Day 8.

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Day 8 Little Liar, ready to break? I got to stay home that day, while mum and dad were at work. I slept till the afternoon, it was the longest sleep I have ever had. That job took a lot out of me, I jumped awake to a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I yelled yawning, checking the time. 3:00pm, holy crap. I got to the door, opening it to no one there. I then had a feeling to look down, so I did. Seeing a shoe box, I crouched down opening it. Seeing tapes and a folded up note, addressed to me.

I brought it inside, as I quickly got dressed before I done anything. As I came back down, anxiety washed over me while unfolding the piece of paper.

To my dearest Tina,
You saved me once. You never knew it, you were the one that became my friend.
You protected me and I love you for it. My parents love you.
Sadly you could save me this time around, in these tapes you'll understand why.
Please pass them on, Tony's got the other set.
Please please please take care of me while I'm in the afterlife, yes. I'm dead, I love you.

I dropped the note, leaving the house. Locking it behind me, as I took off in a full sprint to Hannah's place. I went the speed I go when I have to run a 100km paddock, pretending I'm being chased.

I skidded around several corners, seeing faces in cars. Shocked at the speed I was going, I didn't care. I needed to get to Hannah before she done anything, I wasn't there for her. I was to busy with jobs, if I went to see her when she messaged me. I wouldn't be in this situation.

I came around the corner to Hannah's, my heart breaking seeing ambulances. I jumped the fence as cops told me to stop. I went through the front door, seeing Mr and Mrs Baker in the kitchen. In tears, as they spotted me. As I looked into the bathroom, seeing blood, razors and water all over the floor and carpet I stood on. Everything slowed down, as I saw Hannah's body on the ground. As I felt a presence beside me, Tony. He was in shock as well.

I was going to be sick, as I was standing on carpet with Hannah's blood on it. I gripped Tony's arm, as he had to break out of the spinning stage of shock. He picked me up, as I screamed for Hannah.

"Hannah! Hannah!" Tony sat down on the ground with me, as he crouched down beside me. Still holding me. I've seen many dead bodies, i physically buried a friend of mine. But Hannah had the biggest affect on me. "Hannah!" I screamed, as tony pulled me into his chest. As I felt him crying as well, as we both looked to the body bag Hannah was in. They just chucked her into the back of an ambulance, like she was a bag.

"Shhh." Tony said to me hugging me, as his tears became heavier. The big tough Tony broke, he was probably thinking the same way about me. 


Tony took me back to his, as I was shaking still. I was cold, so Tony gave me his jacket. I sat on his window seat, crying. Remembering the first day I met Hannah.

As I messaged mum and dad what happened and I'm staying at a friends place. Tony introduced me to his family as well.

"Hey." I looked to the door, seeing Tony. Holding to cups of hot chocolate, I wiped tears away. But they came back.

"Hey." I said as he passed me a cup. "Thanks." I told him as he sat in front of me, he seemed to be holding himself together well.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Crap, real crap. How are you holding it together?" I questioned him.

"Trust me, I'm trying my best to. Never thought you were the crying type." I decided to open up to him a bit, knowing he wouldn't say anything.

"I never been like this, I've buried a friend and I've left many friends behind. Hannah's been the hardest." I explained, as heaps of tears fell down my face. As I felt Tony wipe them away, while holding my face. I placed down my cup on the floor, as Tony had his on the table near the door.

We both slightly leant in, as soon before I known it. We kissed, as he then grabbed me by my thighs. Placing me on his lap, as I lifted up his shirt. While he took of the jackets I wore, then pulling up my shirt. Feeling Tony's grip get tighter on me, feeling not threatened for a change. Feeling safe.

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