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New chapter time! Hope you all enjoy this new chapter. I worked really hard on it so please try not to hate it. Enjoy and please comment. 😉😎😊

After breakfast, the ninja let Jay watch tv while they decided what to do with him and how get him back to his normal age.

"So, does anyone have any idea on how to fix Jay?" Nya asked, hoping someone would already have an answer.

"I have an idea." Misako said. "Clouse used a spell on Jay, so there has to be a counter spell."

"Yeah, but how do we find it?" Cole asked.

"The Ancient Library of Domu might have a spell book that may hold the spell to fix Jay." Misako said.

"Then that's where we're going." Lloyd said, and started towards the exit, but Nya stood in his way.

"What about Jay?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Lloyd said.

"Maybe we should keep Jay here?" She suggested. "I mean he can't even control his powers after all."

"She makes a good point Lloyd." Kai said. "One of us should stay here to keep an eye on him, rather than him go into the city and cause a power outage if he gets upset."

"Okay," Lloyd said. "Who wants to stay and watch Jay?"

Nya quickly said, "I'll do it."

"Okay, then the rest of us can go to the library." Lloyd said, as he and the others rushed out the door.

Nya walked back to Jay and sat next to him on the couch. He looked away from the tv and smiled brightly at her.

"Hi," He said. "Where are the others?"

"They went to go find something." Nya told him.

"Okay, also, what's your name?" Jay asked, realizing that she never told him.

"My name is Nya." She said to him.

"Do you like blue?" He asked again.

Nya could help but smile at the question, remembering it was the first thing Jay had said to her, well, tried to say to her.

"It's my favorite color." She replied.

There was a moment of awkward silence between them for a moment before Nya said, "What do you want to do?"

"Can we color?" Jay asked.

Nya got up to get some paper and crayons from the closet. She came back to Jay jumping up and down on the couch with a very large grin on his cute little face. She couldn't help but smile at her boyfriend. He was just so cute as a little kid.

Soon, Jay was lying on the floor, drawling, while Nya had decided to look for any spell books in the temple. So far she wasn't having any luck, but still continued to look.

After two hours of searching all of the books, Nya learned that there were no spell books in the temple. She groaned in frustration, sat down, and closed her eyes for a minute.

Then, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She opened her eyes to see Jay in front of her. He was smiling ear to ear.

"This is for you." Jay said, and handed her one of the drawings he had been working on for the last two hours.

It was a beautiful drawling of two stick figures holding hands. One had scribbles of black for hair and had both blue and red on. She had a happy smile upon her face and was staring down at the other figure.

The other figure was smaller, but was smiling none the less. He had orange scribbles for hair and was wearing all blue. He was happily looking up at the older girl.

"Awww," was all Nya could say. She looked down at Jay and hugged him. "Thank you Jay, I love it."

"You're welcome, Nya." Jay said hugging her back. "You're my most favorite person ever."

Nya's heart melted a little after he said that. Even if her boyfriend was a child, he could still find a way to make her smile and feel more appreciated and loved.

The rest of the day was a blur. Jay took a nap, drew some more, then helped Nya cook dinner.

A little past six o'clock, the other ninja can back to the temple. They all sat down for dinner and told Nya the bad news.

"We couldn't find any spell books today." Kai informed his sister.

"But we're going back to search again tomorrow. Do you want to let someone else watch Jay tomorrow and go search yourself?" Cole asked her.

Nya thought about this for a moment. Cole really seemed to want to spend time with his little best friend. And maybe someone else watching Jay would be a good thing. So, Nya said, "Okay, I think that's a good idea taking turns watching Jay."

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on him tomorrow." Cole said, volunteering as quickly as Nya did this morning.

"Then it's settled." Zane stayed. "Tomorrow, Cole will watch Jay while the rest of us continue to look for the reversal spell."

After dinner, Nya took Jay to bed and tucked him in. She watch as he cuddled up with Mr. Cuddlywump and fell asleep.

Just before she left, she gave him a goodnight kiss on his cheek and said, "Sweet dreams, Jay."

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