Chapter 1 - Fetch the Criminals

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"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after," sang a young woman as she stepped out of the car carrying a duffel bag.

"Hey Jill," the driver stepped out. "Stop singing that song."

"Why, Jack?" She asked. "It's kind of fun singing a song about our childhood trauma." She laughed. "Besides, you need to lighten up. Today is bank day after all."

"You are possibly the absolute worst stepsister I could ever have," Jack complained. "Let's just get what we came here for before Little Red and her pet wolf shows up, 'kay?"

The duo walked into the bank and pulled out their pistols.

"Everybody freeze!" Jack yelled as he fired his gun into the ceiling, causing the civilians to drop down and cover their heads in fear.

Jill ran up to the counter and pushed half of her open bag through the metal opening. "Put the money in the bag and we won't shoot!" She demanded as she pointed the gun at the teller. "Well, at least I won't shoot. So, chop chop, we have a tight schedule today."

The teller nodded and stealthily pressed a red button underneath the counter. The lights shut off and were replaced with a scarlet shade that shone down in the room. An ear-piercing alarm shrieked throughout the building.

"Alright, wise guy." Jill reached under the glass counter and grabbed the teller by his shirt. She pulled him against the glass. "If that's how you want to play it, then let's play." She pointed her gun beneath the glass and up against the metal. She fired a single shot through him and released the unlucky individual. "Let's go, Jack." She pulled out a bottle of alcohol and a rag from the bag.

Jack kicked open the small door and went around to the back. "What? You don't want to get whatever is here first then? You didn't have to shoot the guy." He disabled the alarm and turned off the security systems.

"This place was a bust anyway." Jill pulled out a lighter. "Besides, hear those sirens closing in? We better head out now."

Jack sighed as he walked past her and up to the front doors. "Get ready for a big firefight," he said.

Jill lit the rag. "Did you forget already, Jack? Women are a force to be reckoned with!" She quickly hid behind the wall before shouting, "Do it!"

Jack rolled his eyes and kicked the doors open only to be greeted by two individuals with handguns. "Hey Jill, look who we have here."

Before them stood a young woman wearing a red trench coat and a young man wearing a combat vest.

Jill peeked from behind and stepped out, looking disappointed. "Oh, boo. It's just Little Red of the Law and the Wolf of Rules."

"Thanks, I know I rule better than Jack," he said sarcastically. The young woman next to him shot him an exasperated look. "What?"

"Now's not the time, Will," the young woman said. "Stand down, you two. We don't want this to go south fast."

"What are you going to do, Scarlett?" Jack asked. "Shoot us? We all know it's not your style."

"First time for everything," Scarlett replied. "Lower your weapons. Now."

"And if we don't?" Jack aimed his pistol at them. "What're you both going to do? Send a basket filled with goodies or smell us out?" He mocked and nudged Jill.

"Weapons down. Final warning," Scarlett ordered.

Jill tossed the Molotov into the bank as the duo rushed to their car.

William and Scarlett fired a single round into the back tires, preventing them from escaping.

"Alex, get the fire department to our location A.S.A.P. It's the bank on 42nd Street. We'll apprehend the criminals and remind the police they're late. Again," Scarlett said into her radio.

"Roger," Alexander replied. "The police are closing in on your position. Once you two are finished dealing with those nuisances again, return to headquarters immediately."

"Understood," Scarlett said as she watched William restrain Jill.

"Hey! Hands off, Wolfgang! I'm not one of those Huntsmen clansmen or a Red Hood!" Jill yelled.

"You should stay quiet, Jill," William said as he handcuffed her. "If you know what's good for you. Besides, I've read you your rights so many times before you should have memorized them by now."

"Forget your double standards!" Jill proclaimed and stomped on William's foot. "What's next? You're going to turn during a full moon?"

"Ow! Double standards has nothing to do with this! You're being arrested!" William exclaimed. "And for the last time, I am not a werewolf!"

"Are you sure?" Jill taunted.

William sighed. "I'm positive I'm not a literal wolf in any way, shape or form."

Scarlett forced Jack out of the car and handcuffed him.

"What is it you two do exactly?" Jack asked. "You both go to crime scenes, stop crimes from happening...I mean, what are you two?"

"We just do our jobs better than the cops," Scarlett answered. "Besides, you two are such third-rate criminals at this point that arresting you is more of a chore than anything else."

"Third-rate?!" Jill gasped. "Jack, looks like our rank went down."

"There's a rank?!" William laughed.

Scarlett snapped her fingers. "Will, focus!"

"Right, sorry." He pulled out another set of handcuffs and wrapped it around a railing. He then connected it to both Jack and Jill's handcuffs. "There, now it's twice as secure."

Police sirens grew closer and closer. Four cars parked near them.

"Officers," Scarlett addressed the arrivals. "Separate them. Jack in one car and Jill in the other. Last time they were left in the same government vehicle together, they committed grand theft auto and left the officer unconscious in the bay."

"You won't take us alive next time!" Jill yelled as she was forced into the back of a police car.

"They'll call our crimes a work of art!" Jack echoed as he was shoved into the back seat of a separate car.

"Sociopaths, I swear." Scarlett sighed. "Let's go, Will."

