chapter 3

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Tony looked at Thor with an annoyed expression as he explained that he has to keep Loki a bit longer

"This feels like an adoption more than anything" he groaned.

"You'll be fine my friend" Thor said, clasping a hand on Tony's shoulder "I wish you luck though"

///Time skip///

Ïm telling you im gonna lose it” Tony heard Rhodey groan from the other end of the line as he complained about having to ¨watch¨ Loki> The whole thing was stupid to him but gave him an exsuce not to sleep.

¨I'm not kidding he does things to me¨ he whined

¨Tony those are probably called feelings¨ Rhodey sighed before hanging up. ‘Rude´ he thought as he finished tinkering with the last part of his suit. The god was upstairs reading a book so Tony, like the dumbass he was, started avoiding him. Not his best course of action but it was better than falling for the damned trickster.

//time skipo//

A few weeks went by since Loki has been stuck at Stark tower, needless to say it's been boring with the mechanic avoiding his mere existence every chance he gets. Of course that was fine though since Loki had no intention to take a liking to Anthony. He sighed and put his book down, walking out of the spare room that Tony let him use and headed down to the lab.

¨I seek a cure to this boredom¨ he announced making Tony jump. ¨Do I look like an entertainer to you?¨ he replied, setting his tools down but not looking at the god.

Loki rolled his eyes at the way the mortal acted.

¨uhhh wanna watch a movie” he asked, hesitantly glancing at loki causing his heart to speed up.

Tony bit his lip and walked over to the couch, sitting down and letting out a sigh. Loki joined him as they sat in silence for a minute while tony chose a movie

¨you're supposed to be good at this talking thing¨ he said in annoyance

¨well I live to disappoint¨ tony chuckled, turning on willy wonka and leaning back ¨Ive also really talked to a norse god¨

¨well you're wasting your chance¨ loki spat, making the mortal laugh 

¨well what do you want me to say? You're not exactly making it easy pretty boy¨ Loki snarled at the nickname but didn't say anything else.

Running his fingers through his hair Tony was starting to think Rhodes might be right.


(¨people would be sickened by your existence¨ - Fruits Basket)

The next morning Loki woke up in his bed, not remembering how he got there he decided not to question it, nuzzling the blanket he groaned and closed his eyes again.

¨I made breakfast¨ came a low voice belonging to the mortal. Loki looked up at him before getting out of bed ¨you're gesture is kind, thank you¨ 

Tony smiled and leaded him out to the dinning room ¨I have a stupid party to crash so uh dont break anything¨ he laughed, god Loki found that laugh comforting. Shaking his head to rid himself of those thoughts he simply nodded and took a bite of his food ¨say Anthony, why do you have a piano?¨ 

¨It was my moms, I play it occasionally but its not something I would make a hobby¨ he answered ¨why?¨

¨I want you to play something for me before you go¨ the god smiled as he continued to eat his food.

Tony was mentally having a nervous breakdown but nodded at the request ¨well we have a while so, anything you like to do for entertainment¨ he snickered, earning a glare from loki.

Later that day Tony got dressed up, straightening his tail coat and putting on a bowtie. Running a hand through his hair he walked downstairs to greet loki in the piano room. Loki swallowed dryly and looked him up and down ¨um, you look nice?¨

¨I know¨ Tony chuckled, sitting down and putting his fingers to the keys ¨any request?¨

¨Surprise me¨ answered the god, leaning over the piano and gazing at tony.

Anthony let out a soft sigh as he started playing love of my life and singing along to it. Loki watched as his fingers glided across the keys with grace, his voice giving him a warm feeling of comfort. He allowed himself to smile a bit as he closed his eyes to listen to the mortal’s voice

¨bring it back, bring it back. Don't take it away from me...because you don't know, what it means to me¨ Tony didn't mean to sound as vulnerable as he did but he hoped loki didn't catch the hint of sadness in his voice. As he finished Tony looked up at loki and grinned ¨satisfied?¨ He asked, watching loki straighten his back and nod ¨very¨

(okay so I should point out that this is after civil war, but tony still has his arc reactor cuz I like angst. And Steve left Tony for Bucky despite telling him he was the love of his life :´) )

¨good¨ he smiled, standing up and ruffling lokiś hair. ¨I’ll be back around midnight¨ he told hime before walking out the door.

(Yeah I know it don't make sense but I'm honestly just testing it out-)

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