I Didn't Plan It

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How ironic is it I never actually planned this chapter?

Also, gotta make this clear, I know Becky and Cal have a small affair going too, but that's Three and Five. There should be good obvious reasons why I and not doing that-

Anyways, back on track. I know Three should be saying that words, but I need to starting getting stuff moving cause we only have... *quietly counts to self* four or five chapters left?

Yeah, time to get moving-


Six couldn't help but rerun the words Seven and Mono had said two months ago over and over in her head.

Why did they say that?

Why did they agree?

Work was slow that day, actually the whole week was. She felt sluggish, tired with fatigue. The past five months have been kicking her ass, and her mama wasn't making it any better.

Veronica started to become more hostile towards her, making her wear baggy clothes when they were out in public together to hide her small belly.

"They realize I raised a slut and I'll be kicked out of all of my clubs. Don't ruin this for me," she would hiss. It hadn't been the first time her mama had called her rude names, her favorites being slut and abomination. With each month, Veronica seemed to become more violent, going from calling her names to slapping her.
There was one day Six ran away for the night and slept at Two's just so she wouldn't have to come into work with fresh marks.

"You're twenty-one years old, Six, leave her!" Two told her that night as she fetched her a blanket. Six had insisted she sleep on the couch, no matter how many times Two told her to take the guest bedroom.

"Where am I gonna go, Two?" Six asked, her tone sharp as she spoke.

"You could live here with me, it isn't much, but at least there's no pain involved," Two said back.
'I should have taken her up on her offer... but mama is getting older and needs me to help her...'

Six briefly fixed her hoodie to cover the large hand mark on her shoulder. She only prayed her uniform hid it.

Everything was becoming a blur really, the day passed on without much happening. The only thing Six really feared was coming home, especially when she had to handle a double shift if one of the others were out.

"Whoa, hold on there!"

Six blinked, trying to make out the situation. A hand was on her shoulder, as she looked out to the busy crosswalk street.

"Six, you okay?" She turned, seeing Seven and Mono, the former of the two having his hand still on her shoulder. Without a second thought, she brushed his hand off.

"I'm fine," she answered.

"I don't think walking out and nearly getting hit by a car is the correct definition of 'fine'. Don't tell me you're still thinking about what we said..." Seven muttered.

"It's fine, Dr. Cater, don't worry about it. I just have a lot going on right now..." she replied.

"Six, you can call me Seven, we've been over this,"

"Sev, let's walk her to the diner," Mono suggested, "unless Milo is somewhere around here."

"Milo didn't come back home last night. Mom found him dead on our porch early this morning..." Six answered weakly.

The two didn't speak, not sure what to say. Six had told them a few stories about the ginger tabby, how much he meant to her. The only remaining thing that reminded her of her father was gone now...

"But it's fine. I just have another angel waiting for me in Heaven. What are you two doing here?" she asked.

"We were heading to the diner to get something to eat. Afterwards, we gonna head to the clinic," Mono answered. Six just gave a small nod.

"Let's go then." The three walked down the crosswalk, cars waiting on them. As they walked, the three shared a bit of small talk. You'd think that talking to two complete stranger (not to mention one was going to be a dad) would be awkward, but the two spoke to her as though nothing happened, asking her about her day and not bring up anything about what happened between them.

That was... until Seven cleared his throat.

"Six, I know you probably don't want to here this... but you never answered us, about our deal." Six glanced over to him, noting the look of concern and worry on his face.

Right... their deal.
"Oh, hey, you're working today!"

Six gave an audible groan, laying the trays out on the counter. Two was still swept off her feet by the country prince charming, the two planning their next date. Three was no where to be seen to, so telling her to get over and distract them was and no-go.

"Yes, yes, I am. What do you want?" she asked, voice harsh sounding. Seven looked taken aback, raising his hands up slightly.

"Easy tigeress," he teased, "we come in peace, no need to bite us."

Six gave a small growl, eyes narrowed at the two doctors. She forced a smile to her face. "What can I help you.. l o v e l y, gentleman with?" she asked, emphasizing her words.

Seven looked nervous, taking a step back, ready to run out the door. "Actually, you looked pissed, maybe we should come back an-"

Before he could make a move to leave, Mono gripped him by his jacket. "Not so fast, blue jay. Six, we just came to talk. We got some news," he said, looking over to her. Six let her guard down slightly, but was ready to kick the two out if needed.

