The Puzzle

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Yugi's point of view:
I woke up to see Yami sleeping in the chair next to the hospital bed, I smiled he was so handsome and perfect in every way, his eyes where an amazing crimson and his beautiful baritone voice... okay down Yugi no more of those thoughts he isn't going to like you back, your a nobody, you have no reason to be here. I looked sadly at the window as some small tears feel down my face.

"Yugi what are you crying about" I spun around to look at Yami who had just woke up and was staring at me with, was that love in his eyes "is something wrong" he stood up and sat on the bed and put an arm around my shoulder, I quickly wiped away the tears.

"I'm fine Yami" I lied, he looked at me curiously "really I am" he shrugged his shoulders, great now he thought that I was stupid, I went to touch the puzzle that normal hangs around me neck.

"What where is it" I shouted when my hand touched nothing, Yami looked at me in surprise "where where" I searched frantically and fell out of the bed "ow" Yami picked me up and put me back on the bed "where is the millennium puzzle" I thought out loud.

"Here" says Yami, he reached to the bed side table and pulls the upside down pyramid with an Egyptian eye towards me "I took it off you thinking that you might hurt yourself on it" I nodded, I must of acted like a totally idiot looking for the puzzle.

"Thanks Yami" he smiled his amazing smile at me, my heart fluttered in my chest, just great I was getting warm fluffy feelings for him now "anyway what are you even doing here?" I asked.

"Well I was worried about you" he answered grinning at me "so I came to see you" I put the puzzle over my head and it settled comfortably on my neck "hey your puzzle kinda looks like mine" he took an identical look a like to my puzzle from underneath his jacket.

"Wow they do look the same, where did you get yours?" I asked

"My grandmother got it for me at a museum, the curator didn't want it anymore" he answered, smiling at me "how did you get yours"

"My grandfather got it at an Egyptian dig site and gave it to me for my birthday" he nodded. "thank you for being here"

"No prob" I settled back down into the bed and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight" I said softly and drifted off.

"Goodnight my little one" but I was to far gone to hear him

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