saying Theo's name. Clay and Theo shook hands.

"Well hello boyfriend of Tina's." Clay said to Theo.

"I'm Theo, nice to meet you clay." Theo replied, as Mr Porter came out.

"Theo! Tina!" He cheered, as we stood up and waved goodbye to clay. We went into his office, as we took a seat. Mr Porter sitting in front of us. "How are you Tina?" He questioned me.

"I'm fine." I clenched my jaw, as I squeezed theos hand tight under the table. Theo glanced at me, as he then looked back to mr Porter.

"So, Theo. I see you and Tina are close, did you go to the same past school?" Theo nodded.

"Yeah, we did. We are close, cause she's my girlfriend." Theo said confidently, going off of the plan.

"Ohh I see, well you have most classes with her anyway. Besides Pe, Math and English." Mr Porter slid the piece of paper, which was Theo's time table. "Your locker is across the hall from Tina's." No no no, that's Hannah's locker.

"Um sir? Didn't a kid move away, the locker right next to mine?" I wanted Theo to have that locker more.

"Oh yes! Theo which would you rather." Theo and I exchanged looks, my heart beating outta my chest.

"I rather have the locker next to Tina's." he explained, thank you.

"Ok, here's the pin. Have a nice day." He said to us, as I saw Hannah in the corner of the room. Theo and I got up, as we said goodbye. Leaving the office and we went straight to our lockers.

"Tina, hey hey hey." He said to me, seeing me hyperventilate. He held my face, as I was leaning against the lockers. We were the only ones in the hall, as everyone was in roll call. "Look at me, let me see those eyes." He said, as I looked into his eyes. "What's Wrong?"

"I s-saw Hannah, she was in his office." Mum explained to Theo that I can see ghosts, as my nan gave me that gift when she died. Theo brought me into a hug, as I let my negativity energy go. As I was better, I grabbed my things out of my locker. As I leant against it.

Tony's P.O.V.

I was at my locker, looking down and seeing Tina and some guy. He had his elbow on the locker, Tina and him were in deep conversation. "Hey Tony." I turned and saw clay.

"Hey clay, do you know who's that with Tina?" I questioned him.

"Oh, that's Theo. He went to Tina's old school, he's Tina's boyfriend." He explained, as he was the guy Tina rang me the other day about. Seeing Theo catch my eye contact, I was raging of jealousy.

Tina's P.O.V.

"Who you looking at?" I asked Theo.

"A guy looking at you." I followed Theo's eyes, seeing Tony he clay. My heart filling up with guilt, I smiled shyly at my proper boyfriend. Who I cannot talk to at the moment.

"Oh him, he's my boyfriend." I whispered, as Theo nodded.

"What do we have next?" Theo questioned me.

"Uhh." I begun, looking at the timetable. "We both have science, with mrs scragg." I gritted my teeth.

"Guessing she's not good?"

"She's a bitch." I explained, as the bell rung. Theo and I grabbed each other's hands, as we headed to science. Theo went to talk to mrs scragg, as I went to my allocated seat, seeing Theo a seat behind me on the other side of the room.

We were about 15-20 minutes into the long and boring period about the periodic table, as, mrs scragg made me snap out of my day dream. "Theo! If you are so interested in staring at Tina, maybe you can sit at the front of the class." Mrs scragg explained, I looked over my shoulder. Smiling at Theo's reaction.

"Pardon Miss?" He questioned.

"Theo detention, after school." Theo looked to me for help, as I hid my face trying not to laugh. "You think this is funny Tina? I'm disappointed in you, you've got a detention as well." My laugh soon disappeared, looking to Theo who had a devilish smile. Jesus, I hate to love him. Wait... no no no.

The periods of classes, went on and on through the day. We got to the last period and Theo and I had Pe, just different classes. We were in the main hall, as we saw some of the bitchy girls looking at Theo. They were some of the reason to Hannah's death, I wanted to keep Theo safe as well. So surprising Theo, I grabbed him and gave him a passionate goodbye kiss. He soon matched my rhythm, feeling by how close we were. Our heart beats beating as well, feeling the tight grip on my hips. Feeling bruises forming, we left each other's lips seductively and slowly. Theo smiled at me, as all the girls looked away. But there was one girl, I didn't know who she was. But she was in my Pe class, shit Tony's in my PE.

I got changed into my Pe outfit, as I saw we were doing volleyball... again. Swear to god the Pe teacher is a perv, I pulled my hair back. As I grabbed my sneakers out of my bag, walking to the bleachers. While I was putting my shoes on, I felt a nudge. A familiar nudge, tony. I looked up and smiled.

"Hey handsome." I whispered so I wouldn't blow my cover.

