It Only Takes a Taste/ Bad Idea

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Mono time, baby!

Also, yes I know 'Bad Idea' is when Jeana and Pomatter gets a little 16+ (notice how I didn't say 18+), but I don't write that cause hell no-

Anyways, since Bad Idea is a chapter in by itself, I decided to give Mono some love cause he hasn't made that much of an appearance yet.


It was in the afternoon when Six left work. Her afternoon routine was different from her morning on. Instead of having her nose in a book as Milo lead her to work, she took the bus while having her nose in a book.

"Edrica, I have gained news that the love of your live's father was a lowly peasant, you can't possibly marry his son!"

"But, father, you cheated on mom with a horse!"

"Correll, you worry me sometimes," Six muttered, flipping the page. A movement from the corner of her eye made her look up, spotting a young man walk down the sidewalk.

A brown coat and boots dressed his figure, a dark gray shirt and black pants finishing it. There was a scar over his right eye, like from a dog bite. It was creamy, obviously blind. The other was a bright green, a kind yet confident look in it.

He had a small textbook in his hand as he walked, coming over and sitting next to the young waitress. Six ignored him, going back to her own book as she waited on the bus.

She was half way down the page when he finally spoke.

"Seven said thank you for the pie, he never got a chance to really tell you that since you were so angry at him."

Six looked up at the other, puzzled by his words. With the close of his textbook, he looked over with his one good eye.

"You're Six Little, right?"

"Yeah, that's me, who wants to know?"

"Mono Starling. I'm the other guy you met at the bar."

Six closed the book in her hand, looking at his with watchful eyes. She couldn't really remember what he looked like, but the creamy blind eye and brown hair did ring a small bell in the back of her head.

'Possible dad number two,' she thought.

"I remember some of that night, I know you're probably wondering what all happened," he said calmly. Six felt a small lump in the back of her throat, suddenly anxious and nervous. Why was she nervous?

"Well, are you gonna tell me?" she asked. Mono shrugged, putting his arms behind his head, leaning back on the bench.

"Tell you what? Seven told you nothing happened,"

"The hell- what kinda person just comes up to someone, talks about pie for two seconds and then goes 'hey, remember that night we all got drunk?' and ends it there?"

"I do apparently."

Six bit her tongue, holding back cursed at him. He didn't have a care in the world, just like Seven; his shoulders were relaxed, his good eye looking to her with no concern, tapping his boot on the ground as he waited for the bus.

Why the hell do they keep denying it!

Six gripped her black jeans, eyes narrowing. "I'd like to know who is gonna be pay child support."

"Neither of us are. I told you, nothing happened."

The waitress went to snap, before taking a deep breath. "You know what, nevermind, I'm done talking to you." She turned to face forward, taking her book back out, brows knitted as she read.

A moment or two passed, the two sitting in completely tense silence. Six had flipped through three pages when Mono spoke up again.

"You know, you're not half bad at baking. I don't think I've ever had something that good before. Granted, Seven only saved me maybe half a peice, but it was good."

Six ignored him, brown eyes still scanning over the words.

"It reminded me of when I was younger, there was this nice lady who would sneak me sweets when I couldn't afford them. You remind me a lot of her. You both had this really sweet look to them, but had a spitfire energy. She's probably in middle-aged by now, forty-one or forty-two-"

"Is that a compliment or...?"

"What?" Mono looked over, confused by her words before realizing hit. "Wait, no, not that! I mean, you're lovely and stuff, not, old or-"

Mono stopped as he heard Six snickered, a small mischievous look on her face. "You should see your face," she said.

A small smile came to his face. He was kinda making progress he guessed. "Hilarious I'm guessing?"

"Definitely. But, be honest with me, do you know what all happened?" She asked. Mono took a moment, before sighing.

"All I remember is you trying to get to me, me and Seven trying to calm you down and talk you into going to sleep, you passed out, and us getting called into work at four in the morning. There's a point where I black out though, which kinda concerns me. Seven remembers more, he can't hold his alcohol, but he memory is amazing. Guess that's why he graduated early in med school."

Six kept quiet, just gave a small, barely noticeable nod. "Sorry for snapping. I guess I'm must being hormonal or something. Dr. Cater said I'd be ill tempered for a bit,"

"It's fine, don't worry. Where are you going now?"


"You take the bus?"

"Only in the afternoons, Milo tends to wonder the streets after the morning trip,"

"Milo you're boyfriend?"

"He's my cat. Normally I'd read and have him and his bell guide me there; but he leaves and comes back at night,"

"Ah, okay. He sounds like a great little helper,"

"He is. I've had him since he was kitten. He's around seven years old now, but he's still just as playful."

It was her birthday when her father gave Milo to her. He was a rescue, with short ginger tabby fur and the prettiest green eyes. He was her cuddle buddy, the one who would greet her when she came in from school, the one who was there when her father...

Six's smile fell, her brown eyes becoming slightly dull at the memory. Mono took notice right away.

"You okay?" He asked.

"... Yeah, just... actually, don't worry about it."

Mono didn't push forward, respecting her boundaries. He glanced to her however. "Six, can I treat you to a cup of coffee?"

"Can't have coffee, it's on the list of bad food items. You should know this,"

"What about frozen yogurt then?" he offered.

"Sure. Milky Moos good to you?" she asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, good to me. Around five tomorrow sound good?"

"Fine by me."

The sound of the bus' horn made the two look. Mono stood up, placing his textbook under his arm. "I'll see you later then!" he said, waving goodbye to her as he walked passed her.

"Bye!" Six said back, waving to him as she gathered her stuff. She stepped onto the bus, taking a seat, going back to her book.


Heavy panting filled the room, a rough sounding voice in her ear.

"This is a bad idea," he muttered.

She gripped his shirt, a smirk on her face. She pulled him closer, brown eyes meeting a dark green. She gripped his hand, a small growl in her tone,

"I say it's a pretty good bad idea, actually."

She was suddenly out of breath, feeling him press ag-

Six let out a gasp, sitting up in her bed. It took her a moment, before reaching over, grabbing the bottle of medicine Dr. Carter had prescribed her.

'Warning, may cause: fever, nausea, nightmares, rashes, abnormal dreams-'

Yep. That explained it. She put it back, falling back into her bed. Milo let out a small mew, curious by what had upset his owner. He rested his small chin on her barely curved belly, purring as she scratched his ear.

"Milo, remind me to kill two doctors tomorrow,"


"Thank you, but I said tomorrow,"


"Don't get smart with me, young man."


Finished - Sept. 28th

I know it was short, but I felt like I sinned-

Also, here is the music to Bad Idea with a small mini performance

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