Are You Okay?

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Yami's point of view:

I walked home in the pouring rain thinking about all the stupid homework I have to do when I get home, Geography, Maths, English and a really interesting assignment of Ancient Egypt for history, but right now I needed to focus on staying dry and getting home quickly.

I turned around the corner of the street and entered the park, walking past the swings and the seesaw till something reached my ears that made me stop, a small teen about the age of 16 crying underneath a tree with several lacerations a black eye and blood dripping down from his lip, but the weird thing was he looked almost exactly like me, I quickly ran towards and reached for my phone dialling an ambulance.

"Hey are you okay" I called to my look alike, he raised his head weakly and looked at me fear in his eyes "hey it's okay I won't hurt you" I reached out my hand to brush his golden bangs away from his eyes, he smiled weakly "my name is Yami what is yours little one"

"My name is Yugi" the boy Yugi chocked out "please don't call my parents" I looked at him shocked why didn't he want to see his parents.

"Yugi if you don't want me to call your parents I won't but can you please tell me why?" I asked gently, Yugi brushed small tears that had formed in his eyes away, I moved my hand up and finished the job.

"Well my parents hate me and they did this to me" I gasped who would do this to such an innocent soul, if I ever found his parents I would make sure they would stay away from Yugi and never go near him again, Yugi started to cry harder.

"Shhh it's okay little one, I won't let them hurt you again" the sirens from the ambulance that I had called came closer and Yugi shrunk away from the sound whimpering.

"I just called them to help you okay" I reassured him gripping his shoulder gently "you may of lost a lot of blood" Yugi nodded but suddenly fell forward into my arms.

"Hey Yami I feel cold" he grabbed hold of me and his eyes fluttered closed.

"Yugi?, Yugi!" The small boy didn't respond "shit!" I shook him "Yugi wake up dammit" again no respond, I didn't hesitate to pick him up and run towards the ambulance, "please help him" I called, the paramedics quickly took Yugi from me and put him on a stretcher and quickly strapped on an oxygen mask and one did CPR. Yugi took a raspy breath and the paramedics all let out sighs of relief.

"He going to fine young man" one of the paramedics said happily slapping me on the back "but I don't mean to intruded but how did you come in contact with him" I was still looking at Yugi hoping that what the man said was true.

"I was walking home and I found him like that sitting under a tree crying" the paramedic nodded.

"You should head home give us your number and we will call you when he wakes up and starts speaking" I nodded and brushed my hand over his forehead.

"Be safe little one" and with that I walked of towards my home in the pouring rain wondering over the small boy that I had meet under a tree.

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