"I wonder what the 'great' Alexander Chase has for us this time," William said sarcastically. "Whatever it is, it can't be some major news, can it?"

"Let's hope not." Scarlett sat down in the passenger seat. "I could use a vacation right about now, how about you?"

William sat in the driver's seat and started the engine. "A vacation would be a godsend right about now." He sighed. "On the bright side, this case wasn't as bad as the last one." He began driving.

"The last one made me sick," Scarlett said. "What kind of sweet old lady turns out to be a cannibal abducting children?"

"The kind that enjoys to hear the screams of their victims." William shuddered. "She deserved what she got. How many years has this been going on? Ten? Twenty?"

"It was roughly twenty years worth of kidnappings and murders," Scarlett said. "That place was a nightmare to investigate. Rotten body parts and old bones. I'm glad we prevented another incident from happening."

"Those kids had it rough," William said. "Ivo and Isa were just transferred to Tale Orphanage last weekend. No family to turn to but each other. We couldn't come into contact with any living relatives of theirs which made it worse. No other place to call home. Although, having to deal with a crazy old hag had to be the most traumatic event for them."

"At least, they're fine and hopefully living happily now," Scarlett said. "I'm fine with them as long as they don't grow up to be complete sociopaths like Jack and Jill."

"I could never understand them," William said as the car comes to halt at a stop light. "Calling their crimes a 'work of art' and Jill's insane imagination. That woman thinks I'm a literal werewolf like from old legends or whatever monstrosity social media made it look to be."

Scarlett laughed. "you tend to tap into your animal side during a fight."

"I'm not doing any of that on purpose, seriously." William smiled and continued driving.

"For a guy that has a master's degree in forensics, you have a bad habit of going primal a lot," Scarlett teased.

"Go ahead and keep laughing," William said. "You have what? A bachelor's degree in criminology?"

"I have a PhD in criminology and criminal justice," Scarlett corrected him. "Oh, I'm sorry, was that burn a little too much for you? Do you need an ice pack?"

"Ha ha, very funny." William said. "We've been partners for a few years and you'd think I'd know this stuff by now," he mumbled. "I'd have a PhD too if my thesis manuscript was approved..."

"What's that? Still feeling the burn?" Scarlett calmed her laughter.

William parked the car and stepped out. "Time for whatever good or bad news Alex has for us. I am not looking forward to this at all."

Scarlett stepped out and followed William into the building.

A man was sitting at the front desk. He went through file after file and gave off a frustrated atmosphere. There were two policemen accompanying him.

"What was so important that you had to call us back here, Alex?" Scarlett asked.

"This." He picked up a remote and turned on the television. "Look at that headline."

Famous Grandmother Anastasia Volkov found dead.

"No way," William's skin paled. "Granny Volkov was the most respected person in this entire city. She knew the history of our city and the clan feuds better than anyone. Even Mayor White would go to her for advice."

"The entire city was shaken up about it," Alexander said. "People are asking for justice to be done to the murderer and it's not a pretty sight. I have a question for both of you."

"Go ahead," Scarlett said. "Are you going to ask us to solve this case? It'd be a real honor, honestly."

"No, I'm not asking either of you to try to solve the case. This has gotten complicated with the evidence we've managed to gather." Alexander picked up two plastic bags. One had a bloody badge with a wolf emblem while the other was a knife with blood on the blade. "These were the only two pieces of evidence we managed to gather from the crime scene."

"So, give it to me and I'll analyze it in the lab." William said. "I'll find the perpetrator within twenty-four hours."

"That won't be necessary, Investigator Wolfgang." Alexander stood up from his chair. "Where's your badge that signifies your clan?"

"What are you talking about, I have it right here." William checks all his pockets and rechecks them frantically. "I seem to have misplaced it."

Alexander held up the plastic bag with the badge inside it. "The number on this badge is your identification number, remember? I had you two fill out the form to become a part of this investigation department. The numbers on this badge are yours, Wolfgang."

"What other evidence do you have to support this?" Scarlett asked. "Surely you can't arrest him based off of that alone."

"Of course not," Alexander said. "The knife itself has Wolfgang's fingerprints on the handle as well. Although, it would be best to take a cautious action for now until we look into this case further. The investigation has only just begun after all. Investigator Wolfgang, remove your equipment and leave them here on the desk."

"Fine, but only to prove I'm innocent in all of this." William removed his tactical vest and the ammunition from his handgun. He placed his equipment on the desk. The two policemen grabbed him by the arms and escorted him to another room.

"So, that's it? You're just going to lock him up like some caged animal?" Scarlett frowned. "After all these years of working together, don't you have any faith in us? We just arrested Jack and Jill for attempting to rob a bank. Again."

"Yes, but there were also some casualties," Alexander said. "One male employee that goes by the name Peter Ozcar. A clean shot through his left abdomen. Thankfully, luck was on his side and he'll be discharged from the hospital after two weeks. The rest were some minor burns. No life threatening injuries were reported, so we can just assume the damage was minimal. Also, Investigator Wolfgang will remain here until we have further evidence that disproves him as a suspect. Until further notice, he is not allowed to leave that cell."

"Understood," Scarlett said. "Just watch, I'll prove you wrong, Alex."  

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