Day 10.

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Day 10, Little Liar. Will you turn to someone new? I opened my eyes and smiled, seeing Tony sleeping. With his arms wrapped around me, I looked down and saw I was naked. Haha. Also seeing love bites on my hips, which made me melt into the mattress. I look to Tony's neck and saw someone on him, as well as his arm.

Then my phone buzzed, I tried to roll over. But Tony pulled me into him, I laughed. As he kissed my neck. "Morning." He said huskily.

"Morning." I rubbed his arm, that was wrapped around me.

"Where were you going?" He asked.

"To roll over and get my phone." I stated as he groaned as I grabbed it, seeing a messaged from mum. Hey Bub, I know you are probs not up to it. But we've got a kid like you, he's apart of the job. Come home please, dads on a different job with your uncle.

"Who is it?" Tony questioned, as I looked at him in sorrow. "What?"

"I need to head home, you know how I explained to you about the job here. About Bryce, well it's to help that. There's a guy coming, to help. I'm sorry." I said getting out of bed and beginning to get changed, as tony just watched and took in every bit of my body's detail. "Like what you see?" I joked, as he nodded. Making me smirk.

I grabbed my things as I kissed tony goodbye. "I love you." He told me.

"Love you too. I'll call you or message you later." I explained, as I left. I ran home, as I arrived home. Puffed, while mum opened the door and brought me into a hug. I hugged her back, the hug was like she was scared I'll go missing as well.

"I'm so sorry." She mumbled.

"I know, it's ok. Hannah's always with me." I explained, as I looked to my side. In the front garden, as I winked at Hannah. "Uh, when is this guy getting here?" I asked, remembering mum doesn't know about Tony. She smiled, as I turned around. Seeing who the guy was.

He waved to us, as the car that dropped him off drove off. Mum pushed me towards him, as I decided to walk myself, we reached the guy. As mum shook the guys hand. "I'm glad you could make it Theo." Mum explained.

"Thank you for letting me stay here, mrs Mitchell." Theo said as I held in all the will power to yell what!?

"It's fine, this is my daughter Tina. Tina this is Theo." We shook hands, as I raised an eyebrow at him. As he smirked, not in a oh my god you are gorgeous. I'll be your baby daddy. It was different kind of one.

"Nice to meet you." I told him.

"You too."

"Yay! Already off to a good start, let's go inside." Mum said beginning to walk inside, as Theo and I exchanged looks. Walking behind my mother, closing the front door behind us. Theo asked my mother.

"Where do I put my bag?" He asked.

"Oh Theo, you can put your bag in Tina's room." I tilted my head in confusion.


"He's sleeping on your couch in your room, which folds to a bed." I sighed heavily.

"Fine. Follow me Theo." I stated, as I we walked up the stairs into my room. I opened the door, crossing my arms. While Theo observed my room, as I pointed to the sofa. "Thats where you are going to sleep." I explained, as he walked over to the sofa and I did as well. To help him unfold it, we did and it became a fresh new made bed.

"That's cool." He explained, as I lightly smiled.

"It's expensive, you are sleeping on half a million dollar couch/bed." I explained as he raised his eyebrows.

"Tina! Theo!" Mum called as I sighed again, as we walked back to the living dining room.

"Yeah mum?" I asked.

"I just got called from the 'the big place' and they want you two to become a couple, cause they think you'll get closer to Bryce and all that." Mum explained, as I widen my eyes.


"You two are going to become a couple outside of this house." Mum explained, as I ran through my hair. As I looked to Theo, who saw something was up with me.

"Mrs Mitchell, can I please have further explanation." Theo asked my mother.

"So they say you two have very similar everything's, down to your fingerprints. They think you two would be perfect together on the field." Mum said, as I walked out of the house. Face timing Tony.

"Hey babe." He started seeing I was stressed. "What's up?"

"Ok so the guy arrived and he's apart of the job and the agency wants us to be a fake couple outside the house." I explained. "I just wanted you to know."

"It's fine Tina, I get it. The only people who know about us, is my family. Be careful, I need to go. Love you."

"You too." I told him, as he hung up the call. I came back inside and said. "Ok, when does this start?" I asked my mother.

"Tonight. So get ready." Theo and I nodded to my mother, we walked back to my room. Theo closed the door behind us. Theo went to his bag, as I went to my closet, grabbing out a lacy dress and a leather jacket. With velvet heels, I went to take my shirt off. As I spotted Theo starring at me.

"Turn around." I told him, spinning a finger for the gesture for him to turn.