"Fine, get you a table, and we'll talk."


"So... both of you?" Six asked, raising a brow. Mono nodded, taking a drink of his hot chocolate.

"It's only fair we both pay. Seven will pay half and so will I," he answered. Six glanced at the two, a small voice in the back of her head telling her to look for any sort of trickery.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked.

"Cause we all don't seem to remember what happened. It seems like when they are born, it would be a bit pointless to do a DNA test since by then we might all be in different situations. We might be relocated, so it's only fair we start doing our part now."

Six blinked. She hadn't ever thought of it. "I didn't plan it, having a test done I mean. Look, it's sweet of both of you, but I only want whoever had the balls put their you-know-what in me to pay up. I'm not gonna take an innocent man's money. Why are you guys now saying it was one of you now anyways?"

Seven and Mono glanced to one another, the former speaking first. "Well... like we said, the black out might have been... you know..."

"You took advantage of a drunk?"

"No! Six, we were drunk too, granted a lot more sober; but I could never hold my drinks down,"

"Not really an excuse. You're lucky I'm feeling nice today," she stated, taking two pieces of the Honey Apple pie, sliding them over.

"Just consider it before the baby is born, so we have time to prepare on our end," Mono said, taking a bite of the sweet.
"I still don't fully understand, you two. I guess not, like I said before, I'm not gonna take an innocent man's money." She looked over to the one wearing the light weighted blue jacket.

Mono gave a small nod to comfirm with her, though she faced away from him. "Oh, right, you can come into the clinic and get your ultrasound done soon. You can talk to the nurse and get everything set up," he quickly stated.

Realization hit her like a rock, her brown eyes widening. She forgot all about that, the few sweet moments newly parents were suppose to share together.

She shook her head. No way, she wasn't going to do it. She kept reminding herself that when they were born to tell Seven to put them up for adoption. She couldn't handle a baby. She could barely support herself, how was she going to take care of someone who makes messes, needed constant attention, and wake her up at one in the morning cause they demand milk.

Actually, nevermind, she dealt with Milo for seven years. Milo...

Six bit her tongue to hide her emotions. Head held a bit lower, the waitress walked at a slightly slower pace. Her dad now had someone waiting with him at the pearly gates, waiting for her and her mother.

'Why did you leave, I could really use you right now...' she thought to herself, gripping the end of her hoodie sleeve. Small tears brimmed her eyes, which she quickly wiped away.

Dad was the reason she was the way she was; sharp tounged, creative, taking no crap from anybody.

"I want to keep it a surprise," Six answered. The two slowed down their pace for her, Seven's voice soft as he spoke to her.

"That's fine, don't worry about it. If you want a surprise then that's completely okay. Look we're already here," he said, looking down the sidewalk and seeing the diner. The clinic was only another short walk away, something Mono seemed to take note of quickly.

"I got an idea. Six, what if me and Sev walk you to work everyday? You're gonna need help soon anyways," he said, the fleece of his brown jacket ruffling slightly as the wind suddenly picked up.

Six looked up to meet his gaze, his one good eye had a look of assurance in it, a small unspoken promise that they would help her.

She took a moment, before nodding. "Yeah, that would help a lot," she muttered.

Seven gave a nod, stopping in front of the diner, opening it and holding the door for her.

"Then we'll see you after work. Have a good day!" He smiled brightly, much to Six's uneasiness. Why was he so cheerful and calm about everything?

She stepped inside, waving good bye to the two doctors. Once the door closed, she turned, meeting Three and Two's wide eyes and shocked face.

"What?" she muttered.

Three was the first to come to, blinking rapidly. "Now that's not something you see everyday..."

"What is?"

"You not trying to kill those poor boys. Every time they come in you look like they threw your best pie in the trash can or fed it too the rats."

Did she look at them like that? Well, she wasn't that surprised.

"We just came to a small understanding is all, I guess. Don't worry too much about it," Six mumbled, walking to the back to get her stuff. The other two waitress didn't push on, suddenly becoming busy with their work.


Finished - Oct. 10th

This took so much longer then necessary, I'm so sorry.

Anyways, there we go! Hope you all enjoyed.

Take care!

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