"I miss you." He said, as I shushed him.

"I'm working, you need to keep your voice down." I whispered, as he nodded. Feeling guilty and missing that look.

"How's Theo going?" He asked, as I raised an eyebrow. Wondering how he knows Theo's name. "Clay." I nodded understandingly.

"He's good, he's got us into a detention with mrs scragg." He laughed, feeling he was tense. Knowing he wanted to hug me, knowing I was still recovering from grief.

"When things cool down, can we go on that date we've always planned?" He asked, as I nodded, as the Pe teacher made us go on the court. Leaving Tony, as I snapped from it. Feeling big strong arms being wrapped around me, hearing the husky whisper of the one and only Theo.

"Hey you, how's things going? Got anything yet?" I rested against him, as I whispered back.

"No, you?"

"Kinda, getting close to Reggie and Bryce. That lot of boys." He said, as I spun myself around. Pulling his forehead to rest against mine.

"Be careful." I told him, as he nodded. "Oh and what are you doing here?"

"Our classes are joining." He explained, as we looked back at each other normally.

"Hey Theo! Are we going to need to drag you from your girl?" Bryce called, as I felt comfort of Theo squeezing my hips.

"Coming!" He called to them, as he kissed me goodbye.

After Pe and a competitive game between Theo and I, the girls hit the showers. As the boys went to theirs, I dried my hair. Getting changed into my clothes, as I got a messaged from mum. Hey honey, dads home. He's broken his wrist, he's ok. The school rang me saying you and Theo got a detention, I'm not mad. I'm glad you're finally having a high school experience. I begun to stress about dad, I needed to talk to Theo. I grabbed my bag and walked right into the boys showers, as the boys just whistled or either tried to grab me.

"Theo!" I called out, as Reggie stood in front of me. He was only in a towel.

"Tina, you know you aren't supposed to be in here. But you're cute." I pushed Reggie out of the way.

"Go to hell Reggie, I've got a boyfriend." I told him, as I crashed into Theo. Who was coming out of the shower. He still looked like a Greek god.

"Tina?" He stumbled to make sure I couldn't se anything.

"I need to talk to you." I told him, as he saw it by my eyes. Doesn't help I'm a stress head. "Now."

"Ok." He pulled me into a corner, as I didn't know why, but I looked at his abs. Imagining my fingers tracing them, Tina! You've got a boyfriend.

"Dads home." He smiled.

"Thats so good!"

"He's broken his wrist and I'm freaking out, cause I don't know what job he was on." Theo brought me into a hug, kissing my head. "I'll leave you to get changed, see you in detention." I walked out of the boys shower, as I put my bag in the car. Walking back into the school, seeing a mop and other cleaning needs in the science room. I sighed heavily, knowing we had to clean the floor and benches. I then heard Theo groan, I faced him. As I shrugged as if I was saying what can you do?

We begun cleaning, as Theo started humming a song. A song I loved, love me like you do. I smirked. Theo then caught me in the act. "What?"

"Are you singing Ellie Goulding?" I said walking over to him, as he turned pink.

"Maybe." He lowered his head, it was cute. I made him look at me.

"Sing." I told him.

"If you sing with me as well." I shook my head.

"No no no, I can't sing." I told him, as he begun humming again. He figured I loved Ellie Goulding, he was humming don't need nobody. "I'm just so use to emptiness, I can feel your heartbeat when Im lying on your chest." I begun as Theo smiled.

"You're different from the ones before." Theo sung, as I smiled. We danced while cleaning, we continued to sing. Making the time go faster, mrs scragg walked in. As we stopped.

"Well done you two, you can go home." She said, seeing it was 10pm. Dad and mum would be asleep.

"Thanks miss." We said running out of the school, Theo drove us home. We were happy, this was different. Arriving home, we snuck inside. Walking up to our room, Theo closing the door behind him. As all I did was naturally smash my lips against his, his tounge slipped into my mouth. Fighting for dominance, what was I doing? Theo picked me up by my thighs, as I wrapped my legs around his waist. My hands messed around in his hair, as I took off his shirt. As he took off my singlet, as he begun leaving wet kisses on my neck. Placing me down on my bed, as he was the fear. The fear of losing everything, the mistake of loving. He made me feel high, high on something I never knew.

Theo continued to leave traces on my neck and jaw, as I went to let out a moan. He shut me up, by kissing me again. I then begun to leave traces on his neck and jaw, as he found my sweet spot. It was my turn to find his, soon finding his. He had two, one near the back of his ear and two his abs. I flipped Theo, as I was on top now. Theo crawled backwards, resting against my bedhead. As I straddled him, as I felt Theo's hands explore my body.

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