"Sorry." He said as he did as he was told, he took his shirt off. Seeing his muscled back, it was as if he was a god. A Greek mythology god. I snapped myself out of it and got dressed, Theo half turned as I caught him looking at me putting on my last heel. I went to my mirror and started doing a dark looking make up look, seeing in my mirror of what Theo was wearing. Jeans, black shirt, leather jacket and boots.

I finished my make up as I turned around, as I grabbed my phone off of the charger, as I looked up at Theo. Who just said. "Wow."

"What?" I asked him.

"You." He explained, as I smiled and hid my blush.

"We better get going." I told him as he nodded, we went down stairs as mum. As always grabbed her phone out.

"You two photo now! You two are so cute!" I rolled my eyes, as I wrapped one arm around Theo's waist and placed the other on his chest. While a hand was placed on my hip and Theo's other hand was placed on his other. We both smiled, while mum took the photo. "Ok you two go, take the impala." Mum chucked me the keys.

We went outside and got into the impala, while I started driving. Theo said something which told me he was a good guy. "Your mum told me over the phone about your friend that passed away. I'm sorry." He said as my eyes became watery. I wiped my eyes before my make up could run.

"Thanks." I whispered, as Theo grabbed my hand. Our hands intwined with one another's, as he brought the hands to his mouth. Kissing mine.

"I've got your back through this, trust me. I get what you are going through, I left my recent job cause of it. My friend, well my partner was shot and died in my arms." He explained, as I looked at him.

"I'm sorry. I'm here as well." I told him, as I kissed his hand which made him smile. I soon pulled up to Bryces, we both got out of the car. As we were in couple mode straight away, we grabbed each other's hands. We walked up to the wide open door, walking in. We stopped and looked around, as I spotted Bryce. The place smelt of alcohol and weed, it was loud with the music playing. Heaps of people were here, most people were outside near the pool area. Bryce had a drink in his hand, I whispered into Theo's ear. "See that guy near the chicks on the couch, that's our guy and he's the main cause of my friends death." I told him, as I saw the look Theo gave him.

"Can I kill him?" Theo said as I smiled.

"Not yet tiger. Come and dance with so we look half into this." He shook his head, as he smiled. As I dragged him outside, where people were dancing.  As I stood in front of Theo dancing.

Theo felt awkward, I could tell. So I grabbed his hands and placed them on my waist, as we both had our knees bent. Swaying side to side, as I placed a hand on his waist as well. I saw Bryce at the corner of my eye walking Theo and my direction, Theo spotted him. So Theo used my lower back to bring me in closer to him, we looked at each other's eyes. While we were still doing our movement, we waited till Bryce and his pack of apes were gone. So we could find the basement, as that's apparently where his drugs are stored.

The apes went to a building on the other side of the backyard, as I grabbed Theo's hand and rushed inside. Trying to find the door, we accidentally... twice. Walked in on people either making out or having sex.

Eventually we found the basement, we went down the stairs seeing one of those hanging lights from the roof. Where to turn it on, you pull the string. Bryces basement was massive, Theo and I looked through each of the shelves. Which were more like isles, as if you were at the supermarket. "Look out for ice and weed, they have a dead rose symbol on them." I told him.

"Ok." He replied, as we were both looking on an isle. But opposite sides of it, we hurried to find something. "Found weed." Theo stated, as he held up the package. Good, keep it so we can give it to the agency. He nodded, putting it in his front pocket. As I then hear footsteps.

"Please tell me you hear footsteps." I whispered.

"I do." He whispered back.

"Quick turn the light off." I told him, as he pulled the string. As he found me in the dark. "What do we do?" I asked in a shush.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered, as we were that close he could see me nodding in the dark. Before I known it myself, Theo smashed his soft sweet lips against mine. He gripped onto my thighs, placing me onto a barrel. As my legs weren't wrapped around his waist, they were tight on him on his sides. My hands were messing around in his soft hair, as one of Theo's hands were going up my thighs and resting on my neck. We continued to make out as a flashlight was shone onto us.

"Hey! What are you two doing down here?" It was Bryce, Theo slowly and seductively left my lips. Theo looked at Bryce.

"Hey sorry, it's our first date. I'm Theo." Theo said to him, as he went to shake his hand. Seeing his jaw muscles click into work.

"Bryce. Oh, hey Tina." Bryce said smirking at me, as Theo helped me off of the barrel. As I wrapped my arms around his bicep.

"We'll be on our way." Theo told him, as we walked past him. Up the stairs and into the car, as Theo drove us home. "You ok?" Theo asked me.

"Wanted to kill him then and now, but ok. I'm fine, thank you." I told him, as he smiled shyly at me. Giving me the package we took, now this is a game changer.

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