Day 15.

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Day 15, Little Liar. It's time to lose someone you love and hate.Getting up from my bed, checking my time on my phone and realised I've over slept. "Theo!?" I yelled out his name, no response. Hmm, wonder where he disappeared off to.

"Tina!" My head snapped towards where Theo sleeps, there sitting on his bed. It was Hannah.

"Hey Han." She looked worried, for me. "You need to find Theo, now."

Theo's P.O.V.

I looked up at the house, the place of the guy who sent the video to tony and made Tina's heart break. Bryce. I figured it out straight away, I was surprised she didn't figure it out herself. But I wouldn't blame her for not being able to, she was just hit with a whole heap of information.

Walking to the open door, I stood in the doorway. Seeing Bryce sitting on the stairs that lead up to the next level. "Theo, what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?" He questioned.

"I'm 100% sure you know why I'm here, you recorded Tina and I. Sent it to her boyfriend, he broke up with her-." He then cut me off.

"She's the Little Liar in the situation, she's got so many secrets. I'm going to reveal them to the world."

"She lies to protect herself! You've hurt Tina, so I'm going to kill you for that." I explained.

"So what do you suggest, fight to the death? Right in my house and you get arrested and all the secrets come out?" He questioned as I shook my head.

"No no no, not here. The abandoned car yard, no backup, no police, no weapons. Just a good old fashion punch up. Meet me there at 6pm." I told him.

"See you there."

Tina's P.O.V.

I paced my room, ringing Theo and leaving thousands of voice messages. "Hey it's Theo, leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

"Theo! It's Tina! This is like my 2000th voice message,please pick the hell up." I sighed heavily. "Please be ok, bye." I looked outside and saw it becoming dark, holy crap. I've been ringing him for that long? Dad and mum are going to kill me for my phone bill.

"Tina, can't you like do some kind of like spy thing?" Hannah questioned.

"What?.. I can track his phone." I rushed to my computer and pressed a few keys, it was searching the earth for his phone. Then finally it zoomed in on the car yard. "I've found you."

I rushed to the impala, Hannah then appeared in the passenger seat. I've gotten use to it, all I was thinking about was getting to Theo. Before he done anything stupid. Soon arriving, I hid behind an old car.  Seeing Bryce and Theo talking, Theo spotted me as I gave him the signal for him to not give away my position.He gave me the look, meaning ok. I watched them talk, it was about me. Drugs and something about secrets.  "You know, I've always known that you've had a crush on her. I know how you two had to fake a relationship." Bryce begun, as Theo came back with something better.

"I know about your drugs, you know when you caught us in your basement? Well, we stole the weed and took it to headquarters. Your drug dealing ass is going to be put 10 feet underground either way."

"You think you're so brave, strong and a badass. Don't you Theo? But here's a plot twist! Ready to hear it? I'm putting you 10 feet under." Then in a split second, I heard a bang. I ducked and covered my head, slowly realising that I didn't get shot. I looked back over the car, seeing Theo hitting the ground. Seeing blood come out of his mouth.

"No!" I screamed, sprinting to Theo. I turned him onto his back. "Keep your eyes on me." All I could hear was Bryce laughing, in rage. I grabbed the '75 out of the back of my jeans. Shooting Bryce right in between the eyes, seeing him fall backwards like a domino. My eyes spotted a person on the hill with a camera, Tyler?

"T-Tina?" I looked back down to Theo, my eyes beginning to water again. I scrambled for his wound, putting pressure on it. "Hey hey, don't cry princess." Theo said, wiping away a tear.

"Then stay with me, don't leave me. Please." I begged him.

"You don't need me." He replied in a tone, meaning you're strong. I'll watch out for you.

"I do need you, I need my partner." I explained, all he did was that devilish smile. The smile that I love. He slowly begun closing his eyes, I then started slapping his face. Trying to make him stay awake. "Hey hey, you s-stay with me. You hear? I've sent a distress signal to headquarters and an ambulance is coming."

"I love you Ti-." His body became limp, his eyes closed shut.

"No no no! Hey, open your eyes! Theo! Open your eyes! Open your eyes god dammit!" I knew he was gone, I just didn't want that to sink in. I held him close to my chest, crying into his neck. My eyes looked up from Theo, seeing a bright light shine in my eyes. It was a car, mum and dad. I just gripped onto Theo, I wasn't leaving him.

"Baby." Dad begun, walking towards me. "You have to let go of him now." Dad reached for my arm, I pushed him away.

"Tina, you need to let him go." Mum stated, my grip on him just got tighter. I then hid my face in his neck. "Give her a minute." She told dad, as they did. Soon the ambulances arrived. So they needed me away from him, in a split second. Dad picked me up from under my arms, pulling me to my feet. While mum placed Theo's body down gently.

"No! Dad, let me go! Theo!" I screamed, as dad and another person from headquarters had to hold me. Seeing the ambulance place Theo and Bryces body into body bags, I then fell to my knees. Slamming my fist against the rocky ground.

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