Never Ever Getting Rid of Me

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This song is so fun to listen to oml-

Time for a slightly longer chapter!


Two months had passed since Two went on her first date (which was about a week after her profile was made), but she didn't share a word with Six and Three about it.

One day however, Two seemed more anxious and uncomfortable, practically locking herself in the backroom when a young man walked in.

He wore an orange button up shirt, tugged into freshly creased jeans. Square toed boots dressed his feet, and his hair was a shiny raven black. His eyes reminded the both of them of a chocolate bar, with a small swirl of honey brown outlining them.

Pale amber freckles dusted his arms and cheeks, a small chip in one of his teeth.

Three didn't make much sense of it, she just walked over to take his order. With a notepad in hand, the dirty blond smiled politely.

"Mornin' darling, what can I get you today?" she asked. The young man shook his head, pointing behind the counter.

"No, no, I want her, the one in green," he said. Three had a small blank look on her face, before speaking again.

"Honey, you're in my station, she can't reall-"

"I would like her please,"

"Sir, you-"

"Her please,"



"Two I'm gonna strangle him," Three muttered, turning around and going to the counter where the now slightly showing Six was trying to calm down the nervous Two.

Three slammed her notepad down, tapping his shoe on the ground. "Two, you wanna explain to me why Chippy over there wants you to wait on him?" she said.

Two whined slightly, looking down as she nervously rubbed her wrists. "I-I can explain. H-his name is One, a-and his profile name was 'One_Small_Step_For_Man', he likes space like me and stargazing, and- girls, I can't go wait on him!"

Three had an annoyed look on her face. "Honey, if you don't go over there, I think he's gonna start a riot. Now get your panties out of a twist, and go see him," she ordered, pointing a finger to One, who sat patiently and politely, hands folded.

"Now, now, hold on, Three. Two, what happened?" Six asked, trying to calm down the bulky waitress and ease the smaller's shot nerves.

"W-well... we went out on our date, and we started to talk about our interests. After a bit, I thought were weren't a good match, so I left, a-and-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. Two, you left him?" Six asked.

"Yes! Six, if you meet him, you'd feel just like me! I'm n-not-"

"I swear if you finish that sentence with 'good enough' I will yank you by your ponytail to that man and make you redo your date and tell him every great thing about you," Three threatened. Two gave a small whimper, shuffling slightly.

"That's what I thought. Look, just go over and take his order, there doesn't have to be any eye contact, okay?" Three said, stirring the girl to One's direction.

Two looked frozen for a second, eyes wide and grip tight on her book and pen. "Two," Three hissed.

The smaller let out a small squeak, walking over to the customer. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the burning anxiety her belly.

"Six, you got a customer at table twelve," Three said, pointing over to the table.

"They can wait, I want to see this. Besides, Five can handle them," she answered.

Two looked at her notepad, scribbling on it as she spoke in a weak voice. "H-hi, what can I get you today?"

"Hey, Two," One greeted, a smile on his face.

"One, I told you, I don't thing we're gonna be a good match. Why are you even here?" she asked.

"Cause the other night you told me you were a waitress,"

"Have you been going to ever spot in town just to find me?" Two asked quickly. Was he as insane psychopath that escaped out a institution?

"Maybe- but that's not the point! I love ya, Two, the moment I saw ya!"

"One, that's not how love works-"

"Yes, it does, Two! Love is were your heart starts drumming weirdly and you lose your breath, and your left arm goes numb!"

"One, that's a heart attack!"

"Yes, a heart attack of love!"

Two made a growling noise, suddenly fed up with the other. She looked upset, holding her shoulders in a tense way, and her eyes narrowed.

"Whatever, what would you like?" she asked, getting back to her notebook.

"I'd like some scrambled eggs, two fluffy pancakes, and small deal of Loving Lemon pie,"

"Whipped cream, or no whipped cream?"

"No whipped cream,"

Two gave a small sigh. "I hate it when it's on it, cause then you can't tell the ratio between-"

"Pie and cream?"

"Yes! That's why I always ask for a small dollop. Sometimes Six can be a little overboard and squeeze too much and just... gah!"

"Makes you feel like you're being cheated out?"

"Yes!" Two exclaimed, "How am I supposed to know what I'm bitting into if it's all fluffy?"

"It doesn't help when there's marshmallows in it either, cause then you can't tell what is what."


