Day 16.

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Day 16 Little Liar, ready for the end game? I stood at Theo's grave, wearing a long white dress. As funny enough, Theo and I have had the conversation about what to wear to one another's funeral. He wanted me to wear this dress. Mum and Dad left me there with him, cause they wanted to give us space.

"I'm going to revenge you, I'll be back later." I kissed my fingers and placed it on the newly placed dirt. I left for my car, going towards the house of who I thought I saw last night. Tyler. I pulled up my car across the road, sneaking into his backyard. Going into his room through his window, no one was home. His bike wasn't at the front, so it's time to look for his camera or something else in this dreadful, disturbing room.

I looked in his closet, quickly shutting it due to nothing. I looked under his bed, nothing. Then I spotted a huge chest thing, I opened it. Seeing it was empty, placing my hand and moving the platform. It was wobbly, which means... guns. I sat back seeing the bullets and the different guns. I looked through the guns to see if I can find the bullet that I found in Theo. Pistol,no. Well definitely not the knife. Rifle, yes.

I then heard the front door open, it wasn't the mother or father. As I didn't hear a car, so I grabbed the rifle. Sitting on Tyler's bed, waiting for him to walk through. He soon did, I evilly smiled seeing him jump in fright. "Hey there Tyler, does this bad guy look familiar?"

"Uhh, um. H-." He was scared of me. Good.

"Guess what, I know where you were last night. Putting one of these bullets into my friend, let's not forget about how you recorded me in my room. Then sending it to my boyfriend. Getting him to dump me, that was such a dick move." I explained to him. I then stood up.

"What do you want? How did you get in your room?" He questioned.

"I think you need to lock your window, I'm here for revenge. So." I then pointed the gun at him. "Get outside and into my backseat of my car. We are going to take a little field trip." He did what he was told, getting outside. I swear to god I saw the last face I wanted to see.

He watched Tyler get into the back of my car, I didn't make eye contact with him. All I did was start my engine, driving to the top of where Tony took me once. The place where we climbed that day. I sped the whole way.

Parking my car, I got out. Opening the door for Tyler. "Get out of the car." I told him, he didn't. "Get out of the damn car!" I yelled, making him more frightened. I walked him to the end, where there was an 80 foot drop.

"Please, don't kill me." He was shaking.

"Well! I'm sorry, but you don't have the say in the situation. Only answer my questions, I really don't want to get the beautiful dress stained. Don't I?" I asked him.

"Tina!" I looked over my shoulder, seeing Tony getting out of the car. "Tina, please. Don't do this." He walked towards me, with his hands up.

"Don't you dare say anything tony! This son of a bitch killed my partner, my friend! He killed Theo! He died in my arms!" I yelled at him with tears in my eyes. "And Tyler's going to pay." I faced Tyler again.

"Tina! Look at me!" I did, he gave me the look with his eyes. That look that melts me.

"Tina.. put the gun down."

I shook my head. "He's a big part of the reason Hannah's dead, he murdered Theo. He got you to break up with me, when Theo died. All I wanted was for you to hold me and tell me everything's ok. But you just follow me." I spat.

"Uh, can I-." Tony and I looked at him and yelled.

"Shut it!" I then looked back at tony.

"I know something was up with you two, you guys were close. I follow you, it's because I'm worried about you. I'm scared that I might have to go to another funeral, cause you'll do something stupid and reckless. I still love and care about you." He slowly got close to me, slowly reaching for the gun. "We can sort this, we can talk. I know this dick deserves it, but. You're grieving-." Before tony could finish, my world went slow. Tyler pulled me backwards, as my foot slipped off of the edge. "No!" I saw him scramble to the edge. Feeling my wrist being grabbed, my body slammed against the rocky surface. Hearing a groan come from tony and myself.

"Tony!" I yelled up to him.

"It's ok, I've got you!" He replied, pulling me up. He then took both of my hands, getting me up to where he was. My breathing became heavy of anxiety, he took me into his chest. "It's ok, it's ok." He told me, we both looked down. Seeing a bloody mess, Tyler's body parts were everywhere. All I did was hide my face, feeling Tony's hand being placed on my head.


The ambulance came, then the cops. We told them everything, they left. So tony and I sat on the edge, talking. "Are you ok?" He asked, feeling the wind blow through my hair. Looking up at tony.

"I'm glad Tyler's dead, but I'm still a bit shaken. I'll get over it."

"Tina, that video. Of you and Theo, it broke me. It broke me more, as I've never felt what I feel for you." He explained.

"I'm sorry tony, I was never meant to hurt you. I wasn't aloud to see you cause of the job, but I don't know. I love you tony, I hate myself for it. It was a mistake, I was going through some stuff mentally. I-." I was rambling, but it soon stopped. Feeling Tony's soft, tender lips pressed against my salty dry lips. He slowly left my lips, as our eyes locked.

"Tina Mitchell. Everyone's not perfect, but I know. I've always know, that I need you in my life. I need my girl, we're together till the end game. I wanna marry you, have kids with you. I want to do all of that with you, when everything is shit. We'll have each other, that's all we need."


Well, we've all bit secrets. Secrets that can kill us, get us killed. This world can rip you apart, physically and mentally. I've lost people I loved, they were taken from me. But there is one guy who's stuck with me through all. Tony Padilla, the guy with the leather jacket and tattoos.

To the honest, the real true fact of life is. Secrets are meant to be hidden, who knows. Maybe, just maybe. Someone like you, can keep a secret too.

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