Day 9.

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Day 9 Little Liar, will you break the truth to him today? I woke up and saw I was in Tony's bed, left in a bra and underwear. I saw I was alone, then Tony walked into the room. With jeans on, seeing his abs. As he smiled at me.

"Morning." He said, as he came over and gave me a kiss. As I kissed him back, as he smiled at the way I was positioned as.

"Morning." I replied, as he sat down on the bed.

"You slept pretty well." He smiled, as I smiled back.

"Your funny." I said as he laughed. "Is Hannah's funeral today?" I asked, as he nodded as I gulped. As tony held my hand.

"I'm going to be there, ok? That reminds me." He said getting up to his desk. As there was a bag, bring it over to me. "Mum bought you an outfit, as you didn't have any other clothes." He explained, as I looked at him in awe. Opening the bag, seeing a belt, a white mini dress. It was pretty, plus make up and a bracelet.

"Oh Tony I can't take this." I told him, knowing what it said on the price tags it was expensive.

"No no no no, mum said to have it. My family loves you." He said, as I smiled. "I'll leave you to get dressed." He said getting up, as I grabbed his arm. Pulling him to me, as I kissed him.

"Thank you." I told him, as he smiled leaving the room for me to get changed. I got changed and done my make up, as there was a knock. "Come in." I said as I turn to the door, seeing Mrs Padilla. "Hi Mrs Padilla." I said as she walked over to me.

"Hi Tina, you look beautiful." She said as she placed the hat on my head.

"Thank you, I love what you bought me. Thank you again." I told her.

"It's okay sweetheart, you're family. Tony's waiting for you downstairs." She explained, as I nodded and I followed her downstairs. Seeing Tony's brothers and his dad there as well, as tony walked up to me. As we pecked lips, as he held my hand.

"You guys go." Tony dad told us as we did, we got into Tony's car and left to the cemetery. Feeling my heart slowly being ripped out of my chest, I held Tony's hand. As he saw I wasn't ready to bury this friend. We arrived at the cemetery, seeing Hannah's mum and dad. Plus a friend of hers from a past town, I got out of the car. Feeling like I was going to be sick.

"Tina?" I broke from my trance, as I saw Tony's eyes. Feeling my heart slow down, as he held my hand. As we walked up to the coffin Hannah laid in, unable to see her. Tony and I gave our apologies as when I got to Hannah's mum. She said to me.

"I'm sorry." I was confused, she saw I was confused. "Even though I lost my daughter, you lost your friend." I hugged her once again, as I left her alone. I walked up to Hannah's coffin, as I was there alone. I said softly to her.

"I'll find out who hurt you and I'll revenge you. Give me a sign you hear me and help me, I'll kill them." I told her, as I felt a cold hand wrap around my hand. I looked down, following the arm seeing Hannah standing beside me. I smiled at her as she smiled thank you.

"Tina?" It was Tony, I smiled at him. As we all stood back, as we watched her coffin being lowered into the ground. As I felt my heart freeze, knowing it was Hannah. After the funeral, Tony took me home to get a few things. After that, we went back to his. It was dark and I forgot PJs.

We walked into his room, as I needed to tell Tony about me. We walked into his room, as we sat down on his bed. "I'm going to tell you a few things and no one knows about it. You need to keep it a secret, ok?" I asked him as he nodded. "Ever since I turned 5, dad and mum have been in a business where they eliminate bad people. Ive been brought into it and I'm one of the best, I'm an assassin." His eyes widen. "Please." I begun, as I went on my knees. As I held his face. "What you see is the real me and I don't want to lie to you. I've had to lie my whole life to protect myself, Tony I love you." Tony placed his hands on my face, as I didn't expect the response.

"Your secret is safe with me, I've got a bad background as well. I accept you for you and I love you, my brothers and I take care of bad guys as well." He explained, as I kissed him and we hugged. "Do you want of my dress shirts to sleep in?"

"Yes please."

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