One smiled, jumping up, scaring Two for a second. He smiled, grabbing her hands. "See, Two? We even have the same opinions! We were made for each other."

"One, let go of me. Why are you so persistent about this anyways?"

"Cause I love ya, Two," One said, smiling brightly. "And I love you means you're never ever getting rid of me!"


"You can ask anyone in this two, I'm not going. If it seems like I did, I'm probably waiting outside. I'm such a stubborn man, you'll never see another. When we go on family dinners, you can ask my little sister, she's the best! You'll learn more about on our family history test."

"One, that's sweet and all, but, I-I,"

"I'm gonna do this right, Two, I'm not gonna leave ya, no matter what."

With that, he spun the girl around, smiling as he did so. Two couldn't help the shocked look on her face, though a small smile slightly made its way to her. She shook it off as he placed her down.

She took a moment, before getting her pad again. "Ready for your check?"

"Not quite. Pie for everybody!"

Six, who had been serving coffee not that far, froze. Did this man really just say-

Three nudged her shoulder, nearly making her spill it. "Might want to get to work now while he's got her distracted," she teased. Six groaned, placing the coffee pot on her tray and drug herself into the back.

One went back to speaking, thought it did seem to have a small sing song voice to it, matching the music on the overhead radios system. "It was just me and sister growing up in the city, we use to spend our days playing with a stray kitty. We called him Sardine, cause thought it was hilarious!"

Two couldn't help the small giggle at the name, which seemed to make One fire off more with his declaration.

"She used to hiss and scratch us, but we didn't give up! She'd run away and go say 'catch me!', we learned quickly: perseverance stood the test before cat and her new best friends, us!"

He smiled, this time twirling the two of them on the tile floor, smiling as he sang. "Oooo, I'm gonna love you so! You'll learn what I already know: I love you means you're never ever getting rid of me!"

He abruptly stopped the twirling, his faces inches from hers. Two felt her cheeks burn, stepping back from him swiftly.

"When you say, never...?" Two went to ask, but stopped soon after he started back up.

"You can try-y-y, oh, but I-I-I,"

Five groaned, passing by them, balancing a tray on his head. "I love you means blah, blah, blah, get back to work!"

Two looked back to One, noticing he was backing up, which made her gulp nervously. He ushered some of the other customers who were enjoying the show up singing with the radio overhead, he jumped onto a table an operatic sound to his voice.

"Oooooo, you can tryyy, oh, but ohhhh oh oh!"

He jumped off again, joining her side for maybe a second before jumping over his chair, landing in it with a bright smile.

"I love you means you're never ever getting rid of me!"

Two was stunned to say the least, green eyes wide with admiration. Did he somehow just get the entire diner to sing with him? Yes, yes he did.

He gave her a bright grin, resting his head on his hand. "So? A date next Tuesday?" He asked. Two didn't say a word, just nodding, still slightly shocked by the other.

Six groaned, carrying three different trays, one even balancing on her head. "People are gonna ask for seconds, I know it," she groaned. Three snickered, before taking one of them.

"Let me give you a hand, sugar," she said.

"What all did I miss?"

"Nothing much, but Two's gotta date next week,"

"Lucky her."

Three took the one from her head, noticing the small hurt look on her face. "Now, now, you'll meet someone, no need to fret," she said.

"Three, who the hell wants a young woman who already has a baby?"

Three rolled her eyes. "Honey, you'd be surprised with men nowadays. Just get you a good man with a good job. What about those cute doctors that came in here last week?"

"Cute doctors?"

"Yeah, they came in askin' about you and how you've been and stuff. Carter and Starling I think?"

If Six didn't have a good grip on the trays in her hands, she would have dripped them. "What did you tell them?"

"I told them you weren't in that day. Something wrong?"

"N-nothin', it's nothin', everything is fine, Three."

The smaller waitress turned back to her work, trying to stop the want to vomit. Great, now they knew she'd worked at too... the bell overhead made her groan, glancing over.

Speak of the devil, and he shall arrive...


Finished - Sept. 28th

Honestly not sure what to do for 'I Didn't Plan It', but I might be able to scrounge an idea up.

Quick shout out to some amazing people

KimberlyTorrejon DogInATuxedo Leo-Pad AEG_Starling

You all are beautiful and deserve some love, and everyone else who I didn't mention, you deserve love too, don't worry.

Anyways, I have to go plan some stuff now.

Take